1、Group members,My Wood By E.M. Forster,Unit 11,Before the text,2. Suppose you won a lottery of 20 million RMB. How would you spend the money?,Which do you think can give you more satisfaction, owning or sharing? Why?,E.M. Forster (1879-1970),full name Edward Morgan Forster, an English writer, novelis
2、t.,His novels include,() (1924),() ( 1908),If you own things, whats their effect on you?,In this text, with his own experience, E.M. Forster elaborates on the four effects produced by his wood:,In the first place, it makes me feel heavy.,And this brings us to our fourth and final point: the blackber
3、ries.,In the third place, property makes its owner feel that he ought to do something to it.,In the second place, it makes me feel it ought to be larger.,1. Enormously stout the owners psychological burden; 2. Endlessly avaricious mans insatiable desire for more property;3. Pseudo creative our impul
4、se to create something that is actually worthless; 4. Intensively selfish our unwillingness to share our possession with other people.,Shortly, these four effects can be,details,The author raises a question: “What is the effect of property upon the character?”Then he limits the topic of the essay to
5、 the psychological aspects of thequestion: “Dont lets touch economics”, “Lets keep to psychology.”,Para. 1,details,The author discuss the first effect of property on him “it makes me feel heavy” and this is reiterated at the end of the paragraph “my wood makes me feel heavy”.,Para. 2,details,These t
6、wo paragraphs discuss the second psychological consequences of owning property intensified avarice. Once you possess something, you will regard it as “mine”,Para. 3-4,details,This paragraph elaborates on the third psychological effect produced by property pseudo-creativity. The author ironically exp
7、lains it as the owners vague desire to express his personality.,Para. 5,details,On the surface “the blackberries” stands for anything that is within the boundary of ones property. The author uses it here as a symbol of the intense selfishness of the owner due to his haunting desire and painstaking e
8、fforts to keep everything to himself.,Para. 6-7,At the end of the essay the author summarizes the four effects of owning property as “enormously stout, endlessly avaricious, pseudo-creative, intensely selfish.”,allusion,irony,quotation,mock seriousness,Rhetorical Devices,典故是一种重要的修辞手段,是诗词曲赋中常用的一种表现方法
9、,其主要特点是借助一些历史人物、神话传说、寓言故事等来表达自己的某种愿望或情感。 在该散文中,作者运用了圣经典故、历史典故等,增加了文章的色彩与效果。,作者运用圣经中的典故“富人要想进入天国比骆驼穿过针眼都难”。这个典故的运用暗示了有财产的人要想进天堂是很困难的;既而,作者指出在福音全书中,“笨重就等同于动作迟缓”,然后,作者提到圣经中的典故“到约旦河接受洗礼”;最后,作者指出“笨重的人 由于动作迟缓而使得他们在去约旦河洗浴之前不得不三思而后行”。,Allusion 典故,“引词入文”已经成为一种比较普遍的修辞现象,具有增强表达效果和强化艺术魅力的双重修辞功能,有利于刻画人物,揭示主题,点染意
10、境。在我的小树林中,作者多处运用了对名人、名言的引用来突出主题。,Quotation 引用,“say with Tolstoy that property is sinful;” (para. 2) 托尔斯泰对财产看法的引用与圣经中有关“财产使人笨重、行动迟缓”的典故的运用相互印证,进一步突出了作者的观点:财产对人产生恶劣的心理影响。,修辞手法与讽刺口吻,在我的小树林中,作者不仅通过典故与引用的运用突出了文章中各个部分的主题,而且还通过其他一些修辞手法的运用突出了文章中的讽刺 与幽默的口吻。在这些修辞手法中,比较突出的是 “假正经”(mock seriousness)与夸张手法。,所谓的“假正
11、经”指的是在文学作品中,作者将一些无关紧要的小事情用较为严肃的、正式的表达方法表达出来,从而产生一种反差,其主要功能是突出讽刺和幽默的口吻。在我的小树林中,作者多次用到此修辞手法,使文章的讽刺色彩更加突出。,Mock seriousness,1. “ it contains scarcely any trees, and it is intersected, blast it, by a public footpath.” 作者表达了自己对所购买的小树林的不满之处。 2. “ other people should participate in my shame” 体现了作者幽默与自嘲的口气。
12、 3. “ depreciating the value of the undergrowth” “depreciating”的运用更为夸张,更使得作者内心由于这分财产的获得而变得小心翼翼,惶惶然的心情以一种幽默而辛辣的口吻跃然纸上。,Blackberry Blackberries are perennial 多年生的 plants which typically bear biennial 两年一次的 stems (“canes”) from the perennial root system.,A free lunch is something that almost everyone l
13、ongs for.,Sunshine is free. None of the human beings in the world can survive without sunshine. However, who has ever paid a coin for the sunshine he or she enjoys?,Air is also free. A person needs inexhaustible supply of air to keep alive. But is there anyboby who pays for the air thats so indispen
14、sable?,Blood relationship is free . Since a baby comes to the world, it is under meticulous care of its parentsso profound and selfless that none of the parents would say, “I wont care for you unless Im paid.” The parents love wont depreciate with the childs growing up, nor weaken with their own agi
15、ngit remains the same as long as they live.,Also Friendship is free. Your friend, who keeps you company when you are lonely, helps you stand up when you fall, embraces you when you are heart-broken, is the one who never asks for payment. Does he or she demand any reward for the offer?,Its also true
16、for faith, hope and will, as well as dream . They are all free and can be got for the asking. Also free are the spring wind and drizzle 细雨, the moonlight and the twinkling stars . all those nice things of the world that are nourishing to ones mind.,Dont pay much attetion to the property.,Enjoy your life and treasure what you have right now.,Everyone is fairly treatedthe most valuable things are given free of charge.,Dont sigh any more to the Heaven, which is just and generous.,