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1、 44 2 20 23 2 ACTAA M AM ENTA I IVol 44 No 2Feb 2023DOI 10 12382/bg xb 2021 0618 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 100081 2 410100、。82%、61%。U463.2 A 1000-1093 2023 02-0406-11E f f e c t s o f St r u c t u r a l Ch a r a c t e r is t ic s o f a We t M u lt i-Dis k Clu t c h o n Co n t a c t Pr e s s u r e CHEN M an1 L I

2、 U Yuj i an1 YU L i ang1 W ANG Xu1 ZHANG Cunzhen1 HU L i n2 1 SchoolofM echani calEng i neeri ng Bei j i ngI nsti tuteofTechnol og y Bei j i ng100081 Chi na 2 HeavyTruck D i vi si on SANY Group Chang sha410100 Hunan Chi na A b s tr a c t Based on thestructuralcharacteri sti csofaw etmul ti-di sk cl

3、utch af i ni teel ementmodeland athermodynami cmodelof amul tif ri cti on-p ai rsystemaredevel op ed Thei nf l uenceof structuralp arameterson thecontactp ressurebetw een f ri cti on p ai rs are studi ed i ncl udi ngbackp l ate thi ckness ci rcl i pw i dth and numberof f ri cti on p ai rs M oreover

4、thecorrectnessof thenumeri calmodeli sveri f i ed bycl utch stati cp ressureexp eri ments An i ndexi s emp l oyed to eval uate the p ressure di f f erences betw een f ri cti on p ai rs and the op ti malstructuralp arameters ofthe cl utch are p rop osed The resul ts showthat the backp l atethi ckness

5、and ci rcl i pw i dth have strongef f ects on the p ressure di f f erence w hi l e the numberoff ri cti onp ai rsonl yhasasl i g hti nf l uence Thedi f f erencesbetw een the contactp ressure and radi altemp erature off ri cti on p ai rscan be si g ni f i cantl ysmoothed out byi ncreasi ngthe p l ate

6、 thi ckness and ci rcl i pw i dth Ascomp ared w i th thei ni ti alstructuralcondi ti ons themaxi mumdi f f erencesof thecontrolp ressureand radi altemp eratureattheop ti mum condi ti on arereduced by82%and 61%resp ecti vel y K e y w o r d s w etmul ti-di sk cl utch structuralcharacteri sti cs contac

7、tp ressure temp eraturef i el d 2021-09-10 52205047、52175037 BX20220379、2021M 700422 0 1。2 2。、。L i 4、Fei 4、。Zhang 5、。Yang 6。7 8。M ahmud 9 Kong 10。W u 11、。L i n 12、。13。14 Fai dh-Al l ah 15。16。17。18。1。19。1 Fi g 1 3D schemati cdi ag ram ofaw etmul ti-di sk w etcl utch、。1 2 Fi g 2 P ressuretransmi ssi o

8、n modelon thesemi-i nf i ni tep l ate1.1。2。2 Ox y z O 0 0 0 A 0 0 e 7 0 4 44 B r z r z、z、Fc。e A z A 0 0 e Fc=02 r z dr z e 1 z z。B 20 r=z Z 2Z r 2=z Z 1 r Z r z=z 2 Z 2Z z 2 2 Z。O e=0 r=Fc 1 2 1 1 2+z 槡 3r 2z 槡 5=Fc 1 2 8 1 z 2v 1 槡 3+4 1 v+z 槡 z=3Fcz 32 槡 5 3=r 2+z 2。1.2 3。c t=(2 r 2+1r r+2 z)2 4、c

9、、。q=n r z n r 5 n n r z。7=0.01l n 4u+1 e0.005 l n 28.3 200+0.035+(23e 2.6u l n 3.2 28.3 0.4 0.87)5.16+0.08 e 0.005 1 e 0.2u 1 6 u。21=s sc槡 s s sc槡 s+f fc槡 f 7 s、f、。q s=q q f=1 q 8。10W/40-CF 6 h i=300+90 r i 0.55h o=250+95 r o 0.5 9 r i、r o h i、h o。r z t r r=r i=+h i r z t e r z t r r=r o=h o r z t e

10、 r z t z z=0mm=q f=f r z r r z t z z=H=q b=b r z r r z t|t=0s=0 10 t e H q f q b、f b、0。2 3 Abaq us 6。3 1、2、3、4 Sc S1、S2、S6。1。8 0 4 2 3 Fi g 3 Fi ni teel ementmodelofthecl utch 1 Tabl e1 M ateri aland structuralp arametersoff ri cti on p ai rs r i/mm r o/mm H/mm E/GP a 85 125 6 0.29 210 85 125 3 0.29

11、 210 85 125 0.6 0.27 2.2 85 125 2 0.29 210 85 125 6 0.29 210 122 125 3 0.29 210 C3D 8 8“”、“”。、65M n 2、3、2 2 11 160 3 520、5 280、3 520 3 520。、10、160、5。4 6 100 kP a。4 Sc S6 272kP a S1 93 kP a Sc 361kP a S1 162kP a S1 69kP a Sc 32kP a。4 6 Fi g 4 P ressurecl oudsofa6-f ri cti on-p ai rssystem 5 5 Fi g 5

12、adi alp ressurei n thei ni ti alw orki ngcondi ti ons。5 p。A B A 75 kP a B 75 kP a 350 kP a。A B k 1 k 2 11 k。k=r r r 2 r 2 11 r。9 0 4 44 3 3.1 8mm 10mm 6。6 A B 6 mm、8mm 10mm S6 272kP a、195 kP a 119kP a S1 93 kP a、40kP a 63 kP a。6 Fi g 6 Chang esofp ressureunderdi f f erentbackp l atethi cknesses 7 S6

13、 A k 1 0.46 kP a/mm 0.69kP a/mm、0.53 kP a/mm B k 2 14.56 kP a/mm 8.36 kP a/mm、4.94 kP a/mm。8。8 b h l。w w=p r 224E I r 2 4l r+6l 2 12 E I。w。h 3。7 S6Fi g 7 adi alp ressureofS6underdi f f erentbackp l atethi cknesses 8 Fi g 8 D i ag ram ofp ressuretransf er3.2 9 3 mm 6 mm 9mm 117mm。S6 6 mm、9mm S6 191 k

14、P a、161 kP a S1 93 kP a、79kP a。S6 10 A B 3 mm、6 mm 9mm A k 1 0.46 kP a/mm、1.48kP a/mm 2.06 kP a/mm k 2 14.56 kP a/mm、8.26 kP a/mm 3.38kP a/mm。A B。3.3 12 18 110 1 4 2 9 Fi g 9 Chang esofp ressureunderdi f f erentci rcl i pw i dths 10 S6Fi g 10 adi alp ressuredi stri buti on ofS6underdi f f erentci rc

15、l i pw i dths。11 12 18 312kP a、336 kP a 63 kP a、55 kP a。12 12、18 k 1 1.2kP a/mm、1.6 kP a/mm k 2 16.28kP a/mm、17.18kP a/mm。4 19 S6 11 Fi g 11 adi alp ressureofdi f f erentf ri cti on p ai rs 12 Fi g 12 adi alp ressureoff ri cti on p ai rsneartheci rcl i psi de k 1 0.46 kP a/mm k 2 14.56 kP a/mm k 3 k

16、 1+k 2 15.02kP a/mm S6 2。2 k 3。、。13 9mm、1 1 4 44 2 Tabl e2 I nf l uenci ngf actors k 1/kP a mm 1 k 2/kP a mm 1 k 3 k 1+k 2/kP a mm 1 8mm 0.69 8.36 9.0510mm 0.53 4.94 5.47 6 mm 1.48 8.26 9.749mm 2.06 3.38 5.44 12 1.2 16.28 17.4818 1.6 17.18 18.78 10mm、6。14 100 kP a A B。S6 48kP a S1 22kP a 82%。S6 k 1

17、0.46 kP a/mm 1.11kPa/mm k 2 14.56 kPa/mm 1.14 kPa/mm。13 Fi g 13 P ressurebef oreand af terop ti mi zati on5 5.1 15 YG132-40。L L W L W 0.5 2.5 M P a、2.5 10M P a。14 S6Fi g 14 S6radi alp ressurebef oreand af terop ti mi zati on 15 Fi g 15 Testsystemsand samp l es FP D 8010E。5.2。0 60。16 2M P a Sc、S6、S1

18、L L W。17 1M P a S6 S1 9.01 mm 11.46 mm S1 S6。18 2M P a。S6 L L W 19 6 mm、8mm 10 mm 9.01 mm、20.03 mm 25.99mm。2 1 4 2 16 L L W Fi g 16 P ressurei n L L W testp ap erunderi ni ti alw orki ngcondi ti ons 17 Fi g 17 Exp eri mentalp ressureunderi ni ti alw orki ngcondi ti ons 18 L L W Fi g 18 P ressurei n

19、L L W testp ap erw i th di f f erentbackp l atethi cknesses S6。20 L L W、2M P a S6 21 9.01 mm、16.54 mm 25.03 mm 9mm。19 Fi g 19 Exp eri mentalp ressuref ordi f f erentbackp l atethi cknesses 20 L L W Fi g 20 P ressurei n L L W testp ap erw i th di f f erentci rcl i pw i dths 21 Fi g 21 Exp eri mentalp

20、 ressuredataf ordi f f erentci rcl i pw i dths 4 M P a L W 22。23 B。3 1 4 44 22 L W Fi g 2 2 Pressurei n LW testp ap erw i th di f f erentf ri cti on p ai rs 23 Fi g 2 3 Exp eri mentalp ressuredataf ordi f f erentf ri cti on p ai rs 3 M P a L L W 24 13.03 mm 34.06 mm 25。24 L L W Fi g 24 P ressurei n

21、L L W testp ap erbef oreand af terop ti mi zati on6 25 Fi g 25 Exp eri mentalp ressuredatabef oreand af terop ti mi zati on 0.1M P a 40 300 r/mi n 5 s。5 6 1。19。26 1、2、3、4。26 Fi g 26 Temp eraturef i el d ofi ni ti alw orki ngcondi ti ons 26 1 4 4 1 4 2 3 79.4 135.3。27 9mm、10 mm 3 30.6 97.2 61%。27 Fi

22、g 27 Temp eraturef i el d ofop ti mi zed w orki ngcondi ti ons7 1、。2。3 10 mm、9mm 6 82%、61%。e f e r e n c e s 1 J 2017 39 9 4 11 L OU W P ZHENG C S L IH Y etal esearch on cri ti calop enand cl ose p ressures ofan oi l ldi scharg e val ve f orhi g h sp eed w etshi f ti ngcl utch J Acta Armamentari i 2

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26、 di sccl utch suf f eri ngf ri cti onal l y i nduced thermall oad J Tri bol og yTransacti ons 2016 59 6 983 992 7 J 2018 48 3 661 669 ZHAO E H M AB L IH Y etal Ef f ectofnon-uni f orm contactonf ri cti on characteri sti cs ofw et cl utches J Journal ofJi l i nUni versi ty Eng i neeri ngand Technol o

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30、 Z HE Z Y etal Anal ysi sof i nf l uenci ngf actorsontransi enttemp erature f i el d ofw et cl utch f ri cti on p l ate used i nmari ne g earbox J I ndustri alL ubri cati on and Tri bol og y 2018 70 2 241 49 13 5 1 4 44 J 2020 39 3 336 343 ZHANG Z G L I ANG M L CHEN Y et al Anal ysi s on termalcarac

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