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1、BEC Vantage,剑桥商务英语证书中级,唐军俊武汉大学外院学院,BEC Vantage 简介,剑桥商务英语BEC是中国教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作推出的水平考试,着重考察考生在商务办公环境下的英语沟通能力;在非英语国家的各大公司被用作商务英语测试标准,从而公平地评估公司雇员在真实商务环境下的英语水平。,BEC Vantage 简介,BEC证书得到全球认可,是出国留学和进入外企的“通行证”。BEC初、中、高级可替代雅思3、5、7级,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明;国外众多大学认可其高级C以上考试成绩,可免修该校MBA相应课程;由于颁证机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及

2、欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并得到国内数百家外资企业认可,有“外企绿卡”之美誉;此外,取得BEC初级证书可免修高教自考中英合作商务管理金融管理专科段商务英语课程。,BEC Vantage 简介,剑桥商务英语(BEC)证书在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门均获认可,也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的通行证。在一些国家,许多大学要求获得BEC3证书者才能获得工商管理硕士(MBA)学生或参加相关学位课程学习。,BEC口试大纲,根据剑桥大学考试委员会最新出版的BEC考试手册及考试大纲,就口语而言,BEC考试对初级、中级、高级的能力要求是逐级累加的。也就是说,参加BEC高级

3、口语考试的考生必须同时满足初、中、高三个等级的要求。因此,在准备过程中,考生应对每个级别的要求给予同等程度的重视。,BEC考纲对口语能力的要求,(1) 初级能够获得并传递日常工作中的主要信息能够参加与熟悉话题相关的例会和研讨会,通过问答和接受指令对事实性信息进行交流。能够表达自己的观点,并在一定程度上参与讨论。,BEC考纲对口语能力的要求,(2) 中级能够详细提供与自己工作相关的信息,并陈述具体要求。能够在谈话中列举自己的观点,有一定的说服力。能够较好地应对语言交流中出现的意外问题。,BEC考纲对口语能力的要求,(3) 高级能针对非本人工作领域的话题提问。能充分有效地论述本人的情况,能够证明某

4、项服务的必要性,并进行准确陈述。能够在讨论中有力地论述或反对某种假设场景,有足够的语言能力来谈论与本人工作相关的话题。,培训课程安排提纲,Introduction,part I: interview Part II: mini-presentationsPart III: collaborative task and discussionReview of strategies, simulated test,考 试 顺 序,阅读45题,一题一分;听力30题,一题一分,写作前后两项分别是10分和20分,口语 总分5分,由主考官给,语法词汇,语篇,发音,交际能力四项各5分,由副考官给。听说读写各

5、占25%,不一定要每项都过,允许用总分拉。剑桥只公布这么多信息,具体他们有公式计算。,关于口语考试的时间顺序和组别安排,按姓名的首字母顺序排列A-Z, 排在前面的下午考,排在后面的第二天考。同姓的在一起考,很多同名同姓的在一组。一般都是2人组,但参考人数是奇数,最后一组就是3人组。,关于考生隔离和考题保密的问题,已经考完的考生和等候考试的考生被隔离,无法接触。每个上午/下午2套题换用 笔试的下午 试题1,2 第二天上午 试题3,4 第二天下午 试题5,6,关于考试形式,两个考官对应两位考生/三位考生。主考官负责发出指令,并给出总分,副考官全场不说话,负责给出每项的细分,并涂评分卡。考生轮流答题

6、,第三部分考生一起交流,合作答题。每几组主考官和副考官就交换。,关于现场座位设置,Candidate A,Candidate ,Desk,Assessor,Interlocutor,door,Candidate,2人组建议坐A的位置,即老师的右手边自己的左手边,因为presentation 从B开始。3人组建议坐的位置,因为presentation 的时候在最后一个。,关于考试内容,关于评分项目,关于考官评分的习惯,关于非语言交流,Appearance(男生不要太臭,女生不要太香,不要涂鲜艳的指甲油,注意口臭) Manners (进来关门,出去开门,主考官介绍副考官时,要打招呼或点头示意)Vo

7、ice (不大也不小)Eye contact(自信,跟谁说话看谁的眼镜,第三部分讨论时看同伴而不是考官)Body gesture(不要晃动身体,自然的手势)Facial expressions (自然,亲切),BEC准备进程 三大基础目标,熟悉题型,了解出题思路,掌握答题方式,熟悉框架锻炼拓展思维技巧,流畅语言表达和灵活的基本应对。深入了解商务知识,在各个基本商务领域可以做到侃侃而谈,有成熟的见解和思路,并能高效表达。,Part 1. Interview,Simple personal questionsSimple business questions,Personal questions,

8、What is your name?Where are you from?Do you work or are you a student?What work do you do? /what do you study?What do you like most about your job/studies? Why?,Business questions,How do you keep up with business news?What are the required qualities of a modern manager?Do you think business men have

9、 enough time to relax themselves?,口试的第一部分有什么特点?准备的时候有什么是需要注意的?,热身赛,第一印象时间,挂挡时间。尽快适应考官的语音,语调。尽快进入自己的最佳状态。注意非语言交流的重要性,争取完美的第一印象。,敲门后就进来,不要等老师来开门或犹豫忸怩半天才进来,浪费时间。女生不要穿响声的高跟鞋,因为各考场进度不一样,影响别人。进去随手关门。,单词不要想当然地发音,平时多听磁带,多查字典,尤其是关键词发音一定要正确,不然别人会不知所云。 Efficiency, Whats your name? 不要说英语名字,指的是中文名字,好让老师涂你的评分卡。不要

10、说自己是英专或英语老师,除非有足够的自信和能力。专业或工作不好用英语表达,就可以编造简单一点的,如医生,教师,律师等。老师让停就马上停,不要抢着答完。,回答一定切题,不要答非所问,听懂关键词,如果不确定可以让老师重复。Figure/finger, contact/contract一般疑问句的回答,首先要明确是还是不是Is it necessary yes, its necessary/No, its not. because, so I think its necessary.最好一开始就回答问题,给出结果再给出理由,让考官迅速地捕捉到问题的答案。回答问题不要太长,两句话就够了。,真题再现,G

11、ood morning/afternoon. Im _ and this is my colleague_. She/he is just going to listen to us.(点头示意)And your names are?(中文名)To A, and where are you from?(家乡而不是学校)To B, and where are you from?Can I have your mark sheets, please?(评分卡不是握手Thank you.(pass mark sheets to Assessor.),Do you work or are you a

12、student, B?What work do you do?/what do you study?What about you, A?(A要听懂问题,考官有可能先问问题,后叫名字,老师也有可能不重复同样的问题,直接问what about you)What work do you do?/what do you study?(事先在爱词霸上查好英语怎么说,太难的话就换成简单的,老师并不在意)What do you like most about your job/studies, A? Why?What about you, B?,Now, Im going to ask you both s

13、ome questions about leadership.(仔细听about后面的关键词)What qualities do you think a good business leader should have, A? Why?(qualities, 不是quantities)What do you think, B?Do you think everyone can learn to be a leader, B? Why or why not? (一般疑问句明确回答yes or no)What do you think, A?,A, do you think a good lead

14、er can turn a failing company into a successful one? Why or why not?B, do you think good leaders delegate decision-making to their employees? Why or why not?Thank you! (老师有可能问一个问题,也有可能问两个问题,从A开始,轮换着问,按ABBAABBA的顺序来。3人组按A的顺序来。),强调,发问顺序是AB轮流来A, B, B, A, A, B, B,A.Business questions部分有可能问AB同一个问题,what ab

15、out you? 仔细聆听每一个问题。也可能问AB各一个不同的问题,或问AB各两个问题。老师根据规定时间灵活把握问题的数目.一般情况下,老师习惯问AB各一个不同的问题。如没听懂,可以要求老师重复,不要不懂装懂。,Personal questions 的准备,熟悉关键词提前准备自我介绍,个人,家庭,家乡,工作,学习,兴趣爱好(推荐爱词霸,可以在线查询专业词汇)简短但不简单,切题,用词正确,,Part I关键词,Major; Job 一定要流利 人物性格: inactive, quiet, introvert , extrovert, trustworthy, thoughtful, helpfu

16、l, gentle, slow, honest, hardworking, active, efficient, kind, generous, talkative, easygoing, open, optimistic, pessimistic, easy to get along with, ready to help others, brave, devoting, passionate, bright, smart, cute, popular among friends, sweet, warm-hearted, sympathetic, willing to share, not

17、 self-centered, considerate, a social person,家乡: location, province, urban area, suburb, rural area, isolated places, small villages/towns/ downtown areas/ countryside, city, beautiful scenery, quiet, fresh air, green everywhere, friendly people, kind and helpful, skyscrapers, tall buildings, shoppi

18、ng malls, department stores, business district, entertainment, parks, transportation system, public facilities, convienent, noisy, busy, indifferent, modern, cold, alienated, climate, humid, dry, windy, freezing, extremely hot,兴趣爱好: interests and hobbies, like/dislike? Love/hate? Favorite, spare tim

19、e, music, Pop/classical, sports, ball games, pc games, body exercises, movies, detective/horror/romantic /comedy /tragedy, books, science fiction/novel/essay/poems/poetry/fashion magazine/comic strips/ cartoons/autobiography, shopping, food, cooking, painting, singing, dancing, playing cards/poker/c

20、hess,Notes !不要泛泛而谈,要有总有分,给出具体的事实性的信息。PointEvidence,I like reading a lot. I like reading. My favorite book is “Gone with the wind”. Becaue I love the main character.I have a wide range of hobbies among which I love reading the most. My favorite book is “Gone with the wind” by Margaret Mitchell, becau

21、se I greatly admire the main character- Scarlett, who was brave to love and hate.,I also enjoy travelling very much.I love travelling very much because I see travelling as a good opportunity to meet new people, new food and new culture, which by all means broadens my view.I spend most of my long hol

22、idays travelling to different places, because it offers me great opportunities to meet new people, taste new foods, learn new cultures, thus adding my life experiences. Lijiang, Jiuzaigou, and Xinjiang are the most impressive places for me so far, so I highly recommend them.,Business questions 的准备,熟

23、悉几大类型熟悉商务知识简短但不简单,切题,用词正确,,要求你表达观点及态度的题目,Which form of advertising is most effective in your opinion?What do you think are the qualities and skills required of a good company manger?What do you think makes a conference interesting?,观点及态度题应对策略,首先明确表达观点或态度阐述原因,为什么你持这种观点或态度Which form of advertising is

24、most effective in your opinion?TV commercial of course. 开门见山表明观点Because it has an overwhelming large number of people who watch TV everyday. 简明扼要阐述理由,扩展成presentation,In my personal opinion, TV commercial is more attractive and effective than any other forms of advertising. 开门见山表明观点The main reason li

25、es in the fact that it combines sounds, pictures, words, and even plots together, which helps to enhance peoples impression on the product from difficult channels. Another important reason is that it has an overwhelming large number of people who watch TV everyday. 简明扼要阐述理由Due to the above two reaso

26、ns, I believe TV commercial is the best form of advertising.一句话总结,要求你进行比较的题目,Which do you think are more effective, small teams or larger teams, why?What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers?Do you prefer working on your own or as a member of a team?,比较题应对策略,首先明确表

27、明你对比的结果,也就是你的观点。然后进行对比A的优点跟B的缺点比,所以选A。Which do you think are more effective, small teams or larger teams, why? I think small teams are more effective. (开门见山,提出比较的结果)because smaller teams move fast, while “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, larger teams fail.,Practice/观点态度题,What do you think is the big

28、gest difficulty for someone setting up a new company?Why are some family-owned companies can be successful?Do you think its essential to have a business qualification in order to run a company?,Practice/比较题,Which method of communication do you prefer, face to face or telephone?Which factor is more i

29、mportant to a salesman, eloquency or patience?How do you think the ads and disads of shopping online?,Tell me, I forget;Teach me, I remember;Involve me, I learn!,Homework,Topic 1,Question 1,Question 2,Point 1,Point 2,Point 3,Topic,Question,Presentation,Discussion,Practice makes perfect!Thank you for attention!See you next time!,

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