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1、商场活动运动广播稿导语:“促销”是指短期的宣传行为,目的是鼓励购买的积极性,或宣传一种产品,提供一种服务。以下是小编整理商场活动运动广播稿的资料,欢迎阅读参考。商场促销活动策划书一 “促销”是指短期的宣传行为,目的是鼓励购买的积极性,或宣传一种产品,提供一种服务。在零售业中促销活动是购物中心、广场、百货商场策划出的主动自我推销的一种方式,除用以吸引人流,还可以塑造企业、商场的形象。1、企划部经理:本着扩大公司销售额的目的,负责协助和指导所有对于达成公司预期销售和毛利有帮助的促销工作。2、宣传主管:负责本公司各种对外、对内宣传广告工作及种展览活动的计划和执行。3、装饰主管:负责商场内外各橱窗和促

2、销场地的装饰,制作 SIGN 和 POP。4、特别活动员:按照公司的促销策略、组织、计划、实施各种特别活动。一月份;元旦迎新活动、新春大优惠、春节礼品展、除旧迎新活动、结婚用品、礼品展、年终奖金优惠购物计划、旅游商品展销。二月份:年货展销、情人节活动、元宵节活动、欢乐寒假、寒假电脑产品展销、开学用品展销、玩具商品展销、家电产品展销。三月份:春季服装展、春游烧烤商品展、春游用品展、换季商品清仓特价周、 “三八妇女节”妇女商品展销。四月份:清明节学生效游食品节、化妆品展销会、礼品展。五月份:劳动节(5/1)活动、夏装上市、清凉夏季家电产品节、母亲节商品展销及活动、端午节商品展销及活动。六月份;儿童

3、节(6/1)服装、玩具、食品展销及活动、考前补品展销、考前用品展销、饮料类商品展销、夏季服装节、护肤防晒用品联展、热带水果节。七月份:欢乐署假趣味竞赛、商品展销、暑假自助旅游用品展、父亲节礼品展销、COOL 在七月冰激凌联合促销、暑假电脑促销活动。八月份:夏末服饰清货降价、升学用品展销。九月份:中秋节礼品展销、教师节、敬老礼品展销、秋装上市、夏装清货。十月份:运动服装、用品联合热卖、秋季美食街、大闸蟹促销活动、金秋水果礼品展、国庆节旅游产品展、重阳节登山商品展、入冬家庭用品展、羊绒制品展。十一月份:冬季服装展、火锅节、护肤品促销活动、烤肉节。十二月份:保暖御寒用品展销、冬令进补火锅节、圣诞节礼




7、外,一般商场不适合在杂志上做广告。5、户外广告优点:字体显眼明了,图案简单鲜明。可装设霓虹灯或射灯,增加夜间的广告效果。百货商场促销活动方案 3 篇活动方案缺点:是到台风、暴雨需要检修,增加后期的维护费用。注意事项:板材质量好坏,须事先考虑预计使用的年限。6、交通车广告定点定时出现,对某部分人接触率很高。车站人潮集中,广告效果好。可利用车内的椅套、灯箱、外车体做广告。交通车广告有一定的成效,但须注意字体要大,且较合开幕或大规模促销活动,小活动不必做此广告。7、夹报优点:可将信息有效的传递给订报者,可根据目标商圈搜作夹服,以达到掌握商圈顾客的目的。可依据报纸性质的不同,来选择夹报的报纸。缺点:夹

8、报时间大都在深夜,必须派人监督。夹报的对象、年龄层、客户层较复杂,较特殊的促销活动要事先考虑是否有效。8、快讯 DM(DirectMail)优点:主题明确、DM 内容印制精美、商品丰富可看性高,可以配合附送优惠券等。缺点:现在的 DM 泛滥,顾客收到后可能不会翻阅或收到后随手扔掉。六、购物中心、百货商场、超级市场如何策划供应商的促销活动采购应在二周前就与供应商接触,对本期 DM 商品的价格和数量进行洽谈,以确定 DM 商品输入电脑并做变价动作。2、企划部在采购人员确定 DM 商品后,到楼面收取样品进行拍照。DM 商品如属新产品,则需采购人员通知供应商携带样品前来拍照,并于制作过程中添入价格栏目

9、;如属特价商品,则需有明显标志,最后打出本期 DM 之初稿。3、初稿完成后,采购人员应认真仔细核对 DM 初稿,如有变化或差异应迅速更正,最后确定初稿并交企划部彩印。4、当 DM 完成彩印后,通过邮递或分发等方式,传递到消费者手中。楼面工作人员应到电脑部领取快讯清单,熟记下期 DM 商品。5、楼面人员按 DM 清单做出端架计划时,需遵循以下几项原则:A、商品相近原则;B、整体规划原则;C、最大销售额原则。6、楼面人员核实 DM 商品的订单及到货情况,查看订货量是否充足,如货量少时,则可暂时将几个商品并作一个端架陈列;货量多时,则可做退货。楼面人员到企划部 POP 卡:POP 卡是指商场为促进销

10、售的广告,也称销售时点广告。凡是店内提供商品与服务信息的广告、指示牌、引导等标志都可以称为 POP 广告。POP卡是介绍 DM 商品品名、价格且悬挂于货架旁的广告纸,它具有强烈的视觉效果,可刺激消费购买欲望。7、更换端架:时间为此期 DM 的前一天下午 18:00 到晚 22:00,更换步骤如下:A、首先撤掉端架所陈列的上期 DM 商品,将其补充到货架,使排面丰满、多余商品分箱装好,上库存区,填写库存单的品名、数量以便补货;B、清洁空端架,及时将新 DM 商品拖到空端架位前,此时不能影响现场销售、堵塞通道,商品陈列应齐肩高,陈列时要保持周边区域的卫生并及时清除空纸壳等杂物;C、所有新 DM 商

11、品的陈列应在快讯前一天 22:00 前逐一完成;D、撤除上期 DM 快讯商品 POP 卡和价签,不能有遗漏。E、更换新 DM 商品和 POP 卡和价签。8、新 DM 生效当天,楼面人员逐一检查新 DM 商品的电脑售价与 DM 宣传单、POP 卡是否一致,如有错误,立即做电脑更正。9、为方便消费者咨询及加快收银速度,客服员与收银员应熟记新 DM 商品,楼面人员检查上期 DM 商品价签是否恢复原价。10、新 DM 商品的销售。商场促销活动策划书二 以中秋月饼的消费来带动卖场的销售,以卖场的形象激活月饼的销售。预计日均销量在促销期间增长 10%20%。1、买中秋月饼送可口可乐买 90 元以上中秋月饼

12、送 355ML 可口可乐 2 听。(价值元)买 200 元以上中秋月饼送 1250ML 可口可乐 2 瓶。(价值元)买 300 元以上中秋月饼送 XXML 可口可乐 2 瓶。(价值元)2、礼篮:分别为 298 元、198 元、98 元三个档次。298 元礼篮:七星香烟+加州乐事+价值 80 元中秋月饼+脑白金198 元礼篮:双喜香烟+丰收干红+价值 60 元中秋月饼+脑轻松98 元礼篮:价值 40 元中秋月饼+ 20 元茶叶+加州西梅3、在促销期间(9、39、12),在卖场凡购满 300元者,均可获赠一盒精美月饼(价值 20 元/盒)。商场促销活动策划方案策划书 策划方案 4、在 9 月 10

13、日的“教师节” ,进行面向教师的促销:凡 9 月 910 日两天在*购物与消费的教师,凭教师证可领取一份精美月饼或礼品(价值 20 元左右的)。1、媒体在音乐交通频道,隔天滚动播出促销广告,时间8、179、12,每天播出 16 次,15 秒/次。2、购物指南在 9、19、13 的“购物指南”上,积极推出各类的促销信息。3、店内广播从卖场的上午开业到打烊,每隔两个小时就播一次相关促销信息的广播。4、卖场布置(1)场外a、在免费寄包柜的上方,制作中秋宣传;b、在防护架上,对墙柱进行包装,贴一些节日的彩页来造势;c、在广场,有可能的可悬挂汽球,拉竖幅;d、在入口,挂“*购物广场 禧中秋”的横幅。(2

14、)场内a、在主通道,斜坡的墙上,用自贴纸等来装饰增强节日的气氛;b、整个卖场的上空,悬挂可口可乐公司提供的挂旗;c、在月饼区,背景与两个柱上布“千禧月 送好礼”的宣传;两边贴上可口可乐的促销宣传;d、月饼区的上空挂大红灯笼。5、其他支持保健品进行让利 15%的特价销售。团体购满 3000 元或购买月饼数量达 20 盒,可享受免费送货。媒体广告费:1、2 万元可口可乐系列赠品:6 万场内、场外的布置费:0、6 万月饼费用:6 万共计:13、8 万人民币1、交通频道的 15 秒广告,由公司委托*广告制作,在广告合同中应当明确不同阶段的广告内容;预定在 8 月报16 日完成。(面试网 )2、购物指南

15、由采购部负责拟出商品清单,市场部负责与*晚报印刷厂联系制作;具体见该期的制作时间安排。3、场内广播的广播稿由市场部来提供,共三份促销广播稿,每份均应提前两天交到广播室。4、场内、外布置的具体设计应市场部、美工组负责,公司可以制作的,由美工组负责,无能力制作的,由美工组联系外单位制作,最终的布置由美工组来完成。行政部做好采购协调工作;预定场内布置在 8 月 18 日完成。5、采购部负责引进月饼厂家,每个厂家收取 500 元以上的促销费。同时负责制订月饼价格及市场调查计划,在8 月 5 日前完成相关计划。6、工程部安排人员负责对现场相关电源安排及灯光的安装,要求于 8 月 10 日前完成。7、防损

16、部负责卖场防损及防盗工作。8、生鲜部负责自制精美月饼的制作。1、若场外促销的布置与市容委在协调上有困难的,场外就仅选择在免费寄包柜的上方,制作中秋宣传;2、若在交通频道上的宣传不能达到效果时,可选择在报纸等其他媒体上进行补充宣传;3、市场部应进行严格的跟踪,对出现的任何异样及时进行纠正。“Promotion“ refers to the short term publicity behavior, which aims to encourage the enthusiasm of purchase or promote a product to provide a service. In re

17、tail sales promotion activity is a kind of self-promotion of shopping center, square and department store, which can be used to attract people and also shape the image of enterprises and shopping malls.1. Job responsibilities1. Planning department manager: in line with the purpose of expanding the s

18、ales of the company, I shall be responsible for assisting and guiding all sales and promotions to achieve the expected sales and gross profit of the company.2. Publicity supervisor: responsible for the companys plans and implementation of various external and internal publicity and advertising work

19、and exhibition activities.3. Decoration supervisor: responsible for the decoration of the shop Windows and promotional venues inside and outside the mall, making signs and POP.4. Special activity: according to the companys promotion strategy, organization, planning and implementation of various spec

20、ial activities.2. The time and theme of promotionIn January. New Years day orientation, new Spring Festival, Spring Festival gift exhibition, old and new events, wedding supplies, gifts exhibition, year-end bonus discount shopping, travel goods exhibition.February: annual goods sales, valentines day

21、 activities, yuanxiao festival, happy winter holiday, winter fake computer products exhibition, school of goods exhibition, toy goods display, home appliance product display and sale.March: spring clothing exhibition, Spring Festival barbecue commodity exhibition, spring game supplies show, seasonal

22、 merchandise clearance sale, womens day womens day, womens festival.April: qingming festival, the entry into the food festival, cosmetics trade fair, gift exhibition.May: labor day (5/1) activity, summer clothing listing, cool summer home appliances festival, mothers day merchandise sales and activi

23、ties, Dragon Boat Festival merchandise sales and activities.In June. Childrens day (6/1), clothing, toys, food supplements, exhibition, exhibition and activities, test test equipment sales, drinks, merchandising, summer garments festival festival, skin sunscreen products exhibition, tropical fruits.

24、July: happy departments fake fun competition, merchandise exhibition, summer holiday self-service travel goods show, fathers day gift display, COOL in July ice cream joint promotion, summer computer sales promotion.August: end of summer clothing, price of goods and products.September: Mid-Autumn fes

25、tival gift fair, teachers day, old and old gift fair, autumn collection, summer goods.Joint hot October: sports clothing, supplies, food court, hairy crabs promotions, autumn autumn fruit gift show, the National Day travel products exhibition, climbing a mountain during the double ninth festival com

26、modity exhibition, winter household goods exhibition, exhibition of cashmere products.November: winter clothing show, hotpot festival, skincare promotion, barbecue festival.December: warm protection against cold supplies, winter orders to make up the hot pot festival, Christmas gifts and ornaments,

27、annual Spring Festival goods exhibition.How to plan the promotion of shopping center, department store and supermarket(1) theme activities: the main purpose of the theme activities is to promote the image and atmosphere of the whole store, or to improve the short-term sales of certain products.(2) p

28、ublic welfare activities: public welfare activities are generally involved in community building or other activities in the community where the shopping mall is located. This activity is generally non-profit, but can enhance the affinity of the mall and maintain a good social image among the communi

29、ty residents.Iv. How to successfully plan the commercial promotion activities in shopping center and department stores1. New products hit the shelves2. Timed special sales3. Delivery of gifts4. Complimentary packaging5. Quantity packaging6. Lucky draw7. Point card or point exchange8. Rebates and cou

30、pons9. Product display and sales10. Replace old ones with old ones11. Internal sales competition5. Seize the time market, shopping center for promotional activities, planning for first, the most important is publicity and promotionThe basic purpose of promotion is to improve the performance, establi

31、sh the price image of the mall, consolidate the loyalty of the old customers to the mall, develop new customers, and increase the market share. There are usually several effective media outlets.1, TVAdvantages: direct, rapid, wide range, dynamic screen and color clear.Disadvantages: the advertising

32、time is time-consuming, the customer can choose the TV more, the probability of being watched by the customer is low.Advertising costs are high, frequency is less and time is short. TV advertisement has certain time difference, except prime time period, other time effect is poor.Note: regional promo

33、tions are not suitable for national advertising, but try to advertise in local stations. If its not a big event, you dont have to advertise on TV.2. Broadcasting stationAdvantage: radio is not limited by location, and the rate of advertisement arrival is high. Advertising costs are low. It is easy t

34、o change the content of the advertisement, only to change the recording. Make clear theme and easy to master. Radio stations are mostly regional and can be promoted based on the actual situation of local customers.Cons: radio commercials are relatively less likely to be listened to. There is no imag

35、e to pass the packaging or appearance of the product to the customer. There are regional needs for large activities.Note: know the target of the program and find the appropriate customer group advertisement. Use different regional functions of the station to make different promotions.3, newspapers,A

36、dvantage: the packaging layout can be adjusted, according to the advertising expense budget to select the type and layout of the newspaper. Advertisement content, design change easy, mobile big, newspaper popularity rate is high and newspaper advertisement is more economical, the expression of the w

37、ord, description flexibility has enough space.Disadvantages: the paper is poor in paper, and the color layout is poor, affecting the quality and image of the company. If do not arrange the good layout, it is difficult to arouse the newspaper persons attention, the advertisement effect is poor.Note:

38、the content or subject matter of the newspaper advertisement must be carefully selected to attract customers to the store. The draft of a newspaper must be carefully read.4, magazines,Magazine advertising has a long term, and advertising continues to work well. The classification of magazines and re

39、adership is also clear. In addition to advertising the companys image, the general store is not suitable for advertising in magazines.5. Outdoor advertisingAdvantage: the font is obvious, the pattern is simple and bright. Can install neon lamp or shoot lamp, increase night advertisement effect.The d

40、isadvantages of the programme 3 activity plan of department store promotion activity: it is to the typhoon, the rainstorm needs to be overhauled, and the maintenance fee increases later.Note: the quality of the board is good, and the expected number of years should be considered in advance.6. Traffi

41、c car advertisingThe fixed time appears, the contact rate is very high for some people. The station crowd is concentrated, the advertisement effect is good. We can use the car seat cover, light box and car body to advertise. The traffic car advertisement has certain effect, but must pay attention to

42、 the font to be larger, and more than the opening or mass promotion activity, small activity does not need to do this advertisement.7, clip newspaperAdvantages: the information can be effectively passed to the company, which can be searched according to the target business circle for the purpose of

43、mastering the business circle customers. You can choose a newspaper that is newspaper, depending on the nature of the newspaper.Disadvantages: most of the time is late at night and must be supervised. The object, age layer and client layer are more complex, and the special promotion activity should

44、be considered in advance.8. DirectMailAdvantages: the theme is clear, the DM content is printed fine, the commodity is rich and can be seen high, can cooperate with the coupon, etc.Disadvantages: current DM flooding, customers may not browse or receive and throw away.Six, shopping center, department

45、 store, supermarket how to plan suppliers promotional activities1. Purchase the DM product item 2 weeks in advance.The purchase should be in contact with the supplier two weeks ago, and the price and quantity of the DM products will be negotiated in order to determine the input of DM products and ma

46、ke price changes.2. The planning department will take photos of the DM products after the purchasing personnel determines the DM products.If the DM product is a new product, then the purchaser will notify the supplier to bring the samples to take photos and add the price column to the production pro

47、cess. If it is a special item, it needs to have a clear sign, and finally, the first draft of the current issue of DM.3. After the initial draft is completed, the purchasing personnel should carefully check the first draft of DM. If there are any changes or differences, the first draft should be cor

48、rected quickly. Finally, the first draft should be finalized and the plan will be printed.4. When DM finishes the color printing, it will be delivered to consumers by post or distribution. The floor staff should go to the electronic brain to pick up the express list and memorize the DM products.5. T

49、he following principles should be followed when the floor personnel make the plan of the terminal frame according to the DM list:A. the similar principles of commodities;B. Overall planning principles;C. Principle of maximum sales.6. The floor personnel shall verify the order and delivery of DM products and check whether the order quantity is sufficient. If the quantity of goods is young, it can temporarily put a few items into a display; If you have a lot of goods, you can return it.POP card: POP card refers to the advertisement for promotion of sales, also known a

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