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1、顾客关系建立顾客关系营销过程的前三步了解市场和顾客需求、设计顾客导向的营销战略、构建营销项目都是为了第四步,也是最重要的一部;建立有价值的顾客关系。客户关系管理客户关系管理可能是现代营销理论中最重要的观念。直到最近,狭义的 CRM 被定义为一种顾客数据管理活动,根据这个定义,它包含了管理单个消费者的具体信息和谨慎管理顾客“接触点”来提高顾客忠诚度两个方面的内容。但是,更近期又有人按照更广泛的意思来理解客户关系管理。在这种广义理解下,客户关系管理是指通过传递优质的顾客利益和满意来建立和保持有价值的顾客关系的整个过程。它处理的是关于获得、保持和增加顾客的所有方面的问题。建立关系的构成要素:顾客价值


3、快递公司进行比较,例如联合包裹公司、空运公司、美国邮政局,最后选着出能为他们带来最大价值的服务。需要指出的是,顾客常常并不是很精确地分析某种产品的价值和成本,而是根据他们的感知价值行事。例如,联邦快递的服务真的更快、更可靠吗?即便如此,这种服务真的值那么高的价钱吗?几乎没有顾客能够准确的回答这一问题。美国邮政局认为,自己的快件服务也比较快而且可靠,价格却远远低于联邦快递服务。但是,根据市场份额评估,大多数消费者却不是这样认为。每天,消费者委托联邦快递传送 300 万个快递包裹,占隔天空运业务 46%的市场份额,而相比之下,美国邮政局仅占市场份额的 6%。美国邮政局的服务所面临的挑战就是要改变顾


5、大化。公司总是可以通过降低价格或加强服务来提高顾客满意度,但是这可能使利润降低,因此,营销的目的就是产生恰当的顾客价值。这需要平衡技巧:营销者必须持续提供更多的顾客价值和满意,但是又不能配上老本。顾客关系的等级的工具公司可以根据自己目标市场的特征把顾客关系分成许多等级。一个极端是,拥有很多低端顾客的公司可能只要发展基本的顾客关系就可以了,例如,宝洁不会打电话或者召集所有的“汰渍”洗衣粉客户来了解他们的个人信息。相反,宝洁通过品牌建设广告、销售促进、免费客户服务电话号码和汰渍的衣服保养网站( )来建立。而另一个极端是,在只有少量高端客户的市场上,销售商希望和关键客户建立完全合作伙伴关系。例如,宝

6、洁的客户团队与沃尔玛、萨福威及其他大零售商联系密切。而波音公司则与美国航空、德尔塔及其他航空公司合作设计飞机,来充分满足它们的要求。在这两种极端的状态之间,还有很多种不同的客户关系等级。今天,大多数处于领先地位的公司都在开展顾客忠诚和顾客保留活动。除了提供持续的高价值和高满意,营销者还能使用特殊的营销工具来发展与顾客之间的牢固关系。例如,许多公司现在为那些经常购买或大量购买的客户提供常客营销方案。航空公司给经常坐飞机出行的人特殊优惠,酒店为常客提供更好的房间,超市则给那些 VIP 购买者一定的价格折扣。其他公司开展俱乐部营销项目,给俱乐部成员提供特殊优惠,为他们建立会员协会。为了建立顾客关系,

7、公司可以在财务和社会利益之外加入结构性的联系。一个企业营销者也许能为客户提供特殊的设备或在线连接来帮助他们管理订单、工资或者存货。例如。McKesson 公司是一家领先的药物批发商,它已经建立了在线的电子系统来帮助小药房管理它们的存货、订单和货架空间。客户关系变化的特征在营销领域最深刻的新进展就是现今公司与顾客连接方式的变化。以前的公司主要是在它们势力范围所能及的任何角落进行无差异的营销。现在的公司更精心地选择自己的客户,同他们建立更持久、更直接的关系。与精心选择的客户连接今天很少有公司还在进行真正意义上的无差异营销,也就是说对所有顾客不加区别地以标准化方式进行营销。今天,几乎所有的营销人员已


9、吸引更多的客户。今天许多银行开始挖掘这个庞大的数据库,以识别出那些赢利的顾客,剔除给公司带来损失的顾客。为顾客的终身价值而连接在公司越来越有选择地挑选所要服务的顾客的同时,也以更深入、更持久的方式为他们服务。现在的公司不再仅仅局限于为产品寻找新顾客,并与他们完成交易。它们利用CRM 维持现有顾客并且与他们建立有价值的持久关系。新的观点认为营销就是一门发现、保持和增加有价值的顾客的科学与艺术。为什么新的观点强调保持和增加顾客?以前,不断增加的市场和兴旺发展的经济意味着新顾客的充分供应。但是,今天的公司面临着新的营销现实。变化的人口统计特征、更加老练的竞争者以及很多行业的产能过剩,意味着周围的顾客

10、越来越少。许多公司现在是在萧条或逐渐萎缩的市场上努力争夺市场份额。这些结果导致吸引新顾客的成本上升。事实上,平均下来,吸引一个新顾客的成本是让一个现有顾客满意的成本的 510 倍。西尔斯发现它吸引一个顾客比维持一个满意的顾客要多花 12 倍的成本。鉴于这些新的现实情况,现在的公司都竭尽全力来维持有价值的顾客。直接连接今天,除了建立更深层次的连接之外,许多公司也利用新技术与顾客更直接地连接。事实上,直销又兴旺起来了。现在,几乎购买所有产品都不需要光顾商店,通过电话、邮购目录、信息亭和电子商务就可以买到。企业采购人员可以在网上采购从标准的办公用品到价格较高的高科技计算机设备等各种商品。有些公司只通

11、过直销渠道进行销售,例如戴尔计算机公司、Expedia 旅行社和亚马逊网上书店。其他公司也用直接连接作为它们沟通和分销渠道的一种补充。例如:索尼公司通过零售商销售 Playstation 游戏机和游戏带,并用数百万美元的大众传媒广告进行支持。但是索尼公司也用它的网站( )来与各个年龄层的游戏玩家建立联系。网站提供关于最新游戏、活动和促销新闻、游戏指南和辅导等方面的信息,甚至还有供玩家交流技巧和故事的在线论坛。一些销售人员把直销看做新世界的营销模式。他们认为终会有一天全部的买卖活动都涉及公司与顾客的直接连接。而其他营销人员虽然同意直销会扮演越来越重要的角色,但他们只把它看作通向市场的另一条途径。

12、Customer Relationship 原文出处:Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing (Eleventh Edition). Tsinghua University Press.2007. :13-19Building customer relationshipThe first three steps in the marketing processunderstanding the marketplace and customer needs. Designing a customerdriven marketi

13、ng strategy, and constructing marketing programsall lead up to the fourth and most important step: building profitable customer relationships.Customer relationship management Customer relationship management is perhaps the most important concept of modern marketing. Until recently, CRM has been defi

14、ned narrowly as a customer data management activity. By this definition, it involves managing detailed information about individual customer loyalty. We will discuss this narrower CRM activity in chapter dealing with marketing information.More recently, however, customer relationship management has

15、taken on a broader meaning. In this broader sense, customer relationship management is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. It deals with all aspects of acquiring, keeping and growing customers.Relat

16、ionship building blocks: customer value and satisfactionThe key to building lasting customer relationships is to create superior customer value and satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to be loyal customers and to give the company a larger share of their business.Customer value. Attract

17、ing and retaining customers can be a difficult task. Customers often face a bewildering array of products and service from which to choose. A customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer perceived valuethe customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the co

18、sts of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.For example, FedEx customers gain a number of benefits. The most obvious is fast and reliable package delivery. However by using FedEx, customers also may receive some status and image values. Using FedEx usually makes both the package s

19、ender and the receiver feel more important. When deciding whether to send a package via FedEx, customers will weigh these and other perceived values against the money, effort, and psychic costs of using other shippersUPS, Airborne, the USA. Postal Service. They will select the service that gives the

20、m the greatest perceived value.Customer satisfaction customer satisfaction depends on the products perceived performance relative to a buyers expectations. If the products performance falls short of expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. If performance matches expectations, the customer is sati

21、sfied. If performance exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted.Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way to keep important customers satisfied. Highly satisfied customers make repeat purchases and tell others about their good experience with the product. The key

22、is to match customer expectations with company performance. Smart companies aim to delight customers by promising only what they can deliver, then delivering more than they promise.However, although the customer-centered firm seeks to deliver high customer satisfaction relative to competitors, it do

23、es not attempt to maximize customer satisfaction. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its service. But this may result in lower profits. Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably. This requires a very delicate balance:

24、 the marketer must continue to generate customer value and satisfaction but not “give away the house.”Customer relationship level and toolsCompanies can build customer relationships at many levels, depending on the nature of the target market. At one extreme, a company with many low-margin customers

25、 may seek to develop basic relationship with them. For example, Procter and gamble does not phone or call on all of its Tide customers to get to know them personally. Instead, p and g creates relationships through brand-building advertising, sales promotions, a toll free customer response number, an

26、d its Tide FabricCare Network Web site.At the other extreme, in markets with few customers and high margins, sellers want to create full partnerships with key customers. For example, P and G customer teams work closely with Wal-Mart, Safeway, and other large retailers. And Boeing partners with Ameri

27、can Airlines, Delta, and other airlines in designing airplanes that fully satisfy their requirements. In between these two extreme situations, other levels of customer relationships are appropriate.Today most leading companies are developing customer loyalty and retention programs. beyond offering c

28、onsistently high value and satisfaction, marketers can use specific marketing tools to develop stronger bonds with consumers.The changing nature of customer relationshipDramatic changes are occurring in the ways in which companies are relating to their customer. Yesterdays companies focused on mass

29、marketing to all customers at arms length. Todays companies are building more direct and lasting relationships with more carefully selected customers. Here are some important trends in the way companies are relating to their customers.Relating with more carefully selected customersFew firms today st

30、ill practice true mass marketingselling in a standardized way to any customer who comes along. Today, most marketers realize that they dont want relationships with every customer. Instead, companies now are targeting fewer, more profitable customer.At the same time that companies are finding new way

31、s to deliver more value to customers, they are also beginning to assess carefully the value of customers to the firm. Called selective relationship management, many companies now use customer profitability analysis to weed out losing customer and target winning ones for pampering. Once they identify

32、 profitable customers, firms can attractive offers and special handling to capture these customers and earn their loyalty.But what should the company do with unprofitable custom customers? If it cant turn them into profitable ones, it may even want to “fire” customers that are too unreasonable or th

33、at cost more to serve than they are worth. For example, the banking industry has led the way in assessing customer profitability. After decades of casting a wide net to lure as many customers as possible, many bans are now mining their vast databases to identify winning customers and cut out losing

34、ones.Relating for the long-termJust as companies are being more selective about which customers they choose to serve, they are serving chosen customers in a deeper, more lasting way. Todays companies are going beyond designing strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them. Th

35、ey are using customer relationship management to retain current customers and build profitable, long-term relationships with them. The new view is that marketing is the science and art of finding, retaining, and growing profitable customers.Why the new emphasis on retaining and growing customers? In

36、 the past growing markets and an upbeat economy meant a plentiful supply of new customers. However, companies today face some new marketing realities. Changing demographics, more sophisticated competitors, and overcapacity in many industries mean that there are fewer customers to go around .many com

37、panies are now fighting for shares of flat or fading markets.As a result, the costs of attracting new consumers are rising. In fact, on average, it costs 5 to 10 times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a current customer satisfied. Sears found that it costs 12 times more to attrac

38、t a customer than to keep an existing one. Given these new realities, companies now go all out to keep profitable customers.Relating directlyBeyond connecting more deeply with their customers, many companies are also connecting more directly. In fact, direct marketing is booming. Consumers can now b

39、uy virtually any product without going to a storeby telephone, mail-order catalogs, kiosks, and online. Business purchasing agents routinely shop on the Web for items ranging from standard office supplies to high-priced, high-tech computer equipment.Some companies sell only via direct channelsfirms

40、such as Dell, Expedia, and A, to name only a few. Other companies use direct connections to supplement their other communications and distribution channels.Some marketers have hailed direct marketing as the “marketing model of the next century.” They envision a day when all buying and selling will involve direct connections between companies and their customers. Others, although agreeing that direct marketing will play a growing and important role, see it as just one more way to approach the marketplace.

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