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1、第七章 旅游活动中的情绪情感,Self-Reflection,讲述一件最让你愤怒的事情。外部刺激,生理表现,情绪体验,,What is emotion?,Emotion refers to a feeling state involving thoughts, physiological changes, and an outward expression or behavior.Emotion is intimately related to cognition and culture, and it affects us physically: In many ways, our emot

2、ions define our existencewithout them, most of us would not feel truly alive.,情绪定义,情绪是以生理唤醒、外部表情和内在体验的变化为特征的,涉及生理、环境、行为和认知等诸多因素的综合心理现象。情绪是人对待认知内容的特殊态度,它包含情绪体验、情绪行为、情绪唤醒和情绪刺激的认知等复杂的成分。,情绪情感区别与联系区别:1、情绪这个概念既可以用于人类也可用于动物,而情感只用于人类,特别在描述人的高级社会性情感时常用此概念,动物一般不用。,2、情绪带有情境性和不稳定性的特点。当某种情境消失时,情绪立即随之而减弱或消失。而情感则

3、具有深刻性、稳定性和长期性等特点。,3、情绪较为强烈,冲动性大,具有明显的外部表现。情感一般较微弱,较少有冲动性,外部表现也不明显。,联系:1、情绪依赖于情感,情绪的各种不同变化,一般都受到已经形成的情感及其特点的制约。2、情绪是情感的外在表现,情感是情绪的本质内容。,情绪情感的心理功能,1. 适应能力2. 信号功能3. 感染功能4. 调节功能5. 健康功能,根据情绪发生的强度、速度、紧张度和持续性,可将情绪状态分为心境、激情和应激。,情绪分类,1、心境(mood):具有微弱性,弥散性和持久性的情绪状态,通常称为心情。这种情绪状态不是关于某一事件的特定体验,它具有广延、弥散的特点。心境分为暂时

4、心境和主导心境。,1、心境(mood), 2、激情(intense emotion):短暂的、强而有力的、迅速爆发的情绪状态。通常由过度压抑或对立意向的冲突所引起。激情既可以是正性的又可以是负性的。,2、激情(intense emotion),3、应激(stress):人们受到意外的刺激所引起的高度紧张的情绪状态;突发的重大事故,面对死亡、亲人意外伤亡及躯体严重损伤都有可能造成机体高度的情绪反应,并伴随生理功能的剧烈改变。 应激具有偶发性和紧张性的特点。,3、应激(stress),情绪学说,1.詹姆士-兰格的情绪理论(James,1884;Lange,1885)美国心理学家詹姆士和丹麦生理学家

5、兰格于1884年和1885年不约而同地发表了见解相同的学说,被人称为詹姆士兰格学说。,James-Lang Theory,According to this theory, you see an external stimulus that leads to a physiological reaction. Your emotional reaction is dependent upon how you interpret those physical reactions. For example, suppose you are walking in the woods and you

6、see a grizzly bear. You begin to tremble and your heart begins to race. The James-Lange theory proposes that you will interpret your physical reactions and conclude that you are frightened (I am trembling, therefore I am afraid.),詹姆士-兰格的情绪理论,(1)情绪的产生是自主神经系统活动的产物,生理反应先于情绪体验;(2)情绪刺激引起身体的生理唤醒,而生理唤醒又进一步

7、导致情绪的产生;(3)情绪来源于对生理反应(唤醒)的意识(觉知),因而忽视了中枢神经系统对情绪的调节和控制作用。,坎农-巴德的情绪理论(Cannon,1927;Bard,1934,1950),The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion states that we feel emotions first and then experience physiological reactions such as sweating, trembling, and muscle tension. More specifically, it is suggested that em

8、otions result when the thalamus(丘脑) sends a message to the brain in response to a stimulus, resulting in a physiological reaction. For example: I see a snake - I am afraid - I begin to tremble.,坎农-巴德的情绪理论,(1)情绪的中心不在外周神经系统,而在中枢神经系统的丘脑;(2)由外界刺激引起感觉器官的神经活动,通过内导神经,传至丘脑;再由丘脑同时向上和向下发出神经活动,向上传至大脑,产生情绪的主观体验

9、;向下传至交感神经,引起机体的生理变化,如心跳加快和肌肉紧张等等,使个体生理上进入应激准备状态;(3)情绪体验和生理变化是同时发生的,它们都受丘脑的控制。,情绪学说,(二)坎农巴德的丘脑学说认为丘脑是情绪的中心。当丘脑接收到能够引起情绪反应的刺激信号后,同时向大脑皮层和植物性中枢转发信号,经过一系列神经过程产生情绪体验、行为变化和生理反应。此学说强调了丘脑在情绪中的作用,但忽视了外因变化的意义及大脑皮层对情绪的作用。,沙赫特的认知学说,沙赫特的认知学说(Schacher et al., 1962,1971)此学说由美国心理学家沙赫特等人提出,Schachter-Singer Theory,Th

10、ey said that peoples experience of emotion depends on two factors: physiological arousal and the cognitive interpretation of that arousal. When people perceive physiological symptoms of arousal, they look for an environmental explanation of this arousal. The label people give an emotion depends on w

11、hat they find in their environment.,Example: If a person finds herself near an angry mob of people when she is physiologically aroused, she might label that arousal “anger.” On the other hand, if she experiences the same pattern of physiological arousal at a music concert, she might label the arousa

12、l “excitement.”,(1)生理唤醒和认知比较是情绪产生的两个必要因素;(2)情绪状态是由认知过程(期望)、生理状态和环境因素在大脑皮层中整合的结果;,拉扎勒斯的认知-评价理论(Lazarus,1970,1993),(1)情绪是人与环境相互作用的产物,即情绪是个体对环境事件知觉到有害或有益的反应;(2)情绪活动必须有认知活动的指导,即在情绪活动中,人们需要不断地评价刺激事件与自身的关系;(3)情绪活动中存在3个层次的评价:初评价(指确认刺激事件与自己是否有利害关系,以及这种关系的程度,如15种情绪及其“核心相关主题”)、次评价和再评价。,15种情绪及其核心相关主题,情绪 对核心相关主

13、题的初评价 愤怒 你受到轻视或侮辱 焦虑 你感到威胁 悲伤 你失去亲人 内疚 你违背了道德规范 惭愧 你未能达到所期望的目标 嫉妒 你期望拥有别人的东西 厌恶 你接近了某种你所排斥的东西 希望 你害怕面对最糟糕的局面并盼望事情有所好转 愉快 你正接近渴望的目标 骄傲 你获得了有价值的东西或取得了成就 感谢 你受到了别人的款待 爱 你渴望得到别人的感情 同情 你被他人的遭遇所感动,情绪理论整合模型,a contemporary model of emotion,情绪刺激,认知评价(危险),ANS唤醒,行为反应(跑),表情(恐惧的面部表情),情绪体验(恐惧),情绪情感分类,七情:喜、怒、哀、欲、爱

14、、恶、惧中医中的七情:喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊,表情的表达与识别(Ekman & Friesen,1971),1、问题提出:面部表情具有普遍性,还是具有文化特异性?2、研究假设:表达基本情绪的面部表情具有跨文化的一致性。,3、研究方法,(1)预备实验:被试来自阿根廷、巴西、智利、日本和美国,结果验证了研究假设,但可能存在干扰变量?(2)研究变量:(1)自变量:6种基本情绪(愉快、悲哀、愤怒、惊奇、厌恶、恐惧);(2)因变量:被试正确识别6种基本情绪的百分比(70%以上)。,4、正式实验:(1)实验组:被试是南弗儿族人(189名成人和130名儿童,他们都没见过西方人);(2)对照组:当地接触过


16、)实验组和对照组的正确识别率不存在显著差异。,6、讨论和结论:(1)特定的面部行为(表情)与特定的情绪之间存在普遍的联系;(2)否定了“与情绪相关的面部表情具有文化特异性”的观点;(3)个别情绪的面部表达存在某种文化差异?,7、研究价值:,1)为人类行为的先天-后天之争提供了可靠证据,即人类基本情绪的表达是先天性的,而且具有生物学意义上的生存价值(人类及动物的表情,达尔文,1872;Hansen & Hansen,1988);(2)提出了表情的反馈理论(facial feedback theory),即面部表情又把所有的表情信息反馈到大脑,以帮助人们解释正在经历的情绪体验,而且面部表情可以反过


18、仪的鉴别标准:检验犯罪事件引发的生理反应与中性事件(对照刺激)引发的生理反应(包括生理基线水平)之间的差异,来判断被测者是否有犯罪记忆,以及是否说了谎。,旅游者情绪情感特征,1. 兴奋性2. 敏感性3. 易变性4. 多虑性5. 即时性,旅游者情绪情感的影响因素,1. 需要是否得到满足2. 活动是否顺利3. 客观条件4. 团体状况和人际关系5. 身体状况,Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quo

19、tient (EQ), describes an ability, capacity, skill or (in the case of the trait EI model) a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of ones self, of others, and of groups. It is a relatively new area of psychological research. The definition of EI is constantly changing.,

20、情绪智力,情绪智力(emotional intelligence)是一种表达情绪、理解情绪和调节情绪的能力。 情绪智力是社会智力的一个子系统,涉及监控自己及他人的感受和情绪,辨别不同情绪并用这些信息来指导自己的思维和行为的能力。,Test your own emotional intelligence,Part I Question19,1我有能力克服各种困难:_ A、是的 B、不一定C、不是的 2如果我能到一个新的环境,我要把生活安排得:_ A、和从前相仿B、不一定C、和从前不一样 3一生中,我觉得自已能达到我所预想的目标:_ A、是的B、不一定C、不是的,4不知为什么,有些人总是回避或冷淡

21、我:_ A、不是的B、不一定C、是的 5在大街上,我常常避开我不愿打招呼的人:_ A、从未如此B、偶尔如此C、有时如此 6当我集中精力工作时,假使有人在旁边高谈阔论:_ A、我仍能专心工作B、介于A、C之间C、我不能专心且感到愤怒,7我不论到什么地方,都能清楚地辨别方向:_ A、是的B、不一定C、不是的 8我热爱所学的专业和所从事的工作:_ A、是的B、不一定C、不是的 9气候的变化不会影响我的情绪:_ A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的,Part II Question 1016,10我从不因流言蜚语而生气:_ A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的 11我善于控制自己的面部表情:_ A、是

22、的B、不太确定C、不是的 12在就寝时,我常常:_ A、极易入睡B、介于A、C之间C、不易入睡,13有人侵扰我时,我:_ A、不露声色B、介于A、C之间C、大声抗议,以泄己愤 14在和人争辨或工作出现失误后,我常常感到震颤,精疲力竭,而不能继续安心工作:_ A、不是的B、介于A、C之间C、是的 15我常常被一些无谓的小事困扰:_ A、不是的B、介于A、C之间C、是的 16我宁愿住在僻静的郊区,也不愿住在嘈杂的市区:_ A、不是的B、不太确定C、是的,17我被朋友、同事起过绰号、挖苦过:_ A、从来没有B、偶尔有过C、这是常有的事 18有一种食物使我吃后呕吐:_ A、没有B、记不清C、有 19除

23、去看见的世界外,我的心中没有另外的世界:_ A、没有B、记不清C、有,Part III Question 17-25,20我会想到若干年后有什么使自己极为不安的事:_ A、从来没有想过B、偶尔想到过C、经常想到 21我常常觉得自己的家庭对自己不好,但是我又确切地知道他们的确对我好:_ A、否B、说不清楚C、是 22每天我一回家就立刻把门关上:_ A、否B、不清楚C、是,23我坐在小房间里把门关上,但我仍觉得心里不安:_ A、否B、偶尔是C、是 24当一件事需要我作决定时,我常觉得很难:_ A、否B、偶尔是C、是 25我常常用抛硬币、翻纸、抽签之类的游戏来预测凶吉:_ A、否B、偶尔是C、是,P

24、art IV Question 26-29,26为了工作我早出晚归,早晨起床我常常感到疲惫不堪: 是_否_ 27.在某种心境下,我会因为困惑陷入空想,将工作搁置下来: 是_否_ 28.我的神经脆弱,稍有刺激就会使我战栗: 是_否_29.睡梦中,我常常被噩梦惊醒: 是_否_,Part V Question 3033,1从不,2几乎不,3一半时间,4大多数时间,5总是 30工作中我愿意挑战艰巨的任务。31我常发现别人好的意愿。32能听取不同的意见,包括对自己的33我时常勉励自己,对未来充满希望。,计分评估:,计分时请按照记分标准,先算出各部分得分,最后将几部分得分相加,得到的那一分值即为你的最终得


26、气都是有理的,但很少有令人信服的理由。”,如果你的得分在90129分,说明你的EQ一般,对于一件事,你不同时候的表现可能不一,这与你的意识有关,你比前者更具有EQ意识,但这种意识不是常常都有,因此需要你多加注意、时时提醒。,如果你的得分在130149分,说明你的EQ较高,你是一个快乐的人,不易恐惧担忧,对于工作你热情投入、敢于负责,你为人更是正义正直、同情关怀,这是你的优点,应该努力保持。,如果你的EQ在150分以上,那你就是个EQ高手,你的情绪智慧不但是你事业的阻碍,更是你事业有成的一个重要前提条件。,What would you do in the following situation?

27、,Situation 1,A friend has borrowed something small, but high in sentimental value. Youve asked for your friend to return the item, but your friend has failed to bring it back.Your Response: A. You let it go. Friendship is more important than material items. B. You give your friend the cold shoulder

28、until he or she returns your item. C. You admit to your friend how important the item is to you and why you would like it back, and ask your friend to return the item to you. D. You end the friendship. You dont need a friend who disrespects you and your feelings.,Situation 2,Your long-term partner h

29、as ended your relationship and you are upset because you wanted the relationship to continue.Your Response: A. You get involved with someone you dont care about just to be with someone. B. You immerse yourself in many projects - maybe you wont think about it. C. You stay home every night and cry abo

30、ut the breakup. D. You decide to make the best of it and find healthy outlets for your feelings.,Situation 3,Your significant other has a habit that annoys you more and more each day.Your Response: A. You try to make a joke about it so he or she might get the hint to stop. B. You threaten to leave t

31、he relationship if things dont change. C. Live with it! You have annoying habits too. D. You tell the person what annoys you and why.,Situation 4,Your boss has assigned you your first big project, and the success or failure of the project could make or break your career.Your Response: A. You spend t

32、he next week planning the project out in careful detail before telling anybody. B. You take a few minutes to relax, give yourself time to think, bounce ideas off a colleague, and decide to pursue the idea that makes you feel most confident. C. You get nervous and pace. Nervous energy helps fuel the

33、process. D. You push it aside, youll get to it later.,Situation 5,You are walking down the street, suddenly trip, and almost land flat on your face.Your Response: A. You look around and give anyone who is looking at you a dirty look. B. You turn red with embarrassment, put your head down, start walk

34、ing, and hope no one noticed. C. You get mad and curse yourself under your breath. D. You regain your poise, laugh at yourself, and continue on your way.,Situation 6,You are on a first date, and you notice that your date seems to be very uncomfortable.Your Response: A. You start to obsess that there

35、 is something wrong with you. B. You make an effort to get your date involved in a conversation and find out more about him or her. C. You assume your date isnt interested in you - then start flirting with someone across the room. D. You decide that on your next date you will plan something he/she l

36、ikes to do, even if you dont enjoy that activity.,Situation 7,You find out that the promotion you were hoping for was given to someone else.Your Response: A. You obsess over what the other person had that you didnt and compare yourself to him or her unmercifully. B. You continue to do your best; you

37、 know the next promotion is yours. C. You forget about it. You didnt want the job that much anyway. D. You lock yourself in your office and cry.,Situation 8,Your significant other is spending a lot of extra time at the office and acting distant.Your Response: A. You devise a plan to get your partner

38、s attention at all costs. B. You automatically assume that your partner is having an affair with a coworker. C. You talk to your partner about what is going on at work and see if there is anything you can do to help. D. You have been so busy you havent noticed.,Situation 9,You are hanging out with a

39、 group of friends and one of your friends starts to make negative comments about a friend who isnt there.Your Response: A. You tell your friend that you dont feel comfortable talking about people who arent there, and change the subject. B. You keep quiet and beat yourself up for not saying anything

40、to stop it. C. You add a few negative comments about the friend who isnt there. D. You say nothing at the moment, and later you privately talk about your feelings to your friend who made the comment,Situation 10,Your best friend has recently broken up with someone and is taking it hard.Your Response

41、: A. You bash your friends mate and tell your friend that he or she is better off alone. B. You ask your friend what you can do to help him or her get through this. C. You take him or her out for a wild night on the town to get his or her mind off the breakup. D. You start to worry about your own re

42、lationship and if you might get dumped.,Each answer represents the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is about having empathy for others. It is about standing up for what you believe in a tactful and respectful way. It is about not jumping to conclusions, but getting the whole

43、 picture before you react. The key to emotional intelligence is an understanding of your emotions and the emotions of others, and acting in the most appropriate way based on that understanding.Having a healthy emotional intelligence is very important in order for human beings to live happy and succe

44、ssful lives. Healthy emotional intelligence helps us set our personal boundaries, make decisions about our lives, and communicate with the people we love.,Regardless of your score, keep in mind that your emotional intelligence can change. People are always evolving. You can increase your EQ at any p

45、oint in your life by learning to identify your emotions and taking responsibility for those emotions. And just as easily as you can increase your EQ, you can also decrease it. You must continue to identify and work on areas within yourself that need work.,Being aware of your emotions is the single m

46、ost important step you can take towards change. Work out one area in your emotions that you want to work on. Lets say you want to navigate the feelings of anger that you experience. Notice that I say navigate and not control. Control may mean that the anger simply simmers under the surface, only to

47、rise again at a most inappropriate moment. Think about the feeling of anger now while you are calm. How does using anger affect you, and those around you? What are the consequences of allowing anger to be displayed? What is the main trigger for the anger? Think of big and small angry moments or situ

48、ations.,Step 1,Step2,Think of a switch you can use for 6 seconds before that explosion of anger takes over. 6 seconds is the amount of time it takes for the chemical reaction from that anger to wash through your body. Remember the old take a deep breath and count to 10? That takes about 6 seconds. You might want to think of 6 favourite song titles, 6 movies youve enjoyed - what else can you think of? The names of 6 friends maybe. Do it NOW while you are calm.,

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