1、考研讲义 8 Pragmatics Grace Tan 主要考点 言语行为的定义,种类,实例分析 合作原则及其四条准则的内容,实力分析 会话含义 语句意义和句子意义的区别 T/F The cooperative principle, an important pragmatic principle proposed by Grice, aims to explain how we mean more than we say. A sentence is a grammatical unit and an utterance is a pragmatic notion. According to
2、 Searles classification of speech acts, request, order, suggest and advise all belong to the same one general class because they are all intended by the speaker to get the hearer to do sth. TTT Multiple choice 1.An illocutionary act is identical with _ A.sentence meaning b.the speaker,s intention C.
3、lg understanding d.the speaker,s competence 2.the indirect speech act was developed by A.John Austin B.Levinson C.John Lyons D.John Searle Definition Pragmatics is generally the study of natural language understanding, and specifically the study of how context influences the interpretation of meanin
4、gs. In another word it is the study of the relationship between symbols and their interpreters. Syntactics Pragmatics In 1937,the American philosopher Charles William Morris introduced the word “Pragmatics” into literature. 莫里斯( C.Morris) 和 卡耐基( R.carnap) 在1938年 符号基础理论 中提出符号三分说: 句法学(符号关系学) Syntactic
5、s 是研究符号与符号之间的关系;语义学 semantics是研究符号与符号所指对象的关系;语用学 pragmatics则是研究符号与符号解释者的关系。 符号三分说 Syntactics: the formal relation of signs to one another. Semantics: the relations of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable. Pragmatics: the relation of signs to interpreters. Both are concerned with st
6、udy of meaning. 没有第一层次的研究,很难进行第二层次的研究 语用意义不能脱离语言本身因有的内在意义 语义学是对语言能力 (competence)的研究 语用学是对语言行为 (performance)的研究 语言行为是语言能力的具体体现 actual realization Chomsky Semantics the case of bequeathing ones watch; the case of betting Features of typical performatives: Use first person singular subject, simple pres
7、ent tense, indicative mood, active voice and performative verbs 53.The sentence “ I apologize!” belongs to the category of _ according to the speech act theory. A. expressive B. performative C. representative D. constative Answer: B 19.The _ function of language is one of the most powerful uses of l
8、anguage because it is so crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. A. performative B. phatic C. recreational D. emotive Answer: D 81.The function of the sentence “Lovely weather, isnt it?” is _ A. informative B. phatic C. performative D. recreationa
9、l Answer: B Functions of Language informative (信息功能) interpersonal function (人际功能) Performative (施为功能,该概念来自于 Austin & Searle 的言语行为理论 speech act theory)。 Emotive function(感情功能) Phatic communion (交互性功能:如礼节性的交谈ritual exchanges, 俚语 slangs, jokes, 行话 jargons等。通常是用来填充谈话内容空缺的情况,如英国人谈论天气。该术语来源于人类语言学家 Malino
10、wski马林诺夫斯基。) Recreational function (娱乐性功能, a babys babbling or a chanters chanting) Metalingual function (元语言功能,用语言来谈论语言 ) a theory of the Illocutionary act An Locutionary Act means that when we speak, we move our vocal organs and produce a number of sounds with a certain meaning. An Illocutionary A
11、ct is using a sentence to perform a function. A Perlocutionary Act is the result or effects that are produced by meanings of saying something. 100. John Austin proposed _ in the late 1950s. A. Speech Act Theory B. 7 types of meaning C. Cooperative Principle D. Predication analysis Answer: A 149. The
12、 first major theory in the study of language in use in called _. A. illocutionary theory B. Speech Act Theory C. conversational implicature D. the Q and R-principle Answer: B 60._refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference. A. Locutionary act B. illocutionary act C. perlocutionary act D. speech act Answer: A the theory of conversational implicature the Cooperative Principle characteristics of implicature