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1、,Improving your reading ability,关于阅读理解的八种能力,一、快速阅读理解能力 二、文章体裁辨析能力 三、文章结构辨析能力 四、归纳总结能力 五、生词猜测能力 六、长句分析能力 七、综合推断能力 八、陷阱识别能力,(一) 快速阅读理解能力,在考试中,阅读理解是限时阅读。它主要考查考生两个方面的阅读理解能力: 一是快速阅读能力; 二是准确的理解能力。也就是说,考生在英语阅读理解过程中,阅读速度要快,理解的准确度要高,二者缺一不可。,(二)文章体裁辨析能力,英语中,由于不同文体的英语文章有不同的写作方法。如果考生具备了识别英文文体的能力,能根据文体特征迅速抓住文章的要

2、点,就会大大缩短阅读时间,提高理解效率。(如 议论文记叙文新闻报道 等),(三) 文章结构辨析能力,英语文章有一个共同的特点,一般说来,首先确定文章的主题句,即文章的中心,然后,后面的内容都是围绕这一中心来展开论述的。中心句一般位于文章最前面,也有的位于文章末尾,还有的位于文章的中间。有了文章结构的辨析能力,考生就能快速对文章进行全面、系统的掌握。从而根据试题的不同内容或要求在不同的部位准确找到答案的依据。,(四) 归纳总结能力,虽然绝大多数英语文章有中心句,但也还有些文章根本没有中心句。如有些描述性的记叙就要求考生根据文章内容来归纳、总结出中心句。英语试题总有 34 题考查考生对文章中心的理

3、解,这就要求考生一定要具有对文章的归纳、总结能力。,(五) 生词猜测能力,掌握一定量的词汇是进行阅读的前提,但运用各种英语知识猜测生词的能力是考查考生阅读理解能力的一个重要方面。倘若单词都不认识,也就无法阅读下去。然而,并不是说,一定要把所有的单词都认识才能进行阅读。事实上,阅读当中出现一些生词,是一件非常正常的事情。正因为如此,有些语言专家把阅读戏称为猜词游戏。因此,考生在英语阅读理解过程中碰到不认识的单词时,要根据各种知识大胆地猜测生词的意义,培养猜测生词意义的能力。,(六) 长句分析能力,句子长而复杂是现代英语的一个显著特点,特别在现代科技英语中更是这样。作者为了把叙述说得准确、逻辑严密

4、,往往是一个主句接一个或几个状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、同位语从句、并列句,中间还来几个非谓语动词短语或插入语。这样不但使句子长,而且句子结构支离破碎,令读者不知从何处下手。因此,为了夺得高考英语阅读理解的高分,考生必须具备长句分析能力。,(七) 综合推断能力,近年来,英语阅读理解中的推理判断题逐年增多,单从文章的字面找不出答案,而要根据文章中的某些词、短语或句子来推断出它内在的深层意义,或将几个事实综合起来对文章进行深层理解。因此,考生必须在平时的训练中提高综合推断能力。,(八) 陷阱识别能力,在英语阅读理解题所给选项中,常出现部分真实的情况,但往往以偏概全、过于笼统,增添枝叶,让选项中的

5、确含有原文中的事实、细节,或原文中已有的情况,却并不与原文事实完全一致,故意扰乱考生的视觉,让考生信以为真,这就是英语阅读理解中的陷阱。因此,考生要具有对陷阱的识别能力,才能绕过陷阱,从而作出正确的选择。,Fast Reading & Words Guessing,Three Elements Connected with Reading Comprehension影响阅读理解的三要素,Rate 速度 Vocabulary 词汇 Required skills 考察意向,Fast Reading,快速阅读要求考生在规定的时间内完成一定量的阅读。快速阅读,顾名思义,它的目的在于测试考生单位时间当


7、此,在阅读时,只有尽量快速阅读,才能强化对上下文之间的联系,综合分析文章,抓住文章主脉,融会贯通。,阅读习惯,How do you read the following sentence?Some scientists think that dreaming is important for the sake of health. Some scientists think that dreaming is important for the sake of health. (You look at your words for 12 times)Some scientists think t

8、hat dreaming is important for the sake of health. (You look for four times.),How many cakes are there in the picture?,阅读过程中的障碍,1. 阅读行为习惯的影响在阅读过程中,我们要有意识地克服行为上某些不良的阅读习惯。(1) 出声读。因为眼睛的移动速度比舌头动作快。出声读不但影响速度,而且会分散一部分精力去注意自己的发音。(2) 逐字读。许多常见词,如功能词,不需停顿单独理解。(3) 默读。虽然没有大声读出来,但在脑中一字字读,也会影响速度,分散精力。(4) 指读。以手指挨个指

9、着读,有碍理解和速度。除非手指飞速移动,引导眼睛快看。(5) 回读。眼睛回向移动,寻找先前读过的信息,而不是继续读下去以获取完整的概念。,2. 阅读中心理因素的影响阅读时,除了克服不良的阅读习惯外,还要注意克服一些影响阅读和理解程度的不良心理因素:(1) 期望值过高希望一次阅读就掌握所读材料。这种急于求成的心理状态,不仅影响阅读时的心境,也使得视觉器官和大脑都不能集中于阅读过程本身,阅读的效果自然不好。(2) 过度重视阅读方法和技巧由于阅读过程中过多思考阅读的方法、技巧等因素,而忽视了阅读材料及阅读本身的过程。从某种程度上讲,这会使我们注意力分散,阅读的兴趣自然大大减弱。(3) 思想开小差对文

10、字视而不见,翻了许多页,但脑子里仍一片空白。这样就降低了我们的注意力,影响了正常思维。,How to read fast with a better understanding,How can we read as fast as possible with better comprehension?,Three Ss,Skipping,Word-guessing,Skimming,Scanning,Read as fast as possible in order to get the main idea of the passage,Read as fast as possible in

11、order to getthe specific information of the passage,Read as fast as possible in order to grasp the key words or the major information while ignoring the minor information,方法指导,1、确定主题句,How to find the topic sentences?,Features of the topic sentences:1)相对于其他句子,它表达的意思比较概括; 2)主题句一般结构简单; 3)段落中其他句子必定是用来解释

12、、支撑或发展相 互题句所表达的思想的。,People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggpl

13、ant, and fresh fruit. Others could live on what were called fast-foods: a hamburger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink.,(1)主题句在段首 一个主题句常常是一个段落的开头,其后的句子则是论证性细节。,Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others

14、like a democratic discussion type of class. No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.,(2)主题句也会出现在段尾。作者先摆出事实依据, 层层推理论证, 最后自然得出结论, 即段落的主题。,(3) 在短文中间 主题句也可以安排在段中间, 此时前面只提出问题, 文中的主题由其后陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出, 然后再作进一步的解释, 支持或发展.,Example 3Nothing is as useful as a flashlig

15、ht on a dark nightif a tire goes flat. Few inventions are so helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark. In fact, the modern flashlight brings light to many dark situations. Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand . A camper also needs one after the light ofthe

16、campfire has been out.,_,_,1. English is clearly an international language. It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the worlds radio programs are in English.,本段主题句为首句, 其后的内容均说明首句。,Please find out the topic sentence of the following pas

17、sages.,2. Just as I settle down to read or watch television, he demands that I play with him. If I get a telephone call, he screams in the background or knocks something over. I always have to hang up to find out whats wrong with him. Baby-sitting with my little brother is no fun. He refuses to let

18、me eat a snack in peace. Usually he wants half of whatever I have to eat. Then, when he finally grows tired, it takes about an hour for him to fall asleep.,有时段落是先介绍背景和细节,接着用一句综合或概括性的话概括前面所说的内容或事例,然后再围绕主题展开对有关问题的深入讨论。,_,猜词的方法,To boycott a store means to refuse to shop in the store.,Animosity, a feeli

19、ng of strong dislike, developed among the musicians, causing the group to disband.,Marilyn is a versatile musician. Not only does she sing andplay the piano, but she plays many other instruments as well.,Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know.His brother, in contrast,is quite humble and m

20、odest.,Boycott Animosity Versatile Supercilious anthropology replica,Anthropology is the scientific study of man.,Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting, I purchased a replica.,Making use of context clues,Synonym(同义词)“Why are you weeping?” “Im crying for my poor grandma,” the gir

21、l sobbed.The farm girls gradually disappeared from the factories.Their places were taken up by workers from Ireland who were beginning to arrive in America in large numbers .By the 1850s more than half the textile factories hands were Irish immigrants,Antonym(反义词)Socrates knew how to ask questions t

22、hat made people think. What is the difference between good and evil? What is the difference between beauty and ugliness,Word relation(词与词的关系),Cauliflower, like many other kinds of vegetables, can be grown in this part of the country. ( Cauliflower is a kind of vegetable. )While radio and newspapers

23、continue to be important, television, of all the mass media, has become the most powerful communication force.(Mass media is a general term for radio, newspapers and television.),Rephrasing (强调法),If this is happening to you, you may have what is called a phobia-an overwhelming fear of some thing or

24、situation. (that is, that is to say, in other words and namely),The whole family had experienced such a storm before and everyone remembered the damage it had caused to stock and cropsThere was very little we could do about the corps. But we needed to protect the animals in case the river flooded ag

25、ainMy older brother called his sheep-dog and began driving our small flock of sheep to higher ground above riverIf the river flooded,they should be safe there 58The underlined word “stock“ in the third paragraph refers to_.A. money owned by the family Bgoods for saleC. supplies for family use Dfarm

26、animals,_,_,上下文,The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650yuan a year.,定义法,定义或释义关系常由定语从句或由is, or, that is (to say), in other words, be called,be known as, be defined as等词汇或破折号来表示,小结,牧人,With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental

27、 listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence.,unconditional: nonjudgmental:,无条件的,绝对的,没有判断力的,根据构词法:合成、派生(前缀、后缀)、转化等,dis in mis un non,否定前缀,re co mini over super pre post vice en tele,其它前缀,重复,共同,平等,小,过度,超出,-后,副的,使-可能,远程,-前,常用前缀,嫁妆,In old days, when girls from rich families were married

28、to their husbands, they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.,生活常识,根据同义词,反义词关系,If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”.,and ,or ,such as, like, for example, for instance常连接同义词组 。,小结,disagree,根据同位语,语言学,3. Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1874 in Edinburgh, Scotla

29、nd. His father was an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of language.,She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading.,根据因果关系,小结,be lost in,常用关联词(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,so, so that, such that therefore等)表示前因后果。,根据对比和转折关系,Although the ea

30、rly morning had been very cool, the noonday sun was tropical.,表转折关系的词常有如but, while, however, instead of , rather than , unlike, yet, otherwise, though on the contrary等。,小结,hot,练中学,Thanks. Bye-bye!,Some useful ways to memorize new words,Derivation,act,action,active,actual,actually,activate,activation

31、,interact,react,reaction,reactionary,fat-free homesick easy chair deadline mousemat paperknife after-effect upgrade driveway jumpsuit show-off follow-up downfall upstart heartbeat sunrise,Composition 合成词以及构词方法,N. + Adj. Adj. + N. N. + N. Adv. + N. V. + N. V. + Adv. Adv. + V. N. + V.,More words for you to identify,quest question vary various differ different unavoidable avoid unappetizing appetite surplus plus,inaccessibility in-access-ible-bility touch-me-not Dont touch me, for I am a shy girl. go-between The old woman often works as a messenger between two sides.,

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