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本文(洗胃术护理基本技能培训课件.ppt)为本站会员(微传9988)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr oco

2、ntroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃术 益田社区健康服务中心 张丽 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom pute

3、r. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 目标 时间 40分 洗胃的目的、方法 掌握洗胃术 适应症与禁忌症 电动洗胃术的操作步骤 洗胃术注意事项 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and c

4、ont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃的目的 迅速清除胃内毒物,阻止毒物进一步吸收 为某些手术或检查作准备 减轻胃黏膜水肿 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent empe

5、rature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃的方法 口服催吐法 胃管洗胃法: 1.

6、漏斗胃管洗胃法 2.注射器洗胃法 3.电动吸引器洗胃法 4.自动洗胃机洗胃法 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core componen

7、t s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃的适应症与禁忌症 适应症 非腐蚀性毒物中毒 有机磷 .各种药物 禁忌症 腐蚀性毒物中毒 强酸强碱 患有食道静脉曲张 . 主动脉瘤 .严重心脏病 .上消化道出血 . 胃穿孔的病人 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur

8、e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃前的准备 Preparation for gastric lavage 选择适宜的胃管 Choose appropriate stomach tube 配制适宜的胃液 Ch

9、oose appropriate gastric lavage fluid 选择置管方式 Choose appropriate the way to put into stomach tube This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor

10、 DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃溶液选择 1 原则:根据毒物种类不同而选择 2 保护剂:用于食入腐蚀性毒物,如牛奶 .蛋清水 3 溶剂:用于饮入脂溶性毒物,如石蜡 4 吸附剂:如活性炭 5 解毒剂:(下表) 6 氧化剂:用于生物碱、蕈类的解毒,如高锰酸钾溶液 7 中和剂:用于强酸、强碱的中和,用弱碱、弱酸 This paper mainly int

11、roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t

12、emperature sensor. 名称 作用及用量 注意事项 温水及生理盐水 物理溶解、机械冲洗作用,用于毒物不明的急性中毒:成人每次 300500ml,儿童每次 100200ml,反复进行 液体温度 2538 左右, 以防血管扩张加速毒物吸收,注意出入量平衡 活性炭混悬液 吸附作用,用于多种药物及化学物质的急性中毒;25g置于 1000ml水中,摇匀,反复进行 鞣酸溶液 沉淀作用,用于生物碱及某些金属(砷、汞除外)中毒; 2%4%溶液 高锰酸钾溶液 氧化作用,用于有机毒物及多种药物(如巴比妥类、阿片类)中毒;浓度 1: 50001: 10000为好 对硫酸、内吸磷、乐果、马拉硫磷、硫特普

13、等不能用。要充分溶解,切勿使高锰酸钾的结晶接触口腔及胃粘膜 碳酸氢钠溶液 可沉淀多种生物碱,也可分解有机磷农药(敌百虫除外);常用 2%5%溶液 碳酸氢钠为碱性溶液,可产生气体,不能一次灌入大量,以防产生大量气体将毒物驱入肠内 硫酸钠溶液 用于钡盐中毒,使生成不溶性钡沉淀;常用2%5%溶液 硫酸铜溶液 用于黄磷中毒,生成不溶解的磷化铜;常用0.2%0.5%溶液 用后再用清水或生理盐水洗胃,以防硫酸铜吸收 葡萄糖酸钙及氯化钙溶液 用于氟化物、草酸盐中毒,使生成氟化钙、草酸钙沉淀;常用 1%溶液 硫代硫酸钠溶液 用于碘、砷、汞、氰化物中毒,使结合生成无毒的硫化物;常用 5%溶液 米汤、面糊 用于碘

14、中毒,使碘灭活;常用 1%10%溶液 用到洗胃液不显蓝色为止 甲醛次硫酸钠溶液 用于升汞中毒,起沉淀作用;常用 2%的溶液 250ml 氨水、醋酸铵、碳酸铵溶液 用于甲醛中毒,使形成不活泼的乌洛托品;常用0.2%氨水、醋酸铵或碳酸铵 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit a

15、l temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃的操作步骤 用物准备 病人评估 洗胃步骤: 1.先将胃内容物尽量抽尽 2. 灌入 300-500ml洗胃液 3. 再排出灌入液体 4. 反复灌洗直到洗胃液纯清无味 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent

16、emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 一、 胃管插入长度的确定 具体长度

17、 : 成人大约为 45 55cm; 婴幼儿大约 14-18cm. 1.前额发际 剑突距离 2.鼻尖 耳垂 剑突距离 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter

18、. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 二、 清醒患者与昏迷患者的 插管要点 一)清醒患者: 2.指导患者想象 “ 橡皮面条 ” ,进行吞咽动作。 1.进行有效沟通,取得患者合作。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e

19、 measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 二)昏迷患者 以加大咽部的弧度。 插入会厌部时 ( 14-16cm) 抬高头部 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an in

20、teligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 三、 证实胃管在

21、胃内的方法1.抽:抽出胃液 3.看:无气泡冒出 2.听:气过水声 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of

22、 the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 图:自动洗胃法 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and si

23、ngle chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 洗胃的注意事项 1. 洗胃液每次进入不宜过多,进出要平衡 。 2. 洗胃液性质尽可能视毒物而定。 3. 中毒物质不明时,应抽取胃内容物送检,洗胃溶液可暂时用温开水或等渗盐水,待毒物性质明确后再采用对抗剂洗胃。急性中毒病例、病人能配合者,应迅速采用“口服催吐法” 4、在洗胃过程中,密切观察病人生命体征及有无异常情况,如病人出现腹痛、流出血性液体或有虚脱表

24、现,应立即停止操作,并通知医生进行处理 5、每次灌入量不得超过 500ml,注意记录灌注液名称、液量、洗出液的数量、颜色、气味等 6、 吞服强酸强碱类腐蚀性药物病人切忌洗胃 ;消化道溃疡、食管梗阻、食管静脉曲张、胃癌等病人一般不做洗胃;急性心肌梗死、重症心力衰竭、严重心律失常和极度衰竭者不宜洗胃;昏迷者洗胃应谨慎 7、使用自动洗胃机洗胃,使用前应检查机器各管道衔接是否正确、紧密,运转是否正常。勿使水流至按键开关内,以免损坏机器,用毕要及时清洗,避免污物堵塞管道 掌握适应症与禁忌症 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent

25、 emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 小 结 一、洗胃的目的 .方法

26、.适应症与禁忌症 .注意事项 三、插管要点:清醒患者 有效沟通、指导吞咽; 昏迷患者 抬高头部 二、插管长度的两种比量方法 四、三种验证方法:抽、听、看 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single

27、chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. Thanks

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