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1、babbling:babblingCN鑳CN濠村効鍙戝嚭鐨勫捒鍛涔嬪CN鑳鐨CNTalk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible wayCNUtter something rapidly and incoherentlyCNReveal something secret or confidential by talking impulsively or carelesslyback:back/b忙k/CN锛堜汉浣撴垨鍔墿鐨勶級鑳岄儴锛岃儗锛涜叞鑳ENthe part of the human bod

2、y that is on the opposite side to the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs; the part of an animals body that corresponds to this* Do you sleep on your back or your front?# 浣犵潯瑙夋槸浠扮潃杩樻槸韬虹潃锛* He stood with his back to the door.# 浠栬儗瀵圭潃闂珯鐫銆* They had their hands tied behind their backs.# 浠栦

3、滑鍙屾墜琚 弽鍓 捣鏉 * back pain# 鑳岀棝* a back massage# 鑳岄儴鎸夋懇* A small boy rode on the elephants back.# 涓涓 皬鐢峰 楠戝湪澶 薄鑳屼笂銆CN鑴婃煴锛涜剨姊侀ENthe row of bones in the middle of the back* She broke her back in a riding accident.# 濂瑰湪涓娆獞椹 簨鏁呬腑鎽旀柇浜嗚剨姊侀 銆 * He put his back out (=dislocated something in his back) lifting t

4、he crates.# 浠栨惉澶湪绠辨椂鑴婃 鑴变簡鑷笺 CN鍚庨儴锛涘悗闈 紱鏈熬ENthe part or area of something that is furthest from the front* We could only get seats at the back (= of the room).# 鎴戜滑鍙 兘鎵惧埌鍚庢帓鐨勫骇浣嶃* I found some old photos at the back of the drawer.# 鎴戜粠 澶 浜 銆* He was shot in the back of the knee.# 浠栬 腑浜嗚 * Theres roo

5、m for three people in the back.# 鍚庢帓鏈 浜虹 銆* Theres room for three people in back.# 鍚庢帓鏈 浜虹 銆 * The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back.# 鎴鏈 闂村 currency1鍚庨涓“銆* If youd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), Ill show you the garden.# 峰埌嬪fi鍚庨fl 銆CN锛 浠鐨勶級鑳岄EN

6、the part of a piece of paper, etc. that is on the opposite side to the one that has information or the most important information on it* Write your name on the back of the cheque.# ”鐨勫 儗闈 CN锛堜 锛夋鍚 鏈 熬ENthe last few pages of a book, etc.* The television guide is at the back of the paper.# 鐢 鎸 鏈熬銆 CN锛

7、 鐨勶級闈 儗ENthe part of a chair, etc. against which you lean your backCN锛 級 鑳岀 ENused to describe furniture which has the type of back mentioned* a high-backed sofa# 鑳屾 鍙CN 銆 ENin football, hockey, etc.CN 紱 ENif a thought, etc. is at the back of your mind, you are aware of it but it is not what you are

8、 mainly thinking aboutCN 锛涜 杩 ENa place that is a long way from other houses, towns, etc.CN鑳岄 鑳紱鑳 鑳ENif two people stand back to back, they stand with their backs facing or touching each otherCN 紱 簩杩炰 ENif two or more things happen back to back, they happen one after the otherCN锛堣。鏈嶏級鍓嶅悗棰犲掞紙鎴栫鍙嶏級ENi

9、f you put on a piece of clothing back to front, you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be* I think youve got that sweater on back to front.# 鎴戣 寰椾” 婃瘺琛墠鍚庣鍙嶄簡銆 CN搴嗗垢缁堜簬鎽嗚劚涓嶅枩娆 浜猴紙鎴栦簨鐗級ENto be happy that you will not have to deal with or see somebody/something again because you do

10、not like them* Was I pleased to see the back of her!# fl熼珮 翠笉浼氬啀瑙佸埌濂 簡锛CN鑳岀潃鏌愪汉锛涜儗 伴 锛涚 涓 ENwithout somebodys knowledge or permission* Have you been talking about me behind my back?# 浣犱滑鏄 笉鏄湪鑳悗 垜鐨勯棽濓紵* They went ahead and sold it behind my back.# 浠栦滑寰勮嚜鑳岀潃鎴戞妸 冨崠浜嗐CN缂犵(锛涚儲鎵ENto keep asking or telling

11、 somebody to do something that they do not want to do, in a way that they find annoyingCN 屾垚锛堜换鍔锛 涓昏 閮唤ENto finish the largest or most important part of a taskCN鎯规伡ENto annoy somebody* That sort of attitude really gets my back up!# 閭 鎬佸害 炲湪鍙垜鎭肩伀锛 CN涓嶅啀鐑壈鏌愪汉锛 滄鎵硅瘎鎴栫紶纾锛 ENto stop annoying somebody, fo

12、r example by criticizing them, or asking them to do something* Just get off my back, will you!# 峰埆鐑垜浜嗗鍚楋紒CN澶勪簬鑳屾按涓鎴樼 澧冨锛 病鏈夐璺ENto be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do something but are unable to make the choices that you would likeCN锛 寚璐墿夛級鏉 矾涓嶆槑ENgoods that fell off the back of

13、 a lorry were probably stolen. People say or accept that they came off the back of a lorry to avoid saying or asking where they really came from.CN鐢变簬锛 煇 规垚 憋級ENas a result of an achievement or a success* The profits growth came on the back of a 26 per cent rise in sales.# 鼎澧為暱鏉 嚜鐧惧垎涔嬩簩鍗佸叚鐨勯攢鍞 澧為暱銆C

14、N鍥犵梾鍗簥锛涘鐥ENin bed because you are ill/sick* Shes been flat on her back for over a week now.# 濂瑰鐥呮湁涓涓 鏄熸 浜嗐* The UK market was flat on its back(= business was very bad).# 锛 級 鐨勫 笉 銆CN 浠 ENto use a lot of effort and energy on a particular taskCN鎵 锛涜 韬ENto turn so that you are facing in the opposite di

15、rectionCN 鑳 鏌愪汉锛 垨鏌 墿锛 ENto move so that you are standing or sitting with your back facing somebody/something* When on stage, try not to turn your back on the audience.# 鍙 笂 涓 鑳 瑙 銆 CN鑳 锛 ENto reject somebody/something that you have previously been connected with* She turned her back on them when th

16、ey needed her.# 浠栦滑 佸 鐨 椂 濂瑰鑳 浜 浠 CN鑳悗鐨勶紱鍚庨鐨ENsituated behind or at the back of something* the back door# 鍚庨* We were sitting in the back row.# 鎴戜滑 湪鍚庢帓銆* back teeth# 鑷* a back room (= one at the back of a building)# 鍚 锛堜 浜currency1墿鍚庨儴锛* the back page of a newspaper# “鏈鏈 CN杩鐨勶紱 椂鐨ENof or from a pas

17、t time* a back number of the magazine# 涓浠鏈熸fiflCN 鏈 鐨勶紱栨鐨ENowed for a time in the past* back pay/taxes/rent# 娆 CN 悗闂 紙涓嶆”撴垨闂 规 锛 ENin an unfair or indirect way* He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.# 浠 鐢鍙嬩滑 悗闂杩涘閮浠昏銆CN ENof an idea, a plan, etc.CN鍚戝悗锛涘湪鍚紱 儗闈ENaw

18、ay from the front or centre; behind you* I stepped back to let them pass.# 鎴 鍚 浠栦滑 矾銆* Sit back and relax.# 闈 鑳 濂 銆 * Youve combed your hair back.# 浣妸澶村 寰鍚庢 浜嗐* He turned and looked back.# 浠栬 韬 鍚庢 銆* She fell back towards the end of the race.# 涜 fl 鏉熸椂濂硅 鍚簡銆CN涓紙鏌 墿锛夋湁璺 ENat a distance away from some

19、thing* The barriers failed to keep the crowds back.# 鐗病鑳 浣 汉 * Stand back and give me some room.# 瑰効锛岀鎴戣 銆CN浣紱fl嶄ENunder control; prevented from being expressed or coming out* He could no longer hold back his tears.# 浠啀涔熸 fl 銆CN鍥炲 澶勶紱鎭 ENto or into the place, condition, situation or activity where s

20、omebody/something was before* Put the book back on the shelf.# 惧涔涓* Please give me my ball back.# 妸鎴currency1 缁 垜銆* Hell be back (= will return) on Monday.# 浠栨槦鏈熶 鍥炴潵銆* It takes me an hour to walk there and back.# 鎴戞 琛線杩旇变 涓 皬 躲 * Could you go back to the beginning of the story?# 浣 兘涓 兘鍥炲埌鏁呬簨鐨勫紑澶达紵*

21、 She woke up briefly and then went back to sleep.# 濂归啋浜嗙 诲張鐫簡銆* We were right back where we started, only this time without any money.# 鎴戜滑鍥炲埌浜嗚捣 癸鍙 槸杩 涓 归挶涔熸病鏈夈 CN浠墠ENin or into the past; ago* The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages.# 杩欎釜鏉戝fi鐨勫巻鍙插 杩 函鑷充腑涓栫邯銆* She left back in Novemb

22、er.# 濂瑰 涓鏈堜唤宸茬粡绂诲紑浜嗐* That was a few years back.# 閭槸 犲勾浠墠鐨勪簨銆CN 浘昏锛 垨鎻 埌杩囷級鐨勫癸紱 墠闈ENat a place previously left or mentioned* We should have turned left five kilometres back.# 鎴戜滑 簲 涔嬪墠 辫宸嫄鐨勩* Back at home, her parents were worried.# 涓 濂圭 鐖舵瘝寰 媴fl冦 * I cant wait to get back home.# 鎴戞 笉鍙 緟鎯宠刀鍥炲 銆 CN鍥炴

23、锛涘ENin return or reply* If he kicks me, Ill kick him back.# 浠栬 鏄涪鎴戯鎴戝氨韪 銆 * Could you call back later, please?# 风鍚啀鎵撶數濇潵濂 悧锛CN鍙嶅 鏉ENfrom one place to another and back again repeatedly* ferries sailing back and forth between the island and the mainland# 寰杩斾簬閭釜宀涘笨鍜闄 箣闂寸 娓埞CN 煇鐗 鑳悗锛 垨鑳岄锛ENbehind someth

24、ing* the houses back of the church# 浣嶄簬鏁欏爞鍚庨鐨 埧CN锛堜锛 悗锛掗ENto move or make something move backwards* He backed against the wall, terrified.# 浠栭 杈癸鎯婃亹涓垎銆 * If you cant drive in forwards, try backing it in.# 笉鑳 紑 闈 涓嶅 掕溅杩涘銆CN 姪锛 鎸ENto give help or support to somebody/something* Her parents backed her i

25、n her choice of career.# 濂圭姣嶆 鎸佸 鐨勮涓氶夋嫨銆* Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes.# 荤敓浠 鎻愰珮鐑熻崏绋庤 浜堜簡 寔銆 * The programme of economic reform is backed(= supported financially)by foreignaid.# 缁忔祹归潻规 寰埌浜嗗 鎻磋祫鍔 * a United Nations-backed peace plan# 寰埌鑱斿悎鍥 鎸佺 鍜钩 垝CN涓嬭祵 簬锛堣禌椹 佸弬涢槦浼 锛ENto b

26、et money on a horse in a race, a team in a competition, etc.* I backed the winner and won fifty pounds.# 鎴戞娂瀵 簡屾敞锛岃耽浜 簲鍗 嫳闀戙CN浼村 锛涗即鍞 ENto play or sing music that supports the main singer or instrumentCN锛堢敤鏌 墿锛 湪 儗鍚姞鍥猴缁欌姞鑳岃 ENto cover the back of something in order to support or protect itCN浣嶄簬锛 煇鐗級

27、鐨勫悗闈ENto be situated behind something* The house is backed by fields.# 鎴fi鐨勫悗闈 槸鐢伴 銆CN涓 屾敞锛 鎸 簡澶辫 鐨勪 规垨浜 锛ENto support somebody/something that is not successfulCN 韬 锛 鎬 鎴栬 岀 浜 墿锛夛紱 锛 鐨勪簨锛ENto move away backwards from something that is frightening or unpleasant; to avoid doing something that is unple

28、asantCN惧 锛 埆浜 鐑 弽瀵圭 銆 犵锛夛紱 ENto take back a demand, an opinion, etc. that other people are strongly opposed to; to admit defeat* She refused to back down on a point of principle.# 濂瑰湪涓涓 棰 笂 銆 CN 锛 煇浜猴級锛 紙鏌愪簨锛ENto move away from somebody, especially in order to stop threatening or annoying them or to

29、 avoid a difficult situation* The government has backed off from a fundamental reform of the system.# 宸茬粡惧 瀵硅 浣 鐨 鏈 闈 * Back off! Theres no need to yell at me.# 紑 癸紒 佸 鎴戝鍙CN虹鐗ENof a building* Our house backs onto the river.# 鎴戜滑鐨 埧 儗鍚戞currency1CN 猴紱“墜ENto decide that you are no longer going to take

30、part in something that has been agreed* He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.# 浠 簡fi锛湪鏈鍚 fl 簡鍗 銆CN鍚庨锛涘掞紙 級ENto move backwards, especially in a vehicle* You can back up another two feet or so.# 浣犲 浠啀涓 嫳 鍙* I backed the car up to the door.# 鎴戞妸 埌闂 墠銆CN 寔锛涜 紙鏌愪汉鎵锛ENto suppor

31、t somebody/something; to say that what somebody says, etc. is true* Ill back you up if they dont believe you.# 浠栦滑涓 ”锛屾垜浼浣犱 CN缁 紙 銆佺搴 锛 澶唤锛涘 浠 ENto prepare a second copy of a file, program, etc. that can be used if the main one fails or needs extra supportCN 寔锛 鎻ENto provide support for somebody/som

32、ething* The rebels backed up their demands with threats.# 鍙嶅呬鎭 鎵 銆* two doctors backed up by a team of nurses# 鐢变 缁 緟鍔 涓荤敓CNOf or at theof somethingCNSituated in a remote or subsidiary positionCN(esp. of wages or something published or released) From or relating to the pastbackbone:backbone/ b忙kbn/C

33、N鑴婃 楠 紱鑴婃煴 ENthe row of small bones that are connected together down the middle of the backCN 煴锛涢 紱虹 ENthe most important part of a system, an organization, etc. that gives it support and strength* Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.# 鏄 鏉currency1粡currency1庣 虹銆CN姣 锛涢 ENthe strength

34、of character that you need to do something difficult* He doesnt have the backbone to face the truth.# 浠栨病鏈夐瀵圭 銆CNThe series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spineCNThe spine of a bookCNThe main chain of a polymeric moleculebackup:backupCN澶 敤;澶 敤鐗CN澶 敤鐨CNHelp or supportCNA per

35、son or thing that can be called on if necessary; a reserveCNThe procedure for making extra copies of data in case the original is lost or damagedbackward:backward/ b忙kwd/CN鍚戝悗鐨勶紱鏈 悗鐨ENdirected or moving towards the back* She strode past him without a backward glance.# 濂瑰 粠浠栬 杈硅 杩囷閮 病鏈 澶寸 浠栦 fl笺CN 掗鐨

36、勶紱鍙嶅 鐨ENmoving in a direction that means that no progress is being made* She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step.# 濂硅 寰 涔敓 诲氨鏄 病 銆 CN 悗鐨勶紱杩 缂撴鐨ENhaving made less progress than normal; developing slowly* a backward part of the country, with no paved roads and no ele

37、ctricity# 鐨勪 涓 鍚猴 湁 椹 矾涔熸病鏈數鍔 * a backward child# 杩熼 * Shes not backward in coming forward (= shes not shy).# 濂瑰鏁 欏嚭鏉CNDirected behind or to the rearCNLooking toward the past, rather than being progressive; retrogradeCN(of a person) Having learning difficultiesbacon:bacon/ bekn/CN鍜 夛紱 ENmeat from th

38、e back or sides of a pig that has been cured(= preserved using salt or smoke), usually served in thin slices* a rasher of bacon# 涓鐗 * bacon and eggs# 鍜 鍜岄 * smoked/unsmoked bacon# 辨 鐨 CNCured meat from the back or sides of a pigbacterial:bacterialCN缁嗚 鐨 缁嗚 捣鐨 * bacterial infection# 缁嗚 浼bacterium:bac

39、teriumCN缁嗚 CNA member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms that have cell wallsbut lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause diseasebad:bad/b忙d/CN浠汉涓嶅鐨勶紱闂 鎴 鐨勶紱 ENunpleasant; full of problems* bad news/weather/dreams/habits# 忔 鎭 紱 紱鍣锛 伓涔* Im having a really ba

40、d day.# 鎴戜粖澶掗湁 簡銆* It was the worst experience of her life.# 閭槸濂 鐢熶腑鏈绯 鐨 粡嗐* Smoking gives you bad breath.# 鍚 儫鐨勪汉鍛煎嚭鐨 鹃椈銆* Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.# 鏈 潵鎯 喌 绯 浜嗭 亸鎴戜滑鑷 繁鐨勫 張鍚戞垜浠 紑风伀鏉 CN璐 宸 锛涗笉鍚 牸鐨ENof poor quality; below an acceptable standard* bad conditions/driving#

41、鎭跺姡鐨 紱欏姡鐨勯椹舵妧鏈* a bad copy/diet# 涓嶆竻 扮 澶嶅嵃鏈 紱鍔川楗 * I thought it was a very bad article.# 鎴戜涓洪偅鏄 绡緢浣姡鐨 犮* This isnt as bad as I thought.# 杩 病鎴戝 鏉墍鎯 閭箞宸 * Thats not a bad idea.# 閭釜涓绘剰涓嶉 銆CN浜ENof a person* a bad teacher# 涓 鑱岀 鏁欏笀* Youre a bad liar!# 浣 磋皫閮戒笉浼氾紒* Hes a bad loser (= he complains when he l

42、oses a game).# 浠栨槸涓 涓 捣鐨勪汉銆* She is so bad at keeping secrets.# 濂 归兘涓嶄細 畧绉樺銆CN涓噸鐨勶紱鍓儓鐨ENserious; severe* Youre heading for a bad attack of sunburn.# 浣犱細琚 弗嶆檼浼 銆* The engagement was a bad mistake.# 杩欏 槸涓 瑰閿欍 * My headache is getting worse.# 鎴戝 鐥涜秺鏉 秺 浜嗐CN涓嶉傚悎鐨勶紱涓嶉傚 鐨ENnot appropriate in a particular

43、situation* I know that this is a bad time to ask for help.# 鎴currency1煡 湪杩 椂 姹傚府鍔笉鍚堥 * He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part.# 浠栫 剰嗗埌鏄 浣簡涓涓笉鎭 鐨勫喅 氥CN涓嶉亾寰风 锛涢偑鎭 ENmorally unacceptable* The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.# 涓 汉 鏋 皠鏉浜嗘墍鏈 泲銆* He said I must have done something

44、bad to deserve it.# 浠栬 鎴戣偗 氭槸缃 湁搴斿 銆 CN 寚ENespecially of children* Have you been a bad boy?# 浣 皟鐨 簡鍚楋紵CN鏈 锛 嫑鑷 崯 ENharmful; causing or likely to cause damage* Those shoes are bad for her feet.# 閭 闉嬩細浼 鐨勮剼銆* Weather like this is bad for business.# 杩欑 澶 涓嶅 浜 涔 崠銆 CN韬 閮 ENof parts of the body* Ive got

45、a bad back.# 鎴戣儗閮柤鐥涖CN鍙樿川鐨勶紱鑵 儌鐨ENnot safe to eat because it has decayed* Put the meat in the fridge so it doesnt go bad.# 婅 繘扮 嶅 簡銆CN鍙戣劸 紱忔 缁 紱鎭ENthe state of feeling annoyed or angry* It put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.# 閭簨 垜鏁村 嶄篃 簡濂 fi鎯呫CN 熷埌 枤锛 垨 楁喚锛ENto feel guilty or sorry about something* She felt bad about leaving him.# 濂瑰洜绂诲紑浠栬屾劅 鐤氥* Why should I want to make you feel bad?# 鎴戝共鍚楄 ” 鍛 紵 CN瑙 涓 垝鏈嶏紱 熷埌鏈梾锛涢鏈梾 癸紱 旇壊

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