1、个性化大学英语教学大纲的设计,-大学英语教学需求与条件分析以及教学安排中的可控因素,南京大学大学外语部 王海啸,主要内容,大学英语教学从教学大纲到教学要求 几个名词的定义 需求与条件分析 教学安排中的可控因素,大学英语教学大纲,官方文件 为全国所有本科院校 提供统一的教学要求细则 包括教学目标、教学安排、教学方法、和教学评估,大学英语课程教学要求 (I),全国高等学校的教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等不尽相同 各高等学校应参照课程要求,根据本校的实际情况,制定科学的、系统的、个性化的大学英语教学大纲,指导本校的大学英语教学,名词定义,教学要求,教学大纲, 课程设计 教学目标(Goa
2、ls and Objectives) 需求与条件分析,Curriculum, Course & Syllabus (I),Curriculum: syllabus design, methodology, and evaluation (Tyler, 1949),Curriculum, Course & Syllabus (II),Curriculum: A global plan for teaching a language Syllabus: Content components of the curriculum Programme: Made up of a series of co
3、urses or a variety of courses offering different options Course: The administrative unit of instruction (Stern, 1992),大学英语教学大纲,大学英语教学的总体规划 确定总的教学目标和要求 (goals and objectives) 包括不同的课程或课程组合(various types of programs or courses) 课程教学大纲教学内容的选择与安排,教育部大学英语课程教学要求,学校大学英语教学大纲,课程群之一,课程教学大纲,课程群之二,课程群之,课程教学大纲,课程
4、教学大纲,总体目标(Goals)(I),Richards (2002)defines curriculum goals as “general statements of the intended outcomes of language program, and represent what the curriculum planners believe to be desirable and attainable program aims based on the constraints revealed in the needs analysis. Goals can be used a
5、s a basis for developing more specific descriptions of the intended outcomes of the program (the program objectives).“,总体目标(Goals)(II),Brown (1995) defines curriculum goals as “general statements concerning desirable and attainable program purposes and aims based on perceived language and situation
6、needs. .,总体目标(Goals)(III),In deriving goals from perceived needs, four points should be remembered: Goals are general statements of the programs purposes. Goals should usually focus on what the program hopes to accomplish in the future, and particularly on what the students should be able to do when
7、 they leave the program. Goals can serve as one basis for developing more precise and observable objectives. Goals should never be viewed as permanent, that is, they should never become set in cement. (Brown, 1995),分步目标(Objectives),Brown (2001) defines instructional objectives as “specific statement
8、s that describe the particular knowledge, behaviors, and/or skills that the learner will be expected to know or perform at the end of a course or program.“,需求及条件分析,怎么做? 找什么?,指导需求分析的四种理论模型,The discrepancy philosophy The democratic philosophy The analytic philosophy The diagnostic philosophy Stufflebe
9、am, McCormick, Brinkerhoff and Nelson (1985),三个二分法,Situational needs vs. language needs Objective needs vs. subjective needs Linguistic content vs. learning processes Brown (2001),分析,满足了What is desirable 没有满足What is obtainable,Fact-finding Stage,This fact-finding stage provides answers to the key qu
10、estions in any program: Who are the learners? Who are the teachers? Why is the program necessary? Where will the program be implemented? How will it be implemented? The answers to these question, in turn, become the basis for establishing policy or formulating goals. Dubin and Olshtain (1986),分析,注重f
11、acts 忽视了opinions,需求及条件分析,需求分析(Fact + Opinion) 条件分析(Fact + Opinion),大学英语需求分析,What is desirable? 社会需求 学习者认识到的需求 教师认识到的需求 学校的要求 教育行政部门的要求,大学英语条件分析,What is obtainable? 社会环境 校园环境 学习者状况 行政部门对环境建设的认识,教学安排,课程教学大纲类型 班级大小 课程类型 学生入学水平 课时 学分,教学方法 教学模式 教学材料 教学评估 教学硬件 其他,课程教学大纲类型(I),Product vs. process Synthetic
12、vs. analytic (束定芳,庄智象. 1996 ) Stern (1992) describes three types of language syllabus, i.e., the pronunciation syllabus, the grammar syllabus, and the functional syllabus; the communicative activities syllabus; the cultural syllabus; and the general language education syllabus.,课程教学大纲类型(II),Brown (1
13、995) lists 7 types of syllabuses: 1. Structural; 2. Situational; 3. Topical; 4. Functional; 5. Notional; 6. Skills; 7. Task. In addition, there are also mixed or layered syllabuses that combine two or more of the above mentioned syllabuses.,班组大小,20左右 30左右 40左右 50左右 60以上,课程类型,必修 指定选修 选修 不定期讲座,学生入学水平,
14、初级 中低级 中级 中高级 高级,课时,1 课时/周 16 周 2课时/周 16 周 3课时/周 16 周 4课时/周 16 周 其他安排,学分,无学分 1学分 2学分 3学分 4学分,教学方法,讲座 任务型 研究型 强化训练 辅导 自学 混合型,教学模式,常规面授 多媒体辅助面授 面授加网络教学 面授加光盘教学 网络辅助自学加辅导 网络辅助自学 光盘辅助自学,教学材料,全套引进 全套引进后选择 引进不同教材 自编 不固定 其他,教学评估,一次与多次 Sit-in vs. take-home Discrete vs. integrated Knowledge-based vs. performance-based Written vs. oral,教学硬件,独立, LANS, WANS 教学资料(纸质,磁记录,数字化) 多媒体阅览室 普通教室中的多媒体设备 普通教室中的座位安排 教师的计算机与网络使用情况,其他,教学改革与科研所需的经费 各类津贴 相关政策等,Thank you!,