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1、英文论文难,不是难在写作素材上,而是难在不熟悉专业的词汇,中国的留学生大多本身的英语基础不好,很多都是应付各种考试而准备的词汇,和英语母语的外国学生相比,中国学生写作能力则欠缺不少。还有一点,用英语写论文难,是因为不太了解学术英语的语言特点。本文主要在于讨论学术论文写作的方法,包括学术论文写作中常用的句型结构,对于很多初次写作的新手来说应该有所帮助,大家可以模仿和学习,以便自己的英文论文化难为易。下面我们来看看英文论文的写作技巧有哪些?一般来说,一篇完整规范的学术论文由以下各部分构成:Title(标题)Abstract(摘要)Keywords(关键词)Table of contents(目录)

2、 Nomenclature(术语表)Introduction(引言)Method(方法)Results(结果)Discussion(讨论)Conclusion(结论 )Acknowledgement(致谢)Reference(参考文献 )Appendix(附录)其中 Title,Abstract,Introduction,Method,Result ,Discussion ,Conclusion,Reference 等八项内容是必不可少的(其他内容根据具体需要而定)。在这八项内容中,读者最多的是Title,Abstract 和 Introduction 部分,读者会根据这些内容来决定是否阅读全

3、文。也就是说,一篇研究论文赢得读者的多少,在很大程度上取决于 Title,Abstract 和 Introduction 写得好坏。因此这三项内容将各分章详细加以讲述。学术论文的正文一般包括 Method,Result,Discussion 三个部分。这三部分主要描述研究课题的具体内容、方法,研究过程中所使用的设备、仪器、条件,并如实公布有关数据和研究结果等。Conclusion 是对全文内容或有关研究课题进行的总体性讨论。它具有严密的科学性和客观性,反映一个研究课题的价值,同时提出以后的研究方向。标题的写法论文标题是全文内容的缩影。读者通过标题便能够预测论文的主要内容和作者的意图,从而决定是

4、否阅读全文。因此,为了使文章赢得有关领域里众多的读者,论文的标题必须用最精炼的语言恰如其分地体现全文的主题和核心。本章主要探讨英语学术论文标题的语言特点及写法。6.1 标题的长度标题 单词总数 名词数 介词数 形容词等1) Fire Resistant Steels for Construction: Design, Properties and Microchemistry 9 6 1 22) Damping Capacity of Shape Memory Alloy 6 5 1 03) Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology:

5、Barriers and Needs 8 5 0 314) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: A Survey 6 4 0 25) Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials 7 4 1 26) Computer Simulation and Experimental Study on Cold Shut During Mold Filling 11 5 2 4英语科技论文中,标题不宜过长,大多为 812 个单词左右。英文论文引言的写作技巧学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画。引言尽管不像摘要那样有一定的篇幅限

6、制和相对固定的格式,但在内容和结构模式上也有需要遵循的规律。本章首先介绍这些规律,然后探讨需要掌握的语言技巧。8.1 引言的内容与结构布局引言的主要任务是向读者勾勒出全文的基本内容和轮廓。它可以包括以下五项内容中的全部或其中几项:介绍某研究领域的背景、意义、发展状况、目前的水平等;对相关领域的文献进行回顾和综述,包括前人的研究成果,已经解决的问题,并适当加以评价或比较;指出前人尚未解决的问题,留下的技术空白,也可以提出新问题、解决这些新问题的新方法、新思路,从而引出自己研究课题的动机与意义;说明自己研究课题的目的;概括论文的主要内容,或勾勒其大体轮廓。如何合理安排以上这些内容,将它们有条有理地

7、给读者描绘清楚,并非容易之事。经验告诉我们,引言其实是全文最难写的部分。这是因为作者对有关学科领域的熟悉程度,作者的知识是渊博、还是贫乏,研究的意义何在、价值如何等问题,都在引言的字里行间得以充分体现。我们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排(如图 8.1 所示 )。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述;第二层提出目前尚未解决的问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与意义;第三层说明自己研究的具体目的与内容;最后是引言的结尾,可以介绍一下论文的组成部分。第一层:1) Introducing the general research area in

8、cluding its background, importance, and present level of development2) Reviewing previous research in this area第二层: Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question 第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research第四层:1) Announcing your major findings 2) Ou

9、tlining the contents of your paper 图 8.1 引言的结构布局之一值得注意的是,引言中各个层次所占的篇幅可以有很大差别。这一点与摘要大不一样,摘要中的目的、方法、结果、结论四项内容各自所占的篇幅大体比例一样(见 7.2 节) 。而在引言中,第一个层次往往占去大部分篇幅。对研究背景和目前的研究状况进行较为详细的介绍。研究目的可能会比较简短。引言与摘要还有一点不同的是,摘要中必须把主要研究结果列出,而在引言中(如果摘要与正文一同登出)结果则可以省略不写,这是因为正文中专门有一节写结果 (results),不必在引言中重复。下面这段引言的例子摘自一篇关于混合电动汽车

10、的研究论文,大部分篇幅介绍研究背景。sample 1A Hybrid Internal Combustion Engine/Battery Electric Passenger Car for Petroleum Displacement I. Forster and J. R. Bumby INTRODUCTION 1 The finite nature of the worlds oil resources and the general concern about automobile emissions have prompted the adoption of energy cons

11、ervation policies and emphasized the need to transfer energy demand from oil to other sources of energy, such as natural gas, coal and nuclear. 2 A transfer of energy from oil to electricity can be achieved to a limited extent in the road trans- port sector by the increased use of electric vehicle.

12、However, such vehicles are limited in range due to the amount Of energy that can he realistically stored on-board the vehicle without affecting payload. As a consequence of this, electric vehicles must he used in situations where daily usage is well defined, for example, in urban delivery duty. Inde

13、ed, it has been in such vehicles as the urban milk delivery vehicles that electric traction drives have been traditionally applied with a great deal of success. Currently the demand is for urban electric vehicles to he developed with greater traffic compatibility in terms of speed and range.分析:第一层(第

14、 15 段) :介绍混合电动汽车的研究背景、意义、目前的发展水平,需要解决的问题等。第 1 段:指出混合电动汽车的研究背景。世界石油资源的有限性及人们对汽车排放问题的广泛关注使得能源转换问题尤为重要。第 2 段:使用电动汽车能够从某种程度上实现能源转换。但问题是电动汽车的续驶里程比内燃机车短。所以目前要解决的问题是提高电动汽车的速度和续驶里程。3 Although urban delivery vehicle applications will help to reduce the dependence of the road transport sector on petroleum-bas

15、ed fuels, the major part of this market requires vehicles that are not limited in range and have a performance compatible with internal combustion, i.e. engine vehicles. The use of advanced traction battery technology to overcome the range limitation of electric vehicles is one possible solution. Ho

16、wever, this would still result in a vehicle limited in range and may in itself create additional problems. For example, due to the much greater on- board stored energy, the charging time required will be greater than at present. 4 The range limitations of the pure electric vehicle can be overcome by

17、 using a hybrid i.c. engine/electric drive which incorporates both an i.c. engine and an electric traction system. Al- though such a vehicle can be designed to meet a number of objectives, it has been argued that a vehicle which seeks to remove the range limitation of the electric vehicle while subs

18、tituting a substantial amount of petroleum fuel by electrical energy is the vehicle most worth pursuing. With the emphasis of the vehicle design on the electric drive train, the intention may be to operate in an all-electric mode under urban conditions and to use the i.c. engine for long-distance mo

19、torway driving. The hybrid mode could then he used for extending urban range and/or improving vehicle accelerative performance on accelerator kick-down.5 The concept of a hybrid electric vehicle capable of substituting petroleum fuel is not new,第 3 段:市场要求电动汽车的续驶里程及工作性能与内燃机汽车媲美,但是,即使先进电池可以提高电动汽车的续驶里程

20、,但还会有一些问题不能解决。 第 4 段:续驶里程可以通过使用混合电动汽车来提高。混合电动汽车上既装有内燃机,又装有电动驱动系统,在必要时使用其中一种系统。第 5 段:回顾并评述前人关于混合电动汽车Bosch and Volkswagen having built vehicles in the 1970s. More recently, the advent of the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development and Demonstration Programme in the United States of America i

21、nitiated the design and construction of a Near Term Hybrid Vehicle (NTHV) with the principal aim of substituting petroleum fuel by wall plug electricity. 6 As part of the NTHV programme, a large number of conceptual studies were conducted but on vehicles aimed at the American passenger car market. I

22、n this paper optimization studies were conducted, but now on a vehicle suitable for the European medium-sized passenger car market. Such optimization studies are important as, with two sources of traction power available, the way in which they are controlled, and their relative sizing, is fundamenta

23、l to the way the vehicle performs.7 Before examining in detail the optimum control strategy for the drive train, Section 2 defines the hybrid arrangement under study. A description of the optimization process using an appro摘要的写作技巧英文摘要(Abstract)的写作应用很广。不仅参加国际学术会议、向国际学术刊物投稿要写摘要,国内级别较高的学术期刊也要求附上英文摘要。学位

24、论文更是如此。论文摘要是全文的精华,是对一项科学研究工作的总结,对研究目的、方法和研究结果的概括。本章主要介绍摘要的组成部分、写作方法、各部分的语言特点以及典型句型。1. 摘要的种类与特点摘要主要有以下四种。第一种是随同论文一起在学术刊物上发表的摘要。这种摘要置于主体部分之前,目的是让读者首先了解一下论文的内容,以便决定是否阅读全文。一般来说,这种摘要在全文完成之后写。字数限制在 100150 字之间。内容包括研究目的、研究方法、研究结果和主要结论。第二种是学术会议论文摘要。会议论文摘要往往在会议召开之前几个月撰写,目的是交给会议论文评审委员会评阅,从而决定是否能够录用。所以,比第一种略为详细

25、,长度在 200300 字之间。会议论文摘要的开头有必要简单介绍一下研究课题的意义、目的、宗旨等。如果在写摘要时,研究工作尚未完成,全部研究结果还未得到,那么,应在方法、目的、宗旨、假设等方面多花笔墨。第三种为学位论文摘要。学士、硕士和博士论文摘要一般都要求用中、英文两种语言写。学位论文摘要一般在 400 字左右,根据需要可以分为几个段落。内容一般包括研究背景、意义、主旨和目的;基本理论依据,基本假设;研究方法;研究结果;主要创新点;简短讨论。不同级别的学位论文摘要,要突出不同程度的创新之处,指出有何新的观点、见解或解决问题的新方法。第四种是脱离原文而独立发表的摘要。这种摘要更应该具有独立性、

26、自含性、完整性。读者无需阅读全文,便可以了解全文的主要内容。以上四种摘要具有许多共性。无论哪种摘要,内容一般都包括:(1)目的(objectives ,purposes) :包括研究背景、范围、内容、要解决的问题及解决这一问题的重要性和意义。(2)方法(methods and materials):包括材料、手段和过程。(3)结果与简短讨论(results and discussions):包括数据与分析。(4)结论(conclusions) :主要结论,研究的价值和意义等。无论哪种摘要,语言特点和文体风格也都相同。首先必须符合格式规范。第二,语言必须规范通顺,准确得体,用词要确切、恰如其分,

27、而且要避免非通用的符号、缩略语、生偏词。另外,摘要的语气要客观,不要作出言过其实的结论。下面从内容、结构布局和语言特点三方面着手,讨论摘要的写作方法和技巧。2. 摘要的内容与结构一般来说,摘要必须包括研究目的,研究方法,研究结果,主要结论等内容。也就是说,摘要必须回答“研究什么”、“ 怎么研究 ”、“ 得到了什么结果”、 “结果说明了什么” 等问题。2.1 学术期刊论文摘要这种摘要随同全文一起发表,简短精炼是其主要特点。只需简明扼要地将研究目的、方法、结果和结论分别用 12 句话加以概括即可(如图所示)。至于研究背景或宗旨应在论文的Introduction 部分较详细介绍,不必在摘要里介绍。T

28、itleAuthor(s), addressObjectives,purpose,hypotheses Methods,materials,procedures .Results,data,observations,discussion .Conclusions .期刊论文摘要结构布局例 1DOES ALUMINUM ENTER THE LIQUID OONTAINEDIN POP CANS AND ALUMINUM COOKWARE?Daniel T. MossCampbell, 353 North King St., Xenia OH 45385Objective: 1This inves

29、tigation was performed to see if the aluminum in pop cans (易拉罐)and aluminum cookware enters the liquid they contain. It was hypothesized that aluminum does enter the liquids in aluminum cans and cookware. Methods and Materials: This experiment was performed by testing seven different types of carbon

30、ated beverages and water boiled in aluminum cookware for three hours. Every hour a sample was removed for testing. The cookware consisted of a new and old aluminum pot. The colorimetric method was used to determine the concentration of aluminum. Results: The results showed that aluminum was present

31、in carbonated beverages and in the water boiled in the cookware. Conclusions: It was concluded that aluminum existed in carbonated beverages and substances cooked in aluminum cookware, and that the concentration of aluminum increased with time. (126 words) (本章选文中黑体部分为编者注。)分析:本摘要共 8 句话,126 个词。第 1 句话指

32、出了研究目的:装在易拉罐或铝制炊具中的液体是否含有铝。第 2 句是假设,铝可能真的会进人装在铝制罐子或炊具中的液体之中。第 36句是实验材料、时间与方法。第 7 句是实验结果。第 8 句是结论:存放于铝制容器或炊具中的液体内含有铝,而且存放的时间越长,铝含量越高。例 1 中的主要句型结构如下:This investigation was performed to see 表示研究目的It was hypothesized that 表示假设This experiment was performed by testing 表示实验过程和方法The colorimetric method was

33、used to determine 表示测量方法The results showed that 表示实验结果It was concluded that 表示结论例 2FACTORS INVOLVED IN POAG:CAROTENOID INTAKE, EYE COLOR, ANDGIRTH MEASUREMENTSC. A. Greenell and D. M. SpillmanDepartment of Physical Education, Health and Sports Studies,Phillops Hall, Miami University, Oxford Oh 45056

34、Objective: This study investigates possible effects of high intake of carotenoids(类胡罗卜素), eye color, and girth measurements(眼睛大小)on primary open angle glaucoma (POAG 青光眼). Methods and Materials: Researchers designed a questionnaire that inquired about diet and family and personal health history. Thi

35、s questionnaire was administered to 250 individuals suffering from glaucoma. Results and Discussion: The dietary data suggested a possible correlation between low habitual intake of vitamin A, E, and C and higher risk of POAG. In addition, the number of persons suffering from POAG with blue eye colo

36、r was significantly higher than those with brown or green. Finally, a possible association was suggested concerning girth measurements: those persons with proportionately larger than normal girth measurements may be more likely to suffer from POAG. (117 words)分析:本摘要只有 6 句话,117 个词。第 1 句话明确指出研究目的:说明类胡

37、萝卜素的摄人量大、眼睛颜色及眼睛大小与青光眼的关系。第 23 句是研究方法与研究对象。方法是通过调查问卷,研究对象是 250 名青光眼患者。第 46 句话每句话是调查结果:1) 维生素 A、E、C 摄人量低可能与青光眼发病率高有关系;2) 蓝眼睛青光眼患者的比例远远超过棕色眼睛或绿色眼睛青光眼患者;3) 眼睛过大的人患青光眼的可能性更大。本摘要中的主要句型结构:This study investigates表示研究内容或目的Researchers designed a questionnaire表示研究方法This questionnaire was administered to表示研究对象

38、The dietary data suggests that表示调查数据与结果A possible association has been suggested表示调查结果2.2 学术会议论文摘要学术会议论文摘要写得好坏,直接关系到论文是否被录用。摘要起到说服会议论文评审委员会的作用。因此,摘要应该首先简要说明研究背景、内容、范围、价值与意义。在研究方法上也可以多花一点笔墨。会议论文摘要一般在 200250 词之间。其结构布局如图 2 所示。TitleAuthor(s), addressBackground, 15revious studies, present situation, prob

39、lems that need to besolved:正文的写作技巧学术论文的主体部分由引言、正文和结论构成。正文部分包括方法、结果与讨论。由于学术论文所涉及的学科、范围广泛,即使在同一学科领域内,由于选题、研究方法、工作进程不同,正文部分的内容也不尽相同,写作方法也就不存在统一的规定或一成不变的模式。所以,本章只着重介绍写正文部分时一些较为典型的语言现象,希望读者能够从中寻求到一般规律。7.1 描述研究方法研究方法(Method)部分主要内容包括:(1)研究工作具备的基本前提或条件,如实验材料、实验场所、设备器材等。(2)采样、实验、获取数据,并对数据进行技术处理的方法与过程。(3)理论分析

40、,包括理论依据、基本原理、公式推导、数理模型等。采样与实验过程,要根据先后顺序或步骤进行描述。例 1 选自描述对千屈莱这种植物生长的采样与实验过程。例 lMaterials and Methods1 In August 1994,entire purple loosestrife(千屈莱)plants were harvested from three habitats(生长环境 ):1) an upland old field in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area in north-eastern Ohio (n=5);2) a sh

41、allow ditch along Route 261 in Kent, OH (n = 10); and 3) the western shoreline of East Twin Lake, Portage County, OH (n = 6). These sites represent habitats which are never inundated(淹没) with water, are periodically inundated, or have saturated(浸透 ) soils, respectively. 2Shoot sections (嫩枝条 )of 5, 1

42、0, and 15 cm lengths were cut from these plants and positioned in flats(平地) containing a soil mixture of perlite (珍珠岩), vermiculite ( 蛭岩), and peatmoss (苔泥炭) ( 1:1:1). The flats were maintained in the Department of Biological Sciences greenhouse where they experienced ambient meteorological conditio

43、ns except for 6 seconds of mist every 3. 5 minutes between 8: 00 and 20: 00 hours daily. Shoot sections and attached leaves were examined at weekly intervals for pigment (色质) and tissue changes as well as for development of lateral shoots. After 2628 days the sections were rinsed to remove adherent

44、material and dried at room temperature (approximately 22 ) for a week. The adventitious roots from each section were removed with needle-nose forceps, dried at 60 for 24 hours, and then weighed to determine dry biomass. One lake site 5-cm section was lost during processing.分析:此部分严格按照时间顺序描述实验过程。第 1 段

45、描述采样的时间、试样的来源与数量。名叫“千屈莱 ”的试样来自三个地带,分别代表三种生长环境。试样的数量分别是 5、10 、6 棵。第2 段首先描述实验基地,及其环境与条件。然后客观描述实验的详细过程与步骤。描述某一研究方法时,要考虑读者是否了解此方法。如果不了解,描述便需要详细一些。这一点在农、林、医学、教育、社会科学、环境科学等领域尤为突出。例 2 中的选段描述的是一个关于生活用水和农业用水质量”函授培训班的教学与评估方法。由于教学过程与评估方法的特殊性,读者事先不可能对它有详细了解,所以文中要描述得清楚、详细一些。例 2 Correspondence Teaching Methods1 T

46、he program evaluated in this research was a correspondence training course entitled “Quality Water for Home and Farm“ developed for county extension agents( 函授部学员). The program began with a one-day meeting followed by seven monthly written lessons. The program concluded with another one-day meeting.

47、 The one lesson-per-month format was selected to allow agents to complete the assignments as part of their regular work schedule.2 The program followed a simple model for identifying water quality problems and potential solutions.Step 1: Identify the beneficial uses of water (such as for drinking wa

48、ter, livestock water, irrigation, recreation).Step 2: Test the water to ensure that it is of sufficient quality for the beneficial use.Step 3: If water quality problems are identified, examine correction options in four categories to determine which is most affordable and appropriate. The categories are:1. Protect the supply from the contaminant;2. Find and eliminate the contaminant source;3. Treat the water to remove the contaminant;4. Find and develop a new water sup

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