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本文(机械毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译-模具基础之八项基本元件.doc)为本站会员(QQ153893706)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 南京理工大学泰州科技学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:译文基本符合翻译原文,个别词汇不符合语境。语句较为通顺,条理比较清楚,专业用语翻译基本恰当,符合中文语法,整体翻译质量较好。签名: 年 月 日附件 1:外文资料翻译译文模具基础之八项基本元件-逐渐了解冲压模具作者 赫德里克 贡献该文章,2006 年 8 月 8 日冲压模具是一种特殊的精密工具,是通过切割与塑造成型的方式使金属成为一个理想的外形或形状获得的。大多数模具由几个基本的部分组成,包括模板,

2、定模板,模具套,导向销,轴衬,垫块,垫板,螺钉,销钉和螺栓。模具还需要冲孔模板,压力机构和冲压成型板,以及可用来保护转子,肩螺栓,衔铁,保持架以及气体弹簧,线圈,或者聚氨酯弹簧的工具。编者:这篇文章借鉴了一篇在 www.thefabricator.Com 上的文章的第四部分和第五部分,包括冲压模具基本面并侧重于制造冲压模具。冲压模具是一个特殊的,一次性的精密工具,通过切割与塑造成型的方式使金属成为一个理性的形状或外形。模具的通常是由特殊类型的硬化钢即所谓的工具钢切割和加工成型的。模具,也可用碳化物或其他各种硬耐磨材料通过切割和成型工艺制成。大多数模具的构造有几个基本的部分组成,包括模板,定模板

3、,模套,导向销,轴衬,垫块,垫板,螺钉,销钉和螺栓。模具还需要模板,压力和冲压成型板,以及可用来保护转子,肩螺栓,衔铁,保持架;以及工作气体,线圈或聚酯弹簧等工具。1. 模板,定模板,及模具套 模板,定模板,及模具套是相对应模具大小的钢或铝板块。它们为越来越多的模具组件提供基础的服务。这些零件必须经过机械球磨或抛光,保证它们在一个可接受的范围内保持平行和平整。虽然磨削是目前最流行的,但碾磨成面可以说是现在最准确的。 大多数定模板是由钢制造。铝也是一个受欢迎的定模板材料。铝的质量是刚的三分之一,加工它的速度非常快,而且特殊的合金可以被添加进来,以达到比低碳钢更大的耐压强度。铝是一种很好的吸振材料

4、,因而用它来做冲裁模是一种很好的选择。上、下模具定模板装配在一起,与导向销配合形成一副磨具套。下模具定模板往往有加工出的或用火焰切割出的孔,让模具里的废料自然地通过定模板到达冲压机底座。这些孔也有清理气体弹簧和其他模具组件的作用。定模板厚度是基于切割和成型加工时的力度大小。举例来说,冲压模具,在上、下模具剖面之间通过挤压使金属成型,要求有一个更厚的定模板而不是一个简单的弯曲模。2. 导向销和轴衬 导向销,有时被认为是引导柱或支柱,和引导轴衬一起发挥作用,使上、下模具定模板恰到好处的连接成一个整体。它们是精密磨光管,通常表面粗糙度低于 0.0001 英寸。尽管有许多专业的安装方法用来安装这些组件

5、,但只有两种基本类型的导向销和轴衬摩擦销和球轴承式的销。摩擦销是高表面精度的销,它只略小于引导套管的内径。它是由淬硬工具钢制造,而轴衬往往是由特殊的耐火材料铝青铜机械加工成或拉神成的。铝青铜可以加入石墨,它有助于减轻摩擦与磨损,其中制造销和轴衬时常加入。 摩擦销有利于固定定模板,以防止它们从一边滑向另一边.精密球轴承式导向销包括精密硬化销,滚珠隔离圈,球轴承,轴衬。不像摩擦销,这些销依靠一系列的球轴承来工作,其中包括专门的滚珠隔离圈,它们允许轴承转动而不会脱落。这种销有若干优点。首先,摩擦力减小,使模具的运行速度更快,而不会产生过量的摩擦和热量。第二,制模工人能轻松的分开上、下模定模板。第三,

6、因为它们使用滚珠轴承,因而制造出来的精度比摩擦销更高。 请记住,导向销,在工作压力下,是为了校准上,下定模板,而不是校准不利于维护且湿滑的连杆!一些公司试图补偿挤压力的不稳定而加入过大的导向销,或者将导向销的末端磨削成锥形状。当翻动定模板的时候必须小心,这样导向销才不至于被弄弯。 3. 垫块及垫板垫块是由精密机械加工,被攻螺纹,并用暗销接合,而且往往焊接在上、下定模板上的特殊钢板。它们都包含了所谓的耐磨板,能够在切割和成型工艺中吸附任何一方可能产生的冲击推力。如果所产生的力量是一个方向的,那么它们就显得尤其重要。产生于一个方向的过大的冲击,不仅会引起导向销倾斜,而且可能导致关键切割和成型部件错

7、位。 大多数垫块是有钢垫板的,并且垫块对面的定模板中有由铝青铜或其他一些异种金属制成的耐磨钢板。垫板的选择过程是至关重要的。 用两种相同的金属做的对立板,可导致高摩擦,高温,并最终成为咬焊或冷焊的耐磨板。 垫块,可以用来使模具在任何倾侧。盒型垫块通常用来使模具任意倾斜 。 4. 螺钉,销钉,和螺栓 保障上、下定模板的螺钉,具有栓紧和保障零件工作安全的作用。插座头帽钉是目前在冲压模具中最流行的扣件。这种淬硬工具钢螺丝钉,常常被称作是Allen 头螺丝钉,提供优越的抓紧力和力量。 销钉都是坚固,精密的销子,在定模板的适当位置,它能够精确定位模具剖面或组件。虽然销钉具备一定的侧倾能力,其主要职能还是

8、在于合理的定位模具位置。 螺栓是细小的,矩形的精确的耐摩擦钢,被插入到小型铣过的定模板和所谓键槽的地方。 螺栓用于定位,并用于倾斜零部件和其它组成部分。5. 衬垫 衬垫只是一个负载压力的板,无论是平坦的或有特殊形状的,他在切割和成型工艺期间固定,控制或卸下金属。几种类型的垫片被用在冲压模具中。根据其功能,衬垫可以由较软的低碳钢或淬硬工具钢制造。轮廓垫必须配合非常密切,以配合模具剖面。精度的要求决定了垫片是由导向销和轴衬定位或者非导向定位。模板垫板/片,模板垫片是平坦或形状特殊的弹簧负载板,它从剪切冲头上拉或卸下钢材料。当它被切断,金属自然坍塌在切割钻孔周围或剪切冲头的钻头部位。这种情况尤其发生

9、在冲孔的时候。模板垫环绕在切割钻孔周围,并安装到上定模板上。当冲头穿过下模具,弹簧负载垫随金属向下运动,并随下模具运动,它使切削钻孔脱离金属板或零部件。模板垫片常常插入一小块称为垫孔的小铁块。垫孔通常是小而轻便,可轻易移走,使模具维修技师在消除球锁式冲床穿透时不至于移除整个模板垫。模板垫同样在切削加工过程具有控制金属的平整或形成理想的形状的功能。 压力垫/板,在弯曲过程中,在用以成形的冲头接触到金属之前,金属必须稳稳地固定在下模具部位。压力垫,必须提供的力量至少相当于弯曲力。 大部分压力垫用高压力的线圈或气体弹簧。当使用负载非常高的压力弹簧,外形特殊或平整的压力垫,也能制造金属板材。这些垫被称

10、为重击型垫板。 冲压成型板,冲压成型板在成型过程中控制着金属的移动。在成型过程中,所有的推力和向下的挤压力量,综合施加于金属板材,决定着多少金属允许进入模腔。 推力太大可能会阻止材料移动,并造成破裂;太少向下的挤压力量可能让多余的金属流动松散或起皱。冲压成型板,往往被比喻为装订机或空白的加持工具,通常是由淬硬工具钢制成。它们可以是平面的或有特殊外形的,这取决于其零部件的形状。多数成型模板使用单一冲压成型板,但在特殊情况下,一些也会用两个。 6. 转子,肩螺栓,以及衔铁 转子,肩螺栓,以及衔铁,是用来把垫板栓紧垫到定模板上的,同时也允许它们一起上下移动。它们使上、下定模板与螺丝钉固定,往往用销钉

11、作精确定位。在所有用于固定垫板的部件中,转子是最常见的,尤其常见于较大的模具中。7. 保持架 保持架能使上、下定模板保持或安全切割成形模具部件。球锁保持架是其中最流行的保持架,精密高,能准确地制造模具组件,可以使切割和成型冲头并排列成一行可靠的使用。它是用弹簧负载球轴承来定置,进而确保钻孔精度,它具有精密加工而成的泪滴状物或球形的底座。弹簧式承载球轴承锁住泪状物,并防止冲头从保持架中漏出.球锁保持架的好处是他们允许模具维护师移除和快速重新安装打孔器。该冲床去除抑制弹簧负载的球轴承,并拉动了冲床。特殊的保持架也可以和中心孔、导向销一起对不规则形状定位。 8. 弹簧 弹簧供应保持、卸下或成型金属时

12、所需要的力量。许多不同种类的弹簧用于冲压模具。弹簧的选择基于许多因素,包括所需的力量和用途,弹簧的预期寿命,当然还有成本因素。其中最受欢迎的是气体弹簧,其中,当其充满氮气,可供应巨大的力量。它们也有一个很好的预期寿命。 其他类型的弹簧包括螺旋弹簧和聚氨酯弹簧,通常被称为软性弹簧。当需要一个适度的力量而预算很有限时螺旋弹簧是很受欢迎的。聚氨酯弹簧在短期运行或原型冲压中很好用。并且它们还很便宜。 作者赫德里克是冲压学的高级顾问, 8579 River Oak Circle, Greenville, MI 48838, 616-225-2170, fax 616-225-2158, , . 他是 D

13、ie Science column in STAMPING Journal的成员之一,他一直致力于冲压工艺。附件 2:外文原文Die basics with eight basic components -Getting to know stamping diesBy Art Hedrick, Contributing WriterAugust 8, 2006A stamping die is a special, one-of-a-kind precision tool that cuts and forms sheet metal into a desired shape or profi

14、le. Most dies are onstructed of several basic components, including die plates, shoes, die sets, guide pins, bushings, heel blocks, heel plates, screws, dowels, and keys. Dies also need stripper, pressure, and drawing pads, as well as the devices used to secure themspools, shoulder bolts, keepers, a

15、nd retainers; and gas, coil, or urethane springs.Editors Note: This article is edited from Part IV and Part V of an article series on covering stamping die fundamentals and focusing on the components used in manufacturing stamping dies.A stamping die is a special, one-of-a-kind precision tool that

16、cuts and forms sheet metal into a desired shape or profile. The dies cutting and forming sections typically are made from special types of hardenable steel called tool steel. Dies also can contain cutting and forming sections made from carbide or various other hard, wear-resistant materials.Most sta

17、mping dies are constructed of several basi components,including die plates, shoes, die sets, guide pins, bushings, heel blocks, heel plates, screws, dowels, and keys. Dies also need stripper, pressure,and drawing pads, as well as the devices used to secure them: spools, shoulder bolts, keepers,and r

18、etainers, as well as gas, coil, or urethane springs.1. Die Plates, Shoes, and Die SetsDie Die plates, shoes, and die sets are steel or aluminum plates thatcorrespond to the size of the die. They serve as the foundation for mounting the working die components. These parts must be machinedmilled or gr

19、oundso that they are parallel and flat within a critical tolerance. Although grinding is the most popular, a milled surface now can be obtained that is as accurate as a ground surface.Most die shoes are made from steel. Aluminum also is a popular die shoe material. Aluminum is one-third the weight o

20、f steel, it can be machined very quickly, and special alloys can be added to it to give it greater compressive strength than low-carbon steel. Aluminum also is a great metal for shock adsorption, which makes it a good choice for blanking dies.The upper and lower die shoes assembled together with gui

21、de pins create the die set. The lower die shoe often has machined or flame-cut holes that allow slugs and scrap created in the die to fall freely through the die shoe onto the press bed. The holes also may serve as clearances for gas springs and other die components.The die shoe thickness is based o

22、n how much force can be expected during cutting and forming. For example, a coining die, one that compresses metal by squeezing it between an upper and lower die section, requires a much thicker die shoe than a simple bending die.2 Guide Pins and BushingsGuide pins, sometimes referred to as guide po

23、sts or pillars, function together with guide bushings to align both the upper and lower die shoes precisely. They are precision-ground components, often manufactured within 0.0001 in. Although numerous specialty mounting methods can be used to install these components, there are only two basic types

24、 of guide pins and bushingsfriction pins and ball bearing-style pins.Friction pins are precision-ground pins that are slightly smaller than the guide bushings inside diameter. Pins are made from hardened tool steel, while bushings often are made from or lined with a special wear-resistant material c

25、alled aluminum-bronze. The aluminum-bronze may contain graphite plugs that help to reduce friction and wear that occur to the pins and bushings.Friction pins also help to heel the die shoes and prevent them from moving from side to side.Precision or ball bearing-style guide pins comprise precision-h

26、ardened pins, ball cages, ball bearings, and bushings. Unlike friction pins, these pins ride on a series of ball bearings contained in a special aluminum ball cage that permits the bearings to rotate without falling out.These pins have several advantages. First, friction is reduced so the die can ru

27、n at faster speeds without generating excessive friction and heat. Second, they allow the diemaker to separate the upper and lower die shoes easily. Third, because they use ball bearings, they can be manufactured with greater accuracy than friction pins.Remember, guide pins are meant to align the up

28、per and lower die shoes, not to align a poorly maintained or sloppy ram in a press! Some companies try to compensate for a poorly maintained press by adding oversized guide pins or grinding the guide pin ends to a cone shape. Care must be taken when flipping die shoes over so that the guide pins are

29、 not bent. 3. Heel Blocks and Heel PlatesHeel blocks are special steel blocks that are precision-machined screwed, doweled, and often welded to both the upper and lower die shoes. They contain components called wear plates and function to adsorb any side thrust that may be generated during the cutti

30、ng and forming processes. They are especially important if the generated force is one-directional. Too much force generated from one direction only can cause the guide pins to deflect, which results in misalignment of critical cutting and forming components.Most heel blocks have steel heel plates, a

31、nd the heel block the opposite shoe has a wear plate made from aluminum-bronze or some other dissimilar metal. The plate selection process is critical. Using two opposing plates made of the same metal type can result in high friction, heat, and eventually galling or cold welding of the wear plates.

32、Heel blocks can be used to heel the die in any or all directions. Box heels often are used to heel the die in all directions.4Screws, Dowels, and KeysScrews fasten and secure the working components to both the upper and lower die shoes. The socket head cap screw is the most popular fastener used in

33、stamping dies. This hardened tool steel screw, often referred to as an Allen head screw, offers superior holding power and strength.Dowels are hardened, precision-ground pins that precisely locate the die section or component in its proper location on the die shoe. Although dowels have much heeling

34、ability, their main function is to locate the die section properly.Keys are small, rectangular blocks of precision-ground steel that are inserted into milled pockets in the die shoes and sections called keyways. Keys locate and heel die sections and components.5. PadsA pad is simply a pressure-loade

35、d plate, either flat or contoured, that holds, controls, or strips the metal during the cutting and forming processes. Several types of pads are used in stamping dies. Depending on their function, pads can be made from soft low-carbon steel or hardened tool steel. Contoured pads must fit very closel

36、y to the mating die section. Precision requirements determine whether the pads are positioned with guide pins and bushings or left unguided.Stripper Pads/Plates, Stripper pads are flat or contoured spring-loaded plates that pull, or strip, the metal off the cutting punches. When it is cut, metal nat

37、urally tends to collapse around the body or shank of the cutting punches; this is especially true during piercing. The stripper pad surrounds the cutting punches and mounts to the upper die shoe. As the punch exits the lower die, the spring-loaded pad holds the metal down flush with the lower die se

38、ction, which allows the cutting punches to withdraw from the sheet metal or piece part.Often stripper pads are inserted with a small block of steel called a pad window. This pad window usually is small and lightweight and can be removed easily to allow the die maintenance technician to remove the ba

39、ll lock-style pierce punch from the retainer without removing the entire stripper pad. Stripper pads also function to hold the metal flat or to the desired shape during the cutting process.Pressure Pads/Plates, During the wipe bending process, the metal must be held down tightly to the lower die sec

40、tion before the forming punch contacts the metal. Pressure pads must apply a force that is at least equivalent to the bending force. Most pressure pads use high-pressure coil or gas springs. When loaded with very high-pressure springs, contoured or flat pads also can form sheet metal. These pad type

41、s often are referred to as power punches.Draw Pads, Draw pads control metal flow during the drawing process. In drawing, the amount of pressure, or downward force, exerted on the sheet metal determines how much metal is allowed to flow and enter the draw die cavity. Too much pressure may stop the me

42、tal from flowing and cause splitting; too little downward force may allow excess metal to flow inward and cause loose metal or wrinkling.Draw pads, often referred to as binders or blank holders, usually are made from hardened tool steel. They can be flat or contoured, depending on the piece part sha

43、pe. Most drawing dies use a single draw pad; however, in special cases, some use two.6. Spools, Shoulder Bolts, and KeepersSpools, shoulder bolts, and keepers are used to fasten pads to the die shoes while allowing them to move up and down. They are secured to either the top or bottom die shoe with

44、screws and often dowels for precision location. Of all of the components used for securing pads, spools are the most common, especially in larger dies.7. RetainersRetainers hold or secure cutting or forming die components to both the upper and lower die shoes. One of the most popular retainers is a

45、ball-lock retainer, a high-precision, accurately manufactured die component that secures and aligns both cutting and forming punches. It uses a spring-loaded ball bearing to locate and secure the punches, which feature a precisely machined teardrop or ball seat. The spring-loaded ball bearing locks

46、into the teardrop shape and prevents the punches from coming out of the retainer.The advantage of ball-lock retainers is that they allow the die maintenance technician to remove and reinstall punches quickly. The punch is removed by depressing the spring-loaded ball bearing and pulling up on the pun

47、ch. Specialty retainers also can be made to hold and align irregular punch shapes, as well as headed-style punches and pilot pins.8. SpringsSprings supply the force needed to hold, strip, or form metal. Many different springs are used in stamping dies. Spring selection is based on many factors, incl

48、uding the required force and travel, the springs life expectancy, and, of course, cost. Among the most popular are gas springs, which, when filled with nitrogen, can supply a great deal of force. They also have an excellent life expectancy.Other types are coil and urethane springs, often called mars

49、hmallow springs. Coil springs are very popular when a reasonable amount of force is needed and budget constraints are present. Urethane springs work well in short-run or prototype stamping operations. They also are inexpensive. Art Hedrick is president and senior consultant of Dieology, 8579 River Oak Circle, Greenville, MI 48838, 616-225-2170, fax 616-225-2158, , . He is the author of the

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