1、In the history of China, there is such a strange person whose life is just like a mirror, which reflects the most turbulent era of China.,He has these identities:,Puppet傀儡,Traitor 叛国者,Prisoner囚徒,Emperor皇帝,Deposed emperor 废帝,Citizen 公民,南京师范大学国教院对外汉语12级 时柳红,爱新觉罗溥仪,年号:宣统外文名:Henry排行:醇贤亲王奕譞第五子载沣之长子初婚:16岁
2、原配: 郭布罗婉容;李淑贤配偶:5人子女:无即位时间:光绪三十四年十一月初九日 (1908年12月2日)即位年龄:3岁在位年数:3年享年:62岁死亡地:北京人民医院庙号:恭宗(2002年由台湾后裔追封)谥号:愍皇帝(2002年由台湾后裔追封)职业:清朝皇帝,满洲国皇帝,政协委员代表作品:我的前半生最得意:在紫禁城骑自行车最失意:仓促离开紫禁城最不幸:坐监狱15年最痛心:无子女最擅长:照相,爱新觉罗溥仪(19061967 ),Brief introduction,The boy was 3 when he first sat on the Dragon Throne as emperor of
3、China, and was7 when he abdicated. He had barely reached what in the West is considered theage of reason, but events beyond his control had already shaped his lifeforever.,Take the throne 三岁登基,1908年11月13日,就在光绪皇帝驾崩的前一天,重病缠身的慈禧太后走出了她在大清王朝政治棋盘上的最后一步棋,下诏让醇亲王载沣的儿子溥仪“承继穆宗毅皇帝为嗣并兼承大行皇帝之祧”,即刻进宫。” 溥仪进宫后,即刻被送到
4、慈禧太后面前,溥仪后来回忆说:“在我面前有一个阴森森的帏帐,里面露出一张丑得要命的瘦脸,这就是慈禧”。,1908年11月14日,37岁的光绪皇帝死去,第二天,74岁的慈禧太后也咽下了最后一口气。 1908年12月2日,在紫禁城的太和殿里,清王朝为新皇帝溥仪举行了登基典礼,并决定从1909年元月开始改年号为“宣统”。,宣统:宣扬光大列祖列宗的文治武功业绩,使清朝能万世一系统治下去。,Take the throne 三岁登基,Why choose Pu Yi as the last emperor?,溥仪的祖父奕譞是咸丰皇帝的七弟,也是光绪的父亲。,二、奕譞的嫡福晋叶赫那拉氏,又为慈禧皇太后胞妹。
5、她的这个妹妹,共生了四个儿子,除了第二个儿子光绪,其余几个都早殇。,Be deposed 六岁退位,宣统三年(1911年)辛亥革命爆发,次年2月12日,隆裕太后(光绪后妃)被迫代溥仪颁布了退位诏书,宣告了清王朝的灭亡和延续了两千多年的君主封建帝制的结束。,After the revolution of 1911, Pu Yi was forced to give up the throne.That was his first time to abdicate, and he was only 6 at that time.,After being deposed 废帝生活,1912年3月10
6、日,袁世凯宣誓就职临时大总统,颁布此条。 关于大清皇帝辞位之后优待条件 一、清帝辞位后尊号不变; 二、每年由民国政府拨给银四百万两; 三、暂居宫城日后移居颐和园; 四、宫内的执事人员照常留用,以后不得再招阉人; 五、原有之私产由民国政府特别保护。,溥仪虽然退位,但根据优待条件“皇帝”尊号仍存不废;仍在紫禁城过小朝廷生活。,Although Pu Yi was deposed, he was still called the emperor, continuing his life in the Forbidden City.,走向共和中袁世凯与溥仪,人们稍加留意就会发现,中国北京这个期间竟然同
7、时居住着一位总统,一位皇帝。皇帝住在紫禁城,总统位在紫禁城西墙外的西苑中南海。皇帝与总统相依为邻,礼尚往来,和平共处,两个太阳各自高悬,似乎互不侵犯,但天下却并不太平。,If you pay attention to the condition of Beijing in this period, you will find that the President and the Emperor existed at the same time, and they lived peacefully because they had no conflictsofinterest.,After be
8、ing deposed 废帝生活,After being deposed 废帝生活,六岁的溥仪与隆裕太后等在紫禁城,对6岁的溥仪来说,生活没有任何改变。溥仪6岁开始在毓庆宫读书,9岁开始写日记。当时的宫廷事务,由载沣(溥仪生父)和隆裕太后处理。他在大学士陆润庠和侍郎陈宝琛辅导下学习汉文,在都统伊克坦教导下学习满文,在庄士敦指导下学习英文 。,Life didnt change a lot to Pu Yi, everyone told him that he could do everything he wanted. Actually, he could do nothing. He was
9、 not allowed to leave the Forbidden City. He had no friends, also could not choose his wife.,In one of the most poignant scenes in the film The Last Emperor, when young Pu Yi is given a bicycleby his English teacher Johnston and excitedly pedals it around the Forbidden City until he reaches its gate
10、s tothe outer world, and is stopped by his own guards. He is an emperor who cannotdo the thing any other little boy in China could do, which is to go out ofhis own house.,After being deposed 废帝生活,Be emperor again二次称帝,张勋,1917年6月,张勋复辟。张勋说:“共和不合咱的国情,只有皇上复位万民才能得救。”溥仪说:“我年龄小,不堪当此大任。”张勋说:“当年康熙爷8岁登极做了一番事业。
11、”溥仪就说:“既然如此,我就勉为其难吧。”7月1日,在失去了6年皇位之后的溥仪又重新披扶起来,站在了乾清宫的御座前。,Six years later, in 1917,Pu Yi was helped to become the emperor again, meanwhile, he became the puppet again.,张勋复辟,引起了全国的一片反对浪潮,段祺瑞首先在北京成立了“讨逆军”,随后复辟宣告失败。12岁的溥仪在当了12天的皇帝之后,又被迫第二次宣布退位。这是溥仪的第二个退位诏书,溥仪看了放声大哭。历时12天的闹剧就此结束。,Be deposed again 再次被废,
12、After 12 days, the poor boy was deposed again,actually, he didnt know what happened clearly, but he knew that he was not important at all.,About his marriage 婚姻,1921年,16岁的溥仪到了谈婚论嫁的年龄,端康太妃和敬懿太妃都想让自己的亲信当选皇后。在议婚时争执不下,最后拿出照片让溥仪本人来确定。,“四个人都是一个模佯,身段都象纸糊的桶子。每张照片的脸部都很小,实在分不出丑俊来,如果一定要比较。只能比一比旗袍的花色,谁的特别些。我那时想
13、不到什么终身大事之类的问题,也没有个什么标准,便不假思索地在一张似乎顺眼一些的相片上,用铅笔画了一个圈儿。” 溥仪我的前半生,About his marriage 婚姻,Empress 郭布罗婉容,Concubine 淑妃 文秀,郭布罗婉容(19061946)曾就读于一所美国教会学校,学英语,弹钢琴,特别喜欢爵士音乐。据接近她的人回忆,婉容不仅体态娇好,姿色迷人,而且举止文雅,谈吐得体,琴棋书画样样都精,是一位富有教养的才女。 她和皇帝在思想上很对劲,而且也像他一样,受过西方的新式教育,也取了一个外国名字叫伊丽莎白。在伪满洲国时期,吸食鸦片,与侍卫私通,最后疯了,长期被打入冷宫,伪满洲国倒了以
14、后,死在逃难的路上。,文秀,虽然容貌远不及婉容,可是思想却先进许多,1931年她向溥仪提出离婚。后来改嫁给一位国民党军官,解放后,生活艰苦,44岁时因心梗死于家中。,kicked out of the palace 被逐出宫,1924年10月23日,冯玉祥发动北京政变,11月4日,民国政府国务会议讨论并通过冯玉祥关于驱逐溥仪出宫的议案。,鹿钟麟入宫驱逐溥仪,With the weak imperial power, he was forced to leave the Forbidden City in 1924. His palace life came to the end.,Became
15、 the Emperor *3满洲国皇帝(侵华日军建立的傀儡政权),In 1925, received the help from Japan, he leaved for Tientsin and moved into Zhuangyuan, then Jingyuan.,张园,1925年2月24日,清逊帝溥仪从北京逃至天津,曾居于张园。 1927年7月清逊帝溥仪由张园迁居于静园。,静园,Became the Emperor *3满洲国皇帝(侵华日军建立的傀儡政权),溥仪与日本军官的合影,1931年“九一八”事变后,日本帝国主义决心在中国东北建立傀儡政权,他们看中了溥仪。1932年3月6日,
16、溥仪在日本人的护卫下到达长春。这时的溥仪与日本是互相利用,溥仪想要得到皇位,而日本则想要得满洲。可溥仪没想到的是,他只不过是日本手下的一枚旗子而已。,In 1932, Pu Yi and Janpan came into an agreement that they will establish a new government in north-east China. He didnt know, he became the puppet for a third time.,Became the Emperor *3满洲国皇帝(侵华日军建立的傀儡政权),溥仪就任“执政”时,举行国旗升旗仪式,
17、1932年3月9日,溥仪在长春就任“满洲国”的“执政”,年号“大同”。1934年3月1日,“满洲国”改为“大满洲帝国”,改年号为“康德”,溥仪正式登基称帝。溥仪在这里度过了14年的傀儡皇帝生活。,1932-1945, Pu Yi spent 14 years in Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet regime in Northeast China.,Deposed *3 第三次退位,1945年8月溥仪被苏军押往苏联,1945年8月8日,苏联对日宣战。月15日,日本政府宣布无条件投降,18日凌晨,溥仪宣读了退位诏书,这是溥仪的第三次退位。念了两分钟,伪“满洲国”草草
18、收场,存在了近14年的傀儡小朝廷可耻地覆亡了。 他在日本人的安排下,抛下家眷,乘小型飞机飞到沈阳,再逃亡日本。但溥仪万万没有想到,苏军早已占领沈阳机场,他和随从走出机舱便成了苏军的俘虏。,In 1945, Pu Yi abdicated for the third time. As a political prisoner and war criminal, Pu Yi was captured by the Soviet union .,The career of captive and prisoner 俘虏和囚徒生涯,溥仪在沈阳机场被前苏联军队俘获,是日本关东军与前苏联红军作的一笔政治交
19、易。溥仪先后被关押在赤塔的莫罗科夫卡收容所、伯力红河子看守所、第45特别战俘收容所等处。在这些地方,他过了5年的特殊俘虏生活。,Pu Yi was arrested by the Soviet union, which is considered as a plot of Japan. In the soviet union, he spent five years as a special prisoner.,The career of captive and prisoner 俘虏和囚徒生涯,在苏联生活五年之后,1950年8月1日清晨6点,苏联政府将溥仪和另外68名伪满洲国战犯移交给了中国
20、。后在抚顺战犯管理所,溥仪前后共度过15年的监狱生活。,During these years in the Soviet union, he didnt had a hard life. They took quite good care of him with 3 hearty meals and an afternoon tea every day, also with routine physical check and daily entertainment.However, when he was sent back to China, it was not the case.Fus
21、hun, in which the first emperor of Qing Dynasty rised, and the last emperor was imprisoned. Thats really a great irony.,The career of captive and prisoner 俘虏和囚徒生涯,981号,被特赦的溥仪流下泪水,Be released 特赦,1959年12月4日毛泽东的特赦令说:“该犯关押已经满十年。在关押期间,经过劳动改造和思想教育,已经有确实改恶从善的表现,符合特赦令第一条的规定,予以释放。”溥仪在一篇题为从皇帝到公民的文章中这样写道:经过10年
22、的改造,我由一个封建反动的皇帝变成一个平常的劳动者,由鬼变成人,旧的溥仪已经死亡,今天是一个新生的溥仪。从此,溥仪成为中华人民共和国公民。,Later years 晚年生活,1967年10月17日,溥仪因患肾癌病逝于北京,终年62岁。自1962年4月他与北京关厢医院女护士李淑贤结婚后,晚年生活还是比较幸福的。,In 1967, he died in Beijing. In his last few years, he lived a peaceful life. He get married with a nurse, and took a job as a gardener.,His tom
23、b 陵墓,华龙陵园一个占地九十九平方米的墓地里,只有溥仪孤零零的一个人。溥仪墓碑上没有铭文,只镌有他的名字“爱新觉罗溥仪”六个字。,He is the only emperor that didnt have a imperial tomb.,His life is a sad irony, his end is abittersweet elegy. Everything involving the life of Pu Yi was a waste. Everything except onething: the notion that a single human life could
24、have infinite value. In its ownway, the Dragon Throne argued that, making an emperor into a god in order toennoble his subjects. And in its own way, the Chinese revolution argued the samething, by making him into a gardenerwhich was Pu Yis last, and perhapshappiest, occupation.,Some words,他的一生是一个心酸的讽刺,他的结局是一曲甘苦交织的挽歌。 关于溥仪人生的一切都是没有意义的,只有一个目的除外,那就是一个人的人生可以拥有无限的价值。龙椅以其特有的方式,通过把皇帝神化、使他的臣民变得高贵来证实这一目的;而中国革命以其特有的方式,将他转变成一个园丁,证实着同一个目的。,【End】,