1、 Unit 3: Learning online Unit 3: Learning online 3.1.2 Introduction Complete a poll about your experience of synchronous and asynchronous online teaching and learning. 3.1.3 The Five Stage Model Watch a video about the stages of Gilly Salmons Five Stage Model for online learning: access and moti-vat
2、ion, online socialisation, information exchange, knowledge construction and development. Write a one-minute paper on how you could apply Salmons Five Stage Model in your blended context. 3.1.6 Synchronous online learning Watch a video discussing the potential benefits of synchronous online learning,
3、 as well as some important issues to bear in mind to ensure synchronous online learning is effective. 3.1.9 Strategies for successful online learning Read and discuss an article about seven strategies for successful online learning from EDUCAUSE. Unit 3: Learning online 第三 单 元 :在 线 学 习 3.1.2 导语 完成一项关于同步和非同步在线教学体验的调查。 3.1.3 五阶 段模型 观看一段视频,介绍Gilly Salmon 五阶段在线学习模式的各个阶段:获取和激励、在线社交、信息交流、知识构建和发展。 写一篇一分钟的论文,介绍如何将Salmon 的五阶段模型应用到你的混合式学习环境中。 3.1.6 同步 在线学 习 观看一段视频,讨论同步在线学习的潜在好处,以及确保同步在线学习有效的一些重要问题。 3.1.9 成 功在 线学习 的策 略 阅读并讨论一篇关于EDUCAUSE 成功在线学习的七个策略的文章。