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本文([英语考试]托福雅思培训资料.doc)为本站会员(dreamzhangning)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、雅思第一部分:雅思考试总体介绍 1、雅思考试组成部分IELTS 考 试 的词汇要求并不高,主要偏向应用能力,但答题技巧因与 TOEFL(托 福 和国内英语考试(4-6 级)完全不同,所以掌握题型和快速解答就显得非常重要。考试分 4 个部分,一般需要两天时间举行。第一天的上午,全体考生都要参加相继进行的听力、阅读、写作三项考试;第一天的下午和第二天上午陆续举行口语考试。许多人都觉得一般外地考生会被优先安排在第一天下午,实际上这种观念是错误的,口语考试的安排是随机的,和本地外地考生无关。 笔试开始时,考官会发给考生一张答题卡,正面和反面分别用来回答听力和阅读的题目。先发放听力卷子,听力完成后卷收回

2、,再发放阅读卷子,阅读完成后,卷子与最早发放的答题卡一并收回。最后发放写作卷子与答题卡,这里请注意写作部分 Task1 和 Task2的答题位置,避免写颠倒,这在雅思考试中十分常见。首先进行的听力考试时间 40 分钟,题目分四个部分。第一个部分是日常生活中会发生的对话(通常为二人) ,第二个部分是生活相关的独白;第三个部分是学术性的对话(通常二人以上) ,第四个部分为学术论文演讲,难度依次增加(亦为了再筛选精英,有时有些句 子 会带重口音或地道词语) 。通常前三个部分都会分成两段,分别回答不同的问题。考生在听完每段录音后会有一小段时间复查(但因为不会重复,所以要即时写出答案) 。全部录音放完需

3、时 30 分钟,剩余 10 分钟供考生将答案从试卷填写到答题卡上。时间到了之后考官会把试卷收上来,并要求考生将答题卡翻过来。之后是阅读考试,时间 60 分钟,题目分三个部分。每个 passage 大约 1200-1500 字,大约 13-14 道题,总共 40 道题,时间到后考官会把答题卡和试卷都收上来。阅读考试之后是写作考试,时间也是 60 分钟。题目有两道, 第一道是看图说明(A 类)或者书信( G 类) ,要求 150 字,20 分钟;第二道是议 论 文 或说明文(议论为主) ,要求 250 字,40 分钟。时间是合在一起的,最后一起收。最好在发卷子后,先写大作文(250 字的) ,因为

4、占的分值大,最后剩下的时间写小作文。口语考试是一对一进行,考官会首先就考生的一些个人问题发问,并选择话题加以展开。到一定程度后,考官出示题目卡,要求考生就题目所涉及内容进行回答并适当展开论述,时间不少于一分钟。最后,考官会就一些深入的话题与考生进行讨论,以考察考生的应对能总长度时限为 14 分钟。2、雅思考试技巧一 听力部分 1. 考生一定要仔细阅读题目要求,不要为了节省时间而匆匆一眼带过,因为正式考试时,雅思听力题目的要求与练习题或者往年的试题不尽相同。如果因为没有看清楚题目要求而失分就实在是太可惜了。 2. 在时间允许的情况下,考生应在播放录音之前尝试阅读每一小题并推测录音的内容。想做到这

5、点需要考生精力的高度集中,这对于母语不是英语的中国学生的确是一个挑战。 3. 如果考生想在雅思的听力部分拿高分的话,就要尽量确保在听力的第一和第二部分不失分。注意千万不要在很简单的题目上因为粗心大意而失分。 4. 在雅思听力考试中,细微的错误也有可能导致低分,所以请广大考生一定要注意自己单词的拼写。 5. 如果遇到难题、偏题或者录音中人物讲话过快的情况,千万不要惊慌失措。因为有很多考生往往因为着急而导致大脑短路,结果就是什么也听不进去了。 6. 请将所有的题目都填上、选上,不要留有空白。如果答错,雅思考试中不会倒扣分数,所以考生至少有机会猜对有些不会做的题目。 二 阅读部分 1. 遇到不会做的

6、题目请先跳过。过度地在一道不会做的题目上浪费时间往往得不偿失。如果考生在回答完所有会做的题目后还有时间,可返回到刚才跳过的题目,在万不得已的情况下猜一个答案填上,不要留有空白。 2. 如果遇到的阅读文章属于陌生领域,请不要慌张。因为所有题目的答案在文章中都能够找到,考生并不需要足够的背景知识来答题。 3. 切记在雅思阅读考试中,考生没有多余的时间来将答案从考卷上誊写到答题卡上。有些考生由于在前面的听力部分有剩余时间来誊写答案,于是理所当然的认为阅读部分也可效仿。这是万万不可的 ! 4. 考前准备不要局限于练习剑桥雅思中的真题,应该进行广泛的阅读(英文报纸,杂志或期刊) 。在选择阅读材料的时候应

7、尽量选取多样的文体,最好是学术性的文章。 5. (接第4条)阅读每篇文章时注意段落的顺序与结构组成,这样能够提高考生对雅思阅读文章的整体把握,并有助于理解。 6. (接第4条)尝试根据每段的主旨句来推测段落内容,并给每段命名。 7. 在阅读文章的过程中不要在陌生的单词上做不必要的停留,应尽量结合整句话来理解这些词的意思。 8. 千万不要在从文章中摘抄答案时犯粗心的错误。 三 写作部分 1. 圈出题目中的重点词,注意回答题目中的所有要求。 2. 在写作过程中要注意分段,并加入过渡词。 3. 避免以换表达方式的办法来重复同一个观点。4. 每个自然段尽量只表述一个观点,否则会使作文显得没有章法。 5

8、. 注意不要写跑题。防止跑题的办法就是在写作过程中跳回去阅读题目要求。 6. 雅思写作中应避免使用俗语,口语,缩写,甚至网络用语。 7. 在平常的写作练习当中,要注意根据自己的字体大小来估算150字和250字作文的长度,因为正式考试时考生不应浪费时间在数字数上。 8. 养成写完作文后花大约3分钟时间检查完善所写作文的习惯,这往往对提高作文分数起着至关重要的作用。 9. 范文可以用来借鉴,但不要生搬硬套。努力回忆范文,既浪费时间,写出来的东西又不一定切题。 四 口语部分 1. 雅思口语考试的主旨是考察考生用英文交流的能力,不仅仅局限于语法的准确性。所以请不要因为说了一句有语法错误的话而去重新纠正

9、已经讲过的句子。 2. 口语回答范例可以借鉴,但不要背诵至滚瓜烂熟。考官将很容易分辨出考生在背诵答案而改变题目。 3. 考生要懂得主动与考官进行交流,而不是机械性的回答问题。考生应尽可能的完善自己的回答,并确保每次自己讲的话比考官说的多。 4. 如果没有听清楚题目或者没有听明白千万不要不懂装懂,乱讲一通。应该有礼貌的询问考官是否可以重复问题或是换一种问法。 5. 雅思口语对考生独立思考的能力也是一个挑战。考生应注意在答题时尽量体现自己思维的广度和深度,而不是仅仅局限于发音以及语法正确。 6. 有条件的考生在考试前一定要将自己的口语回答录音,自我纠错和改进。 第二部分:雅思听力、阅读、写作、口语

10、1、雅思听力(一)雅思听力应注意的问题1,学习英语的基本方法 2,考试与技巧 3,计划 4,机经1, 如何习得英语 学习英语的 5 个方面: 听,说,读,写,译. 其中读和听是基础,而读是最基础的,是习得的主要方法2,四门考试之间的关系听,读- 被动说,写- 主动听,读- 平均分比说,写- 高半分 SOUNDS-SYLLABLES-WORDS-PHRASES-SENTENCES-PARAGRAPHS-PASSAGES 语音-词汇-语法- 记忆-走神 同时,听懂的过程正好是说的逆过程3,问题及解决问题方法1,语音: 1)48 个基本音素英语与汉语发音的不同/元音 /辅音/易混音2)吞音和连读相邻

11、辅音,前者有口型不送气/例外一般连读/辅音连读/元音连读/例外3)口音和语调英音/美音/澳音/杂音句子重音/单词重音/结构与节奏1),2),3)问题的解决方案纠音:1,学过的配有磁带的 3-5 篇课文2,录下自己的声音,与磁带反复对比,模仿3,同性的声音4)读音规则一个字母组合发不同的音不同的字母组合发同一个音读音规则问题的解决方案1, 找到读音规则2, 多举不同的例子2,词汇: 1)内涵和外延不要只记一个意思,否则在其它地方遇到就不认识了2)用法要记住单词的语境,否则即便记住了也不会用3)同义词听说读写都需要同义词听力中有 20-40%的题目需要听同义词4)派生词熟悉单词:词根/词缀3,语法

12、: 1)句子结构只有抓住句子结构才能抓住完整的含义.2)代词还原这需要我们更强的短时记忆3)动词形式的含义熟悉动词的含义以及每一种形式的含义词汇和语法问题解决方案快速阅读:1,每天 1-2 篇学过的课文(10+ 遍)2,养成抓句子结构的习惯3,180+WPM4,记忆- 听写1)单句2)边听边写和听完再写3)两遍一句5,走神: 1)边听边走-听着玩每一部分犯的错误都不少2)先走后不走-躺着听S1 没有进入状态S2 刚刚开始S3,S4 比前面两部分好3)先不走后走-边听边译S1 不走神S2 累了,开始走神S3,S4 太累了一直在走神4)自信听力考的是短时记忆听到:写,选听不到:放弃走神问题的解决方

13、案不要:1)听着玩2)躺着听3)时间长或间断4)看着原文听5)听太难的材料(新闻)6)犹豫(二)雅思听力考题分析考试介绍I 考试题型1,常考题型1,表格题:个人信息表格/有横纵轴的表格/表格中的完成句子2,完成句子: 1)单句填空2)提纲填空3)总结填空3,问答题前三种题型需要我们边听边写的能力4,选择题1)单选2)多选选择题需要我们边听边读的能力2,次常考题型1,地图题:选字母/写地名需要方向感2,搭配题需要边听边读/抽象思维3,不常考题型1,判断改错题:判断/判断改错1)肯,否定词2)专有名词3)数字2,图画题:识图能力3,图例题:工作原理4,推理题:演绎推理4,综合题型1,表格+判断改错

14、2,表格+多选3,表格+搭配II 常考场景1,SURVIVAL1)住宿2)家乡3)度假4)活动2,ACADEMIC:新生入学/图书馆-上述 6 个话题一般在 S1 和 S2 出现,比较简单,因为都是介绍性的话题S3 1)作业2)研究3)选课 S4 讲课III 评分标准1, 13-16=4.5-5 17-23=5.5-624-30=6.5-7 31-35=7.5-82, 写答案注意事项1) 拼写不能出现错误,但是英美拼写均可接受2) 答案要完整3) 不能重复题干中已知信息4) 不要超过字数要求5) 相似答案只能写一个6) 答案可以写标准缩写7) 数字、金钱可以写各种符号IV 计划1, 每天计划1

15、)30 分钟/次2)2-4 次/天2, 1 个月计划使用剑桥系列 3,4,5 册1)熟悉题型2)列出错误清单3)听写4)预测5)适应考试(考试前 2 周):心理(8.45 听力/9.25 阅读/10.30 写作)生理(饮食/主场作战)3, 2 个月计划 加上雅思听力特训 比一般考试难 5 题左右,能够发现更多问题,考试能够避免更多错误4, 3-6 个月计划 加上 LISTEN TO THIS 半本/月(初级:5-6.5;中级 7-8.5)(三)雅思听力 习题讲解PRACTICETEST 1LISTENINGPRACTICE TEST 1NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40APPROX

16、. TIME: 30 MINUTESInstructionsYou will hear a number of conversations and talks and you must answer questions on what you hear.The conversations are recorded and you will have time to read the instructions and questions, and to check your work.The tape will be played ONCE only.The test is organised

17、in 4 sections.You can write your answers on the question paper and at the end of the test you will be given time to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.Section 1 Questions 1 - 10Questions 1 - 3Choose the correct letters A - D.ExampleSergeant Brown is going to speak aboutA comfort.B safety.C the

18、 police.D Mr Fogerty.1 Sergeant Brown isA the community patrol officer.B the university security officer.C the community police adviser.D the university liaison officer.2 Sergeant BrownA lives locally and is not married.B lives on the campus and has two daughters.C has a son at the university.D does

19、nt live on the campus with his daughters.3 Sergeant Brown has been a police officer forA 5 years.B 10 years.C 15 years.D 20 years.Questions 4 - 6Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.4 The most dangerous place around the campus is _ .5 The most dangerous place in town is _ .6 It is dangerou

20、s because of _ .Questions 7 - 8Choose TWO letters A - E.Which TWO items should a student always carry?A a personal alarmB valuablesC a passportD jewelleryE some identificationQuestions 9 - 10Choose TWO letters A - E.Which TWO things does Sergeant Brown recommend a student should do?A walk home in pa

21、irsB use public transportC drive homeD not carry a lot of cashE arrange to be home at a certain timeSection 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11 - 13Choose THREE letters A - E.What are John and Sarah discussing?A the amount of work in the second yearB the importance of medieval historyC studying material i

22、n a different languageD when their exams will finishE the level of work in the second yearQuestions 14 and 15Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.14 Why is Sarah working in the market?_15 How many courses must John and Sarah choose?_Questions 16 - 20 Write A NUMBER or NO MORE THAN THREE WO

23、RDS for each space.Course Credits Tutor Recommended reading RequirementsMedieval Society 20 Dr Smith Study pack _ (17)Development of Technology20 Mr Mills Bouchiers _(18)NoneThe Crusades I 10 _ (19) Allison & McKays The First CrusadesFrenchThe Crusades II 10 Dr Shaker & Professor LordMallens A Gener

24、al History of the CrusadesFrenchPeasants and Kings_(16)Dr Reeves Hobarts Introduction to the Middle Ages_ (20)Section 3 Questions 21 - 30Questions 21 - 25Choose the correct letters A - C21 Dr Mullet was particularly impressed by FayedsA final year dissertation.B personal tutor.C exam results.22 Afte

25、r he took his exams, Fayed feltA nervous.B anxious.C happy.23 Dr Mullet accepts people for the MA course because ofA their exam results.B their ability to play games.C a variety of reasons.24 What did Fayed initially go to university to Study?A economics.B booms and crashes.C history.25 The course F

26、ayed is applying for is concerned withA the developing world.B the development of banks.C the economics of work.Questions 26 - 30Complete Dr Mullets notes on his interview with Fayed in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each space.INTERVIEW WITH FAYEDWorried! Far from his country. _ (26) ?Will go to stud

27、y in _ (27)if not accepted here.After university wants to work _ (28).Now going to visit _ (29).My decision - when? _ (30)选择题的解题思路1、扫描题干,划出核心词2、听时综合扫描选项3、用核心词定位,听到什么选什么4、抄完答案之后检查同义相斥相反的有一个是对的常识选择题的解题技巧1、听到词就选2、结合核心词3、生词原则Section 4 Questions 31 - 40Questions 31 - 35Complete each sentence with NO MORE

28、 THAN THREE WORDS.31 The public has more knowledge of vitamins than other parts _ .32 The public doesnt always eat _ .33 There is a widespread belief that Vitamin C can _ .34 Vitamin A helps you see _ .35 Many people wrongly think that taking vitamin supplements can _ .完成句子题的注意事项:1、扫描题干,划出核心词,注意空格前后

29、2、判断所需句子成分及词性3、注意核心词同义词替换,句子结构变化的情况用核心词定位占 50%,用同义词替换的占 30%,句子结构定位为 0%-5%4、注意简写答案,再补全在听写的时候练习5、检查答案的词性总结起来就是:读、猜、听、写、查本套题答案:Listening Test 1You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and you wi

30、ll have a chance to check your answers. The test is in four sections. Record all your answers in your test book and at the end of the test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to a special answer sheet.Now turn to Section 1._Section 1You will hear a policeman giving a talk to some s

31、tudents. First you will have some time to look at questions 1 to 6 (pause for 30 seconds).You will see that there has been an example written for you. On this occasion only the conversation relating to the example will be played first (listen to example).Sergeant Brown is going to speak about safety

32、, so answer B has been circled on the question page.Now we will begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen to the talk carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.Mr Fogarty: . and so Id like to hand you over now to Sergeant Brown. Thank

33、you.Sergeant Brown:Thank you, Mr Fogarty. Er, yes, as you know my name is Sergeant Jeff Brown, and as Mr Fogarty has indicated, Ill be speaking to you briefly today about security (example), about how to make your time at this university safer and more comfortable.I am officially the university liai

34、son officer (Q1), which means I have a specific brief to act as a go-between for the university and the police, if there are problems, and also to offer an official presence on or around campus and give individuals advice if they need it.Now, my job is very important to me. I take security and reduc

35、ing the threat of crime on this campus very seriously because, although I dont actually live on the campus, both my daughters attended this university, and my son is still here (Q2). So I am a local policeman in every respect. I have been the university liaison officer for the last five years but I

36、have been in the police force for 15 in all (Q3).Now, on to some advice. The first thing I want to stress is that this university is a comparatively safe place to live. We have had no serious crimes here in the five years Ive been here. In fact, crime of any sort is very rare on the campus. We have

37、good security here and although there are a lot of staff and students, the security staff, including myself, are making an effort to get to know your faces!However, as students it is of course wise for you to take precautions to protect yourselves against crime when you are off the campus. As I said

38、, the campus itself is really very safe, but there is a large park right behind it, MacGowan Fields (Q4), and although this is a beautiful place to sit or walk during the day, at night you must be careful. One or two students have reported unpleasant incidents at night while walking in the park, alt

39、hough it must be said that no major incidents have been reported.Now, there are no areas in town which I advise students to avoid as a general rule, but the town centre (Q5) is more hazardous than other areas, especially in the evenings on Friday and Saturday. On these days there is often fighting a

40、fter people have had too much to drink in the pubs and clubs in the area. There have also been a number of robberies and muggings (Q6).Before the talk continues you have some time to read questions 7 to 10 (pause for 20 seconds). Now listen carefully and answer questions 7 to 10.Well, that was my ad

41、vice to you. Most of it is common sense but remember crime always happens when you least expect it. But there are ways to protect yourself. First of all, the university provides all students with personal alarms (Q7). If you are attacked, you can use this to put off your attacker. Secondly, dont tak

42、e anything with you that cannot easily be replaced like a passport or things of sentimental value. Leave jewellery and other valuables in your room when you go out. Always make sure you take something which will identify you (Q8), perhaps your student card or your driving licence. Thirdly, when you

43、are out late at night, come home in twos (Q9). Its much safer if youre with a friend than on your own. And obviously, dont have very much money on you (Q10). Finally, if you do know youll be late back and cant use public transport, tell someone else when you expect to be home and if theres a problem

44、, they can raise the alarm. So, thats about all from me and I wish you a pleasant and safe stay here. Thank you.That is the end of Section 1. You will have half a minute to check your answers (pause for 30 seconds).Now turn to Section 2._Section 2You will hear two students, Sarah and John discussing

45、 their choices of courses to study. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15 (pause for 30 seconds).Now listen carefully to the discussion and answer questions 11 to 15.Sarah: Hi, JohnJohn: Hello, Sarah. What are you doing in here? Havent all you exams finished?Sarah: Well, yes, they h

46、ave, but Ive got to make my decisions for next year. I still havent chosen what courses Im going to do.John: Thats why Im here. Why dont we have a look through the brochure together?Sarah: Thats a good idea. Im not sure about some of these courses on medieval history.John: No. In fact, Im not sure a

47、bout the whole second year. I was talking to Peter Lily the other day - you know, hes just finished the second year - and he was saying that the work load is higher in (Q11) the second year because you have to read all these medieval documents in Latin (Q12). I mean, the first years been pretty hard

48、 but next year will be worse. There are more assignments in the second year - it goes up to six a year for each course, doesnt it?Sarah: Yes But weve got the experience of the first year to build on, so it must get easier. And there isnt so much secondary material in the second year. There arent so many books about the medieval period.John: Dont you believe it! I think this years going to be hard work (Q13)!Sarah: Well, perhaps Id better give up my job then.John: Youre working as well?Sarah: Yeah, Ive b

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