1、读写任务,-写作指导,By No. 75 Middle School Zhu Qianyin,预测:阅读材料的体裁可以是说明文如实地说明一个现象,可以是一个记叙文,如用一个故事引出一个话题或道理,可以是一个新闻报道引发的一场争论,还可以是旗帜鲜明、说理性很强的文章。总之,让大家“有话想说,而且有话能说”。,“读写任务”的写作过程: 1)把握阅读材料的结构、思路、观点 与意图; 2)概括阅读材料的观点(论证过程) 3)在“写作内容”的引导下写作。,第一步:分析阅读材料的结构、思路、观点与意图。 以2007样题为例: 所给短文的说理思路如下: 论点: 论据: 结论:,(2)-(6)正面论据 (8)
2、-(11)反面论据,(12)-(13),(1),概括作者的说理过程: 阅读材料的观点是(1)可以概括为 Some people think that teachers should not correct students mistakes for them. 其正面论据 (2)-(6)可以概括为 Children learn by comparing his behaviors, including language, with those of more skilled people. 阅读材料的反面论据 (7)-(11)可以概括为Teachers frequent correction
3、of students mistakes makes students unable to judge their own work. 阅读材料的结论 (12)-(13) 可以概括为 So those people encourage students to learn by correcting their own mistakes instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers.,用自己的语言整理如下: 1。The author tells us the importance of self-learning for
4、 children. Not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes. (33) 2。This passage discusses the importance of self-learning for children. Students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-b
5、y-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher. (29 words),3)The article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. Students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.
6、 (35words) 4)Some people think students mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. It will make the children dependent on the teachers. (35 words),The author (The passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities incl
7、uding being a way to improve students health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people. (30 words),reviews the most important points of the text. It should be brief (short). Furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words. It contains only
8、 the main ideas and what the author talks about the topic but not include much explanation or examples.,A summary,How to write a summary Before you begin your summary, you shouldidentify the main points of the text. 2. Underline/highlight and/or take notes on the text. 3. Then Write a summary which
9、includes the authors main idea or purpose for writing the text, the topic and then what the author says about the topic. Omitting specific details, examples, description, and unnecessary explanations. 4. Try to use your own words. 5. Dont put your opinion in the summary 6. Be concise and coherent,议论
10、性或论说文,概括时则要尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点。 概括对方观点首先是要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括。,注意,eg: 1。The author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. Not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes. (33) 2。This passag
11、e discusses the importance of self-learning for children. Students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-by-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher. (29 words),3)The article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. Stu
12、dents are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work. (35words) 4)Some people think students mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. It will make the
13、children dependent on the teachers. (35 words),如果给定的阅读材料是一则故事,应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。比如说,This story tells how a teachers word saved a shy and unconfident child and helped him find himself and hold on to his dreams. It tells us that teachers words can make difference to a
14、 childs life. 如果是说明性或描述性短文,就必须用概括性的文字说明一现象。比如可以概括如下This article point out the common phenomenon rare animals cannot escape being hurt and killed by human being.,Dont copy the sentences in the text. Use another word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning. Use different sentence structures to
15、express the same idea.,Attention,; https:/ 卖家之家 bth31dwb 来探究。于是宝音生活便是饮药、发呆、睡觉、再饮药到底是个 ,不用像作丫头时提心吊胆、天天苦战,偶尔生个病还怕误了主子的事,恨不能披着病衣就跳起来,轻伤不下火线,风光固然风光,到底是个奴才,苦是真苦,竟不如作个 说不定以后还能成个贵妇人,儿孙满堂的享福呢!不知是否因为日有所思,梦里见个少年,容颜如玉,发束销金立翅扎巾,身着团花绿锦袍,腰系钑花兽面金带,益显出那秀挺的肩背、那杨柳般的腰身来,简直在诱惑人伸手环抱上去,手里拿着笔,在批一大堆簿子。宝音在梦里欢喜,倒像是哪里见过的故人,久别
16、重逢,对着他直笑。那少年抬起头来,看着她也笑,问:“你精神好多了。”宝音心下果然觉得自己好多了,笑道:“可不是么?”他问宝音:“你恨不恨?”宝音冷笑答道:“死过一场,一点名目都没有,如何能不恨!”少年怔怔又问:“然则你已经从丫头变成 了呀?”是,作了 ,纵只是个受冷落的表 ,有的地方,怕比丫头还方便来事些呢!到底血缘身份摆在这里,韩玉笙不会利用,是她蠢,宝音可不能这样!少年叹道:“竟不知救你对不对你也自己小心些,再糊涂下去,我真不管你了。”边说边合起簿子,将合未合的时候,纸面立起来,宝音恍惚看簿上全是血,正迟疑不定。他指指自己,笑道:“如今我可不是这副装束了,你别老梦见我这样。”宝音正“哦”了
17、一声,想着他如今是什么装束呢?似是想得起来的,他不由分说一碗药汤迎面倾来,宝音骇一跳,醒来,梦里情景全忘了,恨意仍在,想着,要报这枉死的仇,终得先查出内情真相。要查真相,还须老太太那里下手。要接近老太太,府中几位主子、少主子都要笼络起来,便连手底下的丫头,皆须调教得堪使用了才好。药香中,她默默筹划,定了粗略几个步子,也不能急,且走着看。第一步,把屋中的丫头先整顿起来。宝音认起真来,是何等手腕?更何况里里外外的丫头,自买了进来,本是她和嘉颜亲自教养,集中训练过一段时间后,按其表现分上中下等,分至各处。这里的丫头,她都知道,因人施教,也未费神下重锤,只是重宣规矩,一个个便已整肃很多,院子里总算有点过日子的样子了。乐韵资质本也不差,但天性投机、又惫懒,一时仍未老实当差,看宝音声气与往常不同,也晓得厉害,不来捋虎须,只管躲着,宝音一时揪不着她岔子,且搁着,徐徐再敲打她来。第九章 故纵倾颜成一怒(1)不数日,重阳节已经到了,苏府中却还未听说宝音的死讯,照理说瞒是瞒不住的,总要给个说法。或者只是未传到韩玉笙的院子来?宝音怕明着打听引人疑心,定了一计,曲而图之,便叫乐韵来。乐韵本想溜去菊花会上顽儿的,听得 叫,老大不适意,慢慢儿,