1、.新闻的语篇结构倒金字塔(最普遍的结构形式)金字塔结构倒金字塔和金字塔混合式结构多足鼎结构/1-2-3 并列结构( the one, two, three order)仔细阅读下列新闻,并找出其语篇的主要写作结构,然后翻译第6、7、8、9、10 篇章。 1、Woman gives birth while stuck in trafficWed Aug 23,6 :43 PMBy Tom Sharker (AP)MIAMI - A husband helped his wife deliver the couples baby after they got stuck in rush hour
2、traffic and then got lost on the way to the hospital. Bumper-to-bumper traffic delayed Lilliam and Gerardo Mirandas trip to Jackson Memorial Hospital on Wednesday morning. Gerardo Miranda said he was so nervous he made a wrong turn about a mile from the hospital. “She said, Stop, stop, stop. Theres
3、no more time,“ Gerardo Miranda said. He pulled their Chevrolet Cavalier over near the Orange Bowl while his wife called 911. The dispatcher guided Miranda, telling him to use his shoelaces to tie off the umbilical cord. About a half hour after the couple left their Kendall home, 7-pound, 5-ounce Fab
4、io was born. The couples third child was more than a week early. Both mom and baby were taken to a hospital in good condition. “This didnt happen with our other children,“ Lilliam Miranda said. 2、US Missile Targets Iraqi Radar SiteWASHINGTON: A United States Air Force F-16 fighter plane fired a miss
5、ile at an Iraqi radar site after the jet was tracked electronically while in the “no-fly” zone over southern Iraq, the Pentagon said yesterday.But the White House, explaining a long delay in announcing the strike, said it was unclear whether Iraqi radar has “locked on” to the plane on Saturday.A Pen
6、tagon spokesman said the F-16 returned safely to its base in Saudi Arabia. It was not immediately known if the Iraqi site was damaged. The spokesman, confirming the strike about 18 hours after it occurred, said an investigation was under way. Iraq denied any such incident had taken place.White House
7、 press secretary Mr. Mike McCurry, traveling in Florida with the US President, said Mr. Clinton had been briefed early on Saturday about the incident by a member of the National Security Council staff.“There are no indications of changes in the status of anti-missile deployment” by Iraq, Mr. McCurry
8、 said. He referred reporters to the Pentagon .for further details.The Pentagon spokesman read from a statement that said the F-16 “fired a HARM (high-speed anti-radiation missile) at a radar site in southern Iraq after the aircraft was illuminated during a routine Southern Watch Mission”.The inciden
9、t was first reported by The Washington Times. Only then was it acknowledged by the Pentagon and the White House.Mr. McCurry denied that the delay was designed to protect Mr. Clinton from political fallout just before this weeks presidential election. But he struggled to explain why the incident had
10、not been announced sooner, telling reporters aboard Air Force One that he had assumed the Pentagon had announced it earlier in the day.Asked about the delay, White House chief of staff Mr. Leon Panetta said: “I think they were waiting to see whether he (the F-16 pilot) was locked on to (by Iraqi rad
11、ar). They dont know the answer to that.”The missile firing was the first of its kind since September 4, when Iraqi forces confronted US flyers twice as the US flyers twice as the US jets began their patrols over an expanded no-fly zone for Iraqi aircraft that Washington unilaterally declared the day
12、 before.3、胡锦涛主席正式出访印度应印度总统阿卜杜勒卡拉姆(Abdul Kalam)邀请,中国国家主席胡锦涛于本周一抵达印度首都新德里开始国事访问。这是过去 10 年里中国国家领导人第一次出访印度。胡锦涛主席在机场的书面演讲中说到,中印两国是友好邻邦,两国的友好往来可追溯到远古时期。胡主席说,最近几年两国关系全面发展,保持良好的稳健势头,强化了双边的政治互信,扩大了双方的互利合作和友好往来,增强了全球与地区热点问题相互协作。 中印两国都是发展中大国,睦邻友好,加强合作将会使两国人民受益,亚洲及其他地区的和平稳定也会得以保障。此次出访将增进友谊,加强互信,促进合作,为两国发展关系指明方向
13、。胡锦涛主席期待与印度领导人和印度各界代表就双边关系,全球及地区事务进行深入交谈。 胡锦涛表示,他相信此次出访将会加强双边传统友谊,增进互信,扩大双方互利合作,促进两国战略合作伙伴关系的发展。 印度是胡主席四国之旅的第三站,之前胡主席已访问过越南和老挝,巴基斯坦将是最后一个访问国家。11 月 17 号至 11 月 19 号,胡锦涛主席还出席了在越南首都河内举办的亚太经合组织第 14 届经济领导人会议。4、“杜鹃”袭击珠三角.http:/ 2003 年 09 月 04 日 11:39 北京日报今年第 13 号台风“杜鹃” 于 9 月 2 日 19 时 50 分在惠东县港口镇登陆,随后进入大亚湾。
14、在惠东登陆后, “杜鹃”的威力迅速显现台风登陆中心附近最大风力 12级,风速达到 40 米每秒,最大阵风高达 55 米每秒。汕头、惠州、揭阳等地先后出现狂风暴雨天气,惠州、惠东、惠阳、惠来、汕尾、陆丰等七地发布了黑色台风信号。直至 3 日零时,这七地的黑色台风信号才全部解除。当晚 20 时 50 分, “杜鹃”在深圳市东部沿海地区再次登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力 12 级,并伴有疾风骤雨 5、【德国星期日图片报月日报道】题:饮食误区每当孩子们看到盘子里成堆的绿色蔬菜时,他们便没了胃口这些蔬菜都是好心的妈妈为他们放上去的。但是,妈妈们至今还认为,菠菜特别有益于健康。但这是个错误的看法,对妈妈和孩
15、子都没有好处。“菠菜含有大量的铁” 众多根深蒂固的饮食误区之一。菠菜的神话建立在一种逻辑错误上:世纪末,一位研究人员在克菠菜中测量到毫克铁。然而这是指在干菠菜中的含量。人们需要吃整整公斤新鲜菠菜才能获得这么多的铁,对此,谁也没有考虑到。“晚上吃饭会长胖。 ”这也是错误的。主餐放在早晨、中午还是晚上吃,效果完全一样。一个很好的例证是,地中海国家的人们经常很晚才吃晚饭,但是他们显然不像我们德国人那样身体超重。“咖啡使人清醒。 ”这种错误认识非常危险。喝过大量的酒后再喝咖啡,只会加快血液对酒精的吸收。“红糖比白糖更健康。 ”错误。红糖和白糖在成分、能量和甜度方面是一样的。因此,两者在过量食用的情况下
16、都对身体有害。“吃过樱桃就不用喝水了。 ”这是老奶奶们孩提时的神话,因为以前的饮用水被细菌严重污染。“啤酒含有很高的热量。 ”不正确。半升啤酒只含有千卡的热量。多喝则会形成啤酒肚。“新鲜面包导致肚子疼。 ”错误。因为新鲜面包口味好,人们往往吃得很多。吃得太多,当然会肚子疼。“不能用橄榄油煎东西。 ”这句话反过来说则是正确的。橄榄油特别适合煎东西,因为它富含维生素和特殊的脂肪酸,这使它非常耐高温(能耐摄氏度) 。“土豆上发青的地方也可以吃。 ”绝对不行!发青的地方含有大量苦味素。克半青的土豆就能导致头痛或恶心。“辛辣食物对胃不好。 ”实际上不然。小尖辣椒、胡椒和咖哩粉都能杀死细菌。它们有助于肝和
17、胆发挥功能。“意大利面条使人长胖。 ”不正确。一份克的意大利生面条只含有千卡的热量。使人发胖的是作料里的奶油和肉酱。“吃巧克力会使皮肤长包。 ”天方夜谭。迄今为止,还没有科学证据表明,吃巧克力和皮脂腺增生、皮肤脓包或者粉刺有关系。.6、蒲公英渐行渐远 防大旱当务之急今年第 7 号台风 “蒲公英”昨天在浙江登陆,历时近一周的福建防台抗台工作告一段落。但是水利专家分析表示,这次台风并没有给福建带来直接有效的降雨,旱情仍未缓解,抗大旱仍是当务之急。据了解, “蒲公英” 缓解的仅是闽东三四个县的旱情,我省大部分县市区则没有形成缓解旱情的有效降雨。由于今年入汛以来,福建降雨量比常年少 20%-30%,我
18、省 17 各大型水库和 82 个中型水库蓄水量分别去去年少了 9%和17%。尤其是闽西北局部地区增发量还大于降雨量,旱情呈抬头之势。因此,福建省防汛抗旱指挥部要求,各地各部门眼下首要的是要做好节水工作,除大兴山地水利蓄水灌溉外,要加强病险库的维修加工,做好蓄水准备。其次要争取 7 月份这个较适合人工增雨的气候优势,实施人工降雨,因为 8 月份就不具备这个有利条件了。7、Newest China Rich List: Games Are GoldWithin 10 years, Chinas entertainment industry has the potential to create m
19、ore new wealth than any other industry in the country. At least, thats what Rupert Hoogewerf, publisher of the Hurun Rich List, says in a recently released report his first - on the entertainment industrys top moneymakers. Huruns entertainment rich list isnt what youd expect. Instead of movie stars,
20、 models and the like, Chinas entertainment industry is dominated by suits possibly a consequence of Huruns definition of “entertainment,” which includes new amusements like instant messaging and online gaming in addition to traditional diversions like movies and sports. Pony Ma, founder of Tencent H
21、oldings, Chinas largest Internet portal and provider of the popular QQ messaging service, topped the new list. Hurun calculates that 23 billion yuan, or 3.5 billion dollars, of Mas total worth comes from his companys entertainment business, which generates roughly 80% of Tencents total market cap. M
22、a fell just outside the top ten on Huruns 2010 general list of the richest people in China and finished second to Baidu CEO Robin Li on Huruns latest IT industry rich list. Just yesterday, Tencent reported a third-quarter net profit of 2.15 billion yuan, a 52% increase from same period the year befo
23、re, despite an ongoing quarrel between Tencent and software company Qihoo. Two other Tencent executives are ranked among Huruns entertainment top 20. In second place on the entertainment list is William Ding, the founder of Internet portal and online game operator NetEase. Ding was briefly Chinas .r
24、ichest man in 2003, according to Forbes. According to Hurun, he is worth 14.5 billion yuan from entertainment portions of his business. Since 2009, NetEase has been the main operator in China of the popular multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. According to second quarter results, more than 90%
25、 of NetEase revenue comes from its online gaming service. Rounding out the top three, with 10.5 billion yuan, is Chen Tianqiao, the founder of gaming company Shanda Interactive Entertainment. While Huruns general China rich list this year was dominated by food and beverage barons, the entertainment
26、sector list is stacked with online game executives at nine total, including Ding and Chen. On average, the people on the entertainment rich list are eight years younger with a median age of 43 than those who made the general 2010 Hurun rich list. The film industry had some representation, including
27、Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei, founders of the Huayi Brothers production company, who made the list largely because their movie “Aftershock,” released earlier this year, was popular at the box office. It is now Chinas highest-grossing domestic film to date, hitting well over 600 million yuan in ti
28、cket sales. “I would place a lot of emphasis on the film sector in the next few years,” says Hoogeworf. “Budgets and number of films are going up each year, and revenue generated from these films are up too.” Only two actual entertainers made the top 20: Actor Jet Li (1.9 billion) at number 11 and b
29、asketball star Yao Ming (1 billion yuan) sneaking in at number 20. “I was surprised that the rich list was so predominantly online,” says Hoogeworf. “Entertainers didnt make the cut. I expected a couple of kararoke bars at least.” Cathy Yan8、Microsoft a Winner in China Internet Gang War?The public b
30、attle between Chinese Internet giant Tencent and antivirus software company Qihoo 360, referred to by some as “small gang” (Qihoo 360) vs. “mafia” (Tencent), has led to a spike in new users for other firms, including one of Tencents chief rivals, Microsoft.Zuma Press A screen shot taken in Chongqing
31、, China shows icons for 360 and QQ software, products at the heart of a battle raging on the Chinese Internet that .has had unexpected benefits for Microsoft. New user signups in China for Microsofts MSN Messenger, a competitor to Tencents leading QQ instant-messaging service, have gone “from tens o
32、f thousands normally to millions” per day since a flare-up between the two Chinese companies began, a person familiar with the situation said. The conflict, which appears to have ignited two months ago when antivirus software company Qihoo 360 alleged that Tencents QQ was scanning the private data o
33、f its users and released software claiming to block plug-ins that could cause such privacy leaks. Tencent denied the allegations, then discontinued its services to QQ users who were also using Qihoo 360s software. Qihoo 360 responded by encouraging users to discontinue use of QQ.The spike in MSN use
34、rs shows that at least some users have taken that request to heart. But while analysts say the incident may push some users to competing services, Zhang Yanan, analyst for Zero2IPO, said the incident is unlikely to turn a significant portion of users against Tencent, which has a loyal following of h
35、undreds of millions of people. Tencent “really did a poor job in managing this public relations crisis” and the incident might “change QQ users view toward the company from trust to emotional resistance,” Zhang said. But, he added, “I cant see the possibility that a large number of users are going t
36、o abandon the service.” Still, criticisms of the two companies continue to spread, despite reports by state-run media that Tencent and Qihoo have moved to make their services compatible again. Thousands of users have signed online petitions (in Chinese) saying the companies actions disregarded the n
37、eeds of users, or requesting that Chinas State Administration for Industry and Commerce launch an anti-monopoly investigation into Tencents business practices.“Its possible that users might convert to another IM service some day but from my point of view, its not going to happen very soon,” Zhang sa
38、id. “For the short term, I dont think this incident is going to change the current market structure.”9、中国:买房成了中国人的痛听外国人说中国房地产:买房 成了中国人的痛 房地产门户 -搜房网 2006-06-15 08:37:00 来源:环球时报 26 岁的杜小姐毕业于上海交大,在一家外国咨询公司当助理。她男朋友是位工程师,两人月工资加起来有 1250 美元,这足以使他们步入中产阶层行列。 .他们打算结婚,但在持续半年的看房后,依然在寻找合适的房子。杜小姐说:“很难找到理想的房子,不是价格太
39、高就是位置不好。 ”她希望花 8 万美元买个两室一厅,但在上海市中心,此类房子价格通常都是他们预算的 3 倍。 在旧金山、纽约、伦敦等城市,经常能听到关于买不起房子的话题。如今,这也成为北京、上海等城市居民的日常话题。过去 4 年中,房价持续上涨,即使是那些有可靠收入的人群也买不起房了。大学毕业生和新婚夫妇总是哀叹看房屡受挫折。由于买不起房,以后许多年中,他们不得不和父母住在一起。 对一个正在努力建设中产阶层的国家来说,这样的情况有些危险,有可能导致社会问题。第一季度,中国房地产投资额达 236 亿美元,但只有 7.75 亿用于低价住房。结果是,人们能买得起的房子越来越少。同时,银行给房地产开
40、发商的贷款不断增多,而一旦房产价格跌落,银行就会受到损害,许多贷款将无法收回。 6 月初,北京方面出台一系列政策,旨在抑制奢侈住房市场。新规定开始显现成效。某房地产公司销售代表说:“新政策使人们变得犹豫不决了。 ”这样的政策是否能增加群众买得起的房子还有待观察。开发商关注高端住房的一个原因是地价高,有的项目甚至几乎占到成本的一半。房地产服务商仲量联行公司住宅研究主管迈克哈特说:“ 想降低住房成本,就要降低土地价格。 ”要不然,越来越多中国年轻人要和父母住一起了。 (2006 年 6 月 12 日环球时报 )10、Police Hurt in Street Violence(summary le
41、ad: two policemen injured by drunken youths) Two policemen were injured and two patrol cars damaged during street violence involving hundreds of drunken youths in Strout, Cloucs, last night.(story narrated by time sequence)Trouble started when two plain-cloths officers on duty in the Victoria Inn ar
42、rested a woman for spitting in the face of one of them.The two policemen were pelted with stones, glasses and bottles as gangs of youths rampaged through the town center.They were then set upon by the mob and kicked and punched until rescued by other officers.Six people-four men and two women-all aged between 19 and 27, later appeared in court charged with assault, destruction and public offences.They were released on stringent bail conditions, including curfews and bans on using public houses and clubs.