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1、1FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums富乐国际陶艺博物馆群1 Qiaoshan RoadFuping, ShanxiCHINATel: 0086-1380-102-8834Fax: 008610-6433-6575E-mail; Website: 中国丹麦陶艺交换计划China-Denmark Ceramic Art Exchange Program (A Proposal recommended by Dr. I Chi HSU for concern parties to review)(由许以祺策划,向有关单位提出)(初稿:2003 年 3月 10

2、日,二稿:2003 年 3月 24日, 三稿:2004 年 4月 17日)目录:1 序言2 中国丹麦陶艺交换计划3 富平丹麦陶艺博物馆4 2004年丹麦陶艺工作营5 2004 丹麦陶艺展6 陶艺家驻馆计划7 交换计划操作日程Table of Contents:I IntroductionII China-Denmark Ceramic Art Exchange ProgramIII Museum in Fuping China for Denmark Ceramic ArtIV Workshop in China, 2003 for Exhibition and CollectionV “De

3、nish Ceramic Art Exhibition in China, 2004” and the Museum Opening ActivitiesVI Denmark-China Ceramic Art Residency ProgramVII Operation and Time Table of the Exchange Program附件:1 当代中国陶艺展画册,第 19期陶艺家季刊及富乐国际陶艺博物馆群介绍2 丹麦陶艺展及有关活动预算3 陶艺家驻馆计划细则4 富平陶艺村的陶艺工作环境及材料Attachment:1. “Chinese Ceramics Today” Exhibi

4、tion Catalog, 19th issue of Chinese Potters Newsletter, FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums Introduction2. Budget and its distribution for the Fuping Denmark Museum Opening and the “Denmark2Ceramics in China, 2004” exhibition 3. Conditions of the FuLe Ceramic Museums Residency Program4. Ceramic W

5、ork Facilities and Materials at Fuping推广有关陶艺交换计划人员清单:1 中国丹麦大使馆: Henrik H. Soriensen 朱恩森文化参赞2 丹麦中国大使馆: 曾建国大使,刘东文化参赞3 丹麦陶艺博物馆(密特发城)格林豪斯展览馆馆长 Lise Seisboll丽沙赛思宝4 丹麦陶艺博物馆古盖格陶艺中心: 艺术总监:Ann Linnemann 安林里曼,艺术大师:Nina Hole 尼娜霍勒艺术大师:Bodi Manz 鲍迪曼梓5 富平陶艺村: 董事长徐都锋,总经理傅强6 北京乐陶苑:创办人许以祺 (陶艺家季刊发行人兼主编)7 富乐国际陶艺博物馆群:创

6、办人:徐都锋,傅强,许以祺Organizations and persons in charge in promoting the exchange program: Denmark Embassy in China, Culture Attache Henrik H. Soriensen China Embassy in Copenhagen, Ambassador: Mr. Zeng Jianguo; Cultural attach: LIU Dong Denmark Ceramic Museum, Grimmerhus Museum, at Middlefart, Museum Dire

7、ctor: Lise Seisboll. Denmark Ceramic Center, Director:Ann Linemann, Artist Nina Hole Fuping Pottery Art Village, Fuping, China, Chairman: XU Dufeng; General Manager: FU Qiang Le Pottery, HAP, Beijing, China , HSU I-Chi, Owner FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums, Fuping, China Directors: XU Dufeng

8、; FU Qiang; and HSU I-Chi Chinese Potters Quarterly, Beijing , HSU I-Chi, Publisher/Editor1 序言中国当代陶艺展于 2003年 3月 2日在丹麦密特发城的丹麦格林豪斯陶艺博物馆举行开幕式。中国驻丹麦大使曾建国应邀参加开幕式。当地市长也参加,中国陶艺家季刊主编许以祺博士也于参加美国陶教年会时自芝加哥专程赶赴丹麦参加开幕式。开幕式由丹麦陶艺馆馆长兼艺术总监 Lise Seisboll丽沙赛思宝主持。 中国当代陶艺展的开幕式参加人数逾百人,展出极获好评(画册见附件一) 。在开幕当天的贵宾午餐席上,曾大使,馆长赛

9、思宝及许以祺博士都提及两国陶艺交流的事。馆长赛思宝更表示能在中国展出丹麦陶艺作品的愿望。许以祺博士也介绍了富平陶艺村与乐陶苑拟联手在富平陶艺村建富乐国际陶艺博物馆群,而丹麦陶艺博物馆将是第一批建立的。丹麦陶艺博物馆将收藏及展出丹麦陶艺家的作品,同时也将长期举办丹麦陶艺家驻馆工作计划。曾大使明确支持这种交流计划,同时建议我们提醒丹麦在中国的大使馆的注意。许以祺博士当即承诺拟定计划并作为此计划的联系人。开幕式后当天下午,许以祺博士被丹麦陶艺博物馆古盖格陶艺中心艺术总监安林里曼及著名丹麦陶艺家尼娜霍勒邀请赴 古盖格陶艺中心作客。许以祺博士更利用机会与安林里曼及尼娜霍勒商谈计划细节并在该中心完成此建议

10、书的主要部分。I. INTRODUCTION“China Ceramics Today” is an exhibition opened in Grimmerhus Museum, Middlefart, Denmark. March 2003. (catalog see Attachment 1). It travels in 7 locations in the world 3and started in Ariana Museum in Geneva, Denmark in September, 2002. During the opening-day lunch, the subjec

11、t of exchange program was discussed by Mr. Zeng Jianguo, Chinese Ambassad to Denmark, director Lise Seisboll of Danmarkkiramik Museum in Grimmerhus and Dr. I-Chi Hsu, the coordinator and initiator of the current China exhibition and the Publisher/editor of Chinese Potters Quarterly in Beijing, Direc

12、tor Seisboll indicated the willingness to have a reciprocal exhibition of Danish ceramic artists in China. Dr. Hsu also introduced the plan that Fuping Pottery Art Village (FPV) and Le Pottery of HAP has to build FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums in Fuping China. The first stage of the plan wil

13、l build a museum for Danish artists in Fuping China to show and collect Danish ceramic works in China, meanwhile, an on-going residency program for Danish artists coming to China to work will start after the museum is built. Ambassador Zeng clear expressed the willingness to support such cultural ex

14、change program and indicated that the Danish Embassy in China should be informed of such activity. Dr. Hsu promised to draft a proposal and coordinate this exchange program to all related parties for further development.In the afternoon, Dr. Hsu was invited to visit the other section of the Danmark

15、Keramik-museum in Guldagergard with art director Ann Linnemann and senior ceramic artists Nina Hole. Further discussion on the exchange program was also discussed in Guldagergard in the next two days. 2 中国丹麦陶艺交流计划建议的陶艺交流计划包括三大部分:(1)定期举办中丹两国交换陶艺展:由于当代中国陶艺展已在丹麦展出,此建议书只讨论2004 丹麦陶艺展 ,详细计划见第五章。期望此陶艺交流展每三

16、年在两地举办一次。(2)在富平建立丹麦陶艺博物馆:详细内容见第三章(3)两国陶艺家互相参加两地的驻馆工作计划:此计划是年年连续性的,也是双向性的,但此建议书第六章只讨论丹麦陶艺家来中国的驻馆计划。中丹两方共同组成一个陶艺交流计划工作决策小组,一切有关中丹陶艺交流重要事项皆由此小组决定。组员由丹麦方的丽沙赛思宝,安林里曼,尼娜霍勒及中国方的徐都锋,傅强,许以祺六人共同组成。II. Denmark - China Ceramic Art Exchange ProgramThe proposed exchange program consists of three parts: (1) Exhibi

17、tions of ceramic art works between two countries; (2) Build Danish Ceramic Art Museum in Fuping, China and (3) The residency program for both Danich and Chinese ceramic artists. A Danish China Ceramic Art Exchange Program Committee will be formed. The members recommened are Lise Seisboll, Ann Linnem

18、ann, Nina Hole, I Chi Hsu, Dufeng Xu and Qiang Fu.(1) Exhibitions of ceramic art works between two countries: Since the “Chinese Ceramics Today” exhibition has already shown at Grimmerhus in Middlefart, Denmark, so, in this proposal, we will only concentrate our efforts to the Danish Ceramic Art exh

19、ibition in China in 2004. More discussion is given in Chapter V. It is anticipated that such exhibition exchange program in both countries could happen once every 3 years. (2) Build Danish Ceramic Art Museum in Fuping, China: The museum project for Denmark Ceramic Art will be discussed in detail in

20、Chapter III.(3) The residency program for both Danich and Chinese ceramic artists: This 4residency program is an on-going yearly program. It is meant for both ways, however, in this proposal, the Danish artists residency program in China is discussed. Detail discussion will be given in Chapter VI.3

21、富平丹麦陶艺博物馆富乐国际陶艺博物馆群是陕西富平陶艺村与北京乐陶苑共同策划的计划。拟在 2008年以前在富平陶艺村的千亩园地内建立十个以上的国际陶艺博物馆,配合已有的陶艺工作室及一流的瓷砖厂,将成为一个理想的陶艺群及创作基地。近百亩地已预留为建陶艺博物馆之用。此中丹麦陶艺馆是首批建立的博物馆之一。计划在 2004年九月建成并举行开馆典礼并希望同时举办第一次丹麦陶艺展。博物馆建筑方案已在规划中。丹麦方建议富平可以考虑建立一个综合性的陶艺博物馆包括整个斯干地那维亚地区的四个国家丹麦,瑞典,挪威,芬兰。也可在一个大馆下分四个小馆。富平很可能接受这建议,但不妨碍先建丹麦馆,但须考虑到与其他三个斯干地那

22、维亚国家的整体性。III. Museum in Fuping China for Danish Ceramic ArtFuLe International Ceramic Art Museum Park is planned by Fuping Pottery Art Village (FPV) and Le Pottery of HAP in Beijing and it will be built in Fuping China (near Xian). FPV has a total land area exceeds 1000 acres. In addition to the exi

23、sting ceramic workshops and ceramic tile factory, vast land is under developing into an orchard and an international ceramic park, more than 20 acres land is reserved for establishing ceramic art museums. Among them, Denmark Museum will be one of the earlier ones in the Scandinavian Museum Complex t

24、o be built for showing and collecting Danish ceramic art. The Museum is scheduled to be built and opened in September 2004; It is our hope that the Danish Ceramic Art Show will be the opening show of this museum. A building plan recommended by a Danish/US architect is under considering.4 2004 在中国的丹麦

25、陶艺工作营此建议书建议丹麦陶艺家于 2004年春访问中国,体念大西北的环境,秦汉唐宋的文化。希望这些感觉能激励丹麦陶艺家的创作欲望而在富平陶艺村成功的创作。我们建议由决策小组的丹麦方推选 5位丹麦顶尖陶艺家来富平工作二周。完成的作品将由决策小组遴选参加 2004 年丹麦陶艺在中国的展出及捐献给富乐丹麦陶艺馆的收藏。富平陶艺村的工作条件请参考附件 5。富乐陶艺博物馆为此五位陶艺家发出邀请。他们的旅费希望由丹麦方补助,其他在富平的食宿交通皆由富乐陶艺博物馆负责。详细活动日程请见附件 2,有关预算的建议请参照附件 3。5IV Workshop in China, 2004 for Exhibitio

26、n and Museum CollectionIt is proposed that the Danish artists will visit China in the Spring 2004 to experience the ancient culture in the Xian region where dynasties Qin, Han, Tang, and Song had its capitals there. In addition China is promoting to develop the Great North West (GNW) in the 21st Cen

27、tury. It is hoped that such China experience could bring new ideas to the Danish artists and reflect it in the ceramic work they make in the Fuping Pottery Village. A group of 5 top ceramic artists from Denmark will be recommended by the Danish China Ceramic Art Exchane Program Committee. They will

28、come to China and spend a month in Fuping, China. Ceramic art works made in FPV will be selected partially by the Danish China Ceramic Art Exchange Program Committee for the 2004 exhibition and for the museum collection. The FPV working facilities is described in Attachment 5.The invitation will be

29、extend to those selected Danish artists come to China to visit and work at FPV. It is hoped that their travel expanses could be covered by Danish grant and all the local lodging and food will be covered by Fuping Pottery Village. The tentative visiting/working schedule during this one-month period t

30、ime is described in Attachment 2, a budget and its distribution proposal are recommended in Attachment 3. The show is scheduled to open in September, 2004 for 3 months. 5 2004 丹麦陶艺中国展此活动将结合前述的丹麦陶艺工作营及丹麦陶艺馆两项计划。 2004 丹麦陶艺中国展将是富平丹麦陶艺馆建成后的第一次展出。展出暂定三个月,希望创造机会在中国其他城市北京,上海,广州展出。展览内容包括两类作品,第一类为丹麦中国创作营遴选的作

31、品,第二类为从丹麦征得的参展作品。此工作希望由丹麦密特发城的丹麦陶艺馆格林豪斯展览馆征集。这批作品按艺术家意愿可以在展出后捐赠富平丹麦陶艺馆作为永久收藏。如不愿捐赠将归还原陶艺家或由富平丹麦陶艺馆代为出售,但须付佣金 40%。参加展览的第二类作品必须于 2004年 5月底前送至格林豪斯展览馆,并于 7月底前起运中国。参展的作品必须准备幻灯片或电子影象格式为 JPG (2 mb)或 TIF(10 mb) 并于 7月初快邮至陶艺家季刊准备出版画册。有关此章节的预算请见附件 3。V. Exhibition of “Danish Ceramic Art in China, 2004” This pro

32、ject will collaborate with the Danish Artists China Workshop program and the FuLe Danish Ceramic Art Museums program. The “Danish Ceramic Art in China, 2004” show will be the opening show of the FuLe Danish Ceramic Art Museum. It is scheduled to show at least 3 months. It is proposed that the show w

33、ill consist of Danish ceramic art works in two categories: The first category works is selected by the Danish China Ceramic Art Exchange Program Committee from the art work made by the 5 visiting Danish artists at Fuping Pottery Village during April or May 2004.The second category of ceramic works c

34、ome from the selected Danish artists in Denmark who did not come to China. After showing, It is hoped that Denmark artists would like to donate their work to the FuLe Denmark Ceramic Art Museum for permanent collection and showing, but if artist choose not to donate, the showing work will be return

35、to the artist. The Danish China Ceramic Art Exchange Program Committee will be responsible to select the works from both categories for the exhibition. 6The ceramic art works contribute to the 2004 China show from artists in Denmark, (the second category works), should have their work ready at Grimm

36、ershus Museum before the end of May, 2004. All the work should be sent to Fuping China before the end of July. Meanwhile a photo image of the work either in original slide or electronic imaging (at least 10 mb in size of TIF format or 2 mb in JPG format, written on disk). So, a catalog could be prin

37、ted before the opening of the exhibition.The budget and its distribution for this section are also showing in Attachment 3. It is hoped that this show could travel to other museums in China.6 陶艺家驻馆计划富乐丹麦陶艺馆的一项重要功能是提供丹麦陶艺家机会来中国创作。富乐丹麦陶艺馆将提供一切生活条件及工作条件包括提供瓷砖厂的设备,技术及材料。驻馆陶艺家将由决策小组从申请人中遴选。富平的工作时段为每年 4月至

38、 11月共 8个月。每年的遴选人数为一人工作 4个月。在对等情况下,在丹麦古格盖的陶艺工作中心也将接受中国的陶艺家按他们的规定参加他们的驻馆工作计划。有关富乐国际陶艺博物馆的驻馆工作计划规定请见附件 4。VI. Ceramic Artists Residency ProgramOne of the key function of the Denmark Ceramic Art Museum is to provide Danish ceramic artists to have opportunity to work in China for a period of time. The mus

39、eum has built-in workspace for the resident artist to work and FPV will provide lodging for artist to stay. In addition, all the facilities and materials and technology at the Fuping ceramic tile factory and the ceramic workshop in the Fuping Pottery Village are available for the resident artist to

40、carry out his work. The Danish China Ceramic Art Exchane Program Committee will select the atitsts from the applications. The working duration is from April to November each year at Fuping and in this 8-month time period, the residency program can be given to one artist (8 months) or two artists (4

41、months each). In reciprocal, Denmark Keramikmuseum will also accept Chinese ceramic artist to participate its residency program in Guldagergard, Denmark.The conditions of the FuLe Ceramic Museums residency program are listed in Attachment 4. 7 交换计划操作日程希望交换计划能按以下日程进行:03/02/2003 当代中国陶艺展在丹麦密特发城的丹麦陶艺馆格林

42、豪斯展览馆开幕,曾大使,馆长赛思宝及许以祺博士都提及两国陶艺交流的事。馆长赛思宝更表示能在中国展出丹麦陶艺作品的愿望。许以祺博士也介绍了富平陶艺村与乐陶苑拟联手在富平陶艺村建富乐国际陶艺博物馆群 。曾大使明确支持这种交流计划,同时建议我们提醒丹麦在中国的大使馆的注意。许以祺博士当即承诺拟定计划并作为此计划的联系人。03/03/2003 许以祺博士被丹麦陶艺博物馆古盖格陶艺中心艺术总监安林里曼及著名丹麦陶艺家尼娜霍勒邀请赴古盖格陶艺中心作客。许以祺博士更利用机会与安林里曼及尼娜霍勒商谈计划细节并在该中心完成此建议书的主要部分。703/15/2003 计划书由许以祺博士书写完成并分邮至有关机构及人

43、士04/30/2003 各有关机构原则同意建议书05/15/2003 丹麦方开始申请预算补助。丹麦方开始为中国展征集作品02/01/2004 决策小组决定五位来华陶艺家名单及征集作品名单,也决定九月来中国参加开幕式人员名单,并申请这些人员的旅费补助。05/07/04 5 丹麦陶艺家五人由哥本哈根到达北京,SK 995 20:55,05/08/04 6 北京游长城05/09/04 7 古玩市场,故宫,天坦,夜车赴西安05/10/04 1 晨抵西安游秦陵,半坡,汉阳陵转富平, 05/11/04 2 富平,了解陶艺村环境设施05/12/04 3 在富平陶艺村创作 (晚许返北京)05/13/04 4

44、在富平陶艺村创作05/14/04 5 在富平陶艺村创作05/15/04 6 在富平陶艺村创作05/16/04 7 在富平陶艺村创作 (许到西安与 Eva)05/17/04 1 访铜川耀州窑,陈炉 转西安,杨丽萍舞蹈05/18/04 2 富平陶艺村为创作(晚许返北京)05/19/04 3 在富平陶艺村创作05/20/04 4 在富平陶艺村创作05/21/04 5 在富平陶艺村为自己作品装饰,上釉,烧制 (包括柴烧)05/22/04 6 在富平陶艺村为自己作品装饰,上釉,烧制(许到西安)05/23/04 7 在富平陶艺村为自己作品装饰,上釉,烧制05/24/04 1 预展创作作品并由决策小组选出参

45、展及收藏作品05/25/04 2 西安飞北京,05/26/04 3 北京购物及访乐陶苑05/27/04 4 SK 996 14:45 返丹麦哥本哈根06/14/2004 所有参加展览作品幻灯片或电子成像到陶艺家季刊,陶艺馆开馆纪念册包括丹麦陶艺展开始编辑06/30/2004 所有丹麦陶艺作品运至富平,布展开始。09/12/2004 丹麦陶艺博物馆开馆典礼及丹麦陶艺展开幕式。VII. Operation and Time Table of the Exchange ProgramThe programs anticipated to operate according to the follow

46、ing timetable:03/02/2003 Opening of the “China Ceramics Today” at Grimmerhus, Denmark Keramikmuseum, Middlefart, Denmark, Opened by China Ambassador, Mr. Zeng, Jianguo03/03/2003 Dr. I Chi Hsu, Initiator of the “China Ceramics Today” show meet Ambassador Zeng Jianguo, and Grimmerhus Director Lise Sei

47、sboll and discuss the possibility of expanding the exchange program. Dr. Hsu informed the FuLe International Ceramic Museum Park in Fuping and Denmark museum is selected to be one of the earlier ones to build. Dr. Hsu then met the well-known ceramic artists Nina Hole and Ann Linnemann, the Art Direc

48、tor of Guldagergard division and the discuss ideas of the exchange program. It is then Dr. Hsu started to work out a preliminary proposal for all parties to discuss.03/15/2003 Proposal is written, waiting for distribution after Dr. Hsu return to China804/30/2003 Exchange Program proposal approved by

49、 related parties and invitation will be sent out and the China-Denmark Ceramic Exchange Program committee is formed.05/15/2003 Danish side starts to apply for grants for China trips and related funds. (see attachment 2)Danish side start to select the artist to visit/work in China and also select ceramic work from Denmark artists for “Danish Ceramic Art in China, 2004” exhibition02/01/2004 the committee made final decision on the list of the 5 artists to visit/work in China and the selected cer

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