1、11 页1、 These arent idle questions.Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking in other words, about where you and your society are. “Music expressed its times, says sociologist Irving Horowitz.Horowitz sees t
2、he rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and crash.He sees it as a place where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs.这些并不是闲谈。有些社会学家认为对这些问题的回答可以充分说明你在想些什么以及社会在想些什么 也就是说,有关你和社会的态度。社会学家欧文?霍洛威茨说:“音乐表现其时代。霍洛威茨把摇滚乐的舞台视为某种辩论的论坛,一个各种思想交锋
3、的场所。他把它看作是一个美国社会努力为自己的感情及信仰不断重新进行解释的地方。2、 When he appeared on the Ed.Sullivan Sunday night variety show in front of millions, a kind of debat took place. Most of the older viewers frowned, while most of the younger viewers applauded.当他通过电视上埃德?沙利文的星期日晚间的综艺节目出现在千百万人面前时,就引起了某种辩论。多数年纪大的观众眉头紧皱,而大多数年轻观众则报
4、以掌声欢迎。3、 Todays heroes some of them, anyway tell us they enjoy their rewards.“And I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar babies. The particular culture hero who sings that is Alice cooper.今天的英雄们 至少其中一部分人 告诉我们,他们很喜欢所得到的报偿。“我暗自嘲笑这些先生们和女士们,他们从没想到过我们会成为金娃
5、娃。 ”演唱这支歌曲是“文化英雄”艾利丝?库珀。4、 He ends it by pretending to end his life with a guillotine. 、他表演的最后一幕是假装在断头台上结束自己的生命。5、 6、 7、the 1950s. 他只不过是体现了 50 年代青少年那种心灰意冷的精神状态。24 页1、 Most disturbing of all was our discovery of the population explosion.It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on
6、 the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years.So long as the earths population keeps growing at this cancerous rate, all of the other problems appear virtually insoluble.The quality of life is likely to become steadily worse for everybody.Our cities will continue to become more
7、 crowded and noisome. The landscape will get more cluttered, the air and water even dirtier. 最令人不安的是我们发现了人口爆炸这一问题。我们突然意识到我们这艘载人小飞船上的乘客数目大约每 40 年翻一倍。只要地球上的人口持续地按这个可怕的速度增长,其他所有问题都将无法解决。我们的城市会变得越来越拥挤,景色会变得更加杂乱,空气和水也会变得愈发肮脏。所有人的生活质量都会不断恶化。2、 “More than any other generation, he said, our generation views
8、 the adult world with great skepticism there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.他写道:“与其他任何一代人相比,我们这一代人在看待成人世界时抱有更大的疑虑?同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成人世界。”3、 But for the poor in spirit, with low levels of both energy and pride, it may be the least intolerable choice available.但对于那些卑微、懒惰又缺乏自尊
9、的人来说,这也许是可行的最可以忍受的选择了。4、 It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of every generation. To them it offers a romantic appeal, usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.它吸引了每一代年轻人中那些更为活跃和更具理想主义的人,对他们来说,这种策略具有浪漫的吸引力,通常以某位魅力非凡且令人振奋的人物为其象征。这一策略简单明了并具有更大的吸引力:“既然这个社会已经
10、无可救药,那就让我们砸碎它,在它的废墟上面建一个更好的社会。”5、 6、实质上,这是一种寄生式的生活方式,采取此策略的人通过这样或那样的方式寄生于这个他们蔑视的社会,并且拒绝对这个社会承担责任 In one way or another, its practitioners batten on the society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.7、 They lived in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they
11、had overthrown replaced by a new one, just as hard-faced and stuffy.他们极度失望,看到他们推翻的权力机构又被新机构所替代,而新机构依旧是那样冷酷,那样毫无生机。8、 At the same time, my generation was discovering that reforming the world is a little like fighting a military campaign in the Apennines, as soon as you capture one mountain range, ano
12、ther one looms just ahead. As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control, new problems took their place the unprecedented problems of an, affluent society, of racial justice, of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable, of coping with war in unfamiliar guise
13、s.与此同时,我们这一代人渐渐发现改造世界有点像在亚平宁山区打仗一样。你刚刚占领一条山脉,另一条山脉又在前方隐现。当 20 世纪 30 年代的大问题刚刚勉强得到控制,新的问题又出现了富足社会中出现的崭新问题,如种族平等,保证城市环境适于居住,应付各种陌生伪装下的战争等等。36 页1、 As that I ground my teeth in disgust. If only they wouldnt use the word hurt I might be able to get somewhere. But I did not allow myself to be hurried or di
14、sturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached the child again.听到这里我狠狠地咬了咬牙,要是他们没用“伤害”这个词,我也许能做点什么,但是我没有着急或恼怒,而是慢声细语地说着话,一边再次靠近这个孩子。2、 For heavens sake, I broke in. Dont call me a nice man to her.Im here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it.
15、 看在上帝的份上,我打断了她的话,请不要再在她面前说我是一个好人。我来是看看她的嗓子,也许她患了白喉,而且很可能会死于这种病。3、 Then the battle began. I had to do it.I had to have a throat culture for her own protection.But first I told the parents that it was entirely up to them.I explained the danger but said that I would not insist on a throat examination s
16、o long as theywould take the responsibility. 接着一场战役开始了,我不得不这样做。由于她的自我保护,我必须检查一下她的嗓子。可是我首先告诉家长这完全取决于他们。我说明了其危险性,但同时提出只要他们承担责任我就不会坚持做这次喉咙检查。4、 But I have seen at least two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases, and feeling that I must get a diagnosis now or never I went at it again.但我已经看
17、到至少两个孩子因为这种情况而被疏忽了,躺在床上死去,我感到我必须现在进行诊断,否则就再没有机会了。5、 But the worst of it was that I too had got beyond reason. I could have torn the child apart in my own fury and enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to attack her, my face was burning with it.然而最糟糕的是,我也失去了理智,我本可以在盛怒之下将女孩的嘴扒开来享受其中的快乐,向她发起进攻真是一件乐事,我的脸也因此而发热。
18、47 页1、 In one of the worlds biggest countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment, secretly practiced many times more often, and almost never comes to light.而在某个世界大国,安乐死虽然经常受到医疗机构的公开谴责,每年却以数倍于此的次数秘密实施,且从未公之于众。2、 Some people believe that the time of death is appointed by God and tha
19、t no man should put the clock back on another. Yet if a patients philosophical views embrace euthanasia, it is not clear why the religious objections of others should intrude on his death.有人认为死亡的时间是上帝安排的,任何人不得缩短他人的生命,然而假如一位病人的人生观使其接受安乐死,那么人们不禁要问:为什么其他人还要用不同的宗教观念去干预其死亡呢3、 Yet medical monstrosities th
20、at are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries.然而,医疗上出现的可怕事件如洪水猛兽一般,并不比安乐死的情况更好。它们无疑会在英美以及其他国家中继续肆虐,几乎成了令人恐怖的常规。4、 Suppose to take an example from the moral philosophy books that a man stands to gain from the death o
21、f a certain child. The child strikes his head in the bath and falls unconscious. The man sits down and watches him drown.让我们从道德伦理著作中举例说明。假定一个人会从某个孩子的死亡中获益,当这个孩子在浴缸中撞伤头部而失去知觉时,那个人视而不见,任其溺水身亡。5、 Similarly, suppose that a doctor does no wrong by withholding some treatment in order that death should com
22、e sooner rather than later. Is he then necessarily wrong if he administers enough painkillers to kill?同样,再假设为了缩短而不是延长死亡到来的时间,医生终止某种治疗是无可指责的做法,那么如果这位医生使用足够的镇痛剂致使病人死亡,他就一定大错特错吗?6、 Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that only squeamishness demands a firm difference betw
23、een passive and active euthanasia on request.Their argument for killing goes like this: one of a doctors duties is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there is left for him to do, and killing is the only way to do it.There is nothing new in this view. When Hippocrates formulated his oath for
24、 doctors, which explicitly rules out active killing, most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban.许多医生一直在为解除病人临终前的痛苦而奋斗着。他们认为在病人请求安乐死时,根本无法截然区分被动与主动的安乐死。他们赞成医生杀死病人的理由是:医生的职责之一就是使病人免遭痛苦,这是医生所做的全部事情,而杀死病人则是做到这一点的惟一办法。这个观点并不新颖。当希波克拉底为医生制定信条的时候,曾明确禁止安乐死,而多数其他希腊医生和思想家都不赞成这一禁令7、 The need f
25、or laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer.制定关于安乐死的法律已经到了不能再回避的地步。8、 West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come.与之相反,西德在未来相当长的时间里都无法使任何形式的安乐死合法化。55 页1、 If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probabl
26、y no one would question me. Why? Because we all know there is prejudice against black people in America. That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men and, I am afraid, most women as bizarre.如果我说做黑人比做妇女更糟糕,也许没有人会对我的说法提出质疑。为什么呢?因为“众所周知”,美国存在着对黑人的歧视。说美国存在着对妇女的歧视对于几
27、乎所有男人还有大多数女人来说 却是不可思议的。2、 Prejudice against blacks was invisible to most white Americans for many years. When blacks finally started to mention it, with sit-ins, boycotts, and freedom rides, Americans were incredulous.“Who, us? they asked in injured tones. “Were prejudiced? It was the start of a lon
28、g, painful reeducation for white America. It will take years for whites including those who think of themselves as liberals to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes they all actually have.许多年以来,多数人看不到社会存在着对黑人的歧视。当黑人终于通过静坐示威、联合抵制和自由乘车游行的方式以示抗议,来提及这个问题时,他们觉得简直难以置信。“谁,我们?”他们委屈地问道。我们歧视黑人?”对美国白人来说,
29、这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。他们,包括那些自认为是自由主义者的白人 还需要许多年才能发现并消除他们实际上都持有的种族主义态度。3、 It is still women about three million volunteers who do most of this work in the American political world. The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being district or county vice-chairman, a kind of separate-but-equal positio
30、n with which a woman is rewarded for years of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing. I n such a job, she gets a number of free trips to state and sometimes national meetings and conventions, where her role is supposed to be to vote the way her male chairman votes.在美国政界,大部分的工作仍然是由妇女来做大
31、约 300 万志愿者。她们中任何人所能期待的最好结果是有幸当选为区或县的副主席,这是一个隔离却平等的职位,是给那些多年来一直忠实从事装信封和组织牌局工作的妇女的奖赏。在这种职位上,她可以享受公费出差去参加州或全国性的会议或代表大会,在这些场合她的作用就是和她单位的男主席投一样的票。4、 The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live. At present, our country needs womens idealism and determinatio
32、n, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else一个国家的妇女通过她们在生活中的行为来塑造这个国家的道德、宗教和政治。目前,我们国家在政治上也许比其他任何方面更需要妇女的理想主义和决心。68 页1、 When he was saying all those things against the government and against the council, he became more and more ugly and embittered and I used to be afraid for him. But Im not now 当发
33、表那些反政府和反对美国印第安人事务委员会的言论时,他总会越发气愤,充满怨恨。我曾为他担忧,但现在我不再担心了。2、 We parked the car, Elgie came over and settled himself in the back seat of the car.The patrol car inched down the empty street and I turned cautiously toward Elgie. A police car moved slowly to the corner where we were parked and the patrolme
34、n looked at the three of us intently and we pretended not to notice.我们停了车,埃尔吉走了过来,舒服地靠坐在车的后排座位上。车慢慢地驶到了我们停车的街角处,假释官目不转睛地盯着我们 3 人,而我们却假装没看见。巡逻车在空荡荡的街道上慢慢前行。我小心谨慎地转向埃尔吉。5、 Salina was talking, telling me about Magpies return to Crow Creek after months in exile and howhis relatives went to his sisters h
35、ouse and welcomed him home. 赛利娜跟我讲述着喜鹊在背井离乡数月后返回鸭溪的情形及他的亲戚是怎样到他姐姐家欢迎他返乡的。6、 “After all that trouble he got into during that protest at Custer when the courthouse was burned, he was in jail for a year. Hes still on parole and he will be on parole for another five years and they didnt even prove anyth
36、ing against him! Five years! Can you believe that? People these days can commit murder and not get that kind of a sentence. “他在卡司特抗议时,因为法院被烧,惹了麻烦,被判入狱1 年。他现在还在假释期间,他的假释期还有 5 年,可他们连任何对他不利的证据都没有找到。7、 Always tentative about letting you know what he was really thinking, Elgie said, Yeah? 总是不太想让别人清楚地了解他的
37、想法的埃尔吉说道,“是吗?”8、 I held the poems tightly in my hands pressing my thumbs, first one and then the other, against the smoothness of the cardboard folder. 我把喜鹊的诗紧紧握在手里,两手的拇指交替在平滑的纸夹上狠狠地摁着。81 页1、 And when she breathed, something light and sad no, not sad, exactly something gentle seemed to move in her b
38、osom. 当她呼吸时,似乎有一种轻柔忧郁的东西不,不是忧郁是某种温柔的东西在她的胸中移动。2、 A beautiful woman came along and dropped her bunch of violets, and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and threw them away as if theyd been poisoned. 一个美貌的女人向这边走来,将一束紫罗兰掉在地上,一个小男孩追上去把花递还给她,她接过去后又扔掉了,仿佛花被放了毒似的。3、 She had got q
39、uite used to the frail head on the cotton pillow, the hollowed eyes, the open mouth and the high pinched nose. 她已经完全习惯了在棉布枕头上的那个虚弱的脑袋,那深深凹陷的眼睛,张着的嘴巴和高高的皱缩的鼻子。4、 She could have taken it off and laid it on her lap and stroked it. 她本可以取下它来放在膝上抚弄一下5、 6、在有杏仁的那些星期日,她总是匆匆赶回家,精神抖擞地划火柴点火烧水。She hurried on the
40、 almond Sundays and struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing way.7、 But today she passed the bakers by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room her room like a cupboardand sat down on the red eiderdown. She sat there for a long time. The box that the fur came out of was on the b
41、ed. She unclasped the necklet quickly; quickly, without looking, laid it inside. But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying但是今天她径直从面包店门前走过,爬上楼梯走进那个昏暗的小屋 她的像小柜橱一般的小屋 坐在红鸭绒垫上。她坐了很久。装狐皮围巾的那只盒子放在床上。她迅速解下围巾,看也不看,很快地把它放进了盒子。但当她盖上盒盖时,她觉得听见了哭声。8、 Although it was so brilliantly fine t
42、he blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. 尽管阳光明媚蓝天涂上了金色,巨大的光点犹如泼洒在公共花园里的白葡萄酒布里尔小姐很高兴自己还是决定戴上了狐皮围巾。9、 He scraped with his foot and flapped his arms like a rooster about to crow,
43、and the bandsmensitting in the green rotunda blew out their cheeks and glared at the music.他像一只正要鸣叫的公鸡那样一只脚蹭着地,摆动着双臂。坐在绿色圆亭里的乐队成员们鼓起两腮,眼睛盯着乐谱。91 页1、 She appealed to me because she was like people I had never met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors (whatever they were) with
44、their loyal dogsracing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays 我被她深深地吸引,因为她像是我从没有亲身遇到过的那些人。她就像英国小说中的女人,走在沼泽地里(不管是什么地方),一群忠实的狗奔跑在她们的身旁,并与她们保持一定的距离以示尊敬。她就像坐在炉火熊熊的壁炉前的女人,不时从装满蛋糕和松脆饼的银盘中取东西喝,她就像走在“石南丛生的荒野”中,读着用摩洛哥山羊皮装订的书
45、的那些女人,而且有用连字符隔开的两个姓。2、 As I ate she began the first of what we later called “my lesson in living.“ That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and even more intelligent than college professors. She said that must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. She
46、 encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit. 我吃点心的时候,她开始给我讲我们后来称之为“我生活中的一课”的第一部分。她告诉我不能宽容无知,但可以理解文盲。她认为有些人虽然没有上过学,但却比大学教授更有知识,甚至更聪明。她还鼓励我认真倾听被乡下人称为常识的一些俗语。3、 Childhoods logic never asks to be proved (all conclusions are absolute). 1 didnt question why Mrs. Flowers had
47、 singled me out for attention, nor did it occur to me that Momma might have asked her to give me a little talking to. All I cared about was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book. It was enough to prove that she liked me.孩提时的逻辑永远不需要证实(所有的结论都是绝对的)。我从来没有想过为什么弗劳尔斯夫人会
48、选中我来表示关怀,也从来没想过也许是奶奶曾请求她开导我一下。我只关心她曾给我做点心吃,还给我读她最喜欢的书。这些足以证明她喜欢我4、 There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones. 在石头路旁有一条小路,弗劳尔斯夫人在前面摆动着胳膊,在碎石路上小心地走着。5、 My imagination boggled at the punishment I would deserve i
49、f in fact I did abuse a book of Mrs. Flowers. Death would be too kind and brief.我想像不出如果我真的没有认真读弗劳尔斯夫人的某一本书,将会受到怎样的惩罚。让我去死恐怕是太仁慈太干脆了。103 页1、 Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyones attentionanyones.The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement.节目安排使人生活在无休止的恐惧之中,唯恐抓不住人们的注意力 不管是什么人的注意力都担心。避免造成这一局面的最有把握的办法就是使一切节目都保持简短,不要使任何人的注意力过于集中而受到损害