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国际贸易公约与惯例总览 - 第二十一册.docx

1、国 际 贸 易 公 约 与惯 例 总 览( 二 十 一 )国 际 贸 易 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览主 编 周 林中 国 人 事 出 版 社 、 发 行 新 华 书 店 总 经 销 北 京 施 园 印 刷 厂 印 刷8501168 毫 米 32 开 本 175 印 张 378 .6 万 字2000 年 6 月 第 1 版 2000 年 6 月 第 1 次 印 刷印 数 : 1 - 1000 册ISBN 7 - 80139 - 444 - 5 定 价 : 1180 .00 元 1 目 录ANNEX 1C ( 2 )PART ( 2 )PART ( 2 )PART ( 2 )PART ( 3 )P

2、ART ( 3 )PART ( 3 )PART ( 3 )PART ( 5 )Article 1 ( 5 )Article 2 ( 7 )Article 3 ( 7 )Article 4 ( 8 )Article 5 ( 9 )Article 21Article 22Article 23Article 24Article 25(19)(20)(21)(22)(25) 2 Article 6 ( 9 )Article 7 (10)Article 8 (10)PART (11)Article 9 (11)Article 10 (12)Article 11 (12)Article 12 (13)Ar

3、ticle 13 (13)Article 14 (13)Article 15 (15)Article 16 (16)Article 17 (17)Article 18 (18)Article 19 (18)Article 20 (19)Article 42Article 43Article 44Article 45Article 46(41)(42)(43)(44)(44) 3 Article 26 (26)Article 27 (27)Article 28 (28)Article 29 (29)Article 30 (29)Article 31 (30)Article 32 (32)Arti

4、cle 33 (33)Article 34 (33)Article 35 (34)Article 36 (35)Article 37 (35)Article 38 (36)Article 39 (37)Article 40 (38)Article 41 (40)Article 63Article 64Article 65Article 66Article 67(57)(59)(60)(61)(62) 4 Article 47 (45)Article 48 (45)Article 49 (46)Article 50 (46)Article 51 (49)Article 52 (50)Articl

5、e 53 (51)Article 54 (52)Article 55 (52)Article 56 (53)Article 57 (53)Article58 (54)Article 59 (55)Article 60 (55)Article 61 (55)Article 62 (56)Article 10Article 11Article 12Article 13Article 14(85)(85)(86)(89)(90) 5 Article 68 (62)Article 69 (63)Article 70 (63)Article 71 (66)Article 72 (67)Article 7

6、3 (67)ANNEX 2 (69)Article 1 (69)Article 2 (70)Article 3 (71)Article 4 (75)Article 5 (78)Article 6 (79)Article 7 (80)Article 8 (81)Article 9 (84) 6 Article 15 (90)Artcile 16 (91)Article 17 (92)Aritcle 18 (95)Article 19 (96)Article 20 (96)Article 21 (97)Article 22 (100)Article 23 (106)Article 24 (107)

7、Article 25 (108)Article 26 (109)Article 27 (111) .Review of notification (134)ANNEX (135)A .Standstill (176)B .Market Access (176)Monopoly Rights (176)Financial Services Purchased (177)Cross - border Trade (177)Commercial Presence (178) 7 New Financial Services (178)Transfers of Information (179)Tem

8、porary Entry of (179)C .National Treatment (181)D .Definitions (182)世 界 贸 易 组 织( WTO) 2 贸国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览A N NEX 1 C Agreement On Trade-RelatedAspects Of Intellectual Property RightsPART General Provisions And Basic Principles国 PART Standards Concerning The Availanility,际 Scope And Use Of Intel

9、lectual经 Rights1 . Copyright and Related Rights 2 . Trademarks3 . Geographical Indications 4 . Industrial Designs5 . Patents6 . Layout-Designs ( Topographies ) of Integrated Circuits 7 . Protection of Undisclosed InformationProperty8 . Control of Anti-Competitive Practices in Contractual LicencesRig

10、htsPART Enforcement Of Intellectual Property1 . General Obligations 3 世界贸 易组织 (WTO)2 . Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies 3 . Provisional Measures4 . Special Requirements Related to Border Measures5 . Criminal ProceduresPARTPART PART PARTsions Acquisition And Maintenance Of Intellec- t

11、ual Property Rights And Related Inter Partes Procedures Dispute Prevention And Settlement Transitional Arrangfments Institutional Arrangements ; Final Provi-第 四Members, 编Desiring to reduce distortions and impediments to international trade , and taking into account the need to promote effective and

12、ade- quate protection of intellectual property rights , and to ensure thatmeasures and procedures to enforce intellectual property rights do not themselves become barriers to legitimate trade ;Recognizing , to this end , the need for new rules and disciplines con-cerning:( a ) the applicability of t

13、he basic principles of GATT 1994 and of relevant international intellectual property agreements or conven- tions ;( b) the provision of adequate standards and principles concerning 4 国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览the availability, scope and use of trade-related intellectual property rights ;( c ) the provisi

14、on of effective and appropriate means for the enforce-ment of trade-related intellectual property rights , taking into account differences in national legal systems ;(d ) the provision of effective and expeditious procedures for the multilateral prevention and settlement of disputes between govern-

15、ments : and( e ) transitional arrangements aiming at the fullest participation in the results of the negotiations ;Recognizing the need for a multilateral framework of principles ,rules and disciplines dealing with international trade in counterfeit国 goods ;际经 Recognizing that intellectual property

16、rights are private rights ;贸 Recognizing the underlying public objectives of national systems forthe protection of intellectual property, including developmental and technological objectives ;Recognizing also the special needs of the leastdeveloped country Members in respect of maximum flexibility i

17、n the domestic imple- mentation of laws and regulations in order to enable them to create asound and viable technological base ;Emphasizing the importance of reducing tensions by reaching strengthened commitments to resolve disputes on trade-related intel- lectual property issues through multilatera

18、l procedures ;Desiring to establish a mutually supportive relationship between the WTO and the World Intellectual Property Organization ( referred to in 5 世界贸 易组织 (WTO)ement as“WIPO”as well as other relevant international or- ns ;gree as follows :PARTGeneral Provisions And Basic PrinciplesArticle 1N

19、ature and Scope of Obligations第 四 编this Agre ganizatio Hereby a1 . Members shall give effect to the provisions of this Agree- ment .Members may , butshall not be obliged to, implement in theirlaw more extensive protection than is required by this Agreement , provided that such protection does not co

20、ntravene the provisions of this Agreement .Members shall be free to determine the appropriate method of implementing the provisions of this Agreement within their own legal system and practice .2 . For the purposes of this Agreement , the term“ intellectual prop-erty”refers to all categories of inte

21、llectual property that are the sub- ject of sections 1 through 7 of Part .3 . Members shall accord the treatment provided for in this Agree- 6 国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览ment to the nationals of other Members . In respect of the relevant intellectual property right , the nationals of other Members shall b

22、e understood as those natural or legal persons that would meet the cri-teria for eligibility for protection provided for in the Paris Convention (1967) , the Berne Convention(1971) , the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits ,wereall Members of the

23、 WTO members of those Conventions . Any Mem-ber availing itself of the possibil ities provided in paragraph 3 of Ar- ticle 5 or paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council forTrade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property R

24、ights ( the“ Councilfor TRIPS”)国 际经 When“ nationals ”are referred to in this Agreement , they shall be-贸 deemed , in the case of a separate custome territory Member of the WTO , to meanpersons , natural or legal , who are domiciled or who have a real and effective in-dustrial or commercial establish

25、ment in that customs territory . In this Agreement ,“Paris Convention”refers to the Paris Conventionfor the Protection of Industrial Property“: Paris Convention (1967) ”refersto theStockholm Act of this Convention of 14 July 1967“. Berne Convention”refers tothe Berne Convention for the Protection of

26、 Literary and Artistic Works “: BerneConvention (1971)”refers to the Paris Act of this Convention of 24 July 1971 .“Rome Convention”refers to the International Convention for the Protection of Performers , Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations , adopted atRome on 26 October 1961 “.

27、Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Inte-grated Circuits”( IPIC Treaty) refers to the Treaty on Intellectual property in Re-spect of Integrated Circuits , adopted at Washington on 26 May 1989 “. Agreement”refers to the Agreement Establishing the WTO .WTO 7 世界贸 易组织 (WTO)Article 2Intellectua

28、l Property Conventions1 . In respect of Parts , and of this Agreement , Mem- bers shall comply with Articles 1 through 12 , and article 19 , of the Paris Convention (1967) .2 . Nothing in Parts to of this Agreement shall derogate fromexisting obligations that Members may have to each other under the

29、 Paris Convention , the Berne Convention , the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits .Article 3National Treatment 第 四1 . Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other Mem- 编bers treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own na-t

30、ionals with regard to the protection of intellectual property, subject to the exceptions already provided in , respectively, the Paris Conven- tion (1967) , the Berne Convention (1971) , the Rome Convention or the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits .In respect of Perfo

31、rmers , producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations , this obligation only applies in respect of the rights pro- For the purposes of Articles 3 and 4“, protection”shall include mattersaffecting the availability , acquisition , scope , maintenance and enforcement of in- tellectual property

32、 rights as well as those matters affecting the use of intellectual property rights specifically addressed in this Agreement . 8 国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览vided under this Agreement .Any Member availing itself of the possi- bilities provided in Article 5 of the Berne Convention (1971) or para- graph 1 ( b

33、) of Article 16 of the Rome Convention shall make a noti-fication as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPs .2 . Members may avail themselves of the exceptions permitted un- der paragraph 1 in relation to judicial and administrative procedures , including the designation of an address

34、 for service or the appointment of an agent within the jurisdiction of a Member , only where such ex- ceptions are necessary to secure compliance with laws and regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement and where such practices are not applied in a manner which woul

35、d con- stitute a disguised restriction on trade .国际 Article 4经Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment贸With regard to the protection of intellectual property, any ad- vantage, favour , privilege or immunity granted by a Member to the nationals of any other country shall be accorded immediately and un-conditio

36、nally to the nationals of all other Members .Exempted from this obligation are any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity zc- corded by a Member:( a) deriving from international agreements on judicial assistance or law enforcement of a general nature and not particularly confined to the protection

37、 of intellectual property;( b) granted in accordance with the provisions of the Berne Conven-tion ( 1971 ) or the Rome Convention authorizing that the treatment 9 世界贸 易组织 (WTO)accorded be a function not of national treatment but of the treatment accorded in another country ;( c ) in respect of the r

38、ights of performers , producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations not provided under this Agreement;( d) deriving from international agreements related to the protection of intellectual property which entered into force prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement , provided that su

39、ch agreements are noti-fied to the Council for TRIPS and do not constitute an arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination against nationals of other Members .Article 5Multilateral Agreements onAcquisition or Maintenance of Protection 第四The obligations under Articles 3 and 4 do not apply to proce- 编dur

40、es provided in multilateral agreements concluded under the aus- pices of WIPO relating to the acquisition or maintenance of intellec- tual property rights .Article 6ExhaustionFor the purposes of dispute settlement under this Agreement , subject to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 nothing in this A

41、gree- ment shall be used to address the issue of the exhaustion of intellec-tual property rights . 10 国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览Article 7ObjectivesThe protection and enforcement of intellectual prope should contribute to the promotion of technological innovati the transfer and dissemination of technology

42、 , to the mutual a of producers and users of technological knowledge and in conducive to social and economic welfare, and to a balance and obligations .Article 8国 际 经 贸Principles1 . Members may , in formulating or amending their regulations, adopt measures necessary to protect public he nutrition ,

43、and to promote the public interest in sectors of vittance to their socio-economic and technological developmenrty rights on and to dvantage a manner of rightslaws and alth and al impor-t , provid-ed that such measures are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement .2 . Appropriate measures , p

44、rovided that they are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement , may be needed to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices which unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology . 11 世界贸 易组织 (WTO)PAR

45、T Standards Concerning The Availability , Scope And Use Of Intellectual Properity RightsSection 1 :Copyright and Related RightsArticle 9第 四 编Relation to the Berne Convention1 . Members shall comply with Articles 1 through 21 of the Berne Convention ( 1971 ) and the Appendix thereto .However , Mem- b

46、ers shall not have rights or obligations under this Agreement in re-spect of the rights conferred under Article 6bis of that Convention or of the rights derived therefrom .2 . Copyright protection shall extend to expressions and not to ideas , procedures , methods of operation or mathematical concep

47、ts as such . 12 国 际 经 贸 公 约 与 惯 例 总 览Article 10Computer Programs and Compilations of Data1 . Computer programs , whether in source or object c be protected as literary works under the Berne Convention 2 . Compilations of data or other material , whether in readable or other form, which by reason of

48、the selection or ment of their contents constitute intellectual creations shal tected as such .Such protection ,which shall not extend to tmaterial itself, shall be without prejudice to any copy-right国 际 经 贸in the data or material itself .Article 11Rental RightsIn respect of at least computer progra

49、ms and cinemode , shall (1971) .machine arrange- l be pro- he data orsubsistingatographicworks, a Member shall provide authors and their successors in title the right to authorize or to prohibit the commercial rental to the pub- lic of originals or copies of their copyright works .A Member shall be excepted from this obligation in respect of cinematographic works un- less such rental has led to widespread copying of su

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