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1、北京四中小升初语文模拟测试题(本卷分为 A 卷和 B 卷,满分:50 分;时间: 40 分钟。)A 卷(30 分)1下列各组词语中,加红字的读音有错误的组是( )。A处理(ch) 一缕(l) 要挟(xi) 闪烁(shu) B勉强(qing) 胆怯(qi) 僻静(b) 简朴(p) C标杆(gn) 竣工(jn) 飞翔(xing) 担 当(dng)2下列各组词语中,有错字的一组是( )。A骏马 虚弱 纯熟 悲惨 连绵不断B惩罚 耻辱 书籍 军阀 兴国安帮C逊色 阻挠 忧虑 剧本 应接不暇3给句中加红词选择正确的解释。( )山上开满了映山红,无论花朵和叶子,都比盆栽的杜鹃显得有精神。A高尚的品质 B旺

2、盛、繁茂 C精明、机灵4依次填入下列句中括号处的字正确的一组是( )。(1)有的城市缺乏统一的规划,经营出租车的单位太多,以( ) 供过于求。(2)我们造计划既要考虑今年,也要考虑明年,以( )后年。(3)人们对新上映的几部影片反( )很好。(4)观众还未反( )过来,球已应声入网了。A致 至 应 映 B至 致 映 应C致 至 映 应 D至 致 应 映5“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”这句诗中的清明节在我国还有多种称呼,下列哪种不是的。( )A鬼节 B死节 C寒食节 D冥节6下列句子加红的字意思相同的一组是( )。A草色遥看近却无。小溪泛尽却山行。B钱塘江大潮,自古以来被称为天下奇观。海上日

3、出不是伟大的奇观吗?C昨日入城市,归来泪满巾。武汉是全国的大城市之一。D我乃李天王三太子哪吒。家祭无忘告乃翁。7依次填入括号中的词语,正确的一组是( )。凡卡( ) 得到幸福,但他受尽了老板的折磨,生活没有指望了。他给乡下的爷爷写信,( )爷爷能来接他回去,这是他美好的( )。信寄出去后,凡卡整天( )着,等待着。两个月过去了,爷爷没有来,凡卡很( )。半年后,乡下捎信来说爷爷去世了,凡卡( ) 了。A希望 盼望 渴望 愿望 失望 绝望B愿望 希望 盼望 渴望 失望 绝望C渴望 盼望 希望 愿望 失望 绝望D渴望 希望 愿望 盼望 失望 绝望8下面句中的空白处应填的关联词依次是( )。蜜蜂(

4、) 在酿蜜,( )在酿造生活;( )为自己,( ) 为人类酿造最甜的生活。A是 又是 不是 而是 B不仅 还 不仅 还C不但 而且 不光 还 D是 又是 不但 并且9下列成语用了同一种修辞手法的是( )。A穷途末路 炮火连天 伶牙俐齿 口是心非B一日三秋 怒发冲冠 一发千钧 肝肠寸断C草木皆兵 何乐不为 如梦初醒 色厉内荏D如虎添翼 口若悬河 旁若无人 呆若木鸡 10把下面几句话排列成段,正确的排列顺序是( )。太阳出来了;夕阳收起了最后一缕霞光;湖里的睡莲就张开花瓣,面对着太阳升起的地方欣喜地等待着;湖里的睡莲都躲到荷叶下乘凉去了。中午,太阳火辣辣的。湖里的睡莲都慢吞吞地合拢了花瓣,似乎睡觉

5、去了。东方露出晨曦。它仿佛知道睡莲的心愿,便把第一束阳光洒在睡莲身上。A B C11给下面句子加上正确的标点符号。( )我爱读 小学语文报 你呢A , ? B , ? C 。 ? D “” 。 ?12下面句子中,意思与其他三句不同的句是( )。A他不能给你讲真话。 B他不能不给你讲真话C他能不给你讲真话吗? D难道他能不给你讲真话 ?13霞光中,山溪丁冬,鸟雀鸣叫,鱼群戏水;霞光中,露珠儿满翠,花苞儿含笑;霞光中,鸡鸭扑翅。牛羊撒欢,炊烟袅袅这段话写了( )种景物。A8 B9 C1114下列四句中,和“风来花自舞”对仗最工整的句是( ) 。A云傍马头生 B千树落花红 C山高月上迟 D春到鸟能言

6、15古代六艺“礼、乐、射、御、书、数”中的“ 御”是指( )。A下棋 B种花 C武术 D驾车B 卷(20 分)一、根据拼音写汉字。(5 分)三顾 mo( )庐 出类拔 cu( ) 别具一 g( ) 枝繁叶 mo( )人声 dng( )沸 jio( )尽脑汁 滥 y( )充数 千 jn( ) 一发无与 ln( )比 坚 rn( )不拔二、请在横线上填写诗句。(5 分)1_,天下谁人不识君。2_,明月何时照我还。3死去元知万事空,_。4南朝四百八十寺_。5_,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。三、阅读。(10 分)(一)读下面的小诗,完成题目。蒲公英老了,子女问:“有什么遗产?”母亲默默地给每个孩子,一把远飞的伞。

7、1.请写出这首小诗对你的启示。(2 分)_2.你觉得这首小诗有什么特点?(1 分)_(二)阅读螳螂捕蝉,写出“其”分别具体指什么。(3 分)园中有树,其上有蝉。蝉饮露水。不知螳螂在其后;螳螂偶然而至。欲取蝉,而不知黄雀在其旁;黄雀伸颈想啄螳螂,而不知弹丸在其下。都因想得其前刺,而不顾其后有患。其:_ _ _ _ _(三)阅读短文,回答文后问题。我爱春雨我爱春雨,在我家乡,人们常用“春雨贵如油”来比喻春雨是多么宝贵。细雨如丝。透过一条条的银线,看到远处的建筑物和高山,朦朦胧胧的,就像含羞的少女披上了银色的面纱。地里的麦苗看见春雨来了,高兴得欢呼起来。春雨热情地对她们说:“喝吧,麦苗妹妹,喝得饱饱

8、的,长得壮壮的你们就能为人类做出更多的贡献。”春雨悄悄地钻进了泥土里。麦苗喝足了雨水,立刻感到浑身添劲。她们使劲往上长,似乎已经悄悄地抽出了两片嫩绿的叶子。一阵风吹来,麦苗发出轻微的声音,好像说:“春雨,我们决不辜负你对我们的希望。”春雨,也给树木带来了变化。看,在春雨的浇灌下。桃花妹妹皱巴巴的脸儿舒展了,杨树阿姨碧绿的叶子上被春雨洗得没有一点灰尘,从远处看,就像换上了一身新装。春雨,虽然为人类做了许多好事,但是它从来没有向人们炫耀过自己的功劳。我想,我们辛勤的老师,正像春雨一样,在自己平凡的岗位上默默地工作着。他们付出了多少心血,终于闻到了桃李的芬芳。1根据文意解释加红的词语。(1 分)(1

9、)辜负(2)炫耀2请用一句话概括段的内容。(1 分)_3请在后面的括号里写出下面的修辞方法。(1 分)(1)地里的麦苗看见春雨来了,高兴得欢呼起来。( )(2)透过条条的银线,看到远处的建筑物和高山,朦朦胧胧的,就像含羞的少女披上了银色的面纱。( )4这篇短文抒发了作者怎样的思想感情?(1 分)_北京四中小升初语文模拟测试题参考答案:A 卷1、B解析:此题考查同学们对于字音掌握的情况。“僻静”的“僻” 正确读音应该是“p”。所以应选 B 项。2、B解析:此题考查同学们对于生字词掌握的情况。“兴国安帮” 的正确写法应该是“兴国安邦”。3、B解析:此题考查的是词语在句子中的意义,应根据整体语境来选

10、择合适的语义。因为句中只是从外形上把两种花做比较,涉及不到品质。因此答案 A“高尚的品质”不正确;答案 C指“精明、机灵” 指的是人的精神面貌,句中也没有把花当成人来写,所以正确的答案只能是B,从花的外形来说,旺盛、繁茂。4、C解析:这是考查根据语言环境辨析同音词语意思的能力。完成这样的题首先要知道这几个词语在意思、用法上的区别,然后根据整体语境来选择合适的词语。5、C解析:禁火、扫墓都寒食节的传统,这个日子里禁止一切烟火,连煮饭的火都要禁,只能吃冷食。寒食节不是清明节,但相距只有一两天,不能混淆。6、B解析:此题考查的是同一字词在不同语境中的语意。要根据字词在具体语言环境中的意思来辨析哪两个

11、字词的意思是相同的。7、D解析:这是考查辨析词语意思的能力,完成这样的题目,首先要弄懂相关词语的意思,再根据自己的积累填写合适的词语。8、A解析:此题考查的是关联词语的选择能力,前后两个句子是并列关系,前句表示递近关系,所以应填“是又是” ;后句表示转折关系,所以应填“不是而是”9、D此题考查的是对修辞手法的辨析能力,第四组用的都是比喻的修辞手法,所以应选此项。10、A解析:这段话是按时间顺序排列的,排列句子的顺序,可以先找出开头句,然后根据其意思往下推想,依次找出与之相衔接的句子。11、A解析:此题考查的是标点符号的运用能力。“小学语文报” 是报刊类,所以应用书名号;“我爱读小学语文报” 这

12、句话没说完用逗号;“ 你呢?”表示反问语气,所以应用问号。12、A解析:此句考查的是学生分析句意的能力。A 句表示否定意义;B 句双重否定表示肯定;C、D 句都是反问语气表肯定意义,所以此项应选 A。13、C解析:此题考查的是学生提炼概括的能力,列举的事物有“山溪、鸟雀、鱼群、露珠、花苞、鸡、鸭、牛、羊、炊烟、霞光”共 11 种。14、D解析:此题考查是的学生对句式的分析理解能力。“风来花自舞” 第一句字是句词,第二字是动词,第三字是名词,最后两字组成一动词。所以最适合的应是“春到鸟能言” 。15、D解析:此题考查的是现代汉字的古义,御字在古代六艺中专指“驾车” 。B 卷一、茅 萃 格 茂 鼎

13、 绞 竽 钧 伦 韧解析:此题考查同学们对生字词的掌握情况,注意书写正确,不要写错别字。二、1、莫愁前路无知己2、春风又绿江南岸3、但悲不见九州同4、多少楼台烟雨中5、西塞山前白鹭飞解析:此题考查同学们积累并准确书写的情况,要注意记忆和书写的准确。三、阅读。(一)、1.略2、以拟人的手法,讲述了一个关于事业有成的父母,如何对待儿女的富有哲理的故事。不要以为给予物质就是爱,更应该帮助他具备能力。(二)、树 蝉 螳螂 黄雀各自(蝉、螳螂、黄雀) 各自(蝉、螳螂、黄雀)解析:这是考查同学们指示代词的运用,指示代词指代前面出现过的事物。(三)、1、(1)对不住(别人的好意、期望或帮助)。(2)夸耀。2

14、、春雨灌溉了麦苗,给树木带来了变化。解析:此题考查同学们对于文章内容的理解,必须认真读懂全文,抓住主要情节,并能用自己的语言加以概括。3、(1)拟人 (2)比喻4、抒发了作者对像春雨一样默默耕耘的教师的敬佩之情。解析:此题考查对于文章中心的理解。同学们必须认真读懂全文,联系实际写出作者所表达的思想感情。 北京四中小升初英语模拟测试题一、单项选择(20 分)1There are two _ in our schoolAlibrary Blibraries C librarys2There arent _ apples in the basket, but there are some on th

15、e tableAsome Bany Ca3Is there a dining hall in your school?_AYes ,there are BNo,there is CYes ,there is4Look,my grandmother is _ my grand fatherAon the left ofBnextCon the right of5Have you got a dictionary?_AYes ,I do BYes,I got CYes,I have6Where are _?They are on the chair.ATonys books BTonys book

16、 CTony books7He _ any aunts or unclesAdoesnt has got B havent got Chasnt got8How many computers _ in your classroom?There are twoAare there Bare you have Cdoes you have9Where _ you _?Im from BeijingAare, from B do, from Care, come10_ is a doctorWhat about _ father?AHis,your BHer, yours CHis, you11Th

17、ere are _ students in our classThat is 19 boys and 21 girls。Aforty Bfourty Cfourteen12.Juice and water are healthy drinks,_ Coke isnt healthy drinkAand Bbut Cor13Can I have _ water?Athese B some Cone14Lingling is in _ AClass Four,Grade OneBGrade One,Class FourCClass four,grade one15Whats your _ frui

18、t?Avery like Bfavourite Cmuch like16She cant _ in the lakeAswimming Bswiming Cswim17 There _ a cat and two dogs in my homeAbe Bis Care18 He _ hamburgersAlike eat Blikes eating C like to eats19. The office building _ the classroomsAbehind Bbehinds Cis behind20_ there any apples in the kitchen?AHave B

19、Be CAre二、智力测验(5 分)21Paris is the capital of _Athe USA Bthe UK CFrance DAustralia22About _ percent of the earths surface is covered with waterA29 B82 C71 D10023A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hourHow long will it take to travel 300 miles?A250hours B6hours C1/6hours D 15000hours24Beijing Olymp

20、ic Games are the _ modem Olympic GamesA B C D 25The number of seconds in one day _ The number of minutes in one weekA B C= D We dont know三、完形填空(10 分) NBA is the most famous basketball game in the worldThere_ 26_ a Chinese player in this gameHis name is Yao MingHe is _27 _ player in this game。In his

21、spare time ,Yao _28_cars. On last Christmas,he drove _ 29 _ old car to visit one of his _ 30 _On his way, he _ 31 _ a policeman following himFinally, he stopped and said to the policeman: “_ 32 _ Christmas,sirIs there anything wrong with me?”“No,of course not”answered the policeman“Then _ 33 _ did y

22、ou _ 34 _ me?”asked Yao“_35_be angry”said the policeman:“You did nothing wrong,I only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!”26Abe Bare Cis27Atall Bthe tallest Ctallest28A1ikes driving B 1ikes drive C1ike driving29Aa Ban C the30Afriends Bfriend Cthe friend31Asees Bseed Csaw32AMarry BMerry C Happy33AWh

23、y BHow CWhen34Aask Bfollow Cstopped35ADont BYou dont CYou cant四、阅读理解(30 分)(A)The following discussion(讨论 ) took place(发生) between a father and his nine-year-old son“Its unfair(不公平),DadMum wants me to make my bed, but I dont know how”“Its time for you to learnWhere are your clean sheets(床单)?”“I dont

24、know”“What do you mean you dont know? You need to take care of your things”“Where are Jacks sheets?”the father called to his wife“Right next to ours,”the wife answeredAfter a moment,the father asked slowly,“Where ale ours?”36The discussion takes place between _Aa husband and a wife Ba mother and her

25、 sonCa father and his son Da mother and a father37The son doesnt know _Ahow to wash his sheets Bhow to make his bedChow to clean his sheet Dhow to clean his bed38The father doesnt know _Ahow to wash sheets Bhow to make his bedChow to clean sheets Dwhere his sheets are39The father says his son is _ b

26、ecause he doesnt know where his _ isAcareful,sheet Bcareless ,bedCcareful ,bed Dcareless,sheet40Who do you think take care of the housework(家务) in the family?Athe father Bthe mother Cthe child DNo one(B)A girl may pass easily through the first gradesWhile boys of her age bring home low marks, the gi

27、rl may get easily good gradesGirls seem to have“better brains”in schoolWhy do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人 ) world done by men?According to(根据) scientists,the answer is aggression(敌对行为) Boys usually refuse to accept other peoples conclusion(结论) They

28、insist on solving problems by themselveswhile little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own waysBoys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early

29、 age41Girls get better marks at school than boys because _Aboys are lazierBgirls are better at remembering things than boysCgirls are cleverer than boysDteachers care more for girls than for boys42There are so few women scientists because _Aboys are cleverer than girlsBgirls are less cared forCgirls

30、 are lazierDfew of them are trained to be aggressive43According to the scientists,_Aboys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering thingsBboys Can easily get food jobs while girls cantCgirls insist on doing things on their ownDthe nature of the boys and girls is the samebut

31、their education is different44In the view of the writer,_Agirls have better brainsBboys have better brainsCneither boys nor girls have better brainsDusually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men45Which of the following is right?ABoys are cleverer in schoolBGirls are clev

32、erer at an early ageCBoys and girls have good points in different waysDBoys have good points only when they enter the adult world(C)Answer the questions according to the poster at the next page46How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?AFive BSix CSeven47A child under 12 Can go to t

33、he zoo _Awith a ticket of $1.00 Bwith a ticket of $2.00 Cfreely48Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one aged 14 and the other 10,how much are the tickets together?A$2.00 B$3.00 C$4.0049Which of the following is the visiting time?A8:00 am. Monday B9:30 amFridayC3:00 P mSunday50Which of the

34、 following can we do in the zoo?ATo give some food to the fishBTo take a few nice photosCTo throw things at animals主观题部分五、根据首字母选择单词的适当形式填空(10 分)51Im ten years old and my sister is two years older than me ,so she is t_ years old。52Chinese people are very good at table t_,and its our favorite sport53L

35、ingling is now reading books in the school l_ 54I have a pen friend,and we always send e_to each other by computer55Ice-cream and candies are not healthy foodThey ale u_ food 56Whats the w_ like in spring? Its warm57When you see foreign friends in our school,you can say to them “W_ to my school”58My

36、 uncle is a workerHe works in a f_59Your father and your mother are your p_60Dont take this book because it is mineY_ is on the table六、阅读与表达(10 分)“Early to bed,early to rise”makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Its good for the bodyThis is an old sayingHave you heard of it before? It means that we

37、must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morningThen we shall be healthyWe shall also be rich and cleverThat is trueThe body must have enough sleep to be healthyChildren of young age should have enough sleep,or they cant do their work very well They will not be wise and they may not bec

38、ome wealthy!The body also needs exercise: walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games and all other exerciseExercise keeps the body strongExercise also helps the blood to move around inside the bodyThis is very importantOur blood takes food to all parts of our bodyThe head also needs bloodExe

39、rcise helps us to think better根据短文内容,回答问题。61What does“early to bedearly to rise”mean?62What must the body have to be healthy?63What will happen to Children of young age who dont have enough sleep?64What keeps the body strong?65What takes food to all parts of our body?七、书面表达(15 分)假如你是 Sally,请给你的笔友 Jo

40、hn 写一封信,介绍你的小学。注意:开头已给出,全文 80 词左右。框里所给词语供选用。Dear John,How are you recently?Im writing to introduce my new school to you北京四中小升初英语模拟测试题参考答案 客观题部分15:BBCAC 610:ACAAA 1115:ABBAB 1620:CBBCC2125:CCBCA 2630:CBABA 3135:CBABA 3640:CBDDB4145:BDACC 4650:BCBCB主观题部分51twelve 52tennis 53library 54e-mails 55unhealth

41、y56weather 57Welcome 58parents 59Yours六、阅读与表达(10 分)61What does “early to bed, early to rise” mean?10 means to go to bed early and get up early62What must the body have to be healthy?Enough sleep63What will happen to Children of young age who dont have enough sleep?They will not be wise and they may

42、not become wealthy64What keeps the body strong?Exercise65What takes food to all parts of our body?Our blood.七、书面表达(15 分)略 北京四中小升初数学模拟测试题一、选择题。1某数的 100 倍是 7,则该数的十四分之一是( )(A)0.002 (B)0.003 (C)0.004 (D)0.0052有两人分别从甲、乙两地同时相向而行,在 A 处相遇。如果两人各自提速 20%,仍从甲、乙两地同时相向而行,在 B 处相遇,则( )(A)A 在甲与 B 之间。 (B)B 在甲与 A 之间。(

43、C)A 与 B 重合。 (D)A,B 的位置关系不确定。3图 1 是由 48 个棱长为 1 的小立方体堆成的长方体,它放于桌面上,不移动它,将它的表面刷上漆,那么,6 个面都未刷漆的小立方体有( )(A)12 个.(B)8 个.(C)6 个.(D)4 个.4下面四个图形,由左向右依次是:长方形、三角形、梯形、圆,它们相关的数据如图中所示,其中面积最小的是( )5甲、乙、丙三位长跑运动员同时同地出发跑步,甲平均每秒钟跑 5 米,乙平均每分钟跑 288 米,丙一小时跑了 18.3 千米。他们三人按平均速度由大到小的顺序排列是( )(A)丙甲乙 (B) 乙甲丙 (C)甲乙丙 (D)甲丙乙6甲、乙、丙

44、、丁四个杯子中都盛有糖水,甲杯中含糖 1.2%,乙杯中的糖和水分别为3 克和 297 克,丙杯中含水 98. 7%,丁杯中原含糖 3 克水 240 克,后来又加了 70 克水。则四杯糖水含糖百分比最低的是( )(A)甲. (B) 乙. (C)丙. (D) 丁.7甲、乙二人外出旅行,甲带了 35000 港元,乙所带的钱的 比甲所带钱的 少 150港元,则乙所带的钱( )(A)比甲所带的钱少. (B)和甲所带的钱同样多.(C)比甲所带的钱多 8000 港元. (D)是甲所带钱的 1.2 倍.8甲、乙、丙、丁四人围方桌而坐玩扑克牌游戏。甲说:我不坐南边,乙说:我与丙坐对面,丙说,我面向西而坐,那么方桌东南西北四个方向上依次坐着( )(A)甲乙丙丁. (B) 乙丁丙甲. (C)丙丁甲乙. (D) 丙丁乙甲.9小强和小刚经常向王爷爷借书来读。已知王爷爷有 100 本书,其中小强读过的书有60 本,小刚读过的书有 50 本,两人都读过的书有 20 本,那么( )(A)两人都没读过的书有 20 本. (B)小强读过但小刚没读过的书有 30 本。(C)小刚读过但小强没读过的书有 40 本。(D

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