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1、英美文学方向硕士研究生阅读书目如果你希望走学术之路,请按下列书单阅读一些初步的书目。这里开列的是中文书目,红色标注为必读书目,未标注的也为重要的通识性基本书目。暂时没有开英文书目,原因有三,一是从中文书目中可以推导自己应该读哪些英文书目,二是“阅读量要求”部分已经涵盖了相当的英文阅读量,三是课题教学有相应的英文阅读书目要求。当然,我有可能在适当的时候推出英文书单。阅读量要求:1. 熟悉掌握西方重要文论家的重要文论 30 部(篇以上)2. 研究小说要求阅读英美小说 20 部以上研究诗歌要求阅读英美重要诗人 30 人以上3. 通读自己感兴趣的领域的文学发生背景、基础理论、专题研究 15 部(篇)4

2、. 自己打算研究的作者的著作和相关研究成果 30 部(篇)以上5.一套比较权威的文学史书籍1文学与宗教:拯救与逍遥,刘小枫著,上海三联书店 2001 年。宗教与文学,加德纳著,江先春等译,四川人民出版社 1998 年。基督教的底色与文化延伸,杨慧林著,黑龙江人民出版社 2002 年。神学与当代文艺思想,伯尔等著,徐菲等译,上海三联书 1995 年。欧洲中世纪诗学,陆扬著,上海社会科学出版社 2000 年。诠释学、宗教、希望,特雷西著,冯川译,上海三联书店 1998 年。天路、人路:英国近代文学与基督教思想,卞昭慈著,四川大学出版社 2001。伟大的代码圣经与文学,弗莱著,郝振益等译,北京大学出

3、版社 1998 年。神力的语言,弗莱著,社会科学文献出版社。2文学理论西方文论关键词,赵一凡主编,外语教学与研究出版社 2005 年.高等教育出版社推出的二十世纪西方文论选和西方文论史(红色封面)二十世纪美国文论,盛宁著,北京大学出版社 1994 年镜与灯二十世纪西方文论也可参阅下列书籍:“20 世纪西方文论研究丛书”(共 9 册),王岳川主编,山东教育出版社 1998年:“新马克思主义”文论精神分析文论形式主义文论现象学与解释学文论存在主义文论接受反应文论后结构主义文论女权主义文论后殖民主义与新历史主义文论西方二十世纪文论史,胡经之等,中国社会科学出版社 1988 年二十世纪西方文论研究,郭

4、宏安等,中国社会科学出版 1997 年20 世纪的文学批评,(法)塔迪埃著,百花文艺出版社 1998 年3其它书目:黑格尔,美学维科,新科学罗素,西方哲学史朱光潜,西方美学史尼采,悲剧的诞生,道德谱系,文明及其缺陷韦伯,新教伦理与资本主义精神萨特,存在与虚无德里达,文字学孔子,论语;庄子,道德经刘勰,文心雕龙曹雪芹,红楼梦钱钟书,谈艺录,管锥篇悲剧精神与欧洲思想文化史论,周春生著,上海人民出版 99 年。道德理想国的覆灭从卢梭到罗伯斯庇尔,朱学勤著,三联书店 94 年。文学对抗哲学从柏拉图到德里达,马克爱德蒙森著,中央编译出版社 2000 年。沉重的肉身,刘小枫著,上海人民出版社 1999 年

5、。 诠释与过度诠释,艾柯等著,王宇根译,三联书店 1997 年。影响的焦虑,布鲁姆著,徐文博译,三联书店 1989 年。 资本主义文化矛盾,丹尼尔 .贝尔,赵一凡等译,三联书店 1989 年。新历史主义与文学批评,张京媛著,北京大学出版社 1993 年。福柯著作系列包括疯癫与文明、词与物等。论文学与艺术,弗洛伊德著,常宏译 ,国际文化出版社 2001 年。心理学与文学,荣格著,冯川译,三联书店 1987 年。集体无意识,荣格著。批评的解剖,弗莱著。金枝,弗雷泽著,徐育新等译,中国民间文艺出版社 1987 年。 英语语言文学专业硕士研究生阅读书目精读书目Abrams, M. H. Ed. The

6、 Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York: Norton, 2000.Bate, Jonathan. The Oxford English Literary History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.Baym, Nina. Ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: Norton, 1999Bain, Carl E. et al. Eds. The Norton Introduction to Literatur

7、e. New York: W. W. Norton New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pizer, Donald. Ed. The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: Howells to London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.Ward, A.C. Longman Companion of Twentieth Century Literature. Rev Sub ed. London: Longma

8、n Group United Kingdom, 1981. Booz, Elisabeth B. A Brief Introduction to Modern English Literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1984. Richards, I. A. Principles of Literary Criticism. Ed. John Constable. London; New York: Routledge, 2001.Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture, an

9、d Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993. Rose, Marilyn Gaddis. Translating SpectrumEssays in theory and practice. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981.Hurford, James R. Brendan Heasley and Michael B. Smith. Semantics: a course book. Cambridge; New York: C

10、ambridge University Press, 2007.Lyons, John. Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.Robins, R.H. General Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.Verschueren, Jef. Understanding Pragmatics. Beijing: Foreign Lan

11、guage Teaching and Research Press,2000.Perry, Marivin. An Intellectual History of Modern Europe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.Luedtke, Luther S. Ed. Making America: the society culture of the United States. Washington, D. C: United States Information Agency, 1987. Lane, Jack and Maurice OS

12、ullivan. A Twentieth-century American Reader, 1900-1945. Vol.1. Washington, D. C: United States Information Agency, 1999.Gillingham, John. European Integration, 1950-2003: superstate or new market economy?. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.Adams, Hazard and Leroy Searle. Eds. Cr

13、itical Theory Since Plato. 3rd.ed. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.Glotfelty, Cheryll and Harold Fromm. Eds. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996. 胡壮麟,姜望琪. 语言学高级教程. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2002.刘润清. 西方语言学流派. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2003. 刘宓庆. 文体与翻译. 北京:中国对外翻译

14、出版公司, 2007.陈福康. 中国译学理论史稿. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.刘重德. 文学翻译十讲. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1991.廖七一. 当代西方翻译理论探索. 南京: 译林出版社, 2000.泛读书目Anderson, George Kumler and Williliam E. Buckler. The Literature of England. Trans. and ed. H.V.S. Ogden. Chicago: Scott Foresman New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.Wimsatt, Wil

15、liam K. Jr. and Cleanth Brooks. Literary Criticism: A short History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1957.Venuti, Lawrence. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation.上海外语教育出版社, 2001.Halliday, M.A.K. An Intr

16、oduction to Functional Grammar. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.Garman, Michael. Psycholinguistics. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2002.Larsen-Freeman, Diane, et al. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.Taylor, J

17、ohn. Cognitive Grammar. NY: Oxford University Press, 2002.Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.Wray, Anderson, et al. Projects in linguistics: a practical guide to researching language. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.Gibaldi, Joseph

18、. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.Guerrina, Roberta. Europe: History, Ideas and Ideologies. London: Arnold, 2002. Rietbergen, Peter. Europe: A Cultural History. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.Beatty, John L. Heritage of Wes

19、tern Civilization: Ancient Civilization and the Emergence of the West. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004.John L. Beatty, Heritage of Western Civilization: From Revolutions to Modernity. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004.Samovar, Larry A., et al. Communication Between Cultures. 5th ed. Beij

20、ing: Peking University Press, 2004.Hopfe, Lewis M. and Mark R. Woodward. Religions of the World. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2005.马祖毅. 中国翻译史. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 1999.张今, 张宁. 文学翻译原理(修订版). 北京:清华大学出版社, 2005.崔永禄. 文学翻译佳作对比赏析. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2004.谭载喜. 西方翻译简史. 北京:商务印书馆, 2004.许渊冲. 翻译的艺术. 北京:五洲传播出版社, 2006. 许钧. 翻

21、译思考录. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 1998.肖君石. 汉英、英汉翻译初探. 北京:商务印书馆, 1982.国外翻译研究丛书. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 .温宾利. 当代句法学导论. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.学术期刊外国文学评论:中国社会科学院 外国文学研究所主办,1986 年至今.外国文学研究: 华中师范大学文学院主办, 1978 年至今.国外文学:北京大学主办,1981 年至今.外国文学:北京外国语大学主办,1980 年至今.中国比较文学:上海外国语大学、中国比较文学学会、深圳大学主办, 1984 年至今.中国翻译:中国外文局对外传播研究中心 中国翻译协会主办, 1980

22、年至今.中国科技翻译:中国科学院科技翻译工作者协会主办, 1988 年至今.上海科技翻译:上海市科技翻译学会主办, 1986 年至今.语言学研究与应用:世界学术期刊协会主办,1979 年至今Journal of linguistics: Published for the Linguistics Association of Great Britain by Cambridge University Press,1998 年至今当代语言学:中国社会科学院语言研究所主办,1962 至今.外语教学与研究:北京外国语大学主办,1990 年至今.英语专业学生文学阅读参考书目根据高等学校英语专业英语教学

23、大纲规定英国文学Kingsley Amis Lucky JimJane Austen Pride and PrejudiceArnold Bennett The Old Wives TaleElizabeth Bowen The Death of the HeartCharlotte Bronte Jane EyreEmily Bronte Wuthering HeightsAnthony Burgess A Clockwork OrangeSamuel Butler The Way of All FleshA.S.Byatt PossessionLewis Carroll Alices Ad

24、ventures in WonderlandAngela Carter The Company of WolvesAgatha Christie Murder on the Orient ExpressIvy Compton-Burnett A Family and a FortuneJoseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, Lord JimDaniel Defoe Robinson CrusoeCharles Dickens David CopperfieldSir Arthur C. Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock HolmesMargare

25、t Drabble The WaterfallDaphne Du Maurier RebeccaGeorge Eliot MiddlemarchE.M.F Forster Howards End, A Passage to IndiaJohn Fowles The French Lieutenants WomanJohn Galsworthy The Man of PropertyWilliam Golding Lord of the FliesGraham Greene The Human FactorThomas Hardy Tess of the DUrbervilles, Jude t

26、he ObscureAldous Huxley After Many a SummerHenry James Daisy MillerJames Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManRudyard Kipling KimCharles Lamb Tales from ShakespeareD. H. Lawrence Sons and LoversJohn Le Carre The Spy Who Came in from the ColdDoris Lessing The Grass Is SingingDavid Lodge Nice

27、WorkW. Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human BondageIris Murdoch The Black PrinceGeorge Orwell Nineteen Eighty-fourSalman Rushdie Midnight ChildrenSir Walter Scott IvanhoeC. P. Snow The AffairMuriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean BrodieRobert Louis Stevenson Treasure IslandJohnathan Swift G

28、ullivers TravelsWilliam M. Thackeray Vanity FairEvelyn Waugh A Handfull of DustH. G. Wells The Invisible ManOscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian GrayVirginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse美国文学Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, OhioJames Baldwin Go Tell It on the MountainSaul Bellow Seize the Day, Hend

29、erson the Rain KingWilliam S. Burroughs The Naked LunchWilla Cather My AntoniaKate Chopin The AwakeningStephen Crane The Red Badge of CourageTheodore Dreiser Sister Carrie, An American TragedyRalph Ellison Invisible ManWilliam Faulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the FuryF. Scott Fitzgerald The Gr

30、eat GatsbyAlex Haley RootsNathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet LetterJoseph Heller Catch-22Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the SeaJames Jones From Here to EternityMaxine Hong Kingston The Woman WarriorHarper Lee To Kill a MockingbirdSinclair Lewis Main StreetJack London The Call of t

31、he Wild, Martin EdenNorman Mailer The Naked and the DeadCarson McCullers The Heart Is a Lonely HunterJames A. Michener CentennialMargaret Mitchell Gone with the WindToni Morrison The Bluest EyeVladimir Nabokov LolitaFrank Norris The OctopusJ. D. Salinger The Catcher in the RyeErich Segal Man, Woman

32、and ChildUpton Sinclair The JungleJohn Steinbeck The Grapes of WrathHarriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Toms CabinWilliam Styron Sophies ChoiceMark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnAlice Walker The Color PurpleRobert Penn Warren All the Kings MenEdith Wharton The Age of InnocenceThornton Wilder The B

33、ridge of San Luis ReyThomas Wolfe Look Homeward, AngelHerman Wouk The Winds of WarRichard Wright Native Son加拿大文学Morley Callaghan That Summer in ParisNorthrop Frye The Great CodeMargaret Laurence The Stone AngelStephen Leacock Sunshine Sketches of a Little TownMalcolm Lowry Under the VolcanoHugh MacL

34、ennan The Watch That Ends the NightL. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables澳大利亚文学Martin Boyd Lucinda BrayfordPeter Carey Oscar and LucindaMiles Franklin My Brilliant CareerThomas Keneally Shindlers ArkAlex Miller The Ancestor GameHenry Handel Richardson The Fortunes of Richard MahonyChristina Stead The Man Who Loved ChildrenRandolph Stow To the IslandsPatrick White Voss, The Tree of Man

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