1、商品房买卖合同Commodity house purchase and sale contract合同编号:(Contract Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxx)合同双方当事人:Contractual Parties:出卖人:xxxxxxxxxxxx 房地产开发有限公司Seller:xxxxxxxxxxxxxreal estate development Co., LTD 注册地址:xx 县 xx 街Registered address: xx,xx County营业执照注册号:xxxxxxxxRegistration number of Business license: xxxx
2、xxxxx 企业资质证书号:x 建房【xxxx 】xxx 号Enterprise qualification certificate: 【xxxx】 No.xxx法定代表人:xxxLegal representative:xxx联系电话:xxxxxxxxxTel:xxxxxxxx 邮政编码:xxxxxxxxxPostal code: xxxxxxx受托代理人: 地址:Authorized agent: Address:邮编: 联系电话:Postal code: Tel:委托代理机构:Authorized agency:注册地址:Registered address:营业执照注册号:Regist
3、ration No. of Business License:法定代表人: 联系电话Legal Representative: Tel:邮政编码:Postal code:买受人:xxxxxBuyer:xxxxxxxxxx 本人/法定代表人 姓名:xxxx Personal/ Legal representative Name:xxxxxxxx 国籍:中国Nationality:China 身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI.D.Card:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx地址:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxAddress:xxxxxxxxxxxxx邮证编码:xxxxxxx
4、xxPostal code:xxxxxxxxxx联系电话:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx受托代理人 姓名: 国籍:Authorized agent Name: Nationality地址:Address:邮政编码: 联系电话Postal code: Tel:根据国家和省法律、法规和有关规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖商品房达成如下协议:In accordance with Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Law of the Peoples Republic
5、of China on Urban Real Estate Administration and pertinent laws and regulations, the seller and buyer, based on equality, voluntariness and negotiated consensus, hereby conclude the following agreement on the purchase and sale of commodity house:第一条 项目建设依据。Article 1 Basis for project construction出卖人
6、以 出让 方式取得位于 xxxxxxxxxxx 编号为 xxx 的地块的土地使用权,取得土地使用权证书 。土地使用权证号为 x 国用(xxxx)第 xxxx 号。 The seller obtained the use right of the land parcel ocated located xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with No.xxx by transfer. The number of Assignment Contract of the Use Right of the Land is xxxx-xxxx. 该地块土地面积为 xxxx 平方米,规划用途为 商住 ,土地
7、使用权年限自 2011 年至2061 年。 The area of this land parcel is xxxxm2 , its planned use is for commercial and residential , the land use period is from 2011 to 2061. 出卖人经批准,在上述地块上建设商品房, 【现定名】xxxxxxxx。建设工程规划许可证号为 xxxxxx,施工许可证号为 xxxxxx 。Upon examination and approval, the seller built commercial building on the
8、 land parcel. The buildings present name is xxxxxxxx. the No. of Permit for A Planned Construction Project is No.xxxxxx, The Construction Permit No. is xxxxxx.第二条 商品房销售依据。 Article 2 Basis for Sale of Commodity House买受人购买的商品房为【现房】 【预售商品房】 。预售商品房批准机关为 xx 县房地产管理所,商品房预售许可证号为 xxxxxxx 号。 The commodity hou
9、se purchased by the buyer is pre-sale commodity house. The pre-sale of the commodity house is approved by xxxx County Real Estate Management Bureau, the No. of Pre-sale Permit of Commodity House is No. xxxxxxx.第三条 买受人所购商品房的基本情况。 Article 3 General Information of the Commodity house purchased by the b
10、uyer买受人购买的商品房为【现房】 【预售商品房】 (以下简称该商品房,其房屋平面图见本合同附件一,房号以附件一上表示为准) 。该商品房为本合同第一条规定的项目中的:第 xxxxxxxxx 号楼 【幢】 【座】x 【单元】x【层】xxx 号房。 The commodity house purchased by the buyer( referred to as “this commodity house” hereinafter. See attachment 1 thereto for the floor plan. The apartment no. is subject to atta
11、chment 1) is:Apartment x, Floor x, Room xxx,Building No. x in the project specified in Article 1.该商品房的用途为 住宅 ,属混合结构 结构,层高为 x 米 ,建筑层数地上 x 层,地下 x 层。This commercial building is used for residence. It has steel concrete structure. The height per floor is xm, it has x floors over ground and x floors unde
12、rground.该商品房合同约定建筑面积共 xx 平方米,其中,套内建筑面积 平方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积 平方米(有关公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积构成说明见附件二)。The floor area of this commodity house agreed in contract is totally xx m2 in details, the indoor floor area is m2, and the sharing floor area for public places and public housing is m2 , ( see attachment 2 to
13、this contract for the constitution of the sharing floor area for public places and public housing)第四条 计价方式与价款。 Article 4 Charging Method and Price出卖人与买受人约定按建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为(人民币)每平方米_xxxx_ _元,总金额为(小写)xxxx 元整, (大写)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 整,币种为人民币。The seller and the buyer agree to calculate the price of this com
14、modity house in in terms of floor area, the unit price for this commodity house is (Currency: RMB) xxxxYuan per square meter, and the total price is (RMB) xxxxxx Yuan only.第十九条 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,按下述第_2_ 种方式解决:Article 19 the disputes incurred in performing this contract shall be settled
15、 by both parties upon negotiation; if the negotiation fails, settle it in second method as follows:1提交_xxx_ _仲裁委员会仲裁。 2依法向人民法院起诉。 1. submit to arbitration committee for handling2. file a lawsuit to peoples court in accordance with law.第二十条 本合同未尽事项,可由双方约定后签订补充协议(见附件四) 。Article 20 in case of unmention
16、ed matters by this contract, both parties shall make agreements and conclude supplementary agreement ( attachment 4)第二十一条 合同附件与本合同具有同等法律效力。本合同及其附件内,空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等效力。 Article 21 each attachment to this contract has the same legal force with this contract. In this contract and the attachments ther
17、eof, the handwriting content in blank lines has the same legal force with the printing text.第二十二条 本合同连同附件共_xx_页,一式 x 份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有情况如下: 出卖人_ x 份,买受人_ x 份,房管所备案 x 份,抵押 x 份,银行按揭 x 份Article 22 this contract has 16 pages in total and has 5 copies with the same legal force. The detailed situation is as
18、 follows:The seller holds 1 copy, the buyer holds 1 copy, Housing Administration Bureau holds 1 copy, 1 for mortgage and bank holds 1 copy.第二十三条 本合同自双方签订之日起生效。 Article 23 this contract takes effect upon date of conclusion by both parties.第二十四条 商品房预售的,自本合同生效之日起 30 天内,由出卖人向 xx 县房地产管理所申请登记备案。 Article 2
19、4 in case of pre-sale of commodity house, the seller shall apply to xx County Real Estate Management Bureau, for registration and filing within 30 days upon the effectiveness of this contract.出卖人(签章): xxxxxxxxxxxxx 房地产有限公司 买受人(签章): xxx Seal of the seller: Signature or Seal of the Buyer:xxxxxxxxxxx real estate development Co., LTD xxxxxxx【法定代表人】:xxxxxxx 【法定代表人】:xxxxxx【委托代理人】: 【委托代理人】: (签章) xxx 房地产管理所商品房备案专用章 (签章) Legal representative:xxxxxxxxxxxx Legal representative:xxxxxxAuthorized agent: Authorized agent:xx 年 xx 月 xx 日 xxx 年 x 月 x 日 Date :xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: xxxxxxxxxx