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1、英 语 四 级 模 拟 作 文例一:P ar t W ri tin gD ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write anessay entitled M al tin g F ri end s O nl ine.You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below in Chinese:1.1网上交友现象越来截止普遍。2这种做法有利有弊。3我的建议。答案:高分作文With a wide variety of virtual co

2、mmunication tools springing up likemushrooms,making friends online has become increasingly fashionable overthe past decade.This channel of communication enables people to get acquainted withcyber friends from anywhere without any limitations,enriching their lifeexperiences and even extending their k

3、nowledge.Whats more,it is notrare for some to find their bosom friends and even Mr./Mrs.Right.But as a double-edged sword,making friends without physicallymeeting each other undoubtedly has evils-tragedies occur whencyber-friends finally decide to date.Not coming singly but in pairs,somespouses get

4、divorced because one party falls in love with cyber-lovers.The network renders people convenient and efficient means to get intouch with the rest of the world and we should make good use of it insteadof falling victims to it.评析这是一篇以分析某现象的利弊为主的说明文。第一段用一句话说明了随着各种各样的(a wide variety of)虚拟通信工具如雨后春笋般涌现(sp

5、ringing up like mushrooms),网上交友在过去十年里(over the past decade)变得越来越(increasingly)流行。with 引导的名词+doing 结构是表示原因的经典用法。第二段用 Whats more 连接了两个好处。其中的亮点词汇有:enable peopleto get acquainted with“使人们结识”;enriching experiences“丰富经验”和 extending knowledge“拓宽知识面”两个短语用了现在分词作伴随状语;it is not rare 表示“并不罕见”,比 it is common 更有力

6、;bosomfriends“知心朋友”;Mr/Mrs.Right“另一半;心上人”。第三段话锋一转,利用比喻“就像一把双刃剑(as a double-edgedsword)”,引出了坏处。成语 Not coming singly but in pairs“无独有偶”的前后讲了两个坏处,恰恰与前一段的两个好处形成对比。最后一段简洁地发出呼吁:网络给我们提供了便利、高效的接触外界的手段,我们应该好好利用它,而不应该成为其受害者。亮点词汇有:render,convenient and efficient means,fall victim to。资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英

7、语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,例二:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essayentitled O n C on ser vin g E ne rgy.You should write at least 1 20 wordsfollowing the outline given below in Chinese:1

8、.1能源短缺问题已经非常严重;2可以采取节能措解决能源短缺问题;3你的看法。答案:高分作文Nowadays there is growing concern on the serious problem of energyshortage.Many people worry that energy resources on the earth will beexhausted if we use them in an unchecked way.And they believe that theenergy shortage will cause serious problems and ev

9、en crisis.Conserving energy is one of the measures which have been taken tosolve the problem of energy shortage.For example,some countries havea daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting.A ls o,somecities have enforced some facilities for saving water at public placessuch as rest r

10、ooms and bars.S ti ll m or e,some have enforced seriouspenalties on overuse of electricity,water,and farming land.By thesemeans,people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.In a word,it is h ig h ti me t ha t serious consideration was given toconserving energy.Only through immediat

11、e and effective action,can wehuman beings survive and enjoy life as desired.评析节能是当前备受关注的一个话题,因此可说的内容很多,紧紧围绕提纲要求进行阐述是本文的鲜明特点。文章首段直截了当地提出能源短缺这样一个话题,中间段概括说明节能是解决能源短缺问题的重要措施之一,运用并列型扩展法介绍了几种节能措施。末尾段重申主题,再次强调问题的紧迫性和严重性。本文词语和句型运用自如。如第二段的列举法虽然没有使用 first,second等词语,但使用了 Also,still more,使整个段落看起来内容充实,条理清楚。结尾段使用

12、了此类分析问题的作文的典型结尾句型“it is high time that”。例三:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essayentitled O n E ng lis h L ear ni ng.You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below in Chinese:1.1你认为在英语学习过程中存在的主要问题是什么?2导致这些问题的原因有哪些?3对于解决这些问题,你有何建议?I t i s o bvi

13、 ou s that there are some problems in college Englishlearning.In my opinion,something most discouraging is that many资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,students find difficulty in communicating with a nat

14、ive speaker althoughthey have learned English for many years.T he re a re t wo r ea son s e xp lai ni ng t hi s ph en ome no n.Firstly,mostof the students,even many teachers of English pay little attention tothe use of the language.To them,the most important thing of learningEnglish is to memorize s

15、ome grammatical rules and enlarge thevocabulary.Secondly,many students have not realized the realpurpose of learning English.They hold that they study English to passtests,not to master a useful tool for their own use.T o c ha nge t hi s s it uat io n,my suggestion is that more emphasis be puton imp

16、roving communicative abilities in English.F or e xa mpl e,why notadvocate that the listening and speaking should be included in the testof English at various levels?评析作文首先直接提出英语学习中存在的问题,即经过多年英语学习之后,学生依然不能用英语进行交流。第二段揭示并分析产生这种现象的两个原因。主题句为:There are two reasons explaining this phenomenon扩展句的主要内容:一是对语言运

17、用的学习不够重视;二是学习英语的目的只是为了通过考试。最后提出解决问题而且现实可行的建议,用问句结尾,引起阅卷老师对本文的注意。本文的语言表达准确,三个段落的过渡自然。文章开头句子明确提出问题It is obvious that there are some problems in college English learning,第二段首句提出产生这种现象的原因有两个 There are two reasons explainingthis phenomenon,末段的首句用 To change this situation 来承接上文,最后用 for example 引出自己的建议。例四:

18、D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essayentitled C he ati ng o n C am pus.You should write at least 120 words followingthe outline given below in Chinese:1.1在大学里存在着考试作弊的现象;2你是怎么看待这一现象的;3如何才能制止这种现象。答案:高分作文Cheating on exams is becoming a serious problem on campus.23%of

19、students have ever been found doing so on their exams.Some of them copyfrom each other,some take out their textbooks or reference books to copy,still some use the modern communication tools such as mobile phone as away to get related information.It is obvious that cheating on exams hasbad effect on

20、students academic performances as well as morality practice.资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,M an y r ema rk abl e f ac tor s c on tri bu te t o th e c he ati ng i n e xam s.First,some students just pl

21、ay time away and want to pass the exam without efforts.And some students are under great pressure from parents and they fear tofail the exams.Second,college or universities must bear the blame fortheir placing more emphasis on grades than learning.Rigid grading systempromotes cheating.H ow c an s uc

22、 h a n u nh eal th y p he nom en on b e e lim in ate d?In my opinion,there are two ways we can adopt.F ir st o f a ll,a severe punishment shouldbe put into effect to prevent students from cheating.I n a dd iti on,weshouldre form our examination system to make it a real effective tool tomeasure stude

23、nts abilities.评析本文的第一段指出考试作弊在很多大学里是一个很严重的问题,通过数字说明问题的严重性,主题句的提出显得有理有据。接着列举了学生的各种作弊手段。第二段主题句“Many remarkable factors contribute to the cheating inexams.”显示本段的主要内容是分析考试作弊的原因,分别从学生和学校实行的制度两个方面进行分析。第三段提出根除作弊现象的措施。本文段落之间的衔接自然得体,如第三段开头用了一个问句“How can such an unhealthy phenomenonbe eliminated?”,很自然地将话题转到如何制

24、止作弊上来了。各个段落内部扩展句之间的逻辑层次清晰,分析透彻。如结尾段在阐述采取何种措施根除作弊时,用 first of all,in addition 表现了两种措施逻辑与意义上的关系。例五:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essayentitled On I nt ern et-ba sed I ns tru ct ion.You should write at least 120words following the outline below in Chinese.1.1近年来网络化

25、学习发展迅速;2网络教育蓬勃发展的原因;3我如何利用这种形式充电。The past d ec ade has wi tn ess ed a b oom in I nt ern et-ba se d i ns tru ct ion botha t h om e a nd a br oad.O nl ine e du cat io n with or without record of formalschooling is readily available.The attraction of t he f en cel es s s ch ool for students is obvious.

26、Learners can c as t a sid e the restriction of age,profession or educationalbackground and select freely according to their own need the studyingcontents.A dd iti on all y,with the instructors posting syllabi,readingassignments,and schedules on Websites,and students sending in theirassignments onlin

27、e,time and space are no o bs tac le s toanyone.M ea nwh il e,expenses and resources are a cc ord in gly saved for资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,both students and schools.O bv iou sl y,w eb uca ti on

28、b ro ade ns t he c ha nne lof knowledge reception,realizes l ea rne r-cen te red auto-study ande nh anc es t he learners a bil it y o f k no wle dg e acquisition and knowledgeupdating.As for me,to e nh anc e in te gra te d quality by selecting some popularweb courses a nn ual ly will be a long-term

29、mission.评析这是一篇重点在于分析某现象的原因的文章。第一段用两句话简单说明了过去十年里国内外网络化学习发展迅速这一现象。亮点词汇 decade“十年”,比用 ten years 显得有水平;witnessed“见证”,以时间地点作主语,事件作宾语,表示在某个时间或者地点发生了某事,属于拟人化的用法;boom“蓬勃发展”;(at)home and abroad“国内外”。Internet-based,instruction 和 Online education 是“网络教育”的两种不同表达,体现了用词的多样性。第二段分析这一现象的原因。第一句是承上启下的过渡句。第二句详细说明了第一条原因

30、:学习者可以不受年龄、职业、教育背景等的限制,自由选择课程。随后一句用 Additionally 引出了第二条原因:由于教学活动都在网上进行,师生都不受时空限制。紧接着用 Meanwhile 引出了第三条原因:费用和资源得到节省。最后用 Obviously 进行升华、小结:网络教育拓宽了接受教育的渠道、实现了以学生为中心的自主学习、提高了学习者获取知识和更新知识的能力。这一段中的 the fenceless school 和 webucation 又是“网络教育”的另外两种表达。其他亮点词汇还有:cast aside,obstacles,accordingly,broadens thechan

31、nel,learner-centered,enhances the ability,knowledge acquisition,knowledge updating 等。第三段简明扼要地说明自己的打算:每年选几门受欢迎的网络课程来提高自己的综合素质。亮点词汇有:enhance,integrated,annually,long-termmission。例六:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essayentitled How to Live a C olo rf ul L if e o n C

32、am pus.You should write at least120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.1许多大学生希望自己的校园生活能够丰富多彩;2有许多方式可以丰富大学生活;3对此你有什么建议?Nearly all students want to make their life on campus as colorful aspossible.With a colorful life,a student can feel meaningful andconfident.So it is necessary-for

33、students to enrich their campus life.There are several ways to live a colorful life on campus.It is a资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,good choice for students to join various clubs and groups.By doing

34、so,students can make a lot of friends whose interests are similar to theirs.B es ide s taking part in the activities on campus,students can also do somesocial practice,which is necessary for them to expand their horizon.T ak ing m ys elf a s a n e xa mpl e,I love to dance and join the dance club.I e

35、njoy dancing with my friends and learn a lot from them.Moreover,Itake an active part in social practice.Both are helpful to make my lifeon campus more enjoyable.评析文章的第一段提出丰富多彩的校园生活可以让学生感到自信,生活得有意义,随之自然地引出学生有必要学着使自己的校园生活丰富多彩。第二段提出使校园生活丰富多彩的两种方法。一种是参加各种俱乐部、学生团体;另一种是参加社会实践。最后一段作者重申主题。以自己为例,让读者知道自己的建议是有

36、据可依的。短文的第二段在介绍两种方法时没有用 first、second 一类的词,而是用了 besides;最后一段用了分词短语 taking myself as an example 开头,通过这种方式,可以让阅卷老师觉得语言运用不落俗套。例七:P ar t W ri tin gD ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write anessay entitled C ol leg e S tu den ts s en se o f Re sp ons ib ili ty.You shouldwrite at lea

37、st 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.1有的大学生有很强的责任意识,有的却连最基本的责任感都没有;2大学生肩负些哪责任;3大学阶段是大学生成长的重要阶段,呼吁大学生加强责任感。Our times w it nes s a s tr iki ng d iff er enc e between two groups of collegestudents:those who bear a strong sense of responsibility and thosewithout even a slightest o

38、ne.P er hap s s om e ar e s ti ll w on der in g-wha t o bl iga ti ons a reu nd erg ra dua te s s up pos ed t o t ak e?Obviously,all adult citizens shouldbe responsible for themselves,their families,their societies and theirnations.We university students are no exception.B es ide s,we are expectedto

39、be responsible for the institution where we are being educated.Years at college are the most important period in a persons growth,when we acquire knowledge and find our roles in life,so we must enhanceour obligation sense at this crucial moment in order to fulfill our duties资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513

40、,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:691761499,大学生物资料群:734414430,well as individuals and members of our families,our schools,our societyand our country.评析本文开头段只用了一句话就说明了提纲中的差距:有的大学生有很强的责任意识,有的却连最基本的责任感都没有。其中动词 witness 的拟人法使用、短语 a striking difference(显著的不同)、s

41、trong 与 slightest 形成的强烈对比以及 responsibility 和 one 实虚词结合,都是亮点表达。而两类人的定语分别使用了定语从句 who bear a strong sense of responsibility 和介词短语without even a slightest one,体现了句型的变化多样。第二段虽然不长,但是段首过渡句 Perhaps some are stillwondering-what obligations are undergraduates supposed to take?的使用,承上启下,十分自然地引出段落主题:大学生肩负哪些责任。随后

42、给出四个答案:成年公民都应该承担自我责任、家庭责任、社会责任、国家责任。大学生也不例外。而为了突出大学生和一般成年公民的区别,还用 Besides 补充了“学校责任”。尾段强调了大学时期在人生中的重要性,并呼吁为了很好地履行我们作为个人以及家庭、学校、社会、国家的成员的职责,我们要加强责任感的培养,呼应第二段。全文以主人公的形象论述,有说服力。例八:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the topic of On B ei ng V ol unt ee rs.You

43、should write at least 120words following the outline given below.1.1现在很多大型活动都需要志愿者;2做志愿者的利弊;3如果我有机会做志愿者的话,我会答案:高分 作文 O n B ei ng V ol unt ee rsWith China becoming i nc rea si ngl y p ro spe ro us b y t he d ay,l ar ge-sc alee ve nts such as world expositions and sports games f re que nt this hot lan

44、d,v ir tua ll y a ll o f w hi ch a re th ir sty f or a large number of volunteers.Apart from gaining some working and social experiences,therealistic advantages to serving as a volunteer are also obvious.Volunteers for the World Expo in Shanghai,for instance,may visit anypavilion after work,which ma

45、kes them the envy of billions of queuers;l ik ew is e,volunteers of Beijing Olympics got allowances,quality uniforms,free riding of bus and metro,etc.M or e b en efi ci all y,their experience资料下载来源:四六级考试资料群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学资料群:642838907,大学数学交流群:702457289,大学物理资料群:718011655,大学化学资料群:69176

46、1499,大学生物资料群:734414430,may add luster to their resume in job-hunting.B ut a s t he s ay ing g oes,A p en ny h as t wo s ide s.The disadvantages to being volunteers are alsoe l ep ha nt s i n t h e r o om.Doing voluntar y jobs is undoubtedl y time-con suming,and to those students,the majority of volu

47、nteers,the sacrifice is notonly time but their school work.Be si des,longtime exposure to variousunexpected weather may do great harm to their health.B ut a ny way,if I have a chance to be a volunteer,I am sure to trymy utmost,because during the course,I will learn how to carry out betterteam work a

48、nd how to cope with emergencies,etc.,thus I will mature soonerthan otherwise.评析这是一篇以分析某现象的利弊为主的说明文。第一段用一句话说明了现在很多大型活动频频在中国举办(with 引导的短语简要指出原因:中国日益繁荣),它们都需要志愿者这一现象。其中语言亮点有 increasingly 修饰形容词 prosperous,表示“越来越”;by the day 表示“日益”;large-scale events 表示“大规模的活动”;frequent 作动词,表示“频频发生”;virtually 修饰 all,表示“几

49、乎”;of which 介词+关系代词,引导定语从句,使句型出现变化;be thirsty for 使用了拟人的手法,表达“迫切需要”。第二段分析了做志愿者的利弊。第一句以 Apart from 开头,引出了两个“利”获得工作、社会经验以及一些现实性的好处,随后举了北京奥运会和上海世博会作为后者的例证(likewise 自然地把两个例子衔接到了一起),并用More beneficially 说明前者对找工作更有帮助。在转折到“弊”时,用了谚语(But as the saying goes,A penny,has two sides.),而成语 elephants inthe room 表示“明

50、显的”,也是闪光用词。Besides 连接了两个弊端 耗费时间、影响健康。最后一段表明了自己的态度如果有机会,将竭尽全力做好志愿者,同时简要说明了理由:学会合作和应急以便更快地成熟起来。开头的 Butanyway“但不管怎样(尽管有上述的弊端)”属于过渡词,把第二段和第三段自然衔接到了一起。例九:D ir ect io ns:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the topic of Should Foreign Abbreviations Be Banned on TV?Youshould wr

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