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1、英文论文题名的编辑,任 胜 利自然科学进展编辑部 (科学网博客),2,有关论文题名的研究论文 中国科技期刊研究,周英智. 国内医学论文英文题名问题调查与分析. 2007,18: 524-526 张震林,等. 科技论文英文标题的编写. 2006, 17: 149 王黛, 等. 医学论文文题中的常见问题分析. 2006,17: 330周桂莲, 等. 农业科技论文标题中2的常见问题及编辑要领. 2006,17: 845 陈望忠, 等. 医学论文英文题名写作的几个问题. 2005, 16: 941 范华泉, 等. 中英美科技期刊论文题目特征的比较分析. 2004, 15: 542 陈道斌. 析科技论文

2、题名中的限定词. 2004, 15: 749 郭国庆, 等. 科技论文英文标题中冗误词的处理. 2003: 14: 146 陈如松. 浅议学术论文标题的逻辑审读. 2003: 14: 212 任胜利. 科技论文英文题名的撰写. 2003: 14: 567,3,朱大明. 科技论文题名中“研究”一词的使用原则. 2006, 18: 187 夏朝晖. 计算技术类期刊论文题名中的“基于”及其相应英文译法. 2005, 17: 40 胡昌军. 科技学术论文题名应言简意赅. 2005, 17: 101 周望舒, 等.水产科技论文题名中常见问题分析. 2005, 17: 112 孙 峰. 科技论文题名编辑加

3、工2例. 2005, 17: 254 尹 茶, 等. 药学核心期刊论文题名质量调查. 2005, 17: 418 陈道斌, 等.科技论文题名的对象限定方式论析. 2004, 16: 24 刘仲祥, 等. 医学期刊编辑应重视论文题名的审读与加工. 2004, 16: 258,有关论文题名的研究论文 编辑学报,4,英文题名的编辑与加工,论文题名: 撰写要求与基本类型 英文论文题名的句法问题 SCI中高被引论文的题名简析,5,论文题名的作用,题名(Title): 以最少数量的单词来充分表述论文的内容 题名的作用 吸引读者: 题名相当于论文的“标签”(label), 题名如果表达不当, 就会使真正需要

4、它的读者错过阅读论文的机会 帮助文献追踪或检索: 文献检索系统多以题名中的主题词作为线索, 这些词如果不准确, 就有可能产生漏检, 从而使论文全文不能被潜在的读者获取,6,题名的基本要求: 准确(Accuracy),题名要准确地反映论文的内容 Bad: Action of antibiotics on bacteria Bad: Preliminary observations on the effect of certain antibiotics on various species of bacteria Good: Action of Streptomycin on Mycobacte

5、rium tuberculosis Better: Inhibition of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Streptomycin,7,题名的基本要求: 简洁(Brevity),中文最好不超过20个汉字,英文最好不超过1012个单词 (100个字符) 如若能用一行文字表达, 就尽量不要用两行 在内容层次较多、难以简化的情况下, 最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法 避免使用Thoughts on ., Regarding , Study, 等,8,题名的基本要求: 清楚(Clarity),题名应清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 力求简洁有效、重点

6、突出 尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头 慎重使用缩略语 避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式等,9,题名的基本要求: 清楚(Clarity),The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults N Engl J Med, 1995, 333: 889893 Reduced expression of beta-catenin inhibitor Chibby in colon carcinoma cell lines WJG, 2006, 12(10):

7、15291535 beta-catenin = -catenin,10,题名类型-I: 名词词组,Inositol trisphosphate and calcium signaling (三磷酸肌醇和钙信号表达 ) Berridge M J. Nature, 1993, 361(6410): 315325Gut flora and bacterial translocation in chronic liver disease Almeida J, et al., WJG, 2006, 12(10): 14931502,11,题名类型-II: 主副题名,WAF1:A potential me

8、diator of p53 tumor suppression WAF1: p53肿瘤抑制作用的一个可能介导因子Cell, 1993, 75(4): 817825Psychological impact of chronic hepatitis C: Comparison with other stressful life events and chronic diseases Castera L, et al., WJG, 2006, 12(10): 1545-1550,12,题名类型-III: 系列题名,Density-functional thermochemistry. III. Th

9、e role of exact exchange密度函数的热化学: 3. 正解交换的作用Becke A D. J Chem Phys, 1993, 98 (7): 56485652,13,题名类型-IV: 陈述性题名,Oct-3 is a maternal factor required for the first mouse embryonic division Cell, 1991, 64: 1103 Relaxin prevents the development of severe acute pancreatitis Cosen-Binker L, et al., WJG, 2006

10、, 12(10): 1558-1568 Cis-hydroxyproline-induced cancer cell growth is mediated by endoplasmic reticulum stress Mueller C, et al., WJG, 2006, 12(10): 1569-1576,14,题名类型-VI: 疑问句题名,When is a bird not a bird?Nature, 1998, 393: 729730 Exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease by nonsteroidal anti-inflamma

11、tory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors: Fact or fiction? Guslandi M. WJG, 2006, 12(10): 15091510Should the K-Ar isotopic ages of olivine basalt be reconsidered? Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43(19): 16701671,15,Running Title (眉题),用于论文的页眉 是论文题名的缩写,一般不超过40个字符 应包含论文中最核心的内容 期刊的习惯,16,Running Title:

12、举例,题目:WAF1: p53肿瘤抑制作用的一个可能介导因子WAF1:A potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression眉题:WAF1 as a mediator of p53 function 题目:淋巴细胞再循环和白细胞迁移中的路径信号: Traffic signals for lymphocyte recirculation and leukocyte emigration: the multistep 眉题:Traffic signals for leukocyte circulation,17,英文题名的编辑与加工,论文题名: 撰写要求与基本类

13、型 英文论文题名的句法问题 SCI中高被引论文的题名简析,18,英文题名问题调查,医药卫生类科技期刊中,随机抽取了220条题名,共发现存在问题者126条 (57.3%, 部分题名甚至多达4处有问题的表达):欠简练93处 (42.3%) / 名词单复数误用38处 (17.3%) / 其他词类误用16处 (7.3%) / 拼写错误16处 (7.3%) / 词序不当12处 (5.5%) / 与中文题名不对应11处 (5.0%) / 结构不平行1处 (0.5%) / 标点符号不当1处 (0.5%)周英智. 国内医学论文英文题名问题调查与分析. 中国科技期刊研究, 2007,18: 524-526,19

14、,题名的句法 (1): 冗余问题,尽量避免使用study,research, analysis, observation, discussion等赘词 避免词义重复 慎重使用缩略语,Prediction of disturbances in the ionophere by using the artificial neural network利用人工神经网络预测电离层F2层骚扰Prediction of disturbances of ionophere by artificial neural networkStudy on characters of two phases structu

15、ral evolution at the Liaohe Basin, China during paleogene times辽河盆地古近纪二期构造演化特征的研究Characteristics of two-phase structural evolution at the Liaohe Basin, China during paleogene time,An application of wavelet mult-resolution analysis in the study of crust-mantle heterogeneous scale小波多分辨分析在壳幔非均匀尺度研究中的应用

16、Application of wavelet multi-resolution in the study of crust-mantle heterogeneous scale Research on methodology of stack imaging of refractive seismic recording折射波地震记录叠加成像方法研究Methodology research on stack imaging of refractive seismic recording,22,缩略语的使用一定要规范,The effects of air pollutants on taking

17、 of SARS GEE用广义估计方程研究大气污染对SARS发病的影响GEEgeneralized estimating equationThe quarantine measures and preventative countermeasures of preventing the propagation of RIFA through international shippings 防止红火蚊随国际航行船舶传播的检疫措施与防控对策RIFAred imported fire ant,23,ZYW influences the gene activity in mice and possib

18、le mechanism of medical treatment headache,正天丸对小白鼠心脏等基因的影响及治疗各种头痛可能的机理 其中的medical和treatment两个词意义重复 使用非公知公用的缩略语ZYW来表示正天丸 (拼写错误,即使可以用缩略语的话,也应为ZTW,而非ZYW) 结构不平行,本标题有两部分组成,连接词and之前为完整句子,而之后为短语形式 词序排列不当,按汉语习惯将“治疗头疼”译为treatment headache 修改Effect of Zhengtianwan on the gene activity in mice and the possible

19、 mechanism in headache therapy,24,Retrospect analysis of.glucose injection from document,葡萄糖注射液不良反应的文献资料分析 复习文献已含有回顾性的意思,故Retrospect analysis 与from document意义重复(即使保留Retrospect analysis,亦最好改为Retrospective analysis) 复习文献也很少用 from document表示,JAMA:Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair: a review of the l

20、iterature 修改: Adverse reactions of glucose injection:a review of the literature,25,题名的句法 (2): 冠词用法,遇到单数可数名词, 不要忘记用冠词 如: the car, a car; 等等 遇到复数名词或不可数名词, 泛指时不可用“the”如: Life is hard. (不能说The life is hard.) 谈论人们的职业或工作时, 用a或an如: She is a bank manager. (不能说She is bank manager.),26,有关冠词用法的基本规则,An applicat

21、ion of wavelet mult-resolution analysis in the study of crust-mantle heterogeneous scale小波多分辨分析在壳幔非均匀尺度研究中的应用Application of wavelet multi-resolution in the study of crust-mantle heterogeneous scaleWavelet arithmetic of g1-term in Molodenskys boundary value problemMolodensky边值问题中解析延拓法g1项的小波算法A wavele

22、t arithmetic of g1-term in the Molodenskys boundary value problem,28,题名的句法 (3): 词序不当问题,由于题名比较简短, 无需主、谓、宾齐全。如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当, 就会影响读者的理解 由最能反映论文核心内容的主题词扩展, 形容词应与其所修饰的名词紧密相邻 Bad: Cars blamed for pollution by scientist 科学家造成的污染归罪于汽车 Good: Cars blamed by scientist for pollution 科学家将污染归罪于汽车,29,词序不当问题,Mechan

23、ism of suppression of nontransmissible pneumonia in mice induced by newcastle disease virus 该题名的本意应是pneumonia was induced, 而不是mice was induced. 因此, 应表达为: Suppression mechanism of nontransmissible pneumonia induced in mice by newcastle disease virus 小鼠中新城病病毒诱导的非传染性肺炎的抑制机理,Paleomagnetic study on Kuche

24、 Depress of Tarim Block in early Cretaceous and its inclination shallowing塔里木地块库车坳陷早白垩世古地磁结果及磁倾角偏低的成因探讨Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Kuche Depression, Tarim Block and the cause of their inclination shallowing,Common imaging point gather migration velocity modeling based on wave equatio

25、n波动方程法共成像点道集偏移速度建模Mgration velocity modeling for common imaging point gathers by the wave equation method,32,题名的句法(4): 名词堆砌问题,Bad: Factors influencing primary liver cancer resection survival rate Good: Factors influencing survival rate after resection of primary liver cancer Bad: Nursing of tran-sph

26、enoid removal of pituitary adenomas 接受护理的应该是病人, 而不是手术 Good: Nursing for patients after tran-sphenoid removal of pituitary adenomas (垂体瘤横楔切除),33,题名的句法(5): 悬垂修饰问题,悬垂分词潜在的主语应是研究者, 而不是研究对象 Bad: Isolation of antigens from monkeys using complement-fixation techniques (猴子使用了补体结合技术?) Good: Using complement-

27、fixation techniques in isolation of antigens from monkeys (用补体结合技术从猴体分离抗体)Using complement-fixation techniques to isolate antigens from monkeys,34,题名的句法(6): 介词问题,“的”, “的” = “of” 或 “for” :of 表示所有关系 for 表示目的、(方法的)用途 Anesthetic management of carotid surgery (颈动脉外科中的麻醉处理 of 应修改为 for)“空气中14C取样器”(采集空气中14C

28、的取样器)Bad: 14C sampler in air (在空气中的14C取样器)Good: A sampler for 14C in air,35,题名的句法: 介词问题,Bad: Linear programming method of optimization of systems of partial differential equation Good: Linear programming method for optimization of partial differential equation systems (微分方程优化的线性方法),36,题名的句法: 介词问题,原名

29、: Formulation of equations of vertical motion of finite element form for vehicle-bridge interaction system 修改: Finite element based formulations for vehicle-bridge interaction system considering vertical motion 车桥相互作用系统有限元形式的竖向运动方程,我国科技期刊的现状及可持续发展分析,Analysis of status and Continuable development of

30、domestic periodical of science and technologySituation and development of Chinese scientific journals,编辑类论文题名修改 1,浅谈知识经济时代科技期刊青年编辑应具备的素质及现状,Analyze On Quality for Young Editors of Scientific Technology Journal in the Time of Knowledge Economy & its Present SituationQuality requirements for young edi

31、tors of scientific journals in the knowledge-based economy era,编辑类论文题名修改 2,高校学报优化审稿环节的几点思考Reflects of university journal to optimize the steps of peer reviewThoughts on optimizing the peer review procedures for university journals,编辑类论文题名修改 3,提高科技期刊的可持续发展能力Improvement in capabilities of sustainable

32、development of scientific periodicalsSustainable development for scientific journals,编辑类论文题名修改 4,加强编辑工作能力,跟上时代步伐Enhance edit faculty for keeping up with times stepEnhance editors capabilities for keeping up with science demands,编辑类论文题名修改 5,我国科技期刊的现状与发展趋势The Situation and Development of the Our Count

33、ry Science and Technology PeriodicalsSituation and development of the scientific journals in China,编辑类论文题名修改 6,我国应用型大学学报的发展现状与应对措施 Present Situation and Response of Our Applications University Journal Situation and developing measures of the application-oriented university journals in China 应用型大学学报编

34、辑业务素质刍议 On the Editors specialty Standards of Applied university Journal Editors professional requirements for application-oriented university journals 应用型大学学报核心化之路的视角与举措 On constructing of applied University journals columns Views and developing measures for application-oriented university journals

35、,44,英文题名的编辑与加工,论文题名: 撰写要求与基本类型 英文论文题名的句法问题 SCI中高被引论文的题名简析,45,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (1),CLUSTAL-W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acid Research, 1994, 22(22): 46734680CLUSTAL-W

36、通过序列加权、位点特异性空位罚分和加权矩阵选择来提高渐进的多序列对比的灵敏度被引9081次, 20个词(计163个字符)以最重要的词CLUSTAL-W作为题名的开头, 紧接着解释其目的是improving the sensitivity of , 达到该目的的手段是through sequence weighting, . 该题名重点突出、准确清楚,46,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (2),Density-functional thermochemistry. III. The role of exact exchange. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1993

37、, 98 (7): 56485652 密度函数的热化学: 3. 正解交换的作用 被引7966次. 典型的系列题名 作者关于density-functional研究的第3篇论文, 重点探讨exact exchange information在提高thermochemical accuracy方面的作用 名词词组题名: The role of exact exchange in improving thermochemical accuracy of density-functional theories 眉题: Density-functional thermochemistry. III,47

38、,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (3),Inositol trisphosphate and calcium signaling. Nature, 1993, 361(6410): 315325 (三磷酸肌醇和钙信号表达) 被引4377次 用5个词简洁、清楚地表达了论文的主题: Inositol Trisphosphate与calcium signaling 使用signal的分词形式(signaling), 较准确地表述论文内容: Inositol trisphosphate is a second messenger that controls many cellular processe

39、s by generating internal calcium signals (该文摘要的首句),48,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (4),WAF1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression. Cell, 1993, 75(4): 817825 WAF1: p53肿瘤抑制作用的一个可能介导因子被引4173次 题名的开头为论文最重要的主题词: WAF1, 副题名解释论文的内容: WAF1 is a potential mediator of P53 tumor suppression. 眉题: WAF1 as a mediator of

40、p53 function (用“function”代替“tumor suppression”, 简洁且切题),49,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (5),Traffic signals for lymphocyte recirculation and leukocyte emigration: the multistep paradigm. Cell, 1994, 76(2): 301314 淋巴细胞再循环和白细胞迁移中的路径信号多步骤范例 被引3299次 主题名为论文的主题, 副题名起补充说明作用 眉题: Traffic signals for leukocyte circulation,5

41、0,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (6),The p21 Cdk-interacting protein Cip1 is a potent inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. Cell, 1993, 75(4): 805816 (p21 Cdk作用蛋白(又称Cip1)是G1细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶的强抑制剂) 被引3247次. 陈述性题名(assertive-sentence title), 如果将其中的“is”改为“as”, 就不如原题名显得有力 眉题: Cip1 is an inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent ki

42、nases以简单陈述句的形式直接表达结论.,51,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (7),The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis A perspective for the 1990s. Nature, 1993, 362(6423): 801809 (展望90年代的动脉硬化发病机制研究) Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acid Research, 1997, 25(17): 33893402 (空位BLAST(碱基

43、局部对准检索)和特殊位置重复BLAST: 新一代蛋白质数据库检索程序),52,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (8),A revised European-American classification of lymphoid neoplasms: a proposal from the International Lymphoma Study Group. Blood, 1994, 84(5): 13611392 (修正的欧美淋巴瘤分类: 国际淋巴瘤研究小组的建议; 眉题: Consensus lymphoma classification) A synaptic modal of memor

44、y: long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Nature, 1993, 361(6407): 3139 (记忆的突触模型: 海马中的“长时程增强”),53,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (9),Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homolog. Nature, 1994, 372(6505): 425432 (小鼠肥胖基因及其人的同源基因的定位克隆) Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillati

45、on mode. Methods in Enzymology, 1997, 276: 307326 (震荡模式中X射线衍射数据的处理) Intracellular signaling by hydrolysis of phospholipids and activation of protein-kinase-C. Science, 1992, 258: 607-614 (磷脂水解和蛋白激酶C激活介导的细胞内信号表达) Differential display of eukaryotic messenger-RNA by means of the polymerase chain-reacti

46、on. Science, 1992: 967-971 (通过PCR进行真核细胞mRNA 的差异显示),54,SCI中高被引论文的题名简析 (10),Identification of programmed cell-death in situ via specific labeling of nuclear-DNA fragmentation. J Cell Biol, 1992, 119: 493-501 (通过特殊标记核DNA片段原位检测程序性细胞死亡) Use of T7 RNA-polymerase to direct expression of cloned genes. Meth

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