1、Operations Manual for NEMA TS2 and 2070 Controllers,(一),一、基本操作,相位基本参数 Ring, sequence Overlap,相位基本参数,The purpose of a traffic signal controller is to service demand for right-of-way from vehicles and pedestrians phases competing for green and walk time. A phase is a composite of vehicle and pedestria
2、n intervals assigned to each traffic movement at an intersection.,检测器 两种,Vehicle detectors and pedestrian detectors (push-buttons) 作用,call and extend. 三种感应模式 车辆感应模式 流量密度感应模式 行人感应模式,感应控制在一个给定的最小绿灯时间内,绿灯无条件地开通。该时间过后,若位于停车线前方一定距离外的检测器检测到一辆车到达,则追加一小段绿灯时间。若一直检测 有车到达,则绿灯时间一直被延长,直到最大绿灯时间到了为止。若在追加的一段绿灯时间内没有
3、车到达,则信号灯被切换到下一相位,放行下一方向的车辆。,车辆感应模式,工作原理 Vehicle actuated mode guarantees a minimum green period to service vehicle calls received during the red interval.Vehicle detectors may extend the minimum green up to a Max1 or Max2 limit unless a Gap,extension timer expires.Vehicle actuated mode applies a fix
4、ed Gap,extension timer to limit the extension of phase green. 实现 两个计数器 相位时间(Vehicle Extentions) Gap,extension,Red rest and red revert A phase will dwell (or rest) in the green interval in the absence of a conflicting call unless Red Rest is programmed for that phase. Red Revert restricts how quickly
5、 a phase may be reserviced once it has entered red rest and another call is received for that phase. 总结 保证最小绿灯时间 通过车辆间隔限制绿灯时间 在收到冲突相位请求后,限制最大绿灯时间。,流量密度模式 (volume density mode),工作原理Extending Minimum Green based on the number of vehicle calls during the yellow and red intervals Reducing Gap, extension
6、 over a specified period to a specified minimum gap setting,实现 The variable initial time is essentially the sum of the Minimum Green and the accumulated Added Initial time.The Added Initial parameter specifies the number of seconds accumulated per actuation during the yellow and red interval of the
7、phase.Variable initial time may not be increased beyond the limits of the Max Initial parameter.The accumulated Added Initial time is reset after the phase green has been serviced.,Added Initial is set to 1” .“times per actuation” (T/Ac) is set initially to the Minimum Green. T/Ac is extended by 2 v
8、ehicle calls each adding 1” of Added Initial to the T/Ac timer.,Time Before Reduction (TBR), Cars Before Reduction (CBR) After the TBR or CBR delay expires, the initial Gap,extension will be reduced to the Min Gap value over the Time to Reduce (TTR) period specified. The,The Dynamic Max Limit and Ma
9、x1 or Max2 provide an upper and lower limit to the phase max time. If a phase gaps out twice in succession, the max time will be reduced by the dynamic step value until the max time reaches the lower limit. If a phase maxesout twice in a row, the max time will increase by the dynamic step value unti
10、l the upper limit is reached. A gap-out followed by a max-out condition, will not effect the max time.,行人感应模式 (Pedestrian Actuated Mode),工作原理 A phase may be serviced by a pedestrian call (push-button) with or without a vehicle call on the same phase. Vehicle displays always time concurrently with th
11、e pedestrian displays of the phase. If a pedestrian call is being serviced and no vehicle calls are present to extend phase green, then the pedestrian clearance interval will end at the onset of yellow prior to servicing a conflicting phase,Pedclr-Thru-Yellow,Rest-In-Walk,Green Delay and Ped Delay,相
12、位基本参数,Ring, sequence, and concurrency,环(Ring) 最多四个环 一个环中最多16个相位。,STD-8,Signal Phasing Signal phasing is largely dependent on the treatment of left turn movements. protected left-turnsleft turn has exclusive right-of-way, no conflict with through movement, orpermissive (permitted) left turnsleft turn
13、s are made in the presence of conflicting trac (finding gaps), need to find sufficient gap to make a turn, potential conflict. Use dashed lines for permissive left turns.,STD8 requires that: 1-2-3-4 operate in ring 1 5-6-7-8 operate in ring 2 1-2 are concurrent with 5-6 3-4 are concurrent with 7-8,t
14、hick lines act as barriers which can only be moved left or right altogether, but one can slide thin lines in row 1 or row 2 to left or right independently. Different sliding will generate different phasing sequences.,STD8例1 2相位,STD8例2 4相位,STD8例2 4相位,STD8的相位顺序,例子:感应控制在STD8上的应用,Call phase VS extend ph
15、ase Pass barrier VS not Pass barrier. It is important to note that a phase cannot cross a barrier until the phases in the other ring are also ready to cross the barrier.,用户模式,最多四个环 一个环中最多16个相位。,Overlap,定义 Overlaps are customized channel outputs (red-yellow-green indication) driven by one or more inc
16、luded phases that are typically defined by consecutive included phases in the same ring as shown below. 几个相位组合的组合。,Overlap例子,Overlap的参数,Included phases Modifier phases,Overlap Type: Normal,工作原理 The overlap is green when an included phase is green, or an included phase is timing yellow/red clearance
17、and an included phase is next The overlap is yellow when an included phase is yellow and an included phase is not next The overlap is red when the overlap green and yellow are not on The overlap is dark (all outputs off) when a modifier phase is on during its green, yellow or all-red interval,Overla
18、p Type: Left Turn Permissive,工作原理 overlap turns green when an included phase, that is not a modifier phase, turns green (this is true even if a modifier phase is already displaying a green indication).The overlap remains green as long as one of the included phases remain green.The overlap is yellow
19、when an included phase is yellow and an included phase is not on or next.The overlap is red when it is not green or yellow.,Protected-permitted left-turns,Lead-Lag left-turns,图例 Yellow Trap,Possible Collision,Dallas Phasing,Prevents Trapping: Informs the left turning driver of the oncoming traffics movement Special Left-Turn Face Phasing Setup,Overlap 的应用,输出信号(Output channels),