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1、无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书1计算机辅助设计的简要历史在我们讲述 CAD 的基本理论之前,先说说他的简史是比较合适的。CAD 是计算机时代的产品.它从早期的计算机绘图系统发展到现在的交互式计算机图形学.两个这样的系统包括:麻省理工学院的 Sage Project 及Sketchpad。Sage Project 旨在开发 CRT 显示器及操作系统. Sketchpad 是在 Sage Project 下发展起来的 .CRT 显示和光笔输入用于与系统进行交互操作.CAD 与初次出现的 NC 和 APT(自动编程工具)碰巧同时出世.后来,X-Y 绘图仪作为计算机绘图的标准硬拷贝输出装置使用,一个有

2、趣的现象是 X-Y 绘图仪与 NC 钻床具有相同的基本机构,除了绘图笔 NC 机床上的主轴刀具替代之外。开始,CAD 系统仅仅是一个带有内置设计符号的绘图编辑器,供用户使用的几何元素只有直线、圆弧、以及两者的组合。自由曲线及其曲面的发展,如昆氏嵌面、贝塞尔嵌面以及 B-样条曲线,使 CAD 系统可用于复杂曲线与曲面设计。三维 CAD 系统允许设计者步入三维设计空间。由于一个三维设计模型包含了 NC 刀具路径编程所需的足够信息,所以能够开发 CAD 与 NC 之间联系的系统。所谓交钥匙的 CAD/CAM 系统便是根据这一概念开发的,并从 20世纪 70 年代至 80 年代流行起来。20 世纪 7

3、0 年代,三维实体建模的发明标志着 CAD 一个新时代的开始。过去的三维线框模型仅用其边界来表达一个物体。这在某种意义上是模糊的,一个简单的模型可能有几种解释。同时也无法获得一个模型的体积信息。实体模型包含完整的信息,因此,它们不仅可用于生成工程图,而且也可在同一模型上完成工程分析。后来,开发了许多商业系统和研究系统。这些系统中相当多的是基于 PADL 和 BUILD 系统。尽管它们在表达上是强有力的,但仍然存在许多缺陷。例如,这种系统要有极强的计算能力和内存需求,非常规的物体建模方式以及标注公差能力的缺乏,这一切已阻碍了 CAD 应用。直到 20 世纪80 年代中期,实体建模开始介入设计环境

4、。今天实体建模的应用如同绘图和线框模型应用一样普遍。在个人计算机上,CAD 已走向大众化。这种发展使 CAD 应用面广并且很经济。CAD 原本作为一种工具仅被航空和其它主要工业企业使用。诸如AutoCAD、VersaCAD、CADKEY 等个人机 CAD 软件包的引入,使小型公司乃无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书2至个人可以拥有并使用 CAD 系统。到 1988 年为止已销售 10 万个以上的 PC CAD 软件包。今天,基于个人计算机的实体建摸的 PC CAD 易于获得,并且销售变得更为普及。由于微型计算机的迅速发展使得个人计算机能够承受实体模型需要的大量计算负荷,所以如今许多实体模型在 PC

5、 机上运行,并且作为平台 已不成为一个问题。随着标准图形用户界面的发展,CAD 系统可以很容易地从一台计算机传送,大多数 CAD 系统都能在不同平台上运行。在大型计算机、工作台和基于个人计算机的 CAD 系统之间几乎没有区别。全套图纸,加 153893706计算机辅助设计的结构一个 CAD 系统包含三个主要部分:(1)硬件 计算机及输入/输出装置。(2)操作系统软件。(3)应用软件 CAD 软件包。硬件主要用于支持软件功能。在 CAD 系统中使用着种类繁多的硬件。操作系统软件是 CAD 应用软件与硬件之间的界面。操作系统软件管理着硬件运行并提供许多诸如创建 和取消操作任务、控制任务的进程、在任

6、务间分配硬件资源、提供通向软件资源,如文件、编辑器、编译和应用程序的通道等基本功能。这不仅对 CAD 软件很重要,而且对非 CAD 软件也很重要。应用软件是 CAD 系统的核心。它由二维和三维建摸、绘图、工程分析等程序组成。一个 CAD 系统的功能便建立在应用软件中。正是应用软件使一种CAD 软件包区别于另一种,通常应用软件是依赖于操作系统的。要把在一个操作系统上运行的 CAD 系统移到另一个操作系统上,并不像编译软件那样微不足道。因此也必须注意操作系统。计算机辅助设计计算机辅助设计给了设计者去尝试几个可行的解决方案的能力。通常还需无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书3要某些形式的设计分析计算,而为

7、了这一任务已经编写了许多程序。计算机为设计者对所建议的各种结构设计的分析和为最终设计准备正式绘图提供了强有力的工具。在二维绘图领域中,计算机方法能够提供比传统的纸和笔的方法更有意义、更大成本节约的优点,但是一个 CAD 系统并不仅是一个电子绘图板。计算机绘图系统可使设计者设计出既快又准确的图形,并且很容易修改。在涉及到重复性工作时,会戏剧性产生复制产品,因为标准图形只要一次构建成功,就可以从图库中取出。剪切和粘贴技术作为节约劳动力的辅助工具被使用。当几个分项目设计人员从事同一个工程时,要建立中心数据库,使得由某一个人绘的细节图可以很容易地合并到其它不同的装配图中。中心数据库也可作为标准参考零件

8、库使用。有限元是一项成熟的应力分析技术,它多被土木工程和机械工程所采用。它由将结构划分成有限个的小单元所组成,并计算每一个单元之间的作用力。如果被分割的单元足够小,就能对一个结构或实体的内部应力获得一个好的估计。这些计算机设计惯用于大型结构物的设计,诸如船体、桥梁、飞机机身和海面油井平台。汽车工业也使用类似的方法来设计和制造车身。二维绘图CAD 使多视图的二维绘图成为可能,视图空间可以从微米到米的比例范围内无限变化。它提供给机械设计师放大的功能,即使在恰当配合的装配零件中最小的零件也能看清楚,设计程序甚至能自动辨认 CAD 装配图中的潜在问题。针对具有不同特征的零件,如运动的或静止的,在显示时


10、去更逼真。曲面模型普遍用于构建板金的展开和重叠以用于制造。实体模型是最复杂的建模层次,并且用于建立实体模型的程序在一段时期内只用在大型计算机上。只有近年来微型计算机才达到这个能力水平,也可以运行复杂的算法,生成实体模型。计算机“认为”实体模型是一种具有实体质量的模型,所以它可被“钻孔” “加工” “焊接” ,好象它是一个实际的零件。它能够由任何材料构成并呈现其材料特性,因此,能够进行质量计算。计算机辅助绘图的好处用计算机完成绘图及设计任务的好处是令人难忘的:提高速度、提高准确性、减少硬拷贝存储空间及易于恢复信息、加强信息传输能力、改善传输质量和便于修改。速度工业用计算机能以平均每秒 3300

11、万次完成一项任务;更新的计算机其速度更快。用计算机计算零件的变形量是一个重要功绩。当理论上的载荷力加到零件上时、通过计算机进行有限元分析或者在监视器上显示一个城市的整体规划时,这两者都是既费时又计算量大的任务。AutoCAD 软件可根据需要多次复制所需模型的形状和几何尺寸,快速自动地进行剖面填充及尺寸标注。准确AutoCAD 程序依靠操作系统及计算机平台每点具有 14 位的精度。这在用数学计算诸如一个圆的线段数、程序必须圆整线段时是十分重要的。存储计算机能够在物理空间中存储上千幅图,这空间能够存储上百幅手工图。而且计算机能够很容易地搜索和找到一幅图,只要操作者拥有正确的文件名。传输由于计算机的

12、数据是以电子形式存储,它能被送到各种位置。最明显的位置是监视器。计算机可以在屏幕上以不同的方式显示数据,如图形,并能方便地将数据转换成可读图形。这些数据也可被传送给绘图机,打印出常见的图纸,通过直接连接到计算机辅助制造机床或由电话线传到地球的任何地方。你可以不再冒损失或丢失的危险去邮寄图纸,现在图纸可以通过电信网立即发送到目的地。无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书5A Brief History of Before we present the basics of CAD ,it is appropriate to give a brief history . CAD is a product o

13、f the computer era. It originated from early computer graphic systems to the development of interactive computer graphics. Two such systems include the Sage Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Sketchpad. The Sage Project was aimed at developing CRT displays and operating s

14、ystems. Sketchpad was developed under the Sage Project. A CRT display and light pen input were used to interact with the system. This coincidentally happened at about the same time that NC and APT(Automatically Programmed Tool)first appeared. Later, X-Y plotters were used as the standard hard-copy o

15、utput device for computer graphics. An interesting note is that an X-Y plotter has the same basic structure as a NC drilling machine except that a pen is substituted for the tool on NC spindle.In the beginning, CAD systems were no more than graphics editor with some built-in design symbols. The geom

16、etry available to the user was limited to lines, circular arcs, and the combination of the two. The development of free-form curves and surfaces, such as Coons patch, Beziers patch, and B-spline, enable a CAD system allow to be used for sophisticated curves and surface design. Three-dimensional CAD

17、system allow a designer to move into the third dimension. Because a three-dimensional model contains enough information for NC cutter-path programming, the linkage between CAD and NC can be developed. So called turnkey 无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书6CAD/CAM systems were developed based on this concept and became p

18、opular in the 1970s and 1980s.The 1970s marked the beginning of a new era in CAD-the invention of three-dimensional solid modeling. In the past, three-dimensional, wire-frame models represented an object only by its bounding edges. They are ambiguous in the sense that several interpretations might b

19、e possible for a single model. There is also no way to find the volumetric information of a model. Solid models contain complete information; therefore, not only can they be used to produce engineering drawing, but engineering analysis can be performed on the same model as well. Later many commercia

20、l systems and research systems were developed. Quite a few of these systems were based on the PADL and BUILD systems. Although they are powerful in representation, many deficiencies still exist. For example, such systems have extreme computation and resource (memory) requirements, an unconventional

21、way of modeling object and a lack of tolerance capability have all hindered CAD applications. It was not until the mid-1980s that solid modelers made their way into the design environment. Today, their use is as common as drafting and wire-frame model applications.CAD implementations on personal com

22、puters (PCs) have brought CAD to the masses. This development has made CAD available and affordable. CAD originally was a tool used only by aerospace and other major industrial corporation. The introduction of PC CAD packages, such as, AutoCAD, VersaCAD, CADKEY, and so on, has made it possible for s

23、mall companies and even individuals to own and use CAD systems. By1980, more than 100,000 PC CAD packages had been sold. Today PC-based solid modelers are available and are becoming increasingly popular. Because rapid developments in microcomputers have enabled PCs to carry the heavy computational l

24、oad necessary for solid modeling, many solid modelers now run on PCs, and the platform has become less of an issue. With the standard graphics user interface (GUI), CAD systems can be ported easily from one computer to another , Most major CAD systems are able to run on a variety of platforms. There

25、 is little difference between mainframe, workstation, and PC-based CAD systems.The Architecture of CAD无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书7A CAD system consists of three major parts:(1)Hardware computer and input/output(I/O)devices.(2)Operating system software.(3)Application software CAD package.Hardware is used to supp

26、ort the software functions. A wide range of hardware is used in CAD systems. The operating system software is the interface between the CAD application software and the hardware. It supervises the operation of the hardware and provides basics functions such as creating and removing operation tasks,

27、and providing access to software resources such as files, editors, compilers and utility programs. It is important not only for CAD software, but also for non-CAD software.The application software is the heart of a CAD system. It contains of programs that do 2-D and 3-D modeling, drafting, and engin

28、eering analysis. The functionality of a CAD system is built into the application software. It is application software that makes one CAD package different form another. Application software is usually operating-system-dependent. To transport a CAD system running in one operating system to another op

29、erating system is not as trivial as recompiling the software. Therefore, attention must be given to the operating system as well.Computer Aided DesignComputer aided design gives the designer the ability to experiment with several possible solutions. Usually some forms of design analysis calculations

30、 need to be done and many programs have been written for this task. The computer provides the designer with a powerful tool for analyzing proposed designs and for preparing formal drawing of the final design.Two-dimensional drawing is one area in which computer methods can off significant, quantifia

31、ble cost advantages over traditional paper and pen methods, but a CAD system is not just an electronic drawing board. Computer drawing systems enable designers to produce fast accurate drawings and easily modify them. Draught productivity rises dramatically when repetitive work is involved, since st

32、andard shapes are constructed only once and can be retrieved from a library. Cut and paste techniques are used as labor-saving aids. When several detail drawn by one person can be easily incorporated into different assemble drawing. This central database also 无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书8serves as a library of s

33、tandard preferred computers.Finite element is a sophisticated stress analysis technique much used by civil and mechanical engineers. It consists of dividing a structure into small, but finite, components and calculating the force between each element. If the elements are small enough, a good estimat

34、e of the internal stresses in a structure or solid body can be obtained. These computer techniques are routinely used in the design of large structure such as ship hulls, bridges, aircraft fuselages and offshore oil rig. The motor car industry also uses similar methods for design and manufacture of

35、car bodies.Two-dimensional DrawingsCAD makes possible multiview 2D drawing, with an endless possibility of views in range of scales from microns to meters to meters. It gives the mechanical designer the ability to magnify even the smallest of components to ascertain if the assembled components fit p

36、roperly and even to design programs to identify automatically potential problems in CAD assembly. Parts with different characteristics, such as movable or stationary, can be assigned different colors on the display. Parts can be dimensioned with automatic dimensioning changes, allowing for expedient

37、 engineering design changes.Three-Dimensional DrawingsDesigners have even more freedom with the advent of 3D modeling. They can 3D parts and manipulate them in endless variations to achieve the desired results. Through finite element analysis FEA), stress can be applied to a computer model and the r

38、esults graphically displayed, giving the designer guick feedback on any inherent problems in a design before the creation of a physical prototype.3Dmodels can be created in wire-frame, in surfaces or in solid form. In wire-frame, lines and arcs form edges that generate the model. The result is a 3D

39、form that can be viewed from any location but still only a skeletal form. Creating a surface stretches a skin over the skeleton (Fig.8-1b).Once this is done, the model can be rendered so that it appears more tangible. Surface models are commonly used in the creation of sheet metal developments that

40、can be unfolded for manufacture.Solid models are the most complex level of modeling and while the programs to create them have been available for some time on large mainframe computers, it is 无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书9only recently that microcomputers have reached a level of power that allows the running of t

41、he sophisticated algorithms needed to create solid model(Fig.8-2). The computer “thinks” the solid is sold mass so it can be “drilled”, “machined,”or “welded” as if it were an actual physical part. It can be made out of any materials characteristics, thereby allowing calculations of mass to be made.

42、CADS BenefitsThe benefits of computer use in drafting and design tasks are impressive: increased speed, greater accuracy, reduction of hardcopy storage space as well as better recall, enhanced communication capabilities, improve quality and easier modification.Speed A person computer used in industr

43、y can perform a task at an average rate of 33 million operations per second; newer computer are even faster. This is an important feat when using it to calculate the amount of deflection of a component, when theoretical physical forces are applied to it, through finite element analysis(FEA) or when

44、displaying an entire city plan on a monitor, both of which are time-consuming and calculation-intensive tasks. AutoCAD software can duplicate any geometry as many times as required and can also perform crosshatching and dimensioning automatically and equally as fast.AccuracyThe AutoCAD program has a

45、n accuracy of 14 significant digits of precision for each point, depending on the operating system and computer platform. This extremely important when the program must round off numbers during mathematical calculations such as segmenting a circle.StorageThe computer can store thousands of drawings

46、in the physical space that it would take to store hundreds of manual drawings. Also, the computer can search and find a drawing with ease, as long as the operator possesses the correct.Communication Because the computers data is stored in an electronic form, it cam be sent to s variety of locations.

47、 The first obvious location is the monitor. The computer can 无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书10display the data on the screen in different forms such as graphics, easily converting the data into readable drawing. The data can also be a plotter to produce the familiar paper drawing, via a direct link to a computer-ai

48、ded manufacturing (CAD) machine or via telephone to anywhere around the globe. You no longer have to mail drawing, risking damage and loss; they can not be at their destination instantly via the telecommunications network.无锡职业技术学院毕业设计说明书11课题研究拟采用的手段和工作路线课程设计方法:1) 独立思考,继承和创新设计时,要认真阅读参考资料,继承或借鉴前人的设计经验

49、和成果,但不地进行改进和创新。能盲目地全盘抄袭,应根据具体的设计条件和要求,大胆2) 全面考虑 机械零部件地强度、刚度、工艺性、经济性和维护等要求任何零部件的机构和尺寸,除去考虑它的强度刚度外,还应该综合考虑零件本身及整个部件的工艺性要求、经济性要求等才能确定。3) 设计方法通过计算确定零件的基本尺寸,再通过草图设计决定其具体结构和尺寸;而有些零件则需先经初算和绘草图,得出初步符合设计条件的基本结构尺寸,然后再进行必要得计算,根据计算的结果,再对结构和尺寸进行修改。4) 使用标准和规范设计时应尽量使用标准和规范,这有利于零件的互换性和工艺性,同时也可减少设计工作量、节省设计时间,对于国家标准或部门规范,一般都要严格遵守和执行。设计中采用标准或规范的多少,时评价设计质量的一项指标。因此,课程设计中,凡是有标准或规范的,应该尽量采用工作路线:1) 设计准备了解设计任务书,明确设计要求、工作条件、设计内容的步骤;通过查阅有关设计资料,观看电教片和参观实物或模型等,了解设计对象的性能、结构及工艺性;准备好设计需要资料、绘图工具;拟定设计计划等。2) 校核 V 带及减小噪音的措施拟定和确定工作方案;选择电机;校核 V 带。大致分析压缩机产生噪声的原因和有效减小噪声的措施。3) 工作原理草图设计绘制工作原理草图;进行各零部件和结构件设计。4) 绘制零件工作图绘出零件的必要

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