1、Chapter Two Functions and types of Testing (考试功能及其类别),Test ; measure ; evaluation,evaluation,Measurement,Summary of their relationship,interrelated , interactive , interplay and overlapped . (相互作用;相互影响)。 the interplay of light and shadow (光影交错 ).,I. Function of language testing,Teaching / Pedagogica
2、l function of test test plays a crucial role in To improve the teaching quality by testing To promote the learners learning effectively To provide useful information for policy-makers To adjust the national curriculum To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching materials More ideas from You :,B. Resea
3、rch Function,Context :In the middle of 20th century, in the USA ; some educational institutions; problems : they encounter in every day classroom life. How ? a teacher ? marry theory with practice to facilitate their classroom teaching,Discussion and interpretation: Image of the teacher,1)春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡烛
4、成灰泪始干.? 2)学高为师,身正为范。? 3)教师是太阳底下最辉煌的职业 。?,Teachers role :_ a craftsman to be responsible for knowledge an information-dispenser _teacher as a researcher Action research 2) related concepts of teacher trainging : in-service trainingprofessional training-professional development_teacher professioanl de
5、velopment_teacher development,Observe-analysis-plan-do-reflection,Sumarry of its research function :,Provide the tool for educational research Provide scientific criteria for classroom research Widely used in Second language acquisition ,Second language loss , and strategies of second language learn
6、ing.,II. Types of language Testing,According to its purposes :1) Placement tests ( 分班考试) : _course-based or unrelated materials norm-referenced tests Purpose : placed learners in an appropriate course or class. 2) Proficiency tests ( 水平测试) ; language theory based ;belong to selective testing . Purpo
7、se :meet a certain institutional needs in particular. For example: PESTS and ILTS.,3) Progress tests: (阶段性测试) :course-based or textbook-based Purpose : to enhance what the students have learned . For example: midterm exam : classroom quiz . 4) Achievement tests( 成绩测试) : course-syllabus based or text
8、book- based Purpose : to assess the learning contents . 5) Diagnostic tests ( 诊断测试) : contex-based or problem-finding-based Purpose: to identify those areas in which students need further help,From the testing form : Direct tests : oral testing, interview, discussion . Indirect tests typical one: er
9、ror identification From the marking form: Objective tests : Multiple-choice, for example. Subjective tests : translation , writing etc.,III. How can we interpret the scores by testing?,norm-referenced tests (常模参照考试) after exam; comparision among scores criterion-referenced tests(尺度参照考试) before exams ; ready criteria to reference Group discussion: 1)How can you analyze the intentions, purposes of a certain test? 2)What language skills will be assessed through certain test papers ?,What have you got from the lesson today?,What have you got from the lesson today?,