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【最新资料】GESE 国际英语口语等级考试讲座ppt模版课件.ppt

1、GESE 国际英语口语等级考试,Graded Examinations in Spoken English for Speakers of Other Languages,伦敦三一学院(TCLTrinity College London),独立的机构-经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。(Trinity College Cambridge ;Trinity Dublin;) 历史悠久-建于1877年;在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的获得英国女王嘉奖。 慈善机构-考务费为穷苦

2、大众开办各种班;,GESE的引进,2004年伦敦三一学院依托北京教育考试院特派专家来福建省考察评估,2005年9月份经省自考办申批,授权福建省人才培训测评中心为该考试在福建唯一承办机构,负责该考试在福建省的考试组织、培训管理。,* 北京教育考试院于1999年正式引进GESE 考试。现每年3-4万考生人次, GESE特点,权威性 系统性 灵活性 个性化 应用性,权威性,GESE是经英国文化委员会提议,经英国国家“课程和课程标准委员会(QCA)”认可,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系 (ESOL)。已经正式纳入英国各类学校课程标准体系。

3、1938年至今,目前已在世界六十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。 每年考生约500,000人 考官队伍严谨:10-12级-由英方考官担任7-9级-中方或英方考官担任1-6级-中方考官担任,系统性,考试分为四段十二级1-3级 分别为5、6、7分钟与考官对话 4-6级 分别为10分钟;自选准备题目;与考官讨论、对话 7-9级 分别为15分钟讲述事先自选准备题目,介绍、讨论一篇事先准备的短文;与考官讨论、对话。10-12级 分别为25分钟与考官对话,自选准备题目;介绍、讨论一篇事先自选的短文;听力,理解;与考官讨论。,The GESE examinations - 4 Stages, comprisin

4、g 12 Grades,灵活性,考试面向社会不同年龄、不同行业、不同学历、不同英语水平的学习者和使用者。 考试时间根据人数和需要而定,全年接受集体或个人报名。 考生可根据考试手册对各级别要求的描述,结合自己的学习、实践经历,选择一个合适于本人水平的级别参加考试。建议“宁取低级别高分,不取高级别低分” 。 考生可以逐级参考,也可以根据自己情况跳级考试。,个性化,考官针对考生所选的话题和文章,和考生面对面、一对一地交谈和问答,完成考试要求。考官力求营造一个和谐友好的、真实的英语谈话氛围,真正达到用英语进行面对面的交流与沟通的目的。GESE考试着重考查考生的实际交流能力,而非考试能力。,A GESE

5、 Exam Genuine Interaction,Hong Kong workplace levels,应用性,考试制度,考试的评定:考官根据考生所选的级别,从以下几方面分项打分:1、听力理解 2、反应速度3、语音 4、词汇 5、语法结构 6、交际策略7、思维组织等考试的成绩: 不及格(Fail)通过 (Pass)良好 (Merit)优秀 (Distinction),考试制度,考分的评定过程:1、全场监控录音2、考官打分3、中方顾问指导4、审听组审听5、顾问抽查6、英国三一审听 考试合格者,45天后知道成绩,2个月后颁发考试合格证书。,GESE证书作用,为用人单位招聘和选用人才提供英语口语水

6、平与能力依据。 为教育、培训机构英语教学效果和学生英语能力的检测手段之一。 为赴境外(特别是英国及欧共体国家)学习和工作者提供国际标准的英语口语水平证明。 是北京地区全国英语等级考试(PETS)口语考官资格的必要条件之一。 为北京中、小学英语教师英语人才提供测评标准。,关于GESE4-6级,考试时间:10分钟,考试内容:两部分 第一部分:自选话题讨论(5分钟) 考生就个人感兴趣的或任何一个熟悉的话题事先填写话题表-topic form(参见附表1),并带入考场与考官进行讨论。,关于GESE4-6级,第一部分:自选话题讨论(5分钟) 4级要求围绕所选话题准备4个讲述点,5级应准备5个讲述点,6级

7、应准备6个讲述点。 考官可以不按话题表上所列顺序提问题,但表上所有各点都会问到。 考生要熟悉所谈的话题,理解含义,语言正确,恰当地表达个人观点。 尽可能不选择与其他考生相同的话题,若选择相同的话题,应从不同的方面谈论该话题。,关于GESE4-6级,第一部分:自选话题讨论(5分钟) 自选话题要准备充分的材料,能使讨论持续5分钟。 考生可借助自带的画片,照片,图表,模型或实物,进行5分钟的话题讨论 但不可以带鸟,昆虫,爬行动物或者其他活的动物进入考场; 更不允许带刀或利器之类的危险物品进考场。,关于GESE4-6级,第一部分:自选话题讨论(5分钟) 在第一部分,所有考生要问考官至少一个与自选话题相

8、关的问题。,关于GESE4-6级,第二部分:对话 (5分钟),考试内容: 考官从考生所选级的对话题目中选取两个话题,与考生进行谈论。,例:4级话题,Holidays Shops Work Hobbies/sports Food Weekend/seasonal activities 在本部分中,虽然考官只选两个话题与考生交谈,但对话题目中所有的话题考生都需做充分准备。 在本部分中,考生不用问考官与对话题目相关的问题。,在本部分中,5级、6级问考官至少一个与话题相关的问题。,网络资源支持,http:/ 北京巨人学校 http:/

9、371 伦敦三一学院 http:/ 北京教育考试学院 http:/ 地址:福建省福州市东大路36号福建人才大厦三层 网站: 电话:0591-28379139 13115923671 E-mail:leqianlin ,考试费用,Preparation for GESE 4-6,How the candidate is assessed,One overall criterion, Task fulfillment, based on: coverage of the communicative skills listed, including

10、the functions the grammatical, lexical and phonological items listed accuracy in the use of the grammatical, lexical and phonological items listed appropriacy of the grammatical, lexical and phonological items used fluency and promptness of response,Report forms (Appendix 2),overall performance in e

11、ach phase key areas for improvements overall result of the examination (Pass or Fail)The Certificate states the level of pass as: Pass with Distinction Pass with Merit Pass,Initial stage (Grades 13),5-7 minutesConversation initiated by the examiner Grade 1: short, 1-2 word responses, actions and ges

12、tures Grade 2: short or full answers Whats his name? Tom / His name is Tom. Simple descriptions: Hes tall. Hes got short hair. Grade 3: linking My brothers tall and hes got short hair. relate to the first common reference level (Basic User) in the Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, t

13、eaching, assessment (2001),Conversation (all grades),Realistic exchange not a formal interview Two of the subject areas listed in the syllabus Grade 1: personal information, naming objects, responding to instruction Grade 4: holidays, shops, work, hobbies Grade 7: education, customs, memories, pollu

14、tion Grade 10: family roles, international events, use of the internet, stress management,Conversation (all grades),The candidate is expected to take increasing responsibility by asking questions fact-finding questions at Grade 4 What kind of food do you like? personal opinion at Grade 6 What do you

15、 think of Beijing? discussion at Grade 11 Whats your opinion about genetically-modified food?,Elementary stage (Grades 46),10 minutes Topic the candidate introduces a topic of his or her own choice. Conversation the examiner selects two subject areas from the list. a bridge from the 1st to the 2nd c

16、ommon reference levels (Basic User to Independent User) in the CEF.,Topic Presentation and Discussion (from Grade 4),The candidate prepares and presents a topic which is used as the basis for interaction Showing what they can do: interest and confidence Candidate choice autonomy, control, relevant O

17、pportunity to use the grammar, functions and lexis of the grade show they can link sentences to talk at some length The examiner directs the discussion using the points on the Topic form The candidate brings an object,Intermediate stage (Grades 79),15 min Topic Presentation the candidate initiates a

18、nd maintains a discussion on a topic Discussion initiated by the examiner and then maintained by the candidate Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner from the list provided. Interactive task The examiner provides an oral prompt to which the candidate has to respond by questioning

19、 the examiner in order to find out more information and by making comments. the second common reference level (Independent User) in the CEF,Preparing students for the Topic,The Topic Digibook,Designed to help students and teachers think about what to choose as the prepared T

20、opic. ensure candidates have the appropriate language and skills for the grade. help candidates present the topic in a lively and natural way, and to take an active part.,Brainstorming ideas one idea leads to another,Write down anything you can think of. Do it in a group (or as a competition). Swap

21、ideas with other groups.Task: In 2 minutes, list as many possible topics as you can think of.,Shortlisting (max 3 topics),Task: Think of 3 questions for the students to ask themselves.Is the topic too complicated or too difficult to talk about? Am I enthusiastic enough about this topic to make it in

22、teresting for myself and the examiner? Do I really know anything about this topic? Can I use the sort of language needed?,Choosing one topic,Chose one topic.Write a working title for your topic. The title can be changed later.,Getting more ideas,Spider diagramWh-questions Who? What? Why? Where? When

23、? How? How often?,Researching materials,Students may need to learn more about their topic. What could some useful sources be? Anticipate what the examiner might say. Teachers need to help students with a structure for their work, and monitor their progress.,Asking the examiner questions,Grade 4 6: S

24、tudents must ask the examiner at least one question about the topic area. Grade 7 12: Students must be prepared to ask the examiner questions about your topic.Task: What are three questions you could ask about your topic?,The Topic Form (grade 4 6),Introduced to encourage spontaneous discussion whic

25、h is not memorised. Complete the topic form and bring it. 4 discussion points for grade 4, 5 for grade 5 and 6 for grade 6. One sentence for each point. The examiner will refer to the points in no particular order.What discussion points would you choose for your topic?,Bringing an object,What object

26、 are you going to bring? Think of 2-3 possibilities and choose one. Ask yourself: What is the object? How is it related to your topic? If you bring a picture, lay it down on the table, the right way up, so the examiner can see it clearly.What object would you bring for your topic presentation?,Sort

27、of language to use,Appropriate to the subject Appropriate for the grade (check syllabus) Natural and “comfortable” language If the candidate uses language that is memorised and beyond them, this will become clear when the examiner asks questions in the conversation phase later.,Dos,Remember - you ar

28、e the expert. Direct the conversation - the examiner will wait for you to get into your topic. Prepare suitable vocabulary and structures, varied and accurate. Use body language and look at the examiner. Is he following you? Listen carefully to the question. It can usually give you clues for the ans

29、wer. Use phrases like: Im sorry, I dont understand. Could you repeat that please?, and Donts,Dont learn your topic by heart! Dont quickly pass over questions in order to remember what comes next. Dont speak too fast the examiner wont follow. Dont hesitate for too long. Dont present lists (This is my

30、 mother, my father) Dont choose a topic from the Conversation list in the syllabus.,Intermediate Stage Preparing students for the Interactive task,Intermediate stage (Grades 79),15 min Topic Presentation initiated and maintained by the candidate Discussion initiated by the examiner and maintained by

31、 the candidate Conversation on two subject areas from the syllabus Interactive taskthe second common reference level (Independent User) in the CEF,Interactive Task (from Grade 7),The candidates own initiating skills are vital for success. The examiner provides an oral prompt. The candidate responds

32、by asking questions to find out more information and by making comments. Eg: “Though Id really like to feel healthier, I dont know the best way to start. Tests independence and ability to take control through questions and functions. An authentic exchange, with the functions listed arising naturally

33、.,Grade 7 - Interactive prompts,“For the next part, Ill tell you something. Then, you have to ask me questions to find out more information. You need to keep the conversation going. After about four minutes, Ill end the conversation. Are you ready?“A. I love my job, though there are times when I thi

34、nk Id like to do something completely different. (Eliciting further information and expansion of ideas and opinions, making suggestions)B. I havent heard for ages from a friend of mine who lives in Australia and Im beginning to get a bit worried. (Giving advice, expressing possibility and uncertaint

35、y, eliciting further information),Some Dos.,Listen carefully to the instructions and make sure you understand the prompt and the task. Remember that you need to get information, provide suggestions etc not talk about themselves. Listen carefully to the answer. The examiner will often answer and then provide some extra information. Use this to ask / suggest etc.,

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