1、 大学体验英语综合教程 2 第三版 unit 6 Passage A 答案 解析 翻译 语言点Listen and TalkKey:1. published 2. fitness 3. support 4. leading to 5. enjoyment 6. challenge 7. culture 8. physical 9. goal 10 preparationPassage ARead the Text: Never Give UpThink About It:1. Do you enjoy watching figure skating? Explain. Answer:Yes,
2、I enjoy it very much. I enjoy watching it because figure skating requires a combination of strength, elegance and grace. We also call it “the ballet on ice.”2. Do you know any famous figure skaters? Share what you know with each other.Answer:Yes, there are many famous figure skaters in the world. Fo
3、r example, Chen Lu from China,Michelle Kwan from the U.S., Irina Slutskaya from Russia, etc.3 .What do you usually do when facing difficulties?Answer:Usually, I would take the difficulties as a challenge and try my best to find ways to overcome them with courage.Content Awareness Read and think2. Wo
4、rk with your partner and answer the following questions. 1. How was Paul Wylies life changed after he won the silver medal? Answer:After he won the silver medal, Paul Wylie was regarded as a hero. He suddenly became busy with a lot of activities, such as signing advertising contracts, traveling on f
5、igure-skating world tours,being invited to exclusive events, being chased for his autographs by fans, etc.2. What did the reporters question “what are you doing here?” imply?Answer:It implied that people were dissatisfied with Paul Wylies performance and lost confi dence in him.3. Why did Paul Wylie
6、 give the answer “daily” to the question “how often do you contemplate retirement?” Answer:He answered “daily” because he was undergoing an extremely difficult time in his skating career and it was hard for him to keep going.4. Was Paul Wylie a famous skater in the U.S. before he won the silver meda
7、l of 1992 Winter Olympics? Answer:No,he wasnt. Before winning the silver medal, he was a nobody whose performance at big events was usually unimpressive.5. What have you learned from Paul Wylies story?Answer:Open.Read and think3. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) acco
8、rding to the passage. Anwser: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5 TLanguage Focus Read and complete4 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessaryAnwser: 1. clapped 2. defend 3. quit 4. perfection 5. interviewed 6. survey 7. exclusive 8. storage 9. observed 10. Cover5. Complete th
9、e following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary .Anwser: 1. count . out 2. be unaware of 3. stopped in his tracks 4. at times 5. turn . around6. Find the words in Passage A according to the clues given. Then make two sentences with each of the word
10、s you have found.1. A noun meaning “a flat piece of metal, usually shaped like a coin, that is given to someone who has won a competition or who has done something brave”: (Para. 1)Answer:medalAnswer:He was awarded a medal for his heroic deed of saving a drowning child.Answer:Britains Olympic team r
11、eturned from Los Angeles with five gold medals, 11 silver and 21 bronze.2.An expression meaning “a set of buildings for the use of passengers joining or leaving an airplane”: (Para. 1)Answer:air terminalAnswer:A free shuttle bus runs between the air terminal and the train station.Answer:Many passeng
12、ers were stuck at the air terminal building because of the foggy weather.3.A verb meaning “deserve, have a right to”: (Para. 9)Answer:meritAnswer:He merits promotion for his excellence in leadership and management.Answer:The committee will decide whether the case merits more serious attention.4. A n
13、oun meaning “tasks and activities typically happen as part of a normal job or of normal procedure”: (Para. 11)Answer:routineAnswer:The music band played their routines in every city across the nation.Answer:The athlete performed her bold and difficult routines with perfection in the match.5.A noun m
14、eaning “a point or moment of great danger, difficulty, or uncertainty”: (Para. 11)Answer:crisisAnswer:The sudden rise in oil prices has led to an economic crisis in the country.Answer:Relations between the two countries have reached the crisis point after rounds of talks.Language FocusRead and trans
15、late7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。(have a shot) Answer:Its a difficult job, but Id like to have a shot.2. 这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。(as opposed to)Answer:This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.3. 社会活动从未耽误她的学习。(in the way) Answer:Social activities n
16、ever get in the way of her studies.4. 直到 1911 年人们才发现第一种维生素。 (It is not until . that) Answer:It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.5. 尽管年事已高,爷爷每天还帮忙做家务。(despite)Answer:Despite advanced years, Grandpa helps do housework every day.Read and simulate8 Read and compare the En
17、glish sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts, and then translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1 从那一刻起,在哈利波特系列影片中担任主角的 11 岁少年丹尼尔意识到自己的生活从此永远地改变了。Answer:From that moment on, 11-year-old Daniel who played the leading role in the Harry Potter
18、movies recognized that his life would never be the same.2 这个年轻人相信:不管前进途中有多少困难,他都会实现他的梦想。Answer:He was a young man who believed that he will fulfill his dream no matter how many difficulties lie in the way.3 他的妻子在车祸中丧生之后,他才意识到妻子在他的生活中曾经有多么重要。Answer:It wasnt until his wife was killed in the accident t
19、hat he realized how important she had been in his life.4 手中拿着一本童话故事书时,我总是觉得我被领进了一个美丽而纯洁的世界。Answer:With fairy tale book in hand, I always felt I was ushered into a world of beauty and purity.5 正像运动员要达到完美的地步需要日复一日反复训练一套大的日常训练计划中的少数动作一样,一个好学生平日就应该不断努力充实自己。Answer:Just as an athlete achieves perfection b
20、y repeated training of a few actions of the larger routine day after day, a good student should make continuous efforts to improve himself on a regular basis.Write About It10 Answer:No matter how many obstacles lie in the way, you can reach your goals as long as you dont give up. To illustrate, look
21、 at the story of Paul Wylie, an American fi gure skater. Paul took part in the 1988 Calgary Olympics and 1991 World Championships, but his performance was so unimpressive that after the 91 World Championships he was advised to quit. Paul himself had frequently thought of retirement, but he continued
22、 anyway. He decided not to give up. At last, his perseverance paid off. He won a silver medal at the 1992 Winter Olympic Games at the age of 27 and became an Olympic hero.Translation永不放弃人们劝他引退,说他天分不够,但是花样滑冰选手保罗 怀利拒绝放弃。1992 年冬奥会闭幕后,保罗怀利抵达华盛顿。走下飞机时,欢迎的人群开始鼓掌。他差点停下了脚步。谁在后面呀?他心里嘀咕。虽说银牌在手,他怎么也不敢相信这掌声是献给他
23、的。从那一刻起,保罗意识到自己的生活从此永远地改变了。 这位 27 岁的花样滑冰运动员在法国的阿尔贝维尔获得了银牌,从此走向全新的生活。1988 年的卡尔加里冬奥会上,他表现平平,只得了第 10 名,可如今他再也不是在大型赛事中举止失措的无名小卒了;1991 年的世界锦标赛上,保罗比赛完后,裁判建议他退出冰坛,“给年轻选手让位”,如今再也听不到这样的建议了。 跟踪报道 1991 年冬奥会选拔赛的记者们曾问他“你来这儿干什么?”,如今再也不会有这种别有用心的提问了。他再也不是美国冠军托德埃尔德雷奇的手下败将,再也不会被三度问鼎世界冠军宝座的加拿大运动员库尔特布朗宁甩在身后。 现在保罗怀利成了奥运
24、英雄。虽然有些人对他没有信心,建议他放弃,可他依然勇往直前。虽然这个刚出校门的哈佛毕业生经常幻想,离开严酷的冰上训练生活将会是怎样,但他仍然苦苦坚持着;这个年轻人发现:不管途中有多少障碍,要经历多少次失败,目标终能实现,而且他证明了这一点。保罗说:“闭幕式上我接受采访,有个记者对我说,你来时不为人知,归时却名扬四海。 我觉得这话很有意思,因为我当时在法国,根本不知道美国电视是怎么报道这次法国之旅的。 走下飞机,我才意识到人们把我当成了英雄。他们对我的看法改变了,因为我获胜了。他们的 看法改变了,因为我坚持不懈并且赢得了银牌,虽然赛前没人看好我。” 有时,保罗也几乎不看好自己。“离 92 年冬奥
25、会开幕还有两个月的时候,今日美国对运 动员们进行了一次调查,问道,你经常考虑退役吗?选项有:每年、每月、每周。” “我写的是每天,因为要坚持下去实在是太难了。但我还是下定决心要坚持下去,绝不放弃,我要全力拼搏。” 1992 年在阿尔贝维尔,事情完全改观了。保罗说:“我的经历使人们热泪盈眶,因为结果出人意料。这同时也改变了我的生活,我看着自己的冰上生涯从此被改写,变得精彩纷呈。其实也可能会是另一种结局:多年的努力化为乌有,结果令人大失所望。” 手中拿着奖牌,保罗突然进入到一个全新的世界:财源不断的签约、花样滑冰巡回赛、独家采访、追星族要求签名。凡是一个声名鹊起的英雄能得到的一切他都得到了,但保罗
26、认为这一头衔值得称道的东西远不在此。 保罗说:“无私的奉献能造就真正的英雄;用自己的经历和行为激励别人上进,变得更高尚,也算是一种英雄。我认为我并没有无私奉献,但上帝用我的生活经历去激励了别的人。” 保罗还说,英雄是需要日日维护的。要达到完美的地步,滑冰选手需苦练每个细小的动作,日复一日不能懈怠,英雄也一样,应该日日奉献,而不只是在危急关头或者在众人瞩目之时才有所举动。 收藏多年之后,奥运奖牌会退去它最初的光泽;若是不再关注别人的需要,英雄也会失去号召力。和成千上万的人们一同观看盐湖城冬奥会时,保罗很清楚,每个胜利的背后,每次打破纪录的背后,都有无数日日坚持不懈的英雄故事,那种永不放弃的英雄故
27、事。Language Points1.clap: strike (one s hands) together with a quick movement and loud soundExamples: The teacher clapped to attract the classs attention.The audience clapped at the end of the play.2.usher: bring or cause to enterExamples: A series of reforms ushered in the new regime.The rising sun
28、ushered in a new day.3.quit: stop (doing something)Examples: He quit his job for a better position.He should really quit smoking for the sake of his health.4.persevere: continue firmly in spite of difficultiesExamples: He didnt know any English, but he persevered and became a good student.Despite th
29、e failure of his early experiments, the scientist persevered in his research.5.in the way: blocking space for the forward movementExamples: The chair is in the way; so move it, please.Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was only in the way.6.interview: ask questions of (some
30、body)Examples: At the end of the race the winner was interviewed by NBC news.In the oral test the student is interviewed by an examiner.7.count.out: leave . out by choiceExamples: If you are playing football in this rainy weather you can count me out.We have ten applicants for the post, but two of t
31、hem have now accepted other appointments, so we can count them out.8.at times: sometimesExamples: I do feel a little nervous at times.We have pie for dinner at times.9.have a shot: tryExamples: I dont know if I can do that, but Ill have a shot (at it).Have a shot at solving the problem.10.as opposed
32、 to: in contrast toExamples: The tax system favors the very rich as opposed to ordinary working people.This is a book about business practices as opposed to theory.11.exclusive: not shared with othersExamples: The actress granted the reporter an exclusive interview.This company has the exclusive rig
33、ht to print Mr. Dares books.12.merit: deserve; have a right toExamples: The suggestion merits serious consideration.He merited all the praise they gave him.13.crisis: a point or moment of great danger, difficulty, or uncertaintyExamples: I was on the verge of a terrible crisis in my life.The potentiality for future government crises was growing.14.behind the scenes: out of sight; secretly; without public knowledgeExamples: He is an important man behind the scenes.John was president of the club, but behind the scenes Robert told him what to do.