1、 精华出题宝库 2010年全国各地中考英语阅读理解试题汇编及答案1 精华出题宝库 2010年全国各地中考英语阅读理解试题汇编及答案(2010.江苏省无锡市 . 三、阅读理解 A,每小题 2 分)In the early1990s,theword” Internet” was strangeto mostpeople.Buttoday,Internethas becomea usefultool for peopleall over the world.MaybeInternethas been the greatestinventionin thefieldof communicationin
2、 thehistoryof mankind(人类)Communicatingwithotherson the Internetis muchfaster.Wecan chatwith a personwho is sittingin the otherpartof theworld.Wecan e-mailour friendsand they can read the e-mailswithina minute.Givingall kindsof informationis probablythe biggestadvantageof the Internet.Wecan use searc
3、henginesto findtheinformationwe need.Justtype in a keywordor keywordsand thesearchenginewill giveus a list of suitablewebsitesto lookat.We can enjoya lot on the Internetby downloadinggames,visitingchatroomsor surfing( 浏览 ) websites.Therearesome gamesfor free.Wecan meet new and interestingpeopleinthe
4、 chat now.Wecan also listento musicand see films.Now ,thereis a lot of serviceon the Internetsuchas onlinebanking,jobfindingand ticketbuying.Wecan alsodo shoppingand find nearlyall kindsof goods.Sometimeswe can findsomethingthat is quitegood but very cheap.26.Howmanymainadvantagesof the Internetare
5、talkedaboutin the passage?A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.27.Whatfact doesn t the passageprovide?全品中考网A.Wecan findalmostanythingwe wantto knowon the Internet.B.Somegameson the Internetare free.C.We can buy most thingswe need on the Internet.D.Goodson the Internetare moreexpensivethanthosein realshops
6、.28.Whichtitlebest givesthe main idea of the passage?A.OnlineShoppingB.ExchangingInformationon the InternetC.TheAdvantagesof the InternetD.Surfingthe Websiteson the Internet答案 : BDC( 2010.四川省自贡市 第 三部分 阅读理解 B 满分 10 分)You wantto knowaboutmy stayingin America,right?Well,totellyou the truth,itis reallya
7、n eye-openingexperiencestudyhere.In China,Ihad Englishclassesfive timesa week sincefifthgrade.However,Ididn t knowhowdifferenttextbookEnglishcouldbe from everydayEnglishuntilI came to HotchkissSchool,Conmecticut.全品中考网When I firststudiedEnglish,Iwas told to say, “ I am fine.”whenpeoplesay “ How areyo
8、u ? ” But in the US,Ifoundthatpeoplesay, “ I am good.” or “ Ilm tired.”One day ,someonegreetedme with “ What s up ? ” It ,mademeconfused.Ithoughtfor a momentand thensmiledbecauseI didnt know what to say.Since then,Ihavediscoveredmoreand moredifferencesbetweenChineseand US cultures.To my surprise,USg
9、irlsspenda lot of time in the burningsunto get a tan.However,in China,girlstry everypossibleway toget theirskin paler,or“ whiter.”I also surprisedby how hard-working.US studentsare.InChina,schoolworkis almosteverything,so we studyhardand thatit.Buthere,a“ good” studentgetsgoodgrades,doesa lotforthep
10、ublicand playssportsor music.The kids here are so talented,I am startingto be sorrythat Igaveup playingthe pianoat an earlyage and that I have neverthoughtaboutsports.61.Accordingto thewriter,textbookEnglishis _everydayEnglish.A.quitedifferentfrom B.thesame as C.moredifficultthan62.Whatdoes the word
11、 “ tan ” in the sixthparagraphmean inChinese?A 晒黑 B 晒白 C 能量63.A good US studentspendshis/hertime _.A.onlyin doinghomeworkB.onlyon sportsor music全品中考网C.on studies,sportsor musicand publicwork64.Whichof the followingis NOT true?A.Thewriteris now in US.B.Americangirlslove to have whiteskin.C.US student
12、sare talentedand hard-working.65.Whichis the best titlefor the passage?A.My Own Travelin the USB.My Studyingin the US 全品中考网C.My Opinionaboutthe US答案 :AACBB( 2010江苏省南京市 三、阅读理解 D,10分)Peopleoftensay thatthe Englishman s homeis his castle.Theymean that the home is very importantand personalto him.Mostpe
13、oplein Britainlive in housesrather than flats,andmanypeopleown theirhomes.Thismeansthat they can make themindividual(个体的) ;theycan paintthem,andchangethemin anyway theylike.Mosthousehavea garden,evenif it is a verysmallone,andthe gardenis usuallyloved.Thehouseand the gardenarethe private(私人的) spaceo
14、f the individual.Peopleusuallylike to mark theirspace.Areyou sittingnow inyourhomeor on a train?haveyou markedthe spacearoundyourselfas your?Ifyou are on the trainyou may put your coat or smallbag on the seatbesideyou.Ifyou sharea flatyou may have onecorneror chairwhichis your own.OnceI was travelli
15、ngon a trainto London.Iwas in a sectionforfourpeopleand therewas a tablebetweenus .Theman on the spaceon my sideof the tableat all.I was angry.Maybehe thoughtthathe ownedthe wholetable.Ihad read a book aboutnon-verbalcommunication,soI tookvariouspapersout of my bag and put themon his briefcase!WhenI
16、 did thishe stiffenedand his eyesnearlypopped(瞪出 )out of his head.Ihad invaded(侵犯 )his space!AfewminuteslaterI took my papersoff his case in orderto readthem.Heimmediatelymovedhis caseto his sideof the table.Ofcourse,itis possiblethat he just wantedto be helpfulto me!If you are visitinganothercountr
17、yyou may feel that you dont haveany privatespace.Hotelroomslookmuchthe samein everycountryin the world.Allday long,yousharepublicspaceswitho therpople.Yousee the localpeoplein theirprivatespacesandyou feel lonelyand “ outside” .Localpeoplecan createtheirprivatespacesby talkingaboutthingsyou don t kn
18、owabout.Andyou evenfeelthattheylikeyou to be outsidethemso thattheywillenjoybeinginsideevenmore!Thisis one of the difficultiesof beinga traveler!Butif you understandit then it helpsyou .Haven t you enjoyedbeingpart of a groupand “ owning”a bit of space?41.Thewriterwas angryas he was travellingon a t
19、rainto Londonbecause_.A.he had no placeto sit全品中考网B.someonehad invadedhis “ space”C.toomany peopleshareda sectionwith himD.someotherpeopletalkedaboutthingshe didn t know about42. “ you feel lonelyand outside ” in paragraph4 meansthat_.A.youare aloneoutsidethe houseB.youfeel lonelybecauseyou travelon
20、 your ownC.youare aloneand thereforeyou go outsideto have some funD.youfeellonelyand youdon t belongto thatplaceor thatgroupof people43.InParagraph4 ,the pronoun“ them refersto(所指)“ _” .A.publicspaces B.privatespaces C.localpeopleD.othercountries44.Whichof the followingis TRUE accordingto the passag
21、e?A.Britishpeopledislikemarkingtheirspace.B.Youalwaysfeel at home in anothercountry.全品中考网C.MostBritishpeoplepreferlivingin housesto flats.D.Youcan t mark your privatespacein a foreigncountry.45.Thamainpurposeof the passageis to tellreadersto _.A.ownprivatespacesby livingin housesB.haveone cornerof t
22、heirown in publicplacesC.realizethe importanceof “ space” in communicationD.createtheirprivatespacesby talkingwith localpeople答案 :BDCCC(2010山东省潍坊市 四、阅读理解 D ,满分 8 分)WhenI was a foreignteacherin China,everyday I taughtEnglishto my studentsand they taughtme aboutChina.Oneday the topicturnedto saying“ I
23、 loveyou” .I was shockedto learnthatnotone of my studentshad said thisto theirmothers,norhad theirmotherssaidit to them.“ Doesyourmomloveyou?” “ Of course, ”they answered.“ How do you know? ” was my logicalquestion.Theyrespondedthattheirmonscookedandalwaystold themwhattheyweredoingwrongto show their
24、caring.Iwas stunned.So mon s cookingandcriticzingreadout as “ I loveyou ” . “ Thenhowdo you say Iloveyou to her?” Theyagreedthatgettinggoodgradws,followedby god jobs wouldbe how they showedtheirlove.全品中考网I comefroma culturewheremostpeopleare expressiveenough,soI repeatedthesequeriesin classesovertim
25、e.Gradually,Ibeganto get differentresponse.Someof them had exchangedthosesentimentswith theirmoms.One of my favoritestoriesof changecame from a girl.Whenshecame home from university,hermothermet her at the door andhugged( 拥抱 ) her.Thishadneverhappenedbefore,buthermomsaid,“ Now thatyou havegoneI have
26、moretimeto myself.Inoticedthatin someplacesmothersand childrenhug eachotherand I decidedit was a good idea and that I wouldbeginhuggingyou.”In my familywe all say “ I loveyou” a lot .Whileit is truethatwe oftensay the wordswithouthavinggreatdepthof feelingsatthatmoment,itis almostlikea blessingwe gi
27、veeachother.Thosethreelittlewordscarrya worldof meaning,evenwhen said asa greeting,butmostespeciallyif theyare the lastwordswe sayto or hear from thosewe love.全品中考网52.Theforeignteacher_.A.comesfrom America B.is a youngwomanC.is expressiveenough D.knowsmuch aboutChina53.Chinesepeoplepreferto show lov
28、e by_.A.saying“ I love you” 全品中考网 B.cookingC.gettinggood grades D.doingsomethinghelpful;54.Inparagraph4,what s the realmeaningof the mom s hugging?A.Sheis meetingher daughterat the door.B.Shelovesher daughterand missesher.C.Sheis glad that she has more time to herselfD.Shefindsit interestingto hug h
29、er daughter.55.What s the main idea of the passage?A.Say“ I love you” more to your family.B.Say“ I love you ” a lot to Chinesepeople.C.Say“ I love you ” as a greetingto others.全品中考网D.Say“ I love you ” withoutgreatdepthof feelings.答案 :CDBA全品中考网( 2010湖南省娄底市) 阅读下面的短文,并做后面的题目,从 A 、 B 、 C3 个选项中选出能回答所提问题或
30、完成句子的最佳答案。 ( 10 分) Everyyearthereis a SpringFestivalin China.Usuallyit is inJanuaryor February.It is the mostimportantfestivalin China.So beforeit comes, everyonehasto preparethings.Theybuypork,beef, chicken, fruitsandmanyotherthings.Andtheyoftenmakea specialkindof food “ dumplings” . It means“ come
31、together” .On the day beforethe festival, parents buy new clothesfortheirchildren.Childrenalsobuy presentsfor theirparents.OntheSpringFestivalEve( 除夕 ) , allthefamilymemberscomebackto theirhometown.Thisis a happymoment.Somesing and dance,someplaycardsand othersget the dinnerready.Whentheyenjoythe me
32、al, they give each otherthe best wishesfor the comingyear.They all have a good time. 26. Whichis the most importantfestivalin China? A. The Mid- AutumnFestival. B.TheSpringFestival. C.Children s Day. 27. When is the ChineseSpringFestivalusuallycelebrated? A. In Marchor April. B. In May or June. C. I
33、n JanuaryorFebruary. 28. is the specialkindof foodfor the SpringFestivalin China.A. Chicken B. Dumpling C. Fish 29.What s themeaningof thefood “ dumplings” forChinesepeoplein the SpringFestival? A. Look up. B. Help yourself. C. Come together. 30. The family when they are havingdinnertogetheron the S
34、pringFestivalEve. A. give each otherthe best wishesB. buy each otherpresents C. sing, danceand play cards 全品中考网【答案】 26 30 BCBCA(2010. 河北省卷 , . 阅读理解 计 10 分Moreand morepeoplelikebicyclingand it is no surprise.It isfun,healthyand goodfortheenvironment.Maybethat s whythereare 1.4 billionbicyclesand only
35、 400 millioncars on roadsworldwidetoday.Bikescan take you almostanywhere,and thereis no oil cost!Get on a bicycleand ride aroundyour neighbourhood.You maydiscoversomethingnew all aroundyou.Stoppingand gettingoffa bikeis easierthanstoppingand gettingout of yourcar.Youcan bike to work and benefit ( 受益
36、 ) from theenjoyableexercisewithout pollutingthe environment.Youdon t even have to ride all the way.Folding( 折叠 ) bikesworkwellfor peoplewho ridethetrain.Justfold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on anairplane.A foldingbikecan be packedin a suitcase.You can alsotakea commonbikewith
37、you whenyou fly.But be sureto lookforinformationby gettingon airlinewebsites.Not all airlinesarebicycle-friendlyto travellers.HealthBenefitsof Bicycling:l It helpsto preventheartdiseases.全品中考网l Bicyclinghelpsto controlyour weight.A 15-minutebikerideto andfromworkthreetimesa weekburnsoff five kilosof
38、 fat in a year.l Bicyclingcan improveyour mood ( 心情 ).Exerciselike bicyclinghas been shown to make peoplefeel better, more relaxed and self-confident.l Bicyclingis healthierthan driving.56. From the passage,we know that bicyclingis becomingvery.A. surprisingB. excitingC. expensiveD. popular57. Wheny
39、ou are ridingyourbicyclearoundyourneighbourhood,you may .A. pollutethe environmentaroundB. find somethingyou didnt noticeC. go everywhereand use a littleoil D. get off yourbikeandbeginto work58. If you travelwith a foldingbike,you can fold it and _.A. get out of the carB. take it onto a trainC. put
40、it in your purse D. go on airlinewebsites59. One of the benefitsfrom bicyclingis that .A. you can fold the bicycleB. you will be friendlyto othersC. you will be more relaxedD. you may get fatterand fatter60. Whichis TRUE accordingto the passage?A. Bicyclingis enjoyableexercisefor people.B. Drivingca
41、rsis healthierthan ridingbikes.C. Ridinga bike pollutesyour neighbourhood.D. Commonbikesare welcomedby all airlines.【答案】 DBBCA(2010.四川省内江市 第三部分 阅读理解 A 10 分)Are you interestedin countrymusic?Ilikeit verymuch!Itwilltake me awayfor a whileafterI am tired.Theguitarsandsongswill take me to mountainsand f
42、ields.Countrymusicusuallytalksof everydaylifeandfeelings.Its the spiritof America,easyto understand,slowand simple.Countrymusicdevelopedin the SouthernUnitedStates.Itwasthe folkmusicof Americancountryside.Manyof songstellaboutthe livesof famers.Theytalk aboutlove,cropsor death.全品中考网The life of the c
43、ountrysidecan be hard,sothe wordsincountrymusicare oftensad.Atfirst,peopleplayedthe musiconlyat familyparties.Butit becamemore popularlater.Inthe1920s,peopleplayedcountrysongson the radio,andtheymadetheminto records.全品中考网Whenpeoplein the countrysidemovedto townsand citiestolook for work,theytook the
44、irmusicwith them.Countrymusiccontinuedto changeand becamepopularacrossAmerica.JohnDenverwas one of America s mostfamouscountrysingersin the1970s.Hissong “ TakeMe home,CountryRoads” is well-knownand peoplestillplay it today.51.Countrymusicis usuallyabout_.A.everydaylife and feelings B.farmers s feeli
45、ngsC.thelivesof workers52.Countrymusicdeveloped_.A.in John Denver s cityB.in the SouthernUnitedStates全品中考网C.in the NorthemUnitedStates53.Peoplebaganto make countrysong records_.A.in the 1920s B.in 1920 C.in the 1970s54.Whydid Countrymusicbecomepopularin America?A.Becausecity peoplelikedthe music.B.B
46、ecausefarmersmoved to citieswith theirmusicand itcontinuedto change.C.Becausecountrymusictalkedaboutcity people s lives.55.Whois famousfor the song “ Take Me Home,CountryRoads” ?A.A farmerin the countryside. B.A personwho movedto townsC.JohnDenver.全品中考网【答案】 BBABC(2010.四川省内江市 第三部分 阅读理解 C 10 分)My moth
47、erwas tellingme abouthow she and her familygot theirfirsttelevisionwhen she was a teenager.Ofcourseit was blackandwhite.Shesaidsheonlywatchit at night.Shedoesn t rememberoverwatchingit in the morningor afternoon.WhenI was youngwehad onlyabout3 or 4 differentchannels.Mybothers,my sistersand I wouldso
48、metimesfightaboutwhichchannelto watch.Butweusuallyenjoyedthe same shows.Nowadayswe can get hundredsof channelson TV.Ican t believeit!Thereare channelswith old movies,cooking,fishingand soon.It s amazing!Thereis a channelfor everything.Iwonderhowmuchmy bothers,mysistersand I wouldfightif we had hundr
49、edsof channelswhenI wasa child.Ofcoursewe hadonlyonetelevisionset.Thesedays I noticefamilieswith2 or 3 or moretelevisionsets in theirhomes.Iguessit stopspeoplefrom arguingoverwhichchannelto choosefrom .61.Inthosedays,whatkind of televisionsets did peopleonlyhave?A.Blackand whiteones. 全品中考网 B.ColorsOnes.C.Allkindsof televisonsets.62.MymotherwatchedTV _whenshe was young.A.in the morning B.in the afternoonC.at night63.Nowadays,howmany channelscan we g et on TV?A.3 or 4