1、 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台上 海 大 学 204年 攻 读 硕 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题 考 试 科 目 : 综 合 英 语 SECTION 1: READING COMPREHNSION (45 points) Directions: In this ection, you wil find two pasges, each of whic is folwed by some questions. Read the pasges carefuly and then aser the questions i your on ords on your Answe
2、r Shet. Pleas note that each response hould be limited to les than ten words in order to be valid. Questions 1 5 An esay that peals chiefly to the intelct is Francis Bacons “Of Studies.” His careful tripartie divsion of studies expresd sucinctly in aphoristic prose demands the complet atention f the
3、 mind of the rader. He considers tudies as they should be: for pleasure, for self-improvent, and for busines. e considers the vils of exces tudy: lazines, afectaion, and preciosity. Bacon divdes boks into thre categories: those to be rad in part, hose to be rad cursorily, and those to be rad with ca
4、re. Studies hould include rading, whic gives depth, speaking whic ads readines of thought, and writng whic trains in precisens. Somewhat mistakenly, the author ascribes certain virtues to indivdual fields of study: wisdom to history, it to petry, subtlety to mathematics and epth to natural philosphy
5、. Bacons four-hundre-word esay, stude with Latin phrase and higly compresd in thought, has intelctual peal inde. 1. What is Bacons tripartie divsion f studies? 2. hat does the word “afectaion” (Line 4) mean? 3. What is Bacons criterion for divding boks into thre categories? 4. hat does the author th
6、ink about Bacons ascribng certain virtues to indivdual fields of study? 5. What charcterizes Bacons “Of Studies”? Questions 6 15 For me, scientifc knowledge is divde into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with te natural world (physical nd biolgical sciences), and sciences
7、dealing with mankid (psycholgy, socilogy, al the sciences of cultral chievments, evry kind of historical knowledge). Apart from thes ciences i philosphy, about whic we il talk later. In the first place, al this is pure or theortical knowledge, sought only for the purose of understandig, in order to
8、fulfil the ned to understand hat is intrisic and consubstantial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and eds to know. If man di not know that he world existed, and the world was of a certain kind, that he as in the world and that he himself as of a certain kind, he ouldnt be m
9、an. The tchnical spects of aplications of knowledge are qualy necsary for man ad are of the greatst importance, because they also contribute to defing him as an d perit him to purse alife increasingly more truly human. But evn while njoying the rsults of technical progres, he must defnd the priacy a
10、nd autonmy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practial plications wil have imediate and foresable suces, but not he kind of important result whose rvolutionary scope is in large part unforesn, except by the imagination f the Utopians. Let me rcal wel-known example. If the Grek math
11、ematicans had not aplied themselvs to the investigation f conic 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台section, zealously and without he last uspicon that it might someday be useful, it would not have ben posible cnturies later to navigate far fom shore. The first en to study the nature of elctricty could not imagine th
12、at heir experiments, caried on because of mer intelctual curiosity, would evntualy lead to modern elctrical technolgy, without whic we can scarely conceiv of contemporay life. Pure knowledge is valuble for its on sake, because the uman spirt canot resign itself to ignorance. But, in aditon, it is th
13、e foundation for practial results that would not have ben reached if this knowledge had not ben sought disnterstedly. 6. What does cientifc knowledge consit of? 7. her do most important advances made by mankid come from? 8. Does the author include the study of literature aong the sciences? 9. What m
14、ay we xpect he author t discus in the pargraph tat folws this pasge? 10. hat distinguishes man from anial? 1. What does man sek pure or theortical knowledge for? 12. er the Greks who studie conic sections are of the value of their studies? 13. What is the bst itle for this pasge? 14. Does the practi
15、al scientist know the value of what e wil discover? 15. What does the word “isnterstedly” (Last line of this pasge) probaly mean? SECTION 2: CLOZE (25 points) Directions: In this ection, you wil find a psage with 25 words mising. Read the pasge carefuly and then fil in each of the blanks with ONE su
16、itable ord. Rember to write your response on your Answer Shet. I like the idea _(1)_ “the English (languae) is like an Eglish park, whic is _(2)_ out Semingly without any definte plan, and in _(3)_ you are alowed to walk evrywher _(4)_ to yur fancy _(5)_ having to fear stern keper nforcing rigorus r
17、egulations.” Consider that the same cultral soil, the Celtic-Roman-Saxon-Danish-Norman almalgm, whic _(6)_ the English languae also nurished the great principles of redo and rights of _(7)_ in the modern world. The first hots _(8)_ up in England and they grew stronger in _(9)_. Churchil caled _(10)_
18、 “the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world.” At he vry core of those _(1)_ are poular conset and resitance _(12)_ arbitray authority; both are fundamental charcteristics of the English languae. The English-speaking peole have defated al eforts to build _(13)_ around their languae, to defr
19、 _(14)_ an acdemy on what was permisible English and _(15)_ not. They have dcide for themselvs. Nothing betr express resitance to arbitray _(16)_ than the persitence of _(17)_ gramarins have denounced for centuries _(18)_ “erors.” In the comon spech of English-speaking peolesAmericans, Englishmen, C
20、andians, Australins, New Zealnders, and othersthes usages persit, _(19)_ risng literacy and wider ducation. We har thes “erors” evry day, _(20)_ as “I dont want one of that,” “Dont make that ny more havier,” and “Wil you learn me to read?” They have ben _(21)_ us for at least four hundre years, beca
21、use you can fid each of them in such works a “Hamlet” and “Othelo” by _(2)_. Hiden i this i a simple fact: the English languae is not he special private _(23)_ of the languae police, or graarins, or teachers, or evn great writers. The gnius of _(24)_ is that it has lways ben the tongue of the _(25)_
22、 peole, literate or not. English belongs to evrybody! 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (30 points) Part A: English-Chines Translation Directions: Translate the folwing pasge into Chines and write your version your Answer Shet. The Rise of Realism Betwen the work of Hawthorn
23、e and Melvile, the ajor novelist of the 1850s, and the work of Tain, James and oels, the major novelist of the last quarter of the century, fals the shadow of the Aerican Civl War (18611865). In his famous Getysburg adres Abrahm Lincoln described the conflict in terms of epic simplicty: Fourscore an
24、d sevn years ago ur fathers et forth on this contient anew nation, conceivd in liberty and edicated to the prositon that l men are creatd equal. No e are ngaed in agreat civl war, testing whetr this nation, or any other nation so cnceivd and so deicated can long endure. In the vent, he war showed th
25、at he nation could endure but only in apermanetly chae and, i some rspects, adeply scared form. The rsult of the Civl War was not just he triuph of the abolitonist over the slave-owners. It was lso the triumph of the industrial North over the agrian South. Despite the much-vaunted program of “Recons
26、truction, ”the Southern staes long remained ravged and ispirted teritory; the war left alegacy f biters tat as ot yet disapeard from Aerica politcs. In the Nrth, on the other hand, the aftermath of war brought finacial bo. The Norths prosperity was increasd by rapid mechanization ad industrializatio
27、n, its poulation sweld by new influxes of foreign imigrants. To cntemporay observrs cites like Bostn, Ne York, Philadelphia nd Chicago presnted a double iage. On the surface ther was elgance, security and comfort; but undernath ter was l the sething discontet whic acompanies the growth of any odern
28、industrial society. Part B: Chines-English Translation Directions: Translate the folwing pasge into English and write your version your Answer Shet. 无 人 知 是 荔 枝 来 在 京 欲 食 鲜 荔 枝 者 , 上 周 可 在 果 摊 觅 得 。 其 上 市 系 一 新 景 ; 盖 归 功 于 华 南 种 荔 枝 者 日 增 ,与 北 来 运 输 业 之 改 善 。 若 干 世 纪 之 前 , 来 京 华 之 荔 枝 仅 限 帝 王 及 皇 室
29、所 享 用 者 。 据 传 , 荔 枝 在 一 代 帝 王 之 “后宫 轶 事 ”中 , 分 量 不 轻 。 或 曰 , 荔 枝 之 形 貌 、 醇 香 、 及 其 甘 美 回 味 , 均 非 其 他 果 类 所 可 与 伦 比 。 红 皮 之 内 , 果 肉晶 莹 , 含 汁 欲 滴 , 内 核 椭 圆 , 呈 棕 色 , 光 滑 似 佛 珠 。 或 曰 , 荔 枝 在 传 说 及 诗 歌 中 所 占 之 地 位 , 亦 非 其 他 果 类 所 可 与 伦 比 。 试 举 一 例 。 早 在 唐 初 , 荔 枝 已 属 享 有 盛 名 之 美 味 。 玄 宗 之 宠 杨 贵 妃 , 嗜 之
30、尤 甚 。 玄 宗 为 取 悦 贵 妃 ,差 人 南 下 , 将 荔 枝 送 回 长 安 。 有 鉴 于 炎 夏 荔 枝 易 腐 , 玄 宗 乃 下 令 , 将 荔 枝 密 封 于 竹 管 内 , 标 以 “军 机 急 件 ”之 类 字 样 ,由 驿 站 辗 转 送 抵 京 城 , 骑 者 信 以 为 真 。 凡 怠 慢 者 , 处 以 死 刑 , 故 骑 者 与 马 匹 常 有 累 死 于 途 中者 。 唐 代 诗 人 杜 牧 , 有 感 于 此 , 命 笔 成 诗 , 诗 曰 : “长 安 回 望 绣 成 堆 , 山 顶 千 门 次 第 开 。 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台一 骑
31、红 尘 妃 子 笑 , 无 人 知 是 荔 枝 来 。 ” 贵 妃 之 笑 , 并 不 长 久 。 玄 宗 之 荒 淫 与 玩 忽 国 事 , 激 怒 一 将 军 , 于 是 兵 变 起 玄 宗 遂 令 一太 监 , 扼 死 贵 妃 云 云 。 贵 妃 之 悲 剧 , 固 非 全 然 起 因 于 酷 爱 荔 枝 。 但 此 段 传 闻 可 使 人 明 瞭 , 当 年 荔 枝 保 鲜 , 殊 非易 事 。 SECTION 4: WRITNG (50 points) Directions: In this ection, you are to write a compositon f no les
32、 than 50 words on the topic “Shanghai University Is My Choice.” Reber to write your compositon clearly and convicingly on your Answer Shet 参 考 答 案 上 海 大 学 204年 攻 读 硕 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题 考 试 科 目 : 综 合 英 语 SECTION 1: READING COMPREHNSION (45 points) Directions: In this ection, you wil find two pas
33、ges, each of whic is folwed by some questions. Read the pasges carefuly and then aser the questions i your on ords on your Answer Shet. Pleas note that each response hould be limited to les than ten words in order to be valid. Questions 1 5 An esay that peals chiefly to the intelct is Francis Bacons
34、 “Of Studies.” His careful tripartie divsion of studies expresd sucinctly in aphoristic prose demands the complet atention f the mind of the rader. He considers tudies as they should be: for pleasure, for self-improvent, and for busines. e considers the vils of exces tudy: lazines, afectaion, and pr
35、eciosity. Bacon divdes boks into thre categories: those to be rad in part, hose to be rad cursorily, and those to be rad with care. Studies hould include rading, whic gives depth, speaking whic ads readines of thought, and writng whic trains in precisens. Somewhat mistakenly, the author ascribes cer
36、tain virtues to indivdual fields of study: wisdom to history, it to petry, subtlety to mathematics and epth to natural philosphy. Bacons four-hundre-word esay, stude with Latin phrase and higly compresd in thought, has intelctual peal inde. 1. What is Bacons tripartie divsion f studies? 答 : Study is
37、 for pleasure, for self-improvemnt, and for busines. 2. What es the word “afectaion” (Line 4) ea? 答 : Deliberate display. 3. What is Bacons criterion for divding boks into thre categories? 答 : The contet of the boks 4. Wat des the autr thin about Bacons acribng certain virtues to indivdual fields of
38、 study? 答 : Its omewhat mistakenly to d that. 5. What charcterizes Bacos “Of Studies”? 答 : Its ters and ful of wisdom 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台Questions 6 15 For me, scientifc knowledge is divde into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with te natural world (physic
39、al nd biolgical sciences), and sciences dealing with mankid (psycholgy, socilogy, al the sciences of cultral chievments, evry kind of historical knowledge). Apart from thes ciences i philosphy, about whic we il talk later. In the first place, al this is pure or theortical knowledge, sought only for
40、the purose of understandig, in order to fulfil the ned to understand hat is intrisic and consubstantial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and eds to know. If man di not know that he world existed, and the world was of a certain kind, that he as in the world and that he hims
41、elf as of a certain kind, he ouldnt be man. The tchnical spects of aplications of knowledge are qualy necsary for man ad are of the greatst importance, because they also contribute to defing him as an d perit him to purse alife increasingly more truly human. But evn while njoying the rsults of techn
42、ical progres, he must defnd the priacy and autonmy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practial plications wil have imediate and foresable suces, but not he kind of important result whose rvolutionary scope is in large part unforesn, except by the imagination f the Utopians. Let me
43、rcal wel-known example. If the Grek mathematicans had not aplied themselvs to the investigation f conic section, zealously and without he last uspicon that it ight someday be useful, it would not have ben posible cnturies later to navigate far fom shore. The first en to study the nature of elctricty
44、 could not imagine that heir experients, caried on because of mer intelctual curiosity, would evntualy lead to modern elctrical technolgy, without whic we can scarely conceiv of contemporay life. Pure knowledge is valuble for its on sake, because the uman spirt canot resign itself to ignorance. But,
45、 in aditon, it is the foundation for practial results that would not have ben reached if this knowledge had not ben sought disnterstedly. 1. What does cientifc knowledge consit of? 答 : Mathematical sciences, natural sciences and sciences dealing with mankid 2. Wer do ost importat advances made by ma
46、ki come fro? 答 : Natural sciences 3. Does the author iclude the study of literature among the sciences? 答 : Yes 4. What may we xpect he author t discus in the pargraph tat folws this pasge? 答 : The value of pure rsearch 5. Wat distingishes man from anial? 答 : He knows and eds to know 1. What des ma
47、sek pure r theortical knowledge for? 答 : Only for the purose of understandig 6. Wer the Greks wh stie coic sections awre of the value of their studies? 答 : Yes 13. What is the bst itle for this pasge? 答 : Learnig for its own sake 14. Does the practial scietist now the value of what e wil discover? 答
48、 : Yes 15. What does the word “isnterstedly” (Last line of this pasge) probaly mean? 答 : Bears no personal ike or dislike 考试资料网http:/ 资料分享平台SECTION 2: CLOZE (25 points) Directions: In this ection, you wil find a psage with 25 words mising. Read the pasge carefuly and then fil in each of the blanks w
49、ith ONE suitable ord. Rember to write your response on your Answer Shet. I like the idea _(1)_ “the English (languae) is like an Eglish park, whic is _(2)_ out Semingly without any definte plan, and in _(3)_ you are alowed to walk evrywher _(4)_ to yur fancy _(5)_ having to fear stern keper nforcing rigorus regulations.” Consider that the same cultral soil, the Celtic-Roman-Saxon-Danish-Norman amlgam, whic _(6)_ the English lan