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1、第十四章: 纤维蛋白,fibrous proteins,蛋白质通常可分为两种截然不同的功能类型,即由排列为长的蛋白纤维所构成的被动的结构材料和排列为小的致密结构域的多肽链所组成的细胞机理的活性成分。不管它们在结构和功能上的差异如何,这些类型的蛋白都含有由环区域所隔开的a螺旋和折叠片。在大多数情况下,纤维蛋白含有特殊的重复氨基酸顺序,这对于它们的特殊三维结构来说是必需的。作为结构的材料纤维蛋白象其它的多聚物材料一样在生物体内它们都是长链分子,通过蛋白质分子内的各个分立的长链分子的交联、内部插入和缠绕的合适组合,形成具有许多不同功能性质的蛋白质纤维蛋白。根据组成纤维蛋白每个分子的二级结构,可分为三

2、种不同的结构类型:角蛋白keratin 和肌浆球蛋白myosin 中的超卷曲a螺旋coiled-coil-helix ,胶原蛋白collagen 中的三螺旋,和淀粉样纤维amyloid fibers和丝silk 中的b折叠片。,The fundamental structural unit is a simple repeating element of secondary structure. All fibrous proteins are insoluble in water. A hydrophobic amino acid residues both in the interior

3、of the protein and on the surface.,Four most representative fibrous proteins:1, Keratins (角蛋白) :-Keratin in hair, fingernails and animal skin -Keratin in feathers and scales2, Collagen (胶原蛋白): in the matrix of bone, tendons, skin(up to 1/3)3, Elastin (弹性蛋白): in ligaments and arterial blood vessels(韧

4、带) (动脉血管) 4, Fibroin (丝心蛋白): in silk made by silkworms or spiders,Fibrous Proteins: Structural Materials of Cells and Tissues,主动脉,腱,Three most abundant residues in fibrous proteins,存在于丝毛中的a螺旋纤维是有柔性的,它们可以伸展为近两倍的长度,并且具有弹性以使得当张力被释放时可以恢复到原始的长度。胶原蛋白纤维与之相比则更具有强度抗拉伸,因而相对具有刚性折叠片纤维。既具有强度也有柔性最好的例子是蜘蛛网纤维,某些蜘蛛的

5、网比相同粗细的钢丝还要强,并且同时还具有柔性,以使得在蛛网上捕捉到昆虫时不被弄破。纤维折叠片在细胞内也可由一些可溶性球蛋白的错误折叠产生因而会引起,像阿尔茨海默Alzheimers 病和疯牛病prion等疾病。纤维蛋白常常形成原丝protofilaments 或初纤维protofibrils,它们可以组装为结构专一高度有序的丝蛋白或纤维蛋白。例如胶原蛋白、淀粉样蛋白、中间体丝蛋白、管状蛋白tubulin、 肌浆球蛋白和纤维蛋白原fibrinogen 等。一般说来这些丝蛋白或纤维蛋白不能被结晶,因为它们仅在两维方向上有序。但是有序的纤维能够给出二维的衍射图形,并可根据此二维图形获得它们大概的结构

6、信息。但某些纤维蛋白或片段,例如纤维蛋白原原肌球蛋白tropomyosin、 胶原蛋白、spectrin 和肌浆球蛋白等已被结晶,并且获得了它们的三维结构,这些详细的三维结构信息对于解释有序的丝蛋白和纤维蛋白的衍射图形和电子显微镜照片是很有帮助的。,在某些情况下纤维状的蛋白组装为一个高度有序的结构是一个动力学的过程,例如微管。它是由长的中空的球状蛋白-管状蛋白组成的多聚物,它可以连续地发生解聚和重聚化作用,并由此来控制细胞器organelles 和细胞其它成分的定位。在成纤维细胞fibroblast 中,单个微管的半衰期大约是10 分钟,而一个管状蛋白分子的平均寿命要超过20 小时,这样每个管

7、状蛋白在它的寿命中将通过许多微管周期。,collagen 这个字来源于西腊字,意思是浆糊。建立在不同家族成员的氨基酸顺序测定的基础上,现在的定义是collagen 是一类蛋白质。它们在细胞间的空间中组装为纤维状多分子的聚集,并且由具有大量的含有重复顺序Gly-X-Y 的三条肽链组成。X 通常为脯氨酸,Y 通常为羟基脯氨酸,羟基脯氨酸是由一种特殊的脯氨酰羟化酶prolyl hydroxylase 脯氨酸的后转录修饰所形成的。每一个胶原蛋白的多肽链含有大约1000 个氨基酸残基,一个完整的分子大约3000 长。胶原蛋白链首先被合成为一个大的前体称作原胶原蛋白procollagens。 此原胶原蛋白

8、在其头尾两端含有两个约为200 氨基酸残基的原肽propeptides ,这些原胶原蛋白的肽链在它们被组装成三链分子之前被转运到不光滑的内质网腔中,并在内质网腔中被羟基化和被进行其它的化学修饰,其末端的原肽对于合适的三链分子的形成是相当重要的。在它们形成三链结构之前首先形成链内二硫键,这些二硫键可指导三条链的对齐,然后原肽被细胞间的酶所切开,并经细胞排粒作用排出。两端的原肽的刺激使得三链分子聚集为几微米长50-200 纳米直径的纤维蛋白,然后这些纤维蛋白边边平行相靠堆砌为平行束即胶原蛋白纤维,这样的胶原蛋白纤维的强度要比相同尺度的钢丝还要强。当成熟的胶原蛋白被变性的时候,由于没有原肽的存在多肽

9、链可以互相交联在不同的部位上,而不能仅交联在它们的末端上,因而形成随机的三链,这些聚集作用只能形成胶明胶gelatin。,一、胶原蛋白,Collagen,Collagen collagen has evolved to provide strength. It is found in connective tissue such as tendons, cartilage软骨, the organic matrix of bone, and the cornea角膜 of the eye. The collagen helix is a unique secondary structure q

10、uite distinct from the helix. It is left-handed and has three amino acid residues per turn Collagen is also a coiled coil, but one with distinct tertiary and quaternary structures: three separate polypeptides, called chains (not to be confused with helices), are supertwisted about each other. The su

11、perhelical twisting is right-handedin collagen, opposite in sense to the left-handed helix of the chains. There are many types of vertebrate collagen. Typically, they contain about 35% Gly, 11% Ala, and 21% Pro and 4-Hyp (4-hydroxyproline, an uncommon amino acid.,The unusual amino acid content of co

12、llagen is related to structural constraints unique to the collagen helix. The amino acid sequence in collagen is generally a repeating tripeptide unit, GlyXY, where X is often Pro, and Y is often 4-Hyp. Only Gly residues can be accommodated at the very tight junctions between the individual chains.

13、The Pro and 4-Hyp residues permit the sharp twisting of the collagen helix. The amino acid sequence and the supertwisted quaternary structure of collagen allow a very close packing of its three polypeptides. 4-Hydroxyproline has a special role in the structure of collagenand in human history.The tig

14、ht wrapping of the chains in the collagen triple helix provides tensile strength greater than that of a steel wire of equal cross section. Collagen fibrils are supramolecular assemblies consisting of triple-helical collagen molecules (sometimes referred to as tropocollagen molecules) associated in a

15、 variety of ways to provide different degrees of tensile strength. The chains of collagen molecules and the collagen molecules of fibrils are cross-linked by unusual types of covalent bonds involving Lys, HyLys (5-hydroxylysine); His residues that are present at a few of the X and Y positions in col

16、lagens. These links create uncommon amino acid residues such as dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine. The increasingly rigid and brittle character of aging connective tissue results from accumulated covalent cross-links in collagen fibrils.,早期由P.Puuling, F. Crick 和A. Rich 等人对胶原蛋白纤维衍射研究的解释指出,三条多肽链的每一条都被折叠为

17、一个伸展的左手螺旋,在此螺旋中每螺旋圈有3.3 个残基,每个残基沿螺旋轴上升的高度为2.9 。与之相比更致密的右手a螺旋每圈为3.6 个残基,每残基的上升高度为1.5 ,因此胶原蛋白螺旋中每圈的高度为9.6, 而右手a螺旋的每圈的高度为5.4。 胶原蛋白的这种伸展的肽链必须聚集形成稳定的结构。 图14-1: 每一条胶原蛋白分子的多肽链折叠为一种伸展的聚脯氨酸II 型螺旋,其每圈沿螺旋轴上升9.6, 每圈3.3 个残基在胶原蛋白分子中三条这样的多肽链绕着。一个公共的轴形成一个3000 长的杆状超卷曲分子,其多肽链的氨基酸顺序含有Gly-X-Y 的重复序列,一条多肽链两圈的球棒模型 一条胶原蛋白多

18、肽链的模型,每个氨基酸残基被表示为一个球 胶原蛋白超螺旋的一小部分的结构。三条链分别被标以不同的颜色合成的脯氨酸或甘氨酸多聚物,也可以折叠为相似的伸展的左手螺旋,因此,此种螺旋的类型被称作聚脯氨酸II 型类型蛋白激酶的SH3 结构域,可以识别其它蛋白中的短的富含脯氨酸的片段,当这些片段结合到SH3 结构域上时,它们具有与胶原蛋白相似的螺旋构象。,胶原蛋白中的三条II 型聚脯氨酸螺旋可通过绕中心轴的卷曲形成一个三体分子,此三体分子是一个具有大约100 重复距离的右手超螺旋图, 在此超螺旋中因为每条链中的第三个残基的侧链要紧挨着中心轴而在此位置上是没有足够空间容纳侧链的,因此它们只能是甘氨酸残基,

19、任何其它的残基都将会破坏超螺旋结构。某些遗传性的结缔组织疾病就是由于编码这些甘氨酸残基的基因的突变造成的。此顺序的要求是三螺旋类胶原蛋白结构域的一个标志,此标志被用来进行未知结构的蛋白的序列分析,三螺旋结构域已被发现存在于多种的超分子聚集的结构中。其范围从腱tendons 和软骨cartilage 的胶原蛋白纤维到基底膜的网络形式和血互补成分C1q 或糖结合collectin 中的短的三螺旋平行串。,The structure of collagen (胶原蛋白) fibers,The repeating tripeptide sequence Gly-X-Pro or Gly-pro-4Hy

20、p) adopts a left-handed helical structure with three residues per turn b) space-filling model of the same chain c) Three of these helices wrap around one another with a right-handedtwist d) three-strands collagen superhelix shown from one end (Gly in red),胶原蛋白三螺旋的详细的结构细节已被人们进行了研究。H.Berman 研究组测定了人工合成

21、的类胶原蛋白肽段(Pro-Y-Gly)10 1.9分辨率的晶体结构,此合成的类胶原蛋白多肽不能形成纤维但可结晶。为了研究正常的胶原蛋白三螺旋结构和甘氨酸位置被突变后的效应的细节,人们设计了特殊的氨基酸顺序,在此结构的中间有一个甘氨酸被突变为丙氨酸。结构表明了直接的以及水介导的氢键在稳定三螺旋结构的重要性。此外结构还表明丙氨酸的侧链只要在螺旋的局部几何学上作一些小的调整后,也可存在于三螺旋的内部。图14-2 在肽链中部由甘氨酸突变为丙氨酸的一个类胶原蛋白的结构。 模型每一条肽链都折叠为聚脯氨酸II 型螺旋,并且三条多肽链形成一个类似于胶原蛋白分子一部分的超螺旋。丙氨酸残基侧链可适配在超螺旋的内部

22、,但引起了每条链扭曲的轻微变化,此调整可允许链间隙水分子参与链的连接,此种构象位移可帮助顺序变化的适配,在正常的三螺旋胶原蛋白结构中,三条链是通过一条链的脯氨酸的C=O 基团和另一条链的甘氨酸的NH 基团形成直接的氢键紧密连接的。图14-3 胶原蛋白中三螺旋的链间氢键(a) 正常胶原蛋白中三螺旋件的氢键(b) 在肽链的中间部分由Gly-Ala 替换结构中的水介导氢键由于丙氨酸侧链的存在有四个水分子插入到三螺旋的内部,在丙氨酸残基周围的区域三条多肽链被丙氨酸侧链强行撑开,有四个水分子进入到链之间,直接的氢键被水介导的氢键所替换。,所有的侧链以及甘氨酸的C=O 基团在三条链中都位于三螺旋分子的外部

23、以便与水分子接触,这些水分子介导了羟基脯氨酸的羟基和每条链以及不同的链之间的C=O 和NH 基团之间的氢键。图14-4 类胶原蛋白多肽晶体结构中观察到的链内水桥的模型。三条肽链分别被标以绿色、红色和蓝色,水分子的氧原子被标以黄色,氢原子被标以白色,(a) 三个水分子与两个C=O 基团形成氢键并与其它水分子连接 (b)长的水桥形成了围绕三螺旋的网络。这些水分子介导的氢键对于三螺旋的稳定是主要的。可以假定这可能也是羟基脯氨酸存在于胶原蛋白中的原因,Collagen molecules. The chains are cross-linked by unusual types of covalent

24、 bonds involving Lys, HyLys or His that are present at a few of the X and Y positions in collagen,Structure of collagen fibrils. Collagen (Mr 300,000) is a rod-shaped molecule, about 3,000 long and only 15 thick. Its three helically intertwined chains may have different sequences, but each has about

25、 1,000 amino acid residues. Collagen fibrils are made up of collagen molecules aligned in a staggered fashion and cross linked for strength. The specific alignment and degree of cross-linking vary with the tissue and produce characteristic cross-striations in an electron micrograph. In the example s

26、hown here, alignment of the head groups of every fourth molecule produces striations 640 apart.,Biosynthesis and assembly of collagen,Steps: 1. Translation on the ribosome (synthesizing the primary structure); 2. Hydroxylation of the lysine and proline side chains (still on the ribosome); 3. Release

27、 from the ribosome and addition of sugars to lysines to create procollagen; 4. Assembly of central regions into triple helices/folding of N-terminal and C-terminal ends into globular structures; 5. Export of procollagen complexes from the cytosol to the extracellular space; 6. Cleavage of N-terminal

28、 and C-terminal regions, yielding the tropocollagen triple helix; 7. Oxidation of some lysine residues to aldehyde乙醛 derivatives, which cross-link with lysine residues or one another on other strands to solidify the fiber,成骨不全,A typical mammal has more than 30 structural variants of collagen, partic

29、ular to certain tissues and each somewhat different in sequence and function. Some human genetic defects in collagen structure illustrate the close relationship between amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure in this protein. Osteogenesis imperfect is characterized by abnormal bone forma

30、tion in babies; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is characterized by loose joints. Both conditions can be lethal, and both result from the substitution of an amino acid residue with a larger R group (such as Cys or Ser) for a single Gly residue in each chain (a different Gly residue in each disorder). These s

31、ingle-residue substitutions have a catastrophic effect on collagen function because they disrupt the GlyXY repeat that gives collagen its unique helical structure. Given its role in the collagen triple helix Gly cannot be replaced by another amino acid residue without substantial deleterious effects

32、 on collagen structure.,先天性结 缔组 织发育 不全 综合征,二、 超卷曲通常形成纤维蛋白寡聚体和球状蛋白a螺旋超卷曲的基本特征是氨基酸顺序是由七重(a-g)重复所识别的。位置a 和d 通常是疏水氨基酸,亮氨酸拉链DNA 结合蛋白也是利用超卷曲形成均二聚体和异二聚体球蛋白的。各种纤维蛋白也有七重重复顺序,它们也可利用超卷曲形成寡聚体,主要是二聚体和三聚体。包括肌浆球蛋白、纤维蛋白、原肌动蛋白、交联蛋白像spectin 和dystrophin 以及间丝蛋白(desmin) 、角蛋白(keratin) ,vimentin 和神经丝蛋白等。角蛋白是皮肤毛发和皮革等的主要结构蛋

33、白,它属于间丝蛋白intermediate filaments 超家族的成员。在人的基因组中由大约60 种不同大小的基因组成。该家族的所有成员都含有一个同源的约有300 个氨基酸残基的中央区域,此中央区域具有典型的能够形成超卷曲的七重重复顺序。,图14-5: 间丝蛋白单 体的结构域和大多数的间丝蛋白具有一个很相似的通常大约由310 个氨基酸残基组成的并形成伸展的a螺旋的棒状结构域,它们的氨基端和羧基端结构域是非a螺旋,并且大小和顺序的变化很大。假定这些中央区域形成一个双股超卷曲的均二聚体棒状结构域和两端的两个球状结构域,棒状结构域相互作用形成丝的核心,而大小不同的球状结构域凸出在丝的表面上。,

34、此多肽链组装为间丝蛋白的假说图示于图14-6。 图14-6 间丝蛋白构造的模型。(a) 单体。 (b)两个单体配对形成超卷曲二体。 (c) 两个二体形成反平行四体。 (d) 每个四体内二体之间产生摇晃以利于与另外一个四体的作用。 (e) 四体沿螺旋方向包裹最后形成10nm 的索状间丝蛋白,-Keratin,The -keratins have evolved for strength. Found in mammals, these proteins constitute almost the entire dry weight of hair, wool, nails, claws, qui

35、lls, horns, hooves, and much of the outer layer of skin. The -keratins are part of a broader family of proteins called intermediate filament (IF) proteins. Other IF proteins are found in the cytoskeletons of animal cells. All IF proteins have a structural function and share structural features exemp

36、lified by the -keratins.,Proposed structure for keratin-type intermediate filaments,a)two left-handed sense helices b) Two-chain coiled-coils c) Protofilaments d) Protofibrils and four protofibrilsform an interme-diate filement,An individual polypeptide in the -keratin coiled coil has a relatively s

37、imple tertiary structure, dominated by an -helical secondary structure with its helical axis twisted in a left-handed superhelix. The intertwining of the two -helical polypeptides is an example of quaternary structure. Coiled coils of this type are common structural elements in filamentous proteins

38、and in the muscle protein myosin. The quaternary structure of -keratin can be quite complex. Many coiled coils can be assembled into large supermolecular complexes, such as the arrangement of -keratin to form the intermediate filament of hair.,a hair is an array of many -keratin filaments,Structure

39、of hair: Hair -keratin is an elongated helix with somewhat thicker elements near the amino and carboxyl termini. Pairs of these helices are interwound in a left-handed sense to form two-chain coiled coils. These then combine in higher-order structures called protofilaments and protofibrils. About fo

40、ur protofibrils32 strands of -keratin altogethercombine to form an intermediate filament. The individual two-chain coiled coils in the various substructures also appear to be interwound, but the handedness of the interwinding and other structural details are unknown.,三、连续的折叠片构成淀粉样纤维,淀粉样变性amyloidosis

41、 是因为正常的球状和可溶的蛋白沉积在组织,例如大脑和眼睛的细胞间空间中,变为稳定的不可溶纤维的疾病。这种纤维的沉积是与几种淀粉样疾病相关的,包括传染性海绵状脑病 (transmissable spongiform encephalopathies) 和克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布综合症(Creutzfeld-Jacob)、 阿尔茨海默病Alzheimers disease和II 型糖尿病(type II diabetes)。 来自于不同来源的淀粉样纤维(Amyloid fibrils)共属于一个超结构,此超结构是一个大约直径为为100 的长直无分支的棒状体。,人们已经根据甲状腺素运载蛋白transt

42、hyretin 蛋白的淀粉样纤维结构提出了纤维结构的一致性模型。C. Blake 和L. Serpell 利用同步辐射光源获得了高分辨率的淀粉样纤维衍射图形,表明这种来自于病人的淀粉样纤维是因家族的淀粉样变性 (familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy) 。这些病人的transthyretin 蛋白发生了一个单点突变Val-Met, transthyretin 蛋白的功能是把甲状腺素(thyroxine) 携带进血流中,这种突变引起了可溶的球状transthyretin 蛋白分子的聚合,并进而变为沉积在心脏和眼睛上。C. Blake 研究组早期已经测定了trans

43、thyretin 可溶性蛋白的晶体结构结构,表明它是一个均四聚体,每个亚基折叠为一个反平行的结构, 图14-7 transthyretin 球状形式的一个亚基的结构,链分别被标以A 到H,链C 和D 在淀粉样纤维中被认为是非折叠的。,图14-8 transthyretin 蛋白纤维形成的折叠片螺旋的模型。由24 条链组成的螺旋的重复单位中,每条链平均扭曲了15,四个transthyretin 多肽链以不同的颜色表示。由于在球状蛋白中链之间的平均距离大约为4.8, 沿纤维方向的重复单位相应于24 条链,每条链扭曲15。 此值与球状蛋白中的折叠片有着很好的吻合。根据高分辨率的纤维衍射图形,人们还建

44、议每一个重复单位由四个transthyretin 分子构成,每个transthyretin 贡献六条链,形成折叠片螺旋。此模型还认为在形成纤维时丢失了两条链,图14-7 中的C 和D链,此推论已被部分的实验所支持。transthyretin 纤维的电子显微镜照片表明它的宽度大约为130 ,是由四个直径为50-60 的平行原丝构成的。Blake 和Serpell 提出每一个原丝是由四个连续扭曲的折叠片所组成的,此扭曲的折叠片以无限的长度沿纤维轴方向前进, 链垂直于纤维轴。每条链含有大约10 个氨氨基酸残基,四个折叠片配对排列,每对通过折叠片之间的疏水内核获得稳定。就像 结构的球状蛋白的情况一样。

45、两对折叠片之间也以互相配对方式形成在衍射图上扭曲的螺旋,构成了原丝的正常的内核结构,且此内核结构必须被其它物质例如多肽链的环区域所包围,而这些环区域则对纤维衍射没有贡献。,此模型暗示着transthyretin 蛋白从球状向纤维状重折叠,但是在其它蛋白中大量的重折叠事件的发生是主要为a螺旋的球状亚基转变形成淀粉样折叠片纤维。例如prions 和a-乳清蛋白(a-lactalbumin)就是这种情况。即使此模型的细节可能是不正确的,但它不仅可解释相应的纤维衍射,而且也能从球状蛋白的折叠片的结构研究获得相应的知识。,The amyloidoses comprise a spectrum of di

46、seases caused by the systemic or localised deposition of characteristic fibrillar material, termed amyloid fibrils. These deposits can be found in various organs and tissues throughout the body. Each amyloidosis is classified according to the chemical nature of the protein that forms the initial amy

47、loid fibril deposit. Amyloid fibrils are ubiquitous structures that are rich in cross -sheets and typically have a fibrillar morphology, which can vary in length and diameter. Amyloid fibrils are detected in vitro and in vivo using specific-binding molecules, namely Congo Red, thiophene derivatives

48、and Thioflavin-S and T. The most common amyloidoses are Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease and type 2 diabetes, in which amyloid fibrils are found deposited in the central nervous system and in beta cells from the pancreas胰腺, respectively . a group of diseases that roughly affects approximately 8,000

49、-10,000 people worldwide. These amyloidoses are caused by the aggregation of transthyretin (TTR), an amyloidogenic protein that can give rise to amyloid fibrils .,Transthyretin (TTR) was first discovered in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 脑脊髓 in 1942 and then sequenced in 1984, receiving the name prea

50、lbumin前白蛋白 because of its electrophoretic migration pattern compared to albumin白蛋白. Afterwards, aiming to better describe its functionality, its name was changed to transthyretin- the transporter of thyroxine甲状腺素 (T4) and retinol视黄醇、维生素A. TTR transports retinol through binding to retinol-binding pro

51、tein (RBP) and T4 due to the formation of a hydrophobic channel, which exists only when TTR is tetrameric. Although its function may vary, TTR is highly conserved from humans to bacteria . TTR is a 55 kDa homotetrameric protein predominantly synthesised by the liver and choroid plexus脉络膜丛, which is located in the brain. Although TTR is known primarily as a transporter, emerging evidence has demonstrated that TTR can also act as a protease and a neuroprotective molecule .,

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