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1、This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller

2、and DS18B20 temperature sensor.This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the syst

3、em are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.*培训的必要性没有 艰苦训练 的士兵没有 战斗力没有 教育培训 的员工没有 生产力This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature senso

4、r DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.*目录 CONTENTS心血管疾病肺脏疾病肝脏疾病肾脏疾病睡 眠胃肠疾病This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature me

5、asurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes

6、 the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.*心血管疾病1This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent tem

7、perature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心脏是一个中空的肌性器官,位于胸腔的中部,由一间隔分为左右两

8、个腔室,每个腔室又分为位于上部的心房和下部的心室两部分。心房收集入心血液,心室射血出心。心室的进口和出口都有瓣膜,保证血液单向流动。心脏的主要功能是给躯体供氧和清除体内代谢产物(如二氧化碳等)。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18

9、B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus

10、digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管疾病,又称为循环系统疾病,是一系列涉及循环系统的疾病,循环系统指人体内运送血液的器官和组织,主要包括心脏、血管(动脉、静脉、微血管),可以细分为急性和慢性,一般都是与动脉硬化有关。发病率高、死亡率高、复发率高、致残率高、并发症多8This paper mainly intro

11、duces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature

12、 sensor.心血管疾病的基本症状This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C5

13、1 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管疾病常见症状:发绀、呼吸困难、咳嗽、咯血、胸痛、心悸、少尿、水肿、头痛、头晕或眩晕、晕厥和抽搐、上腹胀痛、恶心、呕吐、声音嘶哑等。 多数症状也见于其他系统的疾病,并非心血管病所特有,因此分析时要做出仔细的判断This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and

14、control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管疾病症状胸闷 、 心悸 不宁、心慌气短; 心率 不齐;胸痛、胸骨后或心前区疼痛;气紧、 晕厥 、虚弱、嗳气;胸部刺痛、固定不移、入夜更甚;舌质紫暗、脉沉弦为主症的冠心病、 心绞痛 、冠状动脉供血不足;上 腹痛 、 恶心

15、、 呕吐 ;左后背痛、左手臂痛。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51

16、microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管病的常见体征:心脏增大征、心音的异常变化、额外心音、心脏杂音盒心包摩擦音、心律失常征、脉搏的异常变化、动脉上的杂音和 “枪击声 ”、毛细血管搏动、静脉充盈或异常搏动、肝大及或有搏动、水肿等。这些体征对诊断心血管病多数具特异性,尤其有助于诊断心脏瓣膜病、先心病、心包炎、心力衰竭和心律失常。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the fu

17、nction of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature contr

18、ol system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管疾病的常见病种This paper mainly introduces the d

19、esign of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.心血管

20、疾病的分类a、根据病因:先天性心血管病:心脏大血管在胎儿期中发育异常所致后天性心血管病: 出生后心脏受到外来或机体内在因素作用而致病常见有动脉粥样硬化、风湿性心脏病、原发性高血压、肺源性心脏病、感染性心脏病、内分泌病性心脏病、血液性心脏病、营养代谢性心脏病、心脏神经症。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using sing

21、le bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.b、病理解剖分类心内膜病、心肌病、心包疾病、大血管疾病、各组织的先天性畸形This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realiz

22、es the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.c、病理生理分类: 心力衰竭、休克、冠状循环功能不全、乳头肌功能不全、心律失常、高动力循环状态、心脏压塞等This paper ma

23、inly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 t

24、emperature sensor.心血管疾病的危害This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system ar

25、e AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.危害一:冠心病导致的猝死心血管疾病除了包括心脏先天器质性疾病,主要指冠状动脉硬化性心脏病,即冠心病,起因主要是心脏血管硬化,无法供应心肌足够的血液和氧。冠心病的危害是致命的,它起病隐匿,有人心肌缺血时毫无症状 ;它发病迅速,虽然动脉硬化的过程需要几年甚至数十年,但几分钟内就可发生心绞痛及心梗。很多患者因缺乏足够的心理准备,导致死亡率极高This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature cont

26、rol system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.危害二:血栓导致的中风、猝死心血管疾病患者多有血管壁硬化,危害也是严重的。动脉硬化到一

27、定程度,血管壁上的沉积物加上粘稠的血液,可造成不同程度的血液凝块进入血循环。血液凝块可能造成血管堵塞,形成血栓。血栓如出现在大脑中、或脑动脉硬化破裂,可造成大脑局部缺血坏死,就是中风 ;视坏死脑区不同,轻则口眼歪斜、半身不遂,重者死亡。血栓如发生在心脏里,则造成心脏局部缺血坏死,发生心肌梗塞,预后不良。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and cont

28、rol by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.危害三:大量危险并发症心血管疾病发展到后期,由于心脏长期泵血不良,全身器官都可能淤血缺氧而遭到不同程度的损害。肺部淤血造成易发肺部感染,肝脏长期淤血缺氧可出现肝硬化,高血压造成肾衰 这些又反过来加重心血管疾病病情。心血管疾病合并高血压

29、、糖尿病等疾病,对身体的危害更多。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51

30、 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.我们该如何预防心血管疾病呢?This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer.

31、The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.*肺 脏疾病2This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor D

32、S18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.肺位于胸腔,左右各一,覆盖于心之上。肺有分叶,左二右三,共五叶。肺经肺系(指气管、支气管等)与喉、鼻相连,故称喉为肺之门户,鼻为肺之外窍This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes t

33、he function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.近 50多年来,世界各国特别是工业发达的国家,肺癌的发病率和病死率迅速上升,死于癌症的男性病人中肺癌已居首位40多年前,在中国因肺部疾病施行

34、外壳手术治疗的病人中,绝大多数为 肺结核 ,次之为 支气管扩张、肺脓肿 等肺化脓性感染疾病, 肺癌 病例为数不多。近 30年,肺切除术的病例中肺癌逐渐增多,已跃居首位,据 上海恶性肿瘤统计资料,在男性癌症中,肺癌发病率急剧增多,居第一位。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital t

35、emperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.肺病是指在外感或内伤等因素影响下,造成肺脏功能失调和病理变化的一类病证。肺炎是由多种病原体 (如细菌、病毒、真菌、寄生虫等 )引起的肺实质的炎症,其他如放射线、化学、过敏因素等亦能引肺炎四季皆可发病,而多发于冬春两季This paper mainly introduces the design of

36、 an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.肺部常见的疾病气胸、肺

37、大泡、肺气肿、肺部阴影、肺癌、肺心病、呼吸衰竭、肺炎、新生儿肺炎、小儿肺炎、气管炎、哮喘、肺结核、尘肺、间质性肺疾病、呼吸系统疾病等This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomput

38、er. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.肺部疾病的症状及临床表现This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature

39、 sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.3.肺痨:以咳嗽、咯血、潮热、盗汗及身体逐渐消瘦等症为主要表现,有传染性。4.肺癌:以咳嗽、咯血、胸痛、发热、气急为主要表现的恶性疾病。5.喘证:主要表现有呼吸困难,甚则张口抬肩,鼻翼煽动,不能平卧等。6.肺胀:临床表现为喘息气促,咳嗽,咯痰,胸部膨满,憋闷如塞,或唇甲紫绀,心悸浮肿等。7.肺痈:临床以发热,咳嗽,胸痛

40、,咯吐腥臭浊痰,甚则脓血相兼为主要表现1咳嗽:临床以咳嗽、咯痰为主要表现2.哮病:主要表现是发作时喉中哮鸣有声,呼吸气促困难,甚则喘息不能平卧This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.肺部疾病的原因

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