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1、 2016 14 6 17 Khan F Am at yaB NgL etal el ev anceand com pl et enessoft heI nt ernat ionalCl assificat ion of Funct ioning D isabil it y and Heal t h I CF com prehensiv ebreastcancercoreset t hepat ientperspect iv ein an Aust ral ian com m unit y cohort J J ehabilMed 2012 44 7 570 580 18 Gril lE Ew

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4、 int ernat ionalcl assificat ion of funct ioning disabil it yand heal t h J D isabil ehabil 2014 36 7 593 599 22 St uckiG Kost anjsek N U st n B etal I CF-based cl assificat ion andm easurem entoffunct ioning J EurJ Phys ehabilMed 2008 44 3 315 328 23 VogtD S KingD W KingLA Focusgroupsin psychol ogi

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6、l TheMont realCognit iv eAs-sessm ent MoCA is superiort o t heMini-Ment alSt at eExam inat ion MMSE fort hedet ect ion ofv ascul arcognit iv eim pairm entaft eracut est roke J JNeurolSci 2010 299 1 2 15 18 26 Organizat ion W H I nt ernat ionalCl assificat ion ofFunct ioning D isa-bil it yand Heal t

7、h-Chil dren and Yout h Version J I nt ernat ionalcl as-sificat ion offunct ioning disabil it y and heal t h-chil dren yout h v er-sion 2007 v ol um e53 4 349 350 2 27 OC sT EM-1、PCT C P J 2011 15 11 1885 1887 2016 10 30 2【】2 Type2 diabet es T 2D。T 2D T 2D T 2D。20 T 2D T 2D、T 2D。【】2 d o i 10.3969/j.i

8、ssn.1672 4860.2016.06.004Th e e s e a r c h o f Ge n e t ic is k Va r ia n t s f o r Ty p e 2 Dia b e t e s in Ch in e s e Po p u la t io n ZHANG Ji n k u n CHE N Ch ao LI Zh i p e n g YANG Ze.Th e M O H K e y Lab o r at o r y o f Ge r i at r i c s Be i ji n g h o s p i t al Nat i o n al Ce n t e r

9、o f Ge r o n t o l o g y Be i ji n g 100730 P.Ch i n a.【Ab s t r a c t】Type2 diabet eshas becom eal eadingheal t h probl em cont ribut ed by acom binat ion ofm ul t ipl egenet ic and env iron-m ent alfact ors.ecent l y wit h m arked increaseoft hepeopl ewit h T 2D m oreand m oreat t ent ion is conce

10、nt rat ed on T 2D wit hin t heworl d.Moreov er t hem orecom prehensiv est udieson t heT 2D s genet ic et iol ogy and underst andingoft hedisease-associat ed genes t hem oreresearchesint ot hegenesassociat ed wit h t ype2 diabet essuscept ibil it y.Thisart icl erev iews20 v erified suscept ibil it yg

11、enesforT 2D and t hest udies aboutt hem conduct ed in Chinesepeopl e incl udingt hefunct ion ofT 2D suscept ibil it y genes pat hogenicm echanism and t hecurrentresearch st at usofChinesepeopl e【Ke y w o r d s】Type2 diabet es Suscept ibil it yGenes Pat hogenicMechanism GeneFunct ion、T 2D。2030 T 2D 2

12、000 1.7 3.7 2/3 6 1 2016 14 6、1。T 2D 2。T 2D 2。2000 2008 T 2D 9%23%40 T 2D 4 3。T 2D T 2D。T 2D Genom e-wide associat ion st udies GW AS 4 7 T 2D T 2D。T 2D GW AS。T 2D GW AS 70 SNP T 2D。GW AS 2。T 2D T 2D T 2D T 2D。1.T2D 20 T 2D SNPs singl enucl eot idepol ym orphism T 2D。T 2D。1.1 C2CD 4A/B C2 Cal cium-D

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