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新英汉翻译教程 第九章拟声词的翻译答案.ppt

1、第九章 拟声词的翻译 Translation of English Onomatopoeia,第九章重点,第九章 拟声词的翻译,9. 2. 1 异曲同工,形式对等课堂互动1 9. 2. 2 附加拟声,功能对等课堂互动2 9. 2. 3 转换成分,意义对等课堂互动3 9. 2. 4 增译拟声,风格对等 9. 2. 5 省译拟声,效果对等 9. 2. 6 混合变通,灵活对等课堂互动4,综合练习,9. 2 拟声词的翻译方法,第九章综合练习及参考译文,9. 1 拟声词汉译赏析,-end,3,第九章 拟声词的翻译Translation of English Onomatopoeia,世界上所有的语言都有

2、自己特有的拟声表达方式。大家都知道,同一种动物,如青蛙, 不论生长在南方、北方、中国、还是在外国,其叫声基本上是相同的。但在文学作品中,不同的语言,给这同一动物的叫声却赋予了不同的词汇,不同的表达。,4,自然界中有各种声音,人的喊声、动物的叫声、物体的摩擦声、碰撞声以及其他各种声音等,形形色色,千奇百怪。文人写作时,采取各种手法,模拟人或动物的声音,形象地描绘出其声音,使其有声有色,生动逼真,富于渲染力,带有音乐性,同时还表达强烈的情感。,小节结束,5,忠实、准确、恰如其分地翻译拟声词,能给读者以听觉上的享受,创造一种气氛、加深印象、增加想象、闻声解意、随声知物。,9. 1 拟声词汉译赏析(A

3、ppreciation of Onomatopoeia in Translation),6,例1:18世纪美国政治家帕特里克亨利(Patrick Henry)在弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)议会的演说词Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 中有这样一段话:There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! 【译文】后退就是投降!后退就将沦为奴隶!我们的枷锁已经铸成,琅

4、珰的镣铐声在波士顿的平原上也可清晰听闻!,7,例2:20世纪美国作家Robert Silverberg 在他的庞培城(Pompeii )中是这样描写声音的:You can almost hear the clatter of the horses hoofs on the narrow streets, the cries of children and the laughter of the shopkeepers. 【译文】你仿佛能听到那狭窄的马路上得得的马蹄声,孩子们呜哩哇啦的喊叫声和店老板开怀的哈哈笑声。,8,例3: 下面这句话选自20世纪美国短篇小说家Rube Goldberg的短篇

5、小说为艺术而艺术(Art for Arts Sake) : As two giggling students stopped before the strange anomaly swain fled in terror. He could not bear what they had to say. 【译文】有两个学生站在这个怪物(一副油画)前面,一个劲儿地咯咯戏笑, 斯温慌忙地走开了,他实在听不下去他们再说些什么。,9,例4:英国19世纪初浪漫主义诗人罗伯特 骚塞的诗洛德河水(How Does the Water Come Down at Lodore)。How Does the Wate

6、r Come Down at Lodore(Robert Southey)Here it comes sparkling,And there it lies darkling.Eddying and winking,Spouting and frisking,And whizzing and hissing, And rattling and battling, And guggling and struggling, And bubbling and troubling and doublingAnd rushing and flushing and brushing and gushing

7、,And flapping and rapping and clapping and slappingAnd thumping and pumping and bumping and jumpingAnd dashing and flashing and splashing and dashing.And at once and all oer with mighty uproar, And this way the water comes down at Lodore.,10,【译文】 洛德河水(罗伯特 骚塞) 涓涓小溪闪不休, 潺潺河水缓细流, 时而漩涡微波动, 轻快喷涌浪花游。 飞鸣嘶啼

8、笑语秀, 咯咯搏击歌声悠, 咕咕飞湍奔腾急, 汩汩涛水绕迂回。 击推掀砰滔声骇, 冲奔激流浪唰飞, 惊涛拍岸振神威, 卷起汹涌白浪堆。 咆哮千里吼声脆, 洛德河水滚滚来!,11,例1:19世纪英国著名现实主义小说家查理迪更斯(Charles Dickens) 在他的A Tale of Two Cities中写到: when his ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage, and ringing on its floor. 【译文】忽然,一枚金币飞进车里,当啷一声落在车箱的地上,扰乱了他的安闲。,补充例句,1

9、2,例2: 19世纪美国著名诗人瓦尔特惠特曼 (Walt Whitman)在他的 The Dalliance of the Eagles写到: Skirting the river road, (my forenoon walk, my rest,) Skyward in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles. 【译文】沿着河边道路走,(这是我午前的散步,是休息,)忽然噗哧一声冲向天空,鹰儿在调情。,补充例句,13,例3: 这是W. H. Davies的著名短诗 Schools Out : Girls scream, B

10、oys shout; Dogs bark, Schools out. 【译文】学校放学了女孩子们喊,男孩子们叫;狗儿齐声咬,学校放学了。,补充例句,14,由此可见,假如英译汉中没有拟声表达,译文则显得平淡、逊色、气氛不足,动态描绘不够,声势不大,感染力不强。用之,则可大大提高文字表达效果,声色并举,使读者进入一种拟声天地,陶醉于拟声文学艺术之中,饱尝一顿感官上的宴飨。,小节结束,15,英语和汉语一样,有着极其丰富的拟声词。虽然表达形式有所不同,但都用来摹仿事物的声音。英汉拟声词在用法上有许多相近之处,有些可在对方语言中找到对应词,但大多数情况下则不能。,9. 2 拟声词的翻译方法 (Techn

11、iques of Translating Echoic Words),16,拟声是一种重要的修辞手段。英语中有的拟声词动词和名词同形,融音与义为一体。拟声词的翻译要注意下列几种方法:,17,原文拟声词在句子中作独立成分,按照原文,仍保持其语法特点,译成句子成分相同的汉语。,9. 2. 1 异曲同工,形式对等,A. 拟声词在句子中作独立成分,18,例1:Crack!The stick broke in two. 【译文】咔嚓!棍棒断成两截。,19,例2:The pounding of the cylinders increased: ta-pocketa- pocketa-pocketa-poc

12、keta-pocketa. (J. Thurber: The Secret Life of Water Mitty)【译文】嗒噗咳嗒噗咳嗒噗咳嗒噗咳嗒噗咳嗒,气缸的隆隆声加快了。,20,例3: “Ho-ho-ho!” laughed dark Car. “Hee-hee-hee!” laughed the tippling bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband. “Heu-heu-heu!” laughed dark Cars mother, stroking her mustache as she expl

13、ained laconically: “Out of the frying-pen into the fire.” (T. Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles),【译文】“嘿,嘿,嘿!”黑卡尔笑着。“唏,唏,唏!” 喝醉了的新娘子一面倚靠在她亲爱的丈夫的胳膊上,一面笑。“喝,喝,喝!” 黑卡尔的娘边笑边理着小胡子冒了一句:“从油锅里掉到火坑里了。”,21,例1:Aha, perfect Frenchman! Good night, Englishman. (C. Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities) 【译文】 啊哈,地道的法国人!晚安,英国人

14、。,补充例句,例2:She drew one out. R-ratch! Now it sputtered and burned. 【译文】他抽出一根火柴,哧!啪!一下子然着了。,22,补充例句,例3:“Ah!” said he, with quivering lips and turning away, “you despise your old father now.” (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】他难过得嘴唇哆嗦起来,背过脸去说道:“唉!你现在瞧不起你爸爸了。”,23,B. 拟声词作谓语,原文拟声词作谓语,译成汉语时同样作谓语。英语可用同一个

15、拟声词来表示不同事物发出的声音,译成汉语时同一个拟声词可随物而异声;不同的拟声词可异物而同声,会产生诗韵节奏感。,24,例1:The thunder began to roll in the distance. 【译文】远处雷声隆隆。 例2: We heard the machines whirr. 【译文】我们听到机器的隆隆响。 例3:They heard the muffled booming of artillery from afar. 【译文】他们听得见远处炮声隆隆。,25,例1: A breeze murmured in the trees.【译文】树林中微风沙沙作响。 例2:Be

16、es murmured approaching.【译文】蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞来。,补充例句,26,例3: The waves splashed on the beach. 【译文】波涛哗哗地拍击着海岸。 例4:The boy splashed into the lake. 【译文】那男孩扑通一声跳入湖中。,补充例句,27,C. 拟声词作定语,原文拟声词作定语,仍译成汉语的定语。,例1:Something in the place, the hour, the crackling fires, the fantastic mysteries of light and shade, made others

17、 as well as Tess enjoy being there. (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles) 【译文】这地方,这时光,这哗哗剥剥的火,这闪烁明暗的奇幻神秘,都含有一种意味,使大家和苔丝喜欢在那儿呆着。,28,例2: though the intermittent husky notes of the male grasshoppers from every tuft of furze were enough to show that amid the prostration of the larger animal species a

18、n unseen insect world was busy in all the fullness of life. (Thomas Hardy: The Return of the Native) 【译文】 不过, 每一丛凤尾草里,都有雄蚱蜢沙沙的鸣声,时断时续,这表明在大的动物疲竭衰退了的时候,却有一个看不见的昆虫世界在蓬勃的生命中忙忙碌碌地活动。,29,laughing man barking dog mooing cows twittering birds murmuring wind running bell rattling car gurgling river breaking

19、 waves Wuthering Heights,补充例子,哈哈大笑的人 汪汪的狗叫声 哞哞的牛叫声 嘁嘁喳喳叫的鸟 沙沙的风声 铛铛的铃声 卡塔卡塔的车轮声 汩汩的河水声 哗啦哗啦的波涛声 呼啸山庄,30,课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 注意拟声词的形式对等 (参考译文),1He crashed down on a protesting chair. 【译文】他一屁股坐了下来,椅子吱嘎作响,好像在提抗议似的。 2A woman fell into the water over the bridge. 【译文】一名妇女从桥上扑通一声落到了水里。 3His stomach rumbled empt

20、ily. 【译文】他肚子空空如也,咕噜咕噜地直叫。,31,4The sea was near at hand, but not intrusive; it murmured, and he thought it was the pines; the pines murmured in precisely the same tones, and he thought they were the sea. (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles) 【译文】大海近在眼前, 却毫无觉查。海浪滔滔,他以为是松涛瑟瑟;松涛瑟瑟他却又以为是海浪滔滔。,课堂互动1: 翻

21、译下列句子, 注意拟声词的形式对等 (参考译文),32,5“Oh, maam,” Polly said, “he never kept his eyes off you; and Im sure hes grown grey a-thinking of you.” (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】波莉说:“嗳唷,太太啊,他两只眼睛一直瞧着您。我想他准是因为相思才把头发想白了。”,课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 注意拟声词的形式对等 (参考译文),33,6I could not help it. It was my only chance. I dare

22、not tell my husband. He would kill me if I told him what I have done. I have kept it a secret from everybody but youand you forced it from me. Ah, what shall I do, Lord Steyne? For I am very, very unhappy! 【译文】叫我怎么办?我只有这一条路啊。我又不敢告诉我丈夫。倘若叫他知道我干的事,还不要了我的命!除了你,我对谁都不敢说。要不是你逼我,我连你也不告诉的。唉,斯丹恩勋爵,这可怎么好呢?真急死

23、我了。,课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 注意拟声词的形式对等 (参考译文),34,7 The cock is crowing, The stream is flowing, The small birds twitter, The lake doth glitter, The green field sleeps in the sun.(William Wordsworth: March) 【译文】雄鸡喔喔,溪流淙淙,小鸟喳喳,湖水粼粼,绿野阳光。,课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 注意拟声词的形式对等 (参考译文),35,例1:There came a murmur of conversation

24、 from the next room. 【译文】隔壁传来了一阵阵嘁嘁喳喳的谈话声。,9. 2. 2 附加拟声,功能对等,A. 词性不变,附加拟声,原文用表示声音的名词,汉译时仍保持原文词性,但可附加上定语拟声表达,译成“的声(音)”或“的(响)声”。,36,例2:Amid the soft juicy vegetation of the hollow in which they sat, the motionless and the uninhabited solitude, intruded the clink of guineas, the rattle of dice, the exc

25、lamations of the reckless players. (Thomas Hardy: The Return of the Native) 【译文】在他们所坐的山坳中那些柔嫩多汁的植物中间,在没人居住的清静世界,却发出了金钱的铮铮声,骰子的琅琅声和不顾死活的赌徒的叫骂声。,37,例3:Amid the oozing fatness and warm ferments of the Froom Vale, at a season when the rush of juices could almost be heard below the hiss of fertilization.

26、 (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles) 【译文】芙仑谷的里面,土壤肥得出油,地气暖得发酵,又当值夏季的时光,在万物孳孕发育的嘶嘶声音之下,草木的液汁都喷涌得几乎听得出声音来。,38,B. 改变词性,附加拟声,原文用表示声音的名词、动词、动名词或分词,译成汉语时可改变原来词性,附加上定语拟声词,译成“的声(音)”或“的(响)声”。,39,例1:The weaving loom click-clicked in the next room. 【译文】隔壁房间传来织布机的卡搭声。 例2:Clamorous noises made a continuous

27、din: dogs barking, donkeys heehawing, and horses neighing. 【译文】犬吠声,驴叫声,马的嘶鸣声,乱糟糟的声音,连绵不断,响成一片。,40,例3:The beam sinks earthwards, taut and protesting, its creaks blending with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding-wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels. 【译文】大梁压向地面,绞紧了绳子,发出吱吱嘎嘎声与

28、磨滚的轧轧隆隆声,以及骆驼偶尔发出的呼噜叹息声响成了一片。,41,C动词拟声,附加状语,原文用拟声动词,汉译时在其前可附加上拟声词作状语,译为“地(响)” 。,42,例1:I took some meat in my mouth without salt, and I pretended to spit and sputter for want of salt, as fast as he had done at the salt.(Danial Defoe : Robinson Crusoe) 【译文】我也拿了一块没有盐的肉放在嘴里,假装呸呸地唾了一阵,表示我没有盐就吃不下去,正像他有盐就吃

29、不下去一样。,43,例2: she had learnt that serpent hissed where the sweet birds sing, and her views of life had been totally changed for her by the lesson. (T. Hardy: Tess of DUrbervilles) 【译文】她知道,凡是有甜美的小鸟歌唱的地方,都有毒蛇在嘶嘶地叫,她的人生观念也因为那一番教训完全改变了。,44,例3:So these two were each exemplifying the Vanity of this life,

30、and each longing for what he or she could not get. Glorvina cried with rage at the failure. She had set her mind on the major “more than on any of the others,” she owned, sobbing. “Hell break my heart, he will, Peggy,” she would whimper to her sister-in-law when they were good friends; “sure every o

31、ne of me frocks must be taken inits such a skeleton Im growing.” Fat or thin, laughing or melancholy, on horseback or the music-stool, it was all the same to the major. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】 他们二人追求的全都是不能实现的妄想,从他们的遭遇来看,就可以证明人生的空虚。葛萝薇娜这一回又碰了钉子,气得大哭。她抽抽噎噎地说她愿意嫁给少佐,那份儿急切真是“以前从来没有过的”。她跟嫂子

32、和睦的时候,便呜呜咽咽地向她诉苦说:“佩琪,他要使我心碎了,瞧着吧!我瘦得像个骷髅,所有的衣服都得重新改了。”她肥也罢,瘦也罢,喜也罢,愁也罢,骑马也罢,弹琴也罢,少佐只是不关心。,45,D. 名词拟声 ,译成动词拟声,把原文用作主语或宾语的名词译成伴有拟声表达的动词,描摹真切,如闻其声。,46,例1:“There. Confound it! There. ” said Solomon, making a dab at Miss Prosss lips with his own. (Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities) 【译文】“ 这。混蛋!这!”梭洛蒙

33、说着啪地亲吻了一下普鲁斯小姐。,47,例2:Sometimes it was a palpitation, sometimes a flutter; sometimes it was a sort of gasp or gurgle. (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles) 【译文】这声音,有时听起来好像扑打扑打地乱动,有时好像哆哆嗦嗦地乱颤,有时好像一豆一豆地倒气儿,或咕噜咕噜地冒泡儿。,48,例 3:Briggs told all her history amidst those perfectly uncalled for sobs and ej

34、aculations of wonder with which women of her soft nature salute an old acquaintance, or regard a rencontre in the street. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】布立葛丝一面诉说自己的境况,一面抽抽噎噎地哭泣,唉呀唷的感叹。这眼泪和叹气原本是不必要的,不过像她这样软心肠的女人,和老朋友见了面,或是在路上意外遇见熟人,都要来这么一套。,49,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意拟声词的词性(参考译文),1They heard the twitter

35、 of birds among the bushes. 【译文】他们听到树丛中鸟儿发出的嘁嘁喳喳声。 2The murmur of the water in the river grows into a roar. 【译文】河水的喃喃细语变成了咆哮怒吼。,50,3. The ticking of the clock began to bring itself into notice. 【译文】钟摆滴滴答答的响声渐渐引人注意起来。 4Down came the stump with a great heavy thump on the childs hand. A moan followed.

36、【译文】球棍重重地打在孩子的手上,扑的一声响,跟着是哼哼唧唧的哭声。,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意拟声词的词性(参考译文),51,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意拟声词的词性(参考译文),5. The underground train was humming. 【译文】地铁发出轰隆轰隆的响声。,52,6 . She put on a nightcap and gown. She preached a great sermon in the true serious manner: she lectured on the virtue of the medicine which she pre

37、tended to administer, with a gravity of imitation so perfect that you would have thought it was the countesss own Roman nose through which she snuffled. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】她穿上睡衣,戴上睡帽,板着脸儿满口大道理。她假装叫人吃药,一面解释药水的好处,把那道貌岸然的样子模仿得惟妙维肖,听的人还以为这哼哼唧唧的声音是从伯爵夫人自己的高鼻梁鹰钩鼻子里发出来的呢。,课堂互动2: 翻译下列句子, 注

38、意拟声词的词性(参考译文),53,7Gimmerton chapel bells were still ringing; and the full, mellow flow of the beck in the valley came soothingly on the ear. It was a sweet substitute for the yet absent murmur of the summer foliage, which drowned that music about the Grange when the trees were in leaf. At Wuthering

39、Heights it always sounded on quiet days following a great thaw or a season of steady rain. (Emily Bront: Wuthering Heights) 【译文】吉默屯教堂的钟还在响着;那涨了水的小溪欢畅地流过山谷,传来悦耳的淙淙流水声。这美妙的声音可以算是一种过渡性的可爱音乐,因为一到夏日,树叶浓密,发出一片低声细语般的飒飒声,就湮没了田庄附近的那种溪流声。在呼啸山庄,在解冻或久雨之后,每逢平静无风的日子,总能听到那条小溪的潺潺水声。,课堂互动2: 翻译下列句子, 注意拟声词的词性(参考译文),54

40、,9.2.3 转换成分,意义对等,A . 定语拟声,译成谓语,原文用拟声词作定语,或拟声词与逻辑主语有主谓关系,译成汉语时可作谓语。,55,例1:The chatter of a machine gun came again. 【译文】机枪又咕咕咕地响起来了。,56,例2:Briggs too well heard the creaking Firkin descend the stairs, and the clink of the spoon and gruel-basin the neglected female carried.(William Thackeray: Vanity Fa

41、ir) 【译文】孚金受了怠慢,走下楼来,脚底下鞋子吱吱吜吜,手里拿着的汤碗汤匙叮叮当当,布立葛丝听得清楚着呢。,57,例3:How her heart beat as Joseph appeared, Joseph, puffing from the staircase in shining creaking boots, Joseph, in a new waistcoat, red with heat and nervousness, and blushing behind his wadded neckcloth. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文

42、】乔瑟夫一进门,她的心扑扑直跳。乔瑟夫穿着新背心,发亮的靴子咯吱咯吱响,累得喘不出气来。他又热又紧张,满面通红,羞答答地把个脸儿藏在厚厚的领巾里面。,58,B . 状语拟声,译成状语,原文用拟声词作状语,汉语译成“地”,仍作状语。,59,例1:As I lie awake in bed, listening to the sound of those razor-sharp drops pounding on the pavement, my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks, and

43、 a chill from within fills me with dread. 【译文】躺在床上,我睡不着,听着雨点儿落在路面上啪啪地作响。我思绪万千,恍恍惚惚进入一条条幽暗的甬道,回想起许多痛苦的往事,心里一阵冰凉,不禁感到毛骨悚然。,60,例2:At this minute the father of the family walked in, rattling his seals like a true British merchant. “Whats the matter, Emmy?” says he. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair),【译文】

44、他们的爸爸刚好在 这时候走进来。一副英国商人的派头,手里颠着一把印戳子,铧锒铧锒地响。他问道:“怎么了,爱米?”,61,例3:She never told until long afterwards how painful that duty was; how peevish a patient was the jovial old lady; how angry; how sleepless; in what horrors of death during what long nights she lay moaning, and in almost delirious agonies re

45、specting that future world which she quite ignored when she was in good health. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair)【译文】直到后来她才把当日怎么辛苦的情形说给别人听。平时一团高兴的老太太害了病就闹脾气。她生气,睡不着觉,怕死;平日身体好,不理会死后到底是什么光景,病了之后是越想越怕,疯似地整夜躺着哼哼卿卿。,62,C.作独立成分的拟声词译成汉语的状语,把原文作独立成分的拟声词,译成汉语的状语,紧凑自然,生动流畅。,63,例1:Also, I see that they are cove

46、red with dust, and that the dust moves with them as they come, tramp, tramp! (Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities) 【译文】我也看见他们周围是尘灰飞扬,当他们嗒嗒地走来的时候,尘灰也跟随着他们。,64,例2:Nick-knock, nick-knock, went the cradle; the candle-flame stretched itself tall, and began jigging up and down (Thomas Hardy: Tess of DUr

47、bervilles) 【译文】摇篮在咯哒咯哒地响,蜡烛的火苗越着越长,开始上下颤动起来。,65,例3:Crack, crack, crack, go the whips. Landlord, chambermaid, waiter rush to the door; but just as some distinguished guest is arriving, the curtains close. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】忽然听得马鞭子啪啪地响,旅馆主人、侍女、茶房,一股脑儿冲到门口。贵客刚要上台,幕落了下来。,66,课堂互动3:翻译下列

48、句子,注意拟声词的句子成分(参考译文),1The door closed with a squeak. 【译文】门吱扭地关上了。,67,2It is quite common to see the women present piping, sobbing, sniffling; hiding their little faces in their little useless pocket-handkerchiefs; and heaving, old and young, with emotion. 【译文】这些女人呜呜咽咽,抽抽搭搭,一面擤鼻涕,一面把毫无用处的小手帕掩住小脸蛋儿,不论老

49、幼,都胸脯一起一伏地感动得哭着。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意拟声词的句子成分(参考译文),68,3“It is not because it hurts me,” little Rawdon gasped out“onlyonly”sobs and tears would up the sentence in a storm. It was the little boys heart that was bleeding. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】 小罗登一面哭一面说道:“我不是怕痛,可是可是”他抽抽噎噎,眼泪鼻涕,哭得说不出话来。这孩子的心

50、给伤透了。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意拟声词的句子成分(参考译文),69,4Lady Jane always walked by the old man; and was an evident favourite with him. He used to nod many times to her and smile when she came in, and utter inarticulate deprecatory moans when she was going away. When the door shut upon her he would cry and sob. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】吉恩夫人时常跟着轮椅散步。谁也看得出来老头儿非常喜欢她,见她进来就笑嘻嘻地连连点头,见她出去又哼哼卿卿地表示不愿意,到门一关上,更忍不住呜呜地哭起来。,

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