1、1国际护理专业合作办学项目协议书(3+1)Agreement onJointEducation Program in International Nursing (3+1)第一条 总则Article1GeneralTerms_学院(甲方)和_贝特福特大学(乙方)根据中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例及中国的有关法规,经过友好、平等协商,在平等互惠、共同发展的基础上,双方同意开展合作办学项目,为此签订本合作协议。Acting on the principle of sincere cooperation and common development,_University (PartyA) and
2、University of Bedfordshire (Party B) have agreedto enter into the followingAgreement for the purpose of carrying out a joint educationprogram innursing onthebasis of equality and mutual benefit.第二条 合作双方Article2Both Parties21 法人代表和地址Legal representative and address学院University (PartyA):_地址Add.: _电话Te
3、l.: _传真Fax: _法定代表人Legal representative:_职务Position:_大学University (Party B):University of Bedfordshire地址Add.: Park Square, Luton, Bedfordshire United Kingdom. LU1 3JU电话Tel.: _01234400400传真Fax: _法定代表人Legal representative:Professor L. EbdonCBE职务Position:ViceChancellor 5.2乙方责任 Responsibilities ofParty B
4、1)选派合格教师、教材、教学参考用书、资料等,协助中方做好教学与管理,定期检查评估教学,保证教学质量。确保其所安排教师承担该合作办学项目的主课科目的三分之一。具体教学大纲、授课及教学管理由双方共同制定,并附在本协议中。Sendingqualified teachers to deliver therequired teaching, providing teachingmaterials, assisting PartyAin teaching andmanagement as well as inspecting andevaluating teaching regularly to gua
5、rantee the teaching quality.Ensuringthat itsteaching covers 1/3ofthe core courses fortheProgram.The detailsof theteachingarrangement andsyllabus shallbe decided bytwo parties and attached withthisAgreement.2)协调对来华工作的外籍教师的管理,并做好有关的教学工作。Providing supervision and support to its teachers in their coming
6、 to PartyAto handletherequired teaching and relevant activities;3)每年为甲方提供2次教师培训。Providingtrainings for teaching staffof PartyAtwicea year;4)乙方向甲方提供网络在线教学指导Providingonlineteaching guidance forPartyA;5)协助有条件赴乙方学校深造的学生申请所需签证及入学登记。Assisting those students who are preparing for further studies with Party
7、 B in their6entry and visaapplications;6)办理合作办学项目所需的其他事宜。Responsibleforany othernecessary affairs related to jointeducation program;第六条联合管理委员会Article6Joint Management Committee6.1双方同意成立管理委员会,该委员会由七名委员组成,4名出自甲方,3名出自乙方,主任由甲方任命。The two Parties agree to set up a Joint Management Committee which consists
8、 ofseven members, of whom four come from Party A and three from Party B, with itsDirectorto beappointed byPartyA.6.2管理委员会是合作项目的最高权力机构,决定项目的一切重大事宜。对于下列重大事宜,须经管理委员会一致通过,方可生效。The Joint Committee is the highest authority of the cooperation Program, determiningall major issues for the Program. Unanimous
9、agreement must be reached by theCommittee for the following major issues before any of such decision being put intoforce:1)合作项目章程的修改;Any amendment to theagreement ofthecooperation program2)合作项目的终止、解散;Terminationand dissolutionof thecooperation program3)合作项目的办学方针。Theeducation policy ofthe cooperation
10、program下列事宜须经管理委员会五分之三以上委员通过,方可生效。The following issues shall be subject to consent of more than three-fifth of membersoftheCommittee before being put intoeffect.1)此项目负责人的任命及其他的重大聘任;Theappointment ofthe Program leader and recruitment forother majorpositions;2)项目负责人提出的报告和建议;Reports and recommendations
11、 from theprogram leader3)制定和修改合作项目的重大规章制度;Formulation and revision of the major rules and regulations governing the cooperationprogram4)决定合作项目的发展规划;Development plans forthecooperation Program75)其他须经管理委员会通过的事宜。Any otherissues which shouldbe adopted bytheCommittee6.3管理委员会每年召开两次会议,由主任召集并主持,如主任因故不能出席会议,
12、可授权副主任主持会议。会议记录应归档保存。The Director shall convene the Joint Management Committee meetings twice eachyear. If the Director cannot attend the meeting, its Deputy Director shall be authorizedtochair the meetings and keep arecord oftheminutes ofmeetings.6.4合作项目可设相应的部门,负责各方面工作。Cooperation program may set u
13、p appropriate departments to be in charge of anyspecific aspect of theProgram.第七条招生数量Numberof Enrollment第一年招生数量在50人左右(人数少于50人,由双方协商开班的必要性),从第二年起招生数量在 100人左右。There should be around 50 students in the first year of the Program (If the number isless than 50, thetwo parties shall decide the possibility
14、of running theProgram). Fromthesecond year on,there shouldbearound 100students.第八条财务、审计Article8Finance &Audit8.1本项目在甲方财务部门设立专门财务账目,由甲方部门统一管理和收支,并向联合管理委员会汇报。A special account shall be set up for the Program and shall be managed by Party.PartyAshall report tothe JointManagement Committee.8.2合作项目的经费使用T
15、heusing ofincome forthecooperation program合作项目向学生收取的学费必须用于本项目的教育、教学或用于本项目的发展,不得挪作它用。Tuition fees collected from participating students must be used for running theProgram, teaching activities and development oftheProgram withoutany abuse.第九条:违约责任Article9Liabilities for Breach of theAgreement如一方不履行本项
16、目所规定的责任和义务,并在另一方以书面告知20天后仍不履行其责任和义务,则另一方有权采取相关措施使本项目得以执行,并向违约方索取由此造成的经济损失。If either party fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations under theAgreement and still does not fulfill its responsibilities and obligations after receiving8a written notice from the other party for 20 days, the ot
17、her party has the right to takerelevant measures to implement the program, and claim for the economic loss fromthedelinquent party.第十条 争议的解决Article10DisputeResolution10.1 谈判:凡因执行本项目所发生的一切争议,双方首先通过友好协商和谈判解决;Negotiation:All disputes arising during implementing the program shall be negotiatedanddiscuss
18、ed friendly bythetwo Parties to in order toreach an agreement.10.2 诉讼及法律适用:如果争议不能通过101条款所规定的友好协商和谈判得以解决,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地的管辖法院提起诉讼。Litigation: If the disputes cannot be resolved through friendly negotiation anddiscussion under the terms of 10.1, either Party has the right to seek legal resolutionvia cou
19、rts located in the same jurisdiction of PartyAand litigations are to be governedbytheChineselaws.第十一条 协议的生效、修改和终止Article11Commencement andTermination oftheAgreement11.1 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,协议有效期为8年;The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both parties and be validfor8years.11.2 任何对本协议的改变
20、或修改须经双方以书面形式表示同意,方可有雨本协议同等效力。Any changes or amendments to theAgreement shall be agreed upon by both Parties inwriting and shall constitutepart of thisAgreement.11.3 如一方提出终止协议,需提前6个月以书面形式通知对方。双方须按照本协议妥善安置在校参加本合作课程的学生并处理好各种财务等事宜后,方可终止协议。Either party, which terminates theAgreement, should give a 6 mont
21、h written notice tothe other Party. Both Parties shall make proper arrangements or placements for theparticipating students as well as settle all relevant financial matters before theAgreement may beterminated.第十二条 其他条款Article12Other Items12.1 本协议中英文两种文本具有同等法律效力。9The agreement is written in both the
22、 Chinese and the English languages. Bothversions have equal legal effects.12.2 通知:本协议履行中所有通知和联系均以书面形式为准,并按照本协议21条款所提供的地址和传真号码,或双方以书面方式通知对方其他地址和传真号码邮递或传真至对方。Notice: During the valid period of the agreement, all the notices and contacts shall bein writing forms. Written notices shall be sent via the a
23、ddresses and fax numbers inaccordance with the provisions of clause 2.1 or via other noticed addresses and faxnumbers.12.3 本协议为中英文版本,一式肆份,甲乙双方及主管部门各持一份。The English-Chinese Agreement shall be provided in quadruplicate, with each partyandtheirrelevant authorities holdingone copyrespectively.甲方(盖章):_学院 Party B(Seal): 英国贝德福特大学校长(签字):_ President (Signature):_年_月_日 Date: _签订地点:_ VenueofSign: _