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1、成功经验:研究生复试技巧面面观研究生入学考试复试一般包括专业课 笔试、英 语听力口语测试和面试三个环节。我 2007年 10 月份网上报考的是北京大学经济学院,考核方式是专业课笔试加英语听力;2008 年 3 月份赴京复试1.英语听力重要吗?从分值角度看,相对于专业课考试与面试分值,英语听力所占的比重很小。如北京大学研究生复试的听力考试是全校统一考查,总分只有 3 分,相对于专业课笔试或是面试来说,听力考试成绩可以说是微乎其微。对于和北京大学类似不要求听力考试必须及格的院校,如果时间真的紧张,在听力这块投入少量时间甚至不予投入时间是合理之举,当然也有可能由于差 0.1 分拿不到学业奖学金。但是

2、国内有些科研院所、高校规定了英语听力的及格线,如中国科学院研究生院规定听力不及格不予录取,尽管分值低,却不可小觑。2.英语听力如何应对?根据我参多数高校复试听力时统一播放听力磁 带,不使用单独的小收音机或是电脑播放听力材料,所以对习惯大学英语四、六级听力考试模式的考生来说,要及时调整听力习惯,避免到了考场出现听力模式不适应的情况。此外,高校一般会在考研复试办法上说明听力答题的时间,但实际上复试听力流程是不用那么多时间的。如北京大学考研复试办法说明上的复试时间是 30 分钟,2008 年考研复试听力考核从发卷到收卷只进行了 20 分钟左右,所以考生不能慢慢腾腾,一定要讲求速度。一般复试听力和大学



5、到自己的研究兴趣时,要提自己本专业掌握得最好的方面,一般老师提问专业问题大多是根据你的研究兴趣来提。对 于你的研究兴趣一定要慎重选择,如果自己不太了解而仅仅是感兴趣的方面,最好不要提及。有些院校要求在复试的时候提交个人陈述,其中的研究计划方面是可以大做文章的,能够很好地引导老师向你预想的方向提问。自我介绍的时候,除了说清楚自己的基本信息之外,最好能着重说一下自己有哪方面的特质是比较适合报考这个学校和专业的,导师可能会比较在意这一方面。第四,显示知识面。导师一般都希望能够培养自己的学术接班人,所以他们都比较倾向于招收有研究禀赋的学生。在专业知识方面,由于面对的都是国内的专家,可能考生很难在专业方

6、面表现得很突出。深度上面做不了文章,那么可以换个角度,从广度上做文章,即向考官表现自己知识面的宽广。我面试的时候在自我介绍这块强调了自己对哲学与历史的喜爱,虽然报考的是经济学,本科学的是金融学,但那场面试大半时间成了关于历史人物的探讨。有些考生没有很好的将考官转移到其他申请调剂:初试前就应该开始申请调剂这个工作在初试结束后就该 开始了。我报考北京大学经济学院,2008 年 2 月了解到 2007 年凡是达到北京大学经济类控制线的考生均可同时申请参加北京大学深圳商学院复试,当时就做好了校内调剂的打算。另外在上也了解到历年中山大学、厦门大学、南开大学、中央财经大学等也接受报考北京大学等名校的高分考

7、生调剂本校同类专业。当时我初步做好了如果北京大学经济学院无法入围,同时深圳商学院调剂不成功争取调剂到其他学校经类专业的打算。初试成绩公布以后,即使初试顺利通 过,也得关注一下调剂的机会,尤其是初试入围名单上排名比较靠后的考生,毕竟各个院校大多是差额复试,个别院校复试比例甚至高达 2:1,申请调剂就多一份把握、多一个选择。一般来说,达到报考院校校内控制分数线的考生,都有参加校内调剂的资格。调剂申请应该积极主动,第一选择是所报院校的其他院系的一些调剂机会,即使上不了原本喜欢的专业,也可以退而求其次,调剂到该校类似专业。初试分数线未达到报考院校校内控制 线的考生则可以积极联系其他院校申请调剂,一般来



10、报考指南或是网络找到相关院校研究生招生办的电话号码,依次进行咨询是最优选择。“世界上没有绝对的公平,公平只在一个点上。”俞敏洪在赢在中国如此点评道。竞争不存在绝对意义上的公平,公平是需要自己去争取和把握的,希望考生能好好把握考研Argument Example调查1, Selective sample:样本选择,一部分被排除在外One major problem is about the sample the author studied in the survey. the author considers only.(selective sub-groups) although (the

11、sub-groups the author studied) do constitute a significant part of (the whole general population), however, (many other sub-groups) are actually excluded from the survey. Perhaps.or.without ruling out all the possibilities above, the author could not make any general conclusion about.merely based on

12、 (selective sub-groups). 4,14,16,45,63,65,67,80,84,88,90,97,123,146,154,156,168,179,185,193,196,207,227,231,232,236,238,2392, Quantity of the sample 样本数量( pointing out that the current sample is too small in its size)(the fact cited by the author) could hardly illustrate the assumption that. because

13、 the author provides only N samples of (the general population),however, (the limited sample) might not be representative of the whole general group. thus we cannot accept the authors conclusion that.before he/she could provide more statistic data about (the situation of other sub-groups).10,14,33,4

14、0,53,69,95,115,123,132,139,150,154,158,167,179,180,188,191,2393, Do the statistics make any difference:调查只调查了部分情况,忽略了一部分The information provided by the author is insufficient for the author to reach the conclusion. the survey only studies the situation of .(an(some) insignificant case(s), however, m

15、any other more essential cases (related to the final conclusion) were ignored in the survey.(we need to know the condition of some other cases about which we care more/ the current case studied in the survey makes little sense on the final conclusion, the author should provide some more important in

16、formation about the case he studied. )Lacking further studies on these important issues, the author could not hastily conclude that.merely based on the insignificant study.158,165,183,202,211,217 17,115,147,2205, Who conducted the survey:结果扭曲,调查者为了自己的利益The reliability of the survey is also open to d

17、oubt due to the organization who conducted the survey. (the organization) has vested interest in the final decision/conclusion which was based on the result of the survey, and thus might distort the actual answers of the respondents. (the institution/individuals may benefit greatly from the result i

18、f the result was interpreted as was currently ) Thus, the author should cite a survey which is conducted by an independent institution to convince us that (the assumption).115,1566, When was the survey conducted:时间变化The effectiveness of the result of the survey cited by the author as main evidence i

19、s also open to doubt.The survey was conduct (during a special period, or a long time ago), thus may not reflect the current situations accurately. It is true that ( the survey may reflect the opinions or situations of respondents at the time when it was conducted), but peoples opinion toward (the su

20、bject surveyed) may have changed greatly during the past time (or, while this fact could not sufficiently illustrate that (the general group) will also.all the time)(many factors that could influence the validity of the survey will change in the future, or respondents may act differently during the

21、period when the survey was conducted, thus the result of the 真的不掉 线吗?、?survey could not represent the all-time situation. )Thus, a more recent survey, if a survey is needed at all, should be provided to sufficiently illustrate the authors assumption that.7, Vague data:数据模糊没有基数The information concern

22、ing .is not accurate enough for us to evaluate the actual condition of .The author only informs us that (the percentage/fraction of sub-groups which.but we do not know the base amount of (the general group) (if the base amount or corresponding fractions vary, the conclusion would be different. ) For

23、 lack of detailed information about ( the base amount / fraction of) . we can hardly assess .4,5,8,9,11,12,14,16,20,22,23,25,27,31,32,39,42,44,49,52,55,68,70,71,73,77,79,87,89,100,103,120,122,124,130,133,134,135,141,143,144,145,155,159,165,175,177,182,183,189,194,196,199,200,203,204,206,211,212,214,

24、216,222,223,231,236,2388,Inplete information:数据不完整The author does not provide plete information concerning .in illustrating that .The author only informs us that. but what we care more about is that. which is not provided by the author. (some other substantial information are needed for us to assess

25、 the soundness of the argument, and the conclusion would vary greatly when other conditions varied. ) For lack of detailed information about . we can hardly evaluate .6,7,8,10,14,15,17,18,20,21,24,27,29,30,32,35,36,38,39,42,43,44,46,49,52,54,64,65,66,68,70,71,73,77,79,81,82,83,84,85,87,88,89,90,91,9


27、239,240,241,2429, Are the respondents forthright when answering the questions:回答者不真实The reliability of the respondents.answers to the surveys question is not sufficiently justified to support the conclusion. There is possibility that the respondents may not tell the truth about (answering the questi

28、ons honestly may lead to some undesirable consequences for the respondents, thus they may evade the crucial point, or even lie in their answers. ) Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for us to expect the respondents to provide accurate information about their opinion toward.92,199,211,

29、24210, Are the respondents representative:回答者没有代表性We should also notice that the respondents studied in the survey may not represent the general group of .We all know that in many cases, people who are interested in .might be generally more likely to respond to the survey than other people are, or a

30、re more willing to express their own opinions and positions on the issue of .(other people who did not respond may hold a totally different position toward the issue studied, and the author should include those people in the study to present a more convincing result. )Without considering the situati

31、on of other groups of people, the result of the survey in itself could not justifiably illustrate that .11,15,17,28,34,40,43,52,55,57,62,65,76,95,102,111,115,117,153,154,161,167,168,174,194,201,206,212,218,224,235真的不掉线吗?、?比较11, False analogy:错误类比 AB,A 适合 BIn the argument the author remends A to carr

32、y out same (policies, actions, solutions on . as B, but the analogy between them might be unsubstantiated. The author fails to illustrate that A and B are similar enough at every aspect and are indeed parable. While it is true that A and B share some mon ground on .there are still some obvious diffe

33、rences between them. (many differences exist between A and B and these differences may well render the policies(actions, solutions, etc) proved to be effective for A might not have the same effectiveness for B )Before A decide to copy Bs experiences, the author should take these differences into acc

34、ount and make careful study on the parability of the two (cities, panies, schools, etc).2,4,9,12,13,16,18,20,25,26,28,29,31,35,38,39,41,42,43,44,55,56,67,72,89,91,92,94,97,99,102,108,109,110,116,119,124,125,131,132,133,149,152,155,160,162,169,177,180,182,186,187,192,198,204,205,209,210,211,212,218,2

35、26,230,232,235,236,237,238,23912, Inplete parison /selective parison /ex parte information:错误对比 AB,A 不一定比 B好The author hastily implies that A is superior to B in . but the parison between A and B is inplete.The author only pares . however, there are myriad of factors which, if differ in these cases,

36、 would bring about totally different result for the parison. (many other factors would influence the result while ignored by the author in the argument ) Without any further consideration about these factors, the author could not convince us that (A is better than B in certain aspect) merely based o

37、n an inplete parison.13, Confusing parison and variation:只对比了一部分的变化 or vice versa.In the argument the author provides the variation in .to illustrate that .Although the variation in .could partly prove that . however, we all know that to demonstrate .the parison between A and B is actually more conv

38、incing and necessary.: (the parison between those entities could be more convincing in illustrating the conclusion ) Lacking parison between . we could not assess if .23,48,63,85,106,132,135,168,173,179,180,186,188,206,216,224,240 Inplete parison/exparte information: 2,4,17,24,34,49,51,57,60,63,64,7

39、7,81,82,85,93,96,98,101,103,105,109,114,126,129,131,132,139,151,159,162,166,167,172,173,179,186,187,188,193,200,203,211,212,214,216,220,222,231,233,234,238,24114, Unrelated concepts:偷换概念In illustrating the assumption that .the author mits a fallacy of hasty generalization.: The author cites A to pro

40、ve B, however, A is not a good indication of B. (there are basic differences between A and B, thus A could not be properly used to illustrate B ) The author ought to make careful and clear differentiation between A and B before we could evaluate if the inference that .is justified.1,3,4,10,11,16,20,

41、23,29,31,34,35,36,38,40,44,48,49,53,55,58,63,67,68,72,77,80,81,85,87,88,89,91,93,96,101,105,106,107,114,120,121,124,130,132,133,134,139,140,143,146,153,155,156,160,161,166,167,172,173,175,181,183,187,188,190,193,194,196,198,199,200,201,Hasty generalization: 38,54,56,59,61,66,81,89,98,137,140,154203,

42、212,214,215,216,217,218,220,221,223,231,233,234,235,239,241真的不掉线吗?、?15, Changing scopes:偷换范围The fact that .could sufficiently substantiate the conclusion that.since the argument is based only on (some special cases) and the author does not differentiate between the .of (different subjects) .Although

43、 the authors inference that .might be true for some cases, for example, .Unfortunately, this is not true of every individual (in the general group). (other subjects may have totally different situation thus the authors inference could not be properly applied to them. ) Unless the author can demonstr

44、ate that (the condition of other subjects is similar to that of the case studied), the general conclusion cannot be reached merely basing on these special and limited cases.3,6,8,10,19,22,23,28,29,40,41,44,45,49,51,60,70,80,83,84,87,90,91,93,94,95,96,97,98,113,115,116,117,118,119,121,126,129,130,131

45、,134,135,145,147,148,150,154,156,158,165,171,172,175,176,180,185,187,188,193,194,195,203,205,206,207,211,213,217,218,220,223,230,233,234,24216, Inferring a future condition from a past condition:过去不能推未来In the argument the author suggests that we can (solve current problems or achieve current goals)

46、through methods which have successfully solved the same kind of problems in the past.There is a hidden assumption assumed by the author that all conditions and factors upon which the effectiveness of (the method) depend have remained unchanged during the past (N years).However, many factors could ha

47、ve been changed during the past years. (many conditions and factors could have varied, which might render the solutions which were proved to be effective in the past might not have the same effectiveness in current days or in the future. )Without taking into account all these constantly changing fac

48、tors, the author could not convince us that the proposed solution could be used to solve current problems successfully. 1,2,4,5,8,11,13,15,18,20,21,22,23,25,30,32,36,37,48,52,61,62,65,67,68,73,78,85,87,93,94,95,100,116,119,130,134,136,138,140,146,151,158,161,167,168,171,183,190,201,204,208,209,213,2

49、16,218,219,225,226,230,237,240,24130, Lack of controlled experiment/ parison:没考虑其他变量The author unfairly assumes that it is .that resulted in . The causal relationship is convincing only if the author could demonstrate that all other factors that might affect .remained constant during the same period.(pointing out that corresponding controlled experiment is needed, or explaining how the experiment should be conducted.)Specifically, we need to know (the experiment result of one group of the subjects), Without appropriate parison between A and B, the

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