1、1海沧中学 2014-2015 下高二期中考试化学试卷一、选择题(每道题只有一个正确选项,16 题,每题 3 分,共 48 分)1化合物 HIn 在水溶液中因存在以下电离平衡:HIn(aq,红色) H+In-(aq,黄色),故可用作酸碱指示剂。浓度为 0.02mol/L 的下列各溶液:(1)HCl (2)石灰水 (3)NaCl(aq) (4)NaHCO3(aq),其中能使指示剂显红色的是( )A.(1) B.(2) C.(3) D.(4)2在 2AB 3C4D 反应中,表示该反应速率最快的是( )A v(A)0.5 mol 1 1 B v(B)0.3 mol 1 1C v(C)0.8 mol
2、1 1 D v(D)1 mol 1 13.在密闭容器中,一定条件下,进行如下反应:NO(g)CO(g) N2(g)CO 2(g) H373.2 kJ/mol,达到平衡后,为提高该反应的速率和 NO 的转化率,采取的正确措施是 ( )A.加催化剂 B.增大压强 C.充入 N2 D.降低温度4.下列溶液一定是碱性的是( )ApH = 8 的溶液 B c(OH )110 -7mol/L C溶液中含有 OH D溶液中 c(OH ) c(H )5.向醋酸溶液中滴加 NaOH 溶液,则( )A.醋酸的电离平衡向左移动 B.溶液的 pH 减小C.醋酸根离子的物质的量减小 D.醋酸的浓度减小6.下列化学原理的
3、应用,主要用沉淀溶解平衡原理来解释的是( )热纯碱 溶液的洗涤油污能力强; 误将钡盐BaCl 2、Ba(NO 3)2当作食盐食用时,常用0.5的 Na2SO4溶液解毒;溶洞、珊瑚的形成;碳酸钡不能做“钡餐”而硫酸钡则能;泡沫灭火器灭火的原理。A B C D7.物质的量浓度相同的下列溶液中,NH 4+浓度最大的是( )ANH 4C1 BNH 4HS04 CCH 3COONH4 DNH 3H2O8.AgCl(s) Ag+ + Cl-,平衡时Ag + Cl-=Ksp,过量氯化银分别投入100 mL 水 24mL 0.1 molL-1NaCl 10mL 0.1 molL -1MgCl2 30mL 0.
4、1molL -1AgNO3溶液中,溶液中Ag +从大到小顺序( )2A. B. C. D.9.已知某温度下,K a(HCN)= 6.210-10 molL-1、K a(HF)= 6.810-4 molL-1、K a(CH3COOH)= 1.810-5 molL-1、K a(HNO2)= 6.410-6molL-1。物质的量浓度都为 0.1 molL-1的下列溶液中,酸性最弱的是( ) AHCN BHF CCH 3COOH DHNO 210.0.1mol/L K2CO3溶液中,若使 c (CO32)更接近 0.1 mol/L,可采取的措施是( )A.加入少量盐酸 B .加水 C.加 KOH 固体
5、 D.加 热11.已知乙酸(HA)的酸性比甲酸(HB)弱,在物质的量浓度均为 0. 1 molL-1的 NaA 和 NaB 混合溶液中,下列排序正确的是( )A.OH-HAHBH+ B.OH-A-B-H+C.OH-B-A-H+ D.OH-HBHAH+12.浓度均为 0.1 mol / L 的NaHCO 3、Na 2CO3、NaCl、NH 4Cl 四种溶液,按 pH 值由小到大排列的顺序是( )A. B. C. D.13.难溶电解质 AB2的饱和溶液中A 2+=x molL-1,B -=y molL-1,则 Ksp值为( )A.0.5xy2 B.xy C.xy2 D.4xy2 14.对于 0.1
6、 molL1 Na2SO3溶液,正确的是( )A加入少量 NaOH 固体,c(SO )与 c(Na )均增大23Bc(Na )2c(SO )c(HSO )c(H 2SO3)23 3Cc(Na )c(H )2c(SO )2c(HSO )c(OH )23 3D升高温度,溶液的 pH 降低15.下列物质的分类组合全部正确的是( ) 编组 强电解质 弱电解质 非电解质A NaCl HF Cl2B Ba(OH)2 H2S C2H5OHC H2SO4 CaCO3 CCl4D AgCl HClO Cu16.用水稀释 0.1molL-1氨水时,溶液中随着水量的增加而减小的是( )A.c(NH4+)/c(NH3
7、H2O) B.c(OH-)c(H+) C. c (OH-) D.H+的物质的量3二、填空题(共 5 题,40 分)17.(4 分)某温度下,纯水的H +210 -7mol/L,则此时溶液中OH -为 mol/L;若温度不变,滴入盐酸使H +410 -3mol/L,则此时溶液中OH -为 mol/L。18.(14 分)(1)Na 2CO3的水溶液呈 (填“酸”、“中”、“碱”,下同)性,常温时的 pH 7(填“”、“=”、“ ,CO 32- +H2O HCO3-+OH- (2)酸 , Fe 3+3H2O Fe(OH) 3+3H+ ; Fe 2O3 (3) 酸 , NaHSO 4= Na+H+SO
8、42- ; 2 19.(1)有机酸会与 Ca 5(PO4)3OH 溶解产生的 OH-反应,促进 Ca5(PO4)3OH 溶解,从而腐蚀牙齿 。(2)Ca 5(PO4)3F 比 Ca5(PO4)3OH 更难溶,Ca 5(PO4)3OH 可与牙膏中的 F-转化成更难溶的 Ca 5(PO4)3F (3)吃含钙高或 PO43高的食物20.(1)变小、变大, 。(2)变大、变小, 。21.(1)0.002 molL -1s-1 (2)K= (3)吸热 。22.(1)100mL 溶量瓶(注:未标明规格的扣 1 分) (2) BH2(g)+I2(g) 2HI(g) 起始 mol/L: 0.01 0.01 0
9、转化 mol/L:0.002 0.002 0.004平衡 mol/L:0.008 0.008 0.004 .1 分K= = =0.25 .1 分2IH08.*.46设 H2转化浓度为 x,H2(g)+I2(g) 2HI(g)起始 mol/L: 0.02 0.02 0转化 mol/L: x x 2x平衡 mol/L:0.02-x 0.02-x 2x .1 分因为温度不变,所以 K 不变: =0.25 .1 分2)0.(xx=0.004 .1 分(H 2)= *100%=20% .1 分0.412014-2015 学年高二下生物选修三期中考试卷一、单项选择题:本题包括 30 小题,每小题 2 分,
10、共计 60 分。每小题只有一个选项最符合题意。1、下列有关基因工程中限制性核酸内切酶的描述,错误的是 A一种限制性内切酶只能识别一种特定的脱氧核苷酸序列 B限制性内切酶的活性受温度的影响C限制性内切酶可从原核生物中提取 D限制性内切酶能识别和切割 RNA2下列与基因工程无关的是( )A、培养利用“工程菌”生产胰岛素 B、基因治疗C、蛋白质工程 D、杂交育种3一般来说,动物细胞体外培养需要满足以下条件无毒的环境 无菌的环境 合成培养基需加血清、血浆 温度与动物体温相近 需要 O2,不需要 CO2 CO 2能调节培养液 pHA B C D4蛋白质工程的基本流程正确的是蛋白质分子结构设计 DNA 合
11、成 预期蛋白质功能 据氨基酸序列推出脱氧核苷酸序列A BC D5关于细胞全能性的理解不确 切的是A大量的科学事实证明,高度分化的植物体细胞仍具有全能性B细胞内含有个体发育所需的全部基因是细胞具有全能性的内在条件C通过植物组织培养得到的试管苗,是植物细胞在一定条件下表现全能性的结果D通过动物细胞培养获得细胞株或细胞系,证明了动物体细胞也具有全能性6限制性核酸内切酶切割 DNA 时A专一识别特定的核苷酸序列,并在特定的位点进行切割 B有多个酶切位点C任意切割,没有特定的核苷酸序列 D识别特定的核苷酸序列,但切口多个7人们常选用的细菌质粒分子往往带有一个抗生素抗性基因,该抗性基因的主要作用是A提高受
12、体细胞在自然环境中的耐药性 B有利于对目的基因是否导入进行检测C增加质粒分子在受体细胞存活的机会 D便于与外源基因连接8基因工程的正确操作步骤是构建基因表达载体 将目的基因导入受体细胞检测目的基因的表达是否符合特定性状要求 获取目的基因A B C D 9将目的基因导入微生物细胞之前,要用 Ca2+处理细胞,处理过的细胞叫A感受态细胞 B敏感性细胞 2C吸收性细胞 D接受态细胞10下列有关基因工程中运载体的说 法正确的是A在进行基因工程操作中,被用作运载体的质粒都是天然质粒B所有的质粒都可以作为基因工程中的运载体C质粒是一种独立于细菌染色体外的链状 DNA 分子D作为载体的质粒 DNA 分子上
13、应有对重组 DNA 进行鉴定和选择的标记基因11有关 PCR 技术的说法,不正确的是APCR 是一项在生物体外复制特定的 DNA 片段的核酸合成技术BPCR 技术的原理是 DNA 双链复制C利用 PCR 技术获取目的基因的前提是要有一段已知目的基因的核苷酸序列DPCR 扩增中必须有解旋酶才能解开双链 DNA12“分子缝合针”DNA 连接酶缝合的部位是A碱基对之间的氢键 B碱基与脱氧核糖CDNA 双链上的磷酸二酯键 D脱氧核糖与脱氧核糖13植物细胞表现出全能性的必要条件是( )A给予适宜营养和条件 B将成熟筛管的细胞核移植到去核的卵细胞内C脱离母体后,给予适宜的营养和条件 D导入其他植物细胞的基
14、因14下 图 所 示 限 制 酶 切 割 基 因 分 子 的 过 程 , 从 图 中 可 知 , 该 限 制 酶 能 识 别 的 碱 基 序 列 和 切 点 是ACTTAAG,切点在C和T之间 BCTTAAG,切点在G和A之间CGAATTC,切点在 G 和 A 之间 DGAATTC,切点在 C 和 T 之间 15.基因治疗是指 A. 把健康的外源基因导入有基因缺陷的细胞中,达到治疗疾病的目的B. 对有缺陷的细胞进行修复,从而使其恢复正常,达到治疗疾病的目的C. 运用人工诱变的方法,使有基 因缺陷的细胞发生基因突变回复正常D. 运用基因工程技术,把有缺陷的基因切除,达到治疗疾病的目的16. 下图
15、为 DNA 分子在不同酶的作用下所发生的变化,图中依次表示限制性核酸内切酶、DNA 聚合酶、DNA 连接酶、解旋酶作用的正确顺序是A. B. C. D. 17. 为了使培养的动物组织细胞分散开,以便制成一定浓度的细胞悬浮液,选来的动物组织应先用 3下列哪种物质处理A胃蛋白酶 B胰蛋白酶 C盐酸 D胰脂肪酶18. 运用下列各种细胞工程技术培育生物新品种,操作过程中能形成愈伤组织的是植物细胞培养 植物体细胞杂交 动物细胞培养 转基因植物的培养A B C D19. 植物体细胞杂交和动物细胞融合比较,正确的是 A. 诱导融合的方法完全相同 B. 所用的技术手段基本相同 C. 所采用的原理完全相同 D.
16、 都能形成杂种细胞20. 动物细胞融合和植物原生质体融合决定于A细胞膜的流动性 B细胞膜的选择透过性C细胞质的流动性 D细胞质中酶的活性 21离体的植物组织或细胞在适当培养条件下发育成完整的植株,离体动物体细胞却没有发育成动物的成熟个体,原因是 A动物细胞内没有成套的遗传物质B动物细胞的全能性随分化程度提高而受到限制,分化潜能变弱C动物细胞的细胞核太小D动物细胞的全能性低于植物细胞22下列有关 PCR 过程的叙述中不正确的是:( )A变性过程中破坏的是 DNA 分子内碱基对之间的氢键,也可利用解旋酶实现B复性过程中引物与 DNA 模板链的结合是依靠碱基互补配对原则完成C延伸过程中需要 DNA
17、聚合酶、ATP、四种核糖核苷酸DPCR 与细胞内 DNA 复制相比所需要酶的最适温度较高23用杂合子种子尽快获得纯合子植株的方法是 A种植一 F2一选出不分离者一纯合子B种植一秋水仙素处理一纯合子C种植一生长素处理一纯合子D种植一花药离体培养一单倍体幼苗一秋水仙素处理一纯合子24动物细胞培养的特点是 细胞贴壁 有丝分裂 分散生长 接触抑制减数分裂 原代培养一般传代 110 代A B C D25用于核移植的供体细胞一般都选用A. 受精卵 B.传代 10 代以内的细胞 C.传代 1050 代以内的细胞 D.处于减数分裂第二次分裂中期的次级卵母细胞4261987 年,美国科学家将萤火虫的萤光素基因转
18、入烟草植物细胞,获得高水平的表达。长成的植物通体光亮,堪称自然界的奇迹。这一研究成果表明:( )萤火虫与烟草植物的 DNA 结构基本相同萤火虫与烟草植物共用一套遗传密码/烟草植物体内合成了萤光素萤火虫和烟草植物合成蛋白质的方式基本相同A和 B和 C和 D272003 年我国科学工作者用基因工程迅速研制出“非典”诊断盒。其作用及机理是:( )A治疗“非典”,利用的是抗原抗体反应 B诊断“非典”,利用的是 DNA 分子杂交原理C诊断“非典”,利用的是抗原抗体反应D治疗“非典”,利用的是 DNA 分子杂交原理28从细胞全能性的角度看,下列叙述正确的是A.分化程度高,具有较高的全能性 B.分化程度低,
19、具有较低的全能性C.分化程度低,具有较高的全能性 D.分化程度高低与全能性无关29科学家将雌黑鼠乳腺细胞的细胞核移入白鼠去核的卵细胞内,待发育成早期胚胎后移植入褐鼠的子宫,该褐鼠产下小鼠的体色和性别是A黑、雌 B褐、雌 C白、雄 D黑、雄30植物体细胞杂交与动物细胞工程中所用技术与原理不相符的是A纤维素酶、果胶酶处理和胰蛋白酶处理酶的专一性 B植物组织培养和动物细胞培养细胞的全能性C原生质体融合和动物细胞融合生物膜的流动性D紫草细胞培养 和杂交瘤细胞的培养 细胞增殖二、非选择题:本题包括小题,共计 40 分。31(8 分)糖尿病是一种常见病,且发病率有逐年增加的趋势,以致发达国家把它列为第三号
20、“杀手”。治疗用的激素过去主要是从动物的内脏中提取,数量有限,20 世纪 70 年代后,开始采用基因工程的方法生产,如图 62 所示,请回答:5图 62(1)指出图中 2、 4、6、7 的名称 :2_,4_,6_,7_。(2)基因工程的核心步骤是 。(3)6 的获得必须用_切割 3 和 4,使它们产生相同的_,再加入适量的_酶,才可形成。32.(7 分)某研究小组进行药物试验时,以动物肝细胞为材料,测定药物对体外培养细胞的毒性。供培养的细胞有甲、乙两种,甲细胞为肝肿瘤细胞,乙细胞为正常肝细胞。请回答下列有关动物细胞培养的问题:(1)将数量相等的甲细胞和乙细胞分别置于培养瓶中培养,培养液及其它培
21、养条件均相同。一段时间后,观察到甲细胞数量比乙细胞数量_。(2)在动物细胞培养时,通常在合成培养基中加入适量血清,其原因是_。细胞培养应在含 5%CO2的恒温培养箱中进行,CO 2的作用是_。(3)在两种细胞生长过程中,当乙细胞铺满瓶壁时,其生长_。其中细胞进行分裂的方式是 ,药物试验需要大量细胞,两种细胞频繁传代,甲细胞比乙细胞可以传代的次数更 。(4)为了防止细胞培养过程中细菌的污染,可向培养液中加入适量的_。33.(6 分)如图为细胞融合的简略过程,请据图回答:(1)若 A、B 是植物细胞,在细胞融合之前已处理,用 除去了 ;A、B 到细胞 C 的过程中,常用的物理方法是 。融合完成的标
22、志是 。(2)若 A、B 是植物细胞,则形成的 D 细胞还要应用 技术把 D 培养成 植株。34. (5 分)下图是植物组织培养的简略表示。据此回答:脱分化 再分化 6(1)表示 ,它能被培养成为的根本原因是 。(2)表示 ,它与相比分化程度 ,全能性 。35. (6 分)下图是利用现代生物工程技术治疗遗传性糖尿病的过程图解。请据图回答下列问题:(1) )图中过程所示的生物技术名称分别是_ _。(2) 过程通常用去核的卵母细胞作为受体细胞的原因除了它体积大、易操作、营养物质丰富外,还因为它_。(3)该种基因治疗所属类型为_。36. (10 分)为扩大可耕地面积,增加粮食产量,黄河三角洲等盐碱地
23、的开发利用备受关注。我国科学家应用耐盐基因培育出了耐盐水稻新品系。(1)获得耐盐基因后,构建重组 DNA 分子所用的限制性内切酶作用于图中的 处,DNA 连接酶作用于 处。(填“a”或“b”)(2)将重组 DNA 分子导入水稻受体细胞的常用方法有农杆菌转化法 和 法。(3)为了确定耐盐转基因水稻是否培育成功,既要用放射性同位素标记的 作探针进行分子杂交检测,又要用 方法从个体水平鉴定水稻植株的耐盐性。78选择题:题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案 D D D C D A B C A D题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20题号 D C C C A C
24、B B D A题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30题号 B C D A B D C C A B二、非选择题:本题包括小题,共计 40 分。31(8 分)(1)2 质粒,4 目的基因,6_重组质粒,7 受体细胞。(2)构建基因表达载体。(3)同一种限制酶, 黏性末端, DNA 连接酶。32、(7 分)(1)多。(2)促进细胞发育,调节培养液 PH 值。(3)接触抑制,有丝分裂,多(4)抗生素33、(8 分)(1) 纤维素酶和果胶酶 细胞壁 ; 电激 。产生新的细胞壁。(2)植物组织培养技术 完整34、 (5 分) (1)外植体,植物细胞全能性。(2)愈伤组织, 高 ,
25、 强。35、(6 分)(1)动物体细胞核移植(2)分化程度低,全能性高,(3)体外基因治疗36、(4 分)(1) a , a 处。(填“a”或“b”)(2)花粉管通道法。(3) 耐盐基因(目的基因) 盐碱地种植(盐水浇灌)。1海沧中学 1415(下)高二年期中考数学(理)试卷选修 2-2 + 选修 2-3一、选择题(共 10 小题,每小题 5 分,共 50 分请把答案填在题后表格中)1用反证法证明命题:若整系数一元二次方程 20()axbca有有理根,那么 abc,中至少有一个是偶数时,下列假设中正确的是假设 abc,都是偶数 假设 ,都不是偶数假设 至多有一个是偶数 假设 abc至多有两个是
26、偶数2设回归直线方程为 ,则变量 增加一个单位时21.5yxA 平均增加 1.5 个单位 B. 平均增加 2 个单位yyC 平均减少 1.5 个单位 D. 平均减少 2 个单位3复数 在复平面上iZ1A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C. .第三象限 D. .第四象限4某次考试中考生的分数 XN(80,100),则分数在 60100 分的考生占总考生数的百分比是A.68.26% B.95.44% C.99.74% D.31.74%5随机变量 服从二项分布 ,且 则 等于pnB, ,20,3DEpA. B. C. 1 D. 032316已知( x+1)10=a0+a1x+a2x2+a10x10,则(
27、a0+a2+a4+a6+a8+a10)2-(a1+a3+a5+a7+a9)2的值为A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.27将两枚质地均匀的骰子各掷一次,设事件 A两个点数互不相同, B出现一个 5 点,则P(B|A)A B C D1358648把 10 个骰子全部投出,设出现 6 点的骰子的个数为 X,则 P(X2)A B210C6 910105C6C D以上都不对982105569箱中有 5 个黑球,4 个白球,每次随机取出一个球,若取出黑球,则放回箱中,重新取球;若取出白球,则停止取球,那么在第四次取球之后停止的概率为A. B.( )3( ) C. D.C ( )3( )59 49 35 14
28、59 4910已知在 6 个电子元件中,有两个次品,4 个合格品,每次任取一个测试,测试完后不再放回,直到两个次品都找到为止,则经过 4 次测试恰好将两个次品全部找出的概率为A. B. C. D. 15251答案2二、填空题:(每题 4 分,共 20 分)11i 是虚数单位,i+2i +3i +8i = 23812 的二项展开式中的常数项为_(用 数字作答) 612x13观察下列等式:1 =1 ,1 +2 =(1+2) ,1 +2 +3 =(1+2+3) ,3232321 +2 +3 +4 =(1+2+3+4) ,根据上述规律,第 n 个等式为:314航空母舰 “辽宁舰 ”将进行一次编队配置科
29、学实验,要求 2 艘攻击型核潜艇一前一后,2 艘驱逐舰和 2 艘护卫舰分列左、右,同侧不能都是同种舰艇,则舰艇分配方案的方法数为 .(用数字作答)15某体育专业测试合格分数线确定为 60 分甲、乙、丙三名考生独立参加测试,他们能达到合格的概 率分别是 0.9,0.8,0.75,则三个中至少有一人达标的概率为 三、解答题 16已知 1ziab,为实数 (1)若 234z,求 (其中 为 的共轭复数) ;z(2)若 ,求 a, b的值2i17三个女生和五个男生排成一排(1)如果女生必须全排在一起,可有多少种不同的排法?(2)如果女生必须全分开,可 有多少种不同的排法?(3)如果两端都不能排女生,可
30、有多少种不同的排法?18用数学归纳法证明: 2n-1*1=N319某 射击运动员射击一次所得环数 X 的分布列如下:X 06 7 8 9 10P 0 02 03 03 02现进行两次射击,以该运动员两次射击所得的最高环数作为他的成绩,记为 (1)求该运动员两次都命中 7 环的概率(2)求 的分布列及数学期 望 E 20两个人射击,甲射击一次中靶概率是 ,乙射击一次中靶概率是 ,2131()两人各射击一次,中靶至少一次就算完成目标,则完成目标概率是多少?()两人各射击 2 次,中靶至少 3 次就算完成目 标,则完成目标的概率是多少?()两人各射击 5 次,是否有 99的把握断定他们至少中靶 一次
31、?21在对人们的休闲方式的一次调查中,共调查了 人,其中女性 人,男性 人女性中有1247054人主要的休闲方式是看电视,另外 人主要的休闲方式是运动; 男性中有 人主要的休闲43721方式是看电视,另外 人主要的休闲方式是运动34()根据以上数据建立一个 22 的列联表;()判断性别与休闲方式是否有 关系?本题参考: 22(),()(nadbcKP(k2k)0.05 0.025 0.010 0.005k 3.84 5.024 6.635 7.87912014-2015 厦门海沧中学高二(下)物理期中考试卷一单项选择题(每题 4 分,共 36 分)1对电磁感应现象,下列说法中正确的是( )A只
32、要有磁通量穿过电路,电路中就有感应电流B只要做切割磁感线运动,电路中就有感应电流C只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量足够大,电路中就有感应电流D只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,电路中就有感应电流2飞机 “黑匣子 ”在水下定位主要依靠超声波而不是无线电波。“黑匣子”入水后,超声波脉冲发生器启动,向周围水域发射信号。下列关于无线电波和超声波的说法正确的是( )A、均能在真空中传播B、均能发生干涉和衍射C、从水中进入空气中传播速度均变小D、在真空中传播速度均为 3.0108m/s3关于多普勒效应,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A.多普勒效应是由波的干涉引起的 B.多普勒效应说明波源的频率发生了改变C.多普勒效应
33、是由于波源和观察者之间有相对运动而产生的 D.只有声波才能产生多普勒效应4如图为一列简谐横波在某一时刻的波形曲线,已知波沿着x 轴的正方向传播,图中所标的 a、 b、 c、 d 四个质点,最先回到平衡位置的是:( )A、 a B、 b C、 c D、 d5如图所示, AB 为半径 R = 2m 的一段光滑圆糟, A、 B 两点在同一水平高度上, 且 AB 弧长10cm。将一小球从 A 点由静止开始释放,则它第一次运动到 B 点所用时间为( )A B C D2 12 Rg 2 Rg Rg Rg6某交变电压为 u=6 sin314t V,则 ( )A用此交变电流作打点计时器的电源时,打点周期为 2
34、 sB把额定电压为 6 V 的小灯泡接在此电源上,小灯泡正常发光C把额定电压为 6 V 的小灯泡接在此电源上,小灯泡将烧毁D耐压 6 V 的电容器可以直接用在此电源上7关于 LC 振荡电路中的振荡电流,下列说法中正确的是( )A振荡电流最大时,电容器两极板间的电场强度最大B振荡电流为零时,线圈中的自感电动势为零C振荡电流增大的过程中,线圈中的磁场能转化为电场能D振荡电流减小的过程中,线圈中的 磁场能转化为电场能8一个矩形线圈绕垂直于匀强磁场并位于线圈平面内的固定轴匀速转动,线圈中的感应电动势 e随时间 t 变化如下图所示。则( )A BOR tyxabdc2At 1时刻通过线圈的磁通量绝对值最
35、小Bt 2时刻通过线圈的磁通量为零Ct 3时刻通过线圈的磁通量变化率绝对值最大D每 当 e 变 换 方 向 时 , 通 过 线 圈 的 磁 通 量 绝 对 值 都 最 小9心电图是现代医疗诊断的重要手段,医生从心电图上测量出相邻两波峰的时间间隔,即为心动周期,由此可计算 1min 内心脏跳动的次数(即心率)。甲、乙两人在同一台心电图仪上做出的心电图分别如图 a、b 所示,医生通过测量后记下甲的心率是 60 次/min,则心电图仪图纸移动的速度 v 以及乙的心率为( )A25mm/s,48 次/min B20mm/s,75 次/minC25mm/s,75 次/min D。20mm/s,48 次/
36、min二、不定项选择题(每题 4 分,漏选得 2 分错选不得分,共 12 分)10、下 列 各 图 分 别 表 示 一 列 水 波 在 传 播 过 程 中 遇 到 了 小 孔 ( A、 B 图 ) 或 障 碍 物 ( C、 D 图 ) , 其 中 能发 生 明 显 衍 射 现 象 的 有 ( ) A、 B、 C、 D、11、图(a)为一列简谐横波在 t=0.10s 时刻的波形图,P 是平衡位置在 x=1.0m 处的质点,Q 是平衡位置在 x=4.0m 处的质点;图(b)为质点 Q 的振动图像。下列说法正确的是 。A.在 t=0.10s 时,质点 Q 向 y 轴正方向运动B. 在 t=0.25s
37、 时,质点 P 的加速度方向与 y 轴正方向相同C.从 t=0.10s 到 t=0.25s,该波沿 x 轴负方向传播了 6mD. 从 t=0.10s 到 t=0.25s,质点 P 通过的路程为 30cm12、某同学模拟“远距离输电”,将实验室提供的器材连接成如 图所示电路, A、B 为理想变压器,灯 L1、L 2相同且阻值不变 。保持 A 的输入电压不变,开关 S 断开时,等 L1正常发光。则( )A仅闭合 S,L 1变亮B仅闭合 S,A 的输入功率变大C仅将滑片 P 上 移,L 1变亮D仅将滑片 P 上移,A 的输入功率变小25mm 25mma20mm20mm20mmb3三、填空题(每空 2
38、 分,共 14 分)13(1)、测定重力加速度时: 摆球应选用重而小的实心球,摆线宜选用轻而长且难以发生形变的细线; 测摆线的长度用的仪器是_,测小球直径用的仪器是_,测量摆动3050 次时间用的仪器是_ _; (2)某同学测定的 g 的数值比当地公认值大,造成的原因可能是( )摆球质量太大了; 量摆长时从悬点量到球的最下端;摆角太大了(摆角仍小于 5);计算摆长时忘记把小球半径加进去;计算周期时,将(n1)次全振动误记为 n 次全振动(3)在做“用单摆测定重力加速度的实验”中为了减小误差,应注意的事项如下,其中错误的是( )A摆球以选密度大,体积小的小球为好 ; B摆长以 0.25 米为宜
39、;C摆角应小于 5;D摆线的悬点要固定,方不会在摆动中出现移动或晃动 ; E要使单摆在竖直平面内摆动,不得使其形成锥形摆或摆球转动 ; F测量周期时,应从摆球通过最低点时开始计时 14电磁波按波长顺序排列分为无线电波、红外线、_、紫外线、_和 射线三计算题(共 38 分)15如图所示为一列简谐波在 t1=0 时刻的图 象。此时波中质 点 M 的运动方向沿 y 轴负方向,且到t2=0.55s 质点 M 恰好第 3 次到达 y 轴正方向最大位移处。试求:(1)此波向什么方向传播?(2)波速是多大?(3)从 t1=0 至 t3=1.2s,波中质点 N 运动的路程和相对于平衡 位置的位移分别是多少?1
40、6如图,水平 U 形光滑框架,宽度为 1m,电阻忽 略不计,导体棒 ab 的质量 m = 0.2kg、 电阻 R = 0.5 ,匀强磁场的 磁感应强度 B = 0.2T,方向垂直框架向上。现用 F = 1N 的外力由静止开始4向右拉 ab 棒,当 ab 棒的速度达到 2m/s 时,求:(1) ab 棒产生的感应电动势的大小;(2) ab 棒所受的安培力大小和方向;(3) ab 棒的加速度大小和方向17宽度为 L,足够长的光滑倾斜导轨与水平面间夹角为 ,匀强磁场磁感应强度为 B,方向垂直于导轨向上,范围足够大,导轨的上端连着一个阻值为 R 的电阻,下端连着一个阻值为 2R 的电阻,导轨电阻不计。
41、金属棒 ab 长为 L,质量为 m,电阻也为 R,垂直地放在导轨上。在某一平行于导轨向上的恒力(图中未画出)的作用下,ab 棒从静止开始沿导轨向上运动,最后达到稳定的运动状态。整个过程中,通过斜面底端电阻 2R 的最大电流为 I,求:(1)通过 ab 棒的最大电流;(2)ab 棒的最大加速度;(3)ab 棒的最大速度。FB ab1厦门海沧中学 2014-2015 学年高二下英语期中考试卷(总分 150 分,时间 120 分钟)第一部分听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)第一节1. What does the man want to do?A. Take photos. B
42、. Buy a camera. C. Help the woman.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A noisy night. B. Their life in town. C. A place of living.3. Where is the man now?A. On his way. B. In a restaurant. C. At home.4. What will Celia do?A. Find a player. B. Watch a game. C. Play basketball.5. What day is it w
43、hen the conversation takes place?A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.笫二节听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. What is Sara going to do?A. Buy John a gift. B. Give John a surprise. C. Invite John to France.7. What does the man think of Saras plan?A. Funny. B. Exciting. C. Strange.听第 7 段材料,回 答第 8、9 题。8. Why does Diana
44、say sorry to Peter?A. She has to give up her travel plan.B. She wants to visit another city.C. She needs to put off her test.9. What does Diana want Peter to do?A. Help her with her study. B. Take a book to her friend. C. Teach a geography lesson.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Why does the man call the
45、woman?A. To tell her about her new job. B. To ask about her job program. C. To plan a meeting with her.11. Who needs a new flat?A. Alex. B. Andrea. C. Miranda.12. Where is the woman now?A. In Baltimore. B. In New York. C. In Avon.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What does Jan consider most important when
46、he judges a restaurant?A. Where the restaurant is. B. Whether the prices are low. C. How well the food is prepared.14. When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?A. After he came back to Sweden.B. Before he went to the United States.2C. As soon as he got his first job in 1982.15. What may Jan do to
47、find a good restaurant?A. Talk to people in the street. B. Speak to taxi drivers. C. Ask hotel clerks.16. What do we know about Jan?A. He cooks for a restaurant. B. He travels a lot for his work. C. He prefers American food.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. What do we know about the Plaza Leon?A. Its a ne
48、w building. B. Its a small town. C. Its a public place.18. When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?A. Saturday nights. B. Sunday afternoons. C. Fridays and Saturdays.19. Which street is known for its food shops and markets?A. Via del Mar Street. B. Fernando Street. C. Hernandes Str
49、eet.20. Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?A. It has an old stone surface. B. It is named after a writer. C. It has a famous university.第二部分:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。Who won the World Cup 1998 football game? What happened at the United Nat
50、ions? How did the critics like the new play? 21 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets giving the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to gather the news. Newspapers have one basic 22 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from th
51、ose who make it to those who want to 23 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 24 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 25 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly make use of the newer and faster
52、means of communication to improve the 26 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 27 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. Besides keeping readers 28 of the latest news, todays newspapers educate and influen
53、ce readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers economic choices 29 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 30 . Newspapers are sold at a price that 31 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 32 of income for
54、 most newspapers is commercial advertising. The success in selling advertising depends on a newspapers value to advertisers. This 33 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends somewhat on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainmen
55、t 34 in a newspapers pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspapers value to readers as source of information 35 the community, city, country, state, nation and world and even outer space. 3( )21. A. Just when B. While C. Soon after D. Before ( )22. A. reason B. cause C. problem D
56、. purpose ( )23. A. make B. publish C. know D. write ( )24. A. another B. other C. one another D. the other ( )25. A. However B. And C. Therefore D. So ( )26. A. value B. ratio C. rate D. speed ( )27. A. spread B. passed C. printed D. completed ( )28. A. inform B. be informed C. to be informed D. in
57、formed ( )29. A. on B. through C. with D. of ( )30.A. forms B. existence C. contents D. purpose ( )31. A. tries to cover B. manages to cover C. fails to cover D. succeeds in ( )32.A. source B. origin C. course D. finance ( )33. A. measures B. measured C. is measured D. was measured ( )34. A. offerin
58、g B. offered C. which offered D. to be offered ( )35.A. by B. with C. at D. about 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ACome to Austria!Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not expensive. It is opened by a local (当地的) f
59、amily . From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests and the Mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler by evening. Enjoy Thailand!When you visit Bangkok in Thailand , dont miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating Market (漂浮市场 )
60、just outside the city . There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables. And you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Dont forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at noon!Visit Hawaii!Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long,
61、sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but dont be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24 to 26 by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.( )36. The advertisements above are ab
62、out _ . A. shopping B. food C. travel D. hotel 4( )37. If you go to Bangkok , you can _ . A. climb mountains B. enjoy the scenery(风景) of the forests C. live in the Post Hotel D. buy fruits while sitting in your boat.( ) 38. _ is one better way to stop the strong sunshine in Bangkok.A. Going to the s
63、andy beaches B. Wearing a hat C. Climbing up the mountains D. Staying in the forest ( )39 Which place will you choose if you want to visit both mountains and beaches?A. Soll in Austria. B. Bangkok in ThailandC. The Floating Market D. Kauai in Hawaii ( )40. According to(根据) the advertisements , we kn
64、ow that _ . A. the hottest travel place is Soll B. maybe it often rains in the centre of Kauai C. the Floating Market is in the middle of BangkokD. the Post Hotel in Austria is clean but the price is highBJules Verns was born in 1828. He was neither an inventor nor a scientist but he read many books
65、 about science and wrote some exciting stories about things. He thought scientists and inventors would one day be able to do the things in his stories. Years later, many of the things really happened. At the time, his stories seemed like fairy tales(神话). His famous book is “Twenty Leagues Under the
66、Sea” (League here means three miles). In those days submarines(潜艇) had not been invented, but he wrote about an underwater ship very much like a modern submarine. The men of the submarine in the book had many strange journeys and found many strange things. ( )41. This passage mainly tells us _. A. h
67、ow Jules verns invented a submarine B. Jules Verns wrote many scientific books C. Jules Vernss stories really happened later D. what the book “Twenty Leagues Under the Sea” means( ) 42. Jules Verns was_ . A. a writer B. an inventor C. a scientist D. a traveller ( ) 43. Jules Verns thought _. A. he c
68、ould realize(实现) his stories B. his stories were fairy tales C. a submarine was a ship D. what he wrote would be realized by scientists or inventors ( ) 44. His book “Twenty Leagues Under the Sea” _ . A. was about submarines B. was very famous C. means something under water D. helped people do work
69、( ) 45. The men of the submarine in the book _ . A. had never been to some places B. were scientists C. were inventors D. had been to a lot of places C5I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.I no longer consider myself th
70、e center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows(誓约) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.So heres what I wanted to tell you to
71、day: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion(提升), the bigger paycheck, the larger house.Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure(空闲), it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And rea
72、lize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my
73、 life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because
74、 I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned. By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion a
75、s it ought to be lived.( ) 46. The best title of this passage probably is A. Love your friends B. Live a real lifeC. Dont waste time D. Be a good mother and wife( ) 47. How did the author form her view of life?A. By working and social experience. B. Learning from her friends.C. Through an unfortunat
76、e experience. D. Because of her children and husband. ( ) 48. The underlined sentence “It is so easy to exist instead of to live“ in the fifth paragraph probably has the same meaning as A. it is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real lifeB. it is very hard to live a real lifeC. it is so easy t
77、o make a livingD. it is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life( ) 49. Whats the authors attitude toward work?A. Do it well to serve others.B. To earn enough money to make life better.C. Try your best to get higher position and pay.D. Dont let it affect your real life.( )50. It can be infe
78、rred from the passage that A. the author is a success in personal lifeB. the author didnt try her best to work wellC. the author spent all her time caring for her children6D. the author likes traveling very muchD(信息匹配 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)下面是今年部分旅游线路介绍及想出游人的兴趣特点介绍,请阅读相关信息并按要求匹配信息。请将答案的字母编号写在答题卷标号
79、为 6165 的括号上。首先,请阅读旅游线路介绍:Here is a selection of the tours organized for the coming year:-( ) 51. 8 days mountaineering trip-climb Yunnans third highest peak, the Haba snow mountain. This is ideal for the truly adventurous. You need to be fit and healthy.- ( ) 52. 8 days cycling tour from Qiaotou Tow
80、n-visit the spectacular Tiger Leaping Gorge. It is a leisurely tour suitable for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy. No previous cycling experience is necessary and all our routes are on flat land!- ( )53. 8 days river rafting-white water adventure on the Yangtze from the old town of Lijiang.
81、This adults-only tour is exclusively for good swimmers and physically fit.- ( )54. 10 days rainforest trek(乘牛车旅行)-spend 5 days in the forest and meet the local people. This is a walking tour and no previous experience is needed, just a curious mind and an interest in traditional cultures.- ( )55. 10
82、 days horse trekking tour-visit authentic Tibetan villages of Shangri-la. The ultimate horse-riding experience in a spectacular mountain environment. This trip is for confirmed riders only. Dont expect three-star hotels on this trip.请阅读以下有出游意向的人的要求,然后匹配旅游线路所适合的出游者。A. An 18-year-old student who is in
83、terested in traditional lifestyles but only has a week to spare.B. A family of four, including parents, a sixteen-year-old son and a thirteen-year-old daughter, who are looking for a fun holiday. All four are good riders and strong swimmers.C. A retired couple who are reasonably fit and who want to
84、find out more about ethnic minorities(少数民族) cultures.D. A group of four young adults who are into all extreme sports and are looking for something with plenty of excitement. They are more interested in the scenery than in the life of tile locals.E. A family of five including a ten-year-old girl. The
85、y have many different interests and they are looking for a relaxing holiday.F. A honeymoon couple who want the holiday of a lifetime. They are both sporty types and love water sports.旅游线路 出游者( )51. 8 days mountaineering trip A. An 18-year-old student( )52. 8 days cycling tour B. A family of four( )5
86、3. 8 days river rafting C. A retired couple( )54. 10 days rainforest trek D. A group of four young adults( )55. 10 days horse trekking tour E. A family of fiveF. A honeymoon couple7第四部分 语法填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)(一) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号里词语的正确形式填空.7%Liu Xiang was the first
87、Asian to win the mens 110m hurdles at the Olympics in Athens. After that he became an idol (偶像) to the young people. “I never thought I would run under 13 seconds and break the Olympic _1_(记录).”said Liu Xiang in tears, “I am very very excited. Im proud not just for myself and for Chinese but also fo
88、r Asia . My race went _2_ (wonderful) from start to finish.” Liu added. “It is _3_ amazing experience being the Olympic champion. I want to thank my coach and my friends for _4_their help. I think today we Chinese have showed the world we can run as fast as anybody else.” Since his return from Athen
89、s , Liu Xiang has been at the _5_ (中心) of a media circus and he has been to many press appearances and meetings. _6_ Liu thinks 2004 is just the beginning, and he expects to be at his peak in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Liu said, “For some players, its just a job. For me, its _7_ I love.” (二)选词填空,有一个词为多余选项。8%participate in, remote, in need, keep it up, occupy yourself with, adjust to, parallel to, privilege , board with1. Its was my first