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3、法权益,并且规范行政主体的行为。从理论上来讲,按照行政行为公定力理论来讲,行政行为一经成立即具有公定力,即行政主体的行政行为,不论合法还是违法,都应推定为合法有效,相应的当事人都应加以遵守或服从,这往往成为违法行政行为的庇护伞。虽然我国现行法律并没有明文否定公定力理论。但是违背法律实质正当性的行政行为的“绝对公定力 ”理论,越来越受到学界的质疑,而“有限公定力 ”理论,即行政行为一般具有公定力 ,但有重大明显瑕疵的无效行政行为除外。逐渐为大多数学者所接受,同时伴随着“无效行政行为理论” 的提出,为行政相对人的抵抗权提供了理论上的支撑。而 1996 年行政处罚法的出台,首次从实定法层面提出了行政

4、相对人对无效行政行为可以理性地行使抵抗权。行政处罚法第 49 条规定:“行政机关及其执法人员当场收缴罚款的,必须向当事人出具省、自治区、1直辖市财政部门统一制发的罚款收据;不出具财政部门统一制发的罚款收据的,当事人有权拒绝缴纳罚款。”在一个有着服从国家威权的传统政治文化的国家里,这样隐约的认可,实为难能可贵,而实定法的支持也使得学界对抵抗权的讨论更为激烈。笔者对上述涉及的一些问题进行了关注和研究,在此基础上形成了本文。本文共分为六个部分。第一部分是引言,通过分析公民权利和国家权力的关系入手,得出权力的源泉。从而简要说明为什么关注行政相对人抵抗权问题,相关领域国内外研究现状,以及研究此制度的理论


6、政相对人行使抵抗权的理论基础,通过引入行政行为的“有限公定力理论” ,对追求社会安定性的行政行为公定力理论与追求法律实质正当性的行政相对人抵抗权之间的冲突进行调和,在此基础上提出了“无效行政行为 ”理论作为行政抵抗权的理论基础。并在分析无效行政行为与其相近概念的基础上,对“无效行政行为 ”作为理论基础的合理性进一步阐述说明。第五部分介绍了行政相对人抵抗权在我国发展的现状,一方面,我国现行法律文件和司法判例对于无效行政行为和相对人行使抵抗权的有了初步认可,另一方面,由于行为标准的不明确和法律规定的不完善,使得相对人抵抗权制度在现实生活中的运用面临相当大的困境。第六部分是对行政相对人抵抗权在我国的

7、构建思路,完善无效行政行为理论,建立宣告无效之诉制度,增加对侵益性无效行政行为的防卫规范以及加强公民的法律意识和道德素质。关键词:无效行政行为 抵抗权 公定力 宣告无效之诉2AbstractThe value of the administrative law is to control executive power andmaintain the civil right. But in our real life, due to various factors, the value ofadministrative law should not be effectively embodie

8、d. First of all, from thereality of our situation, in terms of human, material and financial resources aswell as the main powers are far greater than the relative. In the course ofimplementing the act, the main administrative organ always occupies theleading position, and the corresponding side alwa

9、ys in a passive position, notreally involved in the conduct of activities in the past, and even the basicknowing-right can not be guaranteed. Secondly, from our countrys securityand relief system, the existed system of relief including the administrativereview, administrative litigation or administr

10、ative compensation, or all of therelief is an afterthought. It often causes irreparable losses for the relative, eventhough the one got compensation which is useless. Such kind of reliefmechanism can not be effectively pursued by the administrative law reflectingthe value of ideas - safeguarding civ

11、il rights. As the relative, in the face oftheir legitimate rights and interests against the unlawful administrative acts, intheir own way, he could boycott or disobey? I believe that we can. Civil rightis in the first place, while the state power is in the second place. State authorityfrom the civil

12、 rights, it should guarantee the achievement of the civil right.The executive power and relative to the rights is the extension of state powerand civil rights, and the executive power should serve the right of the relative.Therefore, I believe that the relative should be given the right to resistanc

13、e,when their legitimate rights and interests face the danger of be destroyed orbeing destroyed. On the one hand, it can balance the rights and obligationsbetween the relative and the main administrative organ, which truly reflect therelative as the main legal relationship status. On the other hand,

14、it can protectthe legitimate rights and interests of the relative, and regulate the main act.Theoretically speaking, according to the theory of De Facto Force, anadministrative act by a public which is the establishment of De Facto Force,1that is the subject of administrative actions, whether legal

15、or illegal, should bepresumed to be valid and relevant parties should comply with them, which areoften to be the protection of the unlawful administrative acts. AlthoughChinas current law does not officially deny the theory of De Facto Force. Thetheory of “absolute De Facto Force” which is contrary

16、to the substance of thelaw legitimacy, has been questioned by more and more scholars, however, thetheory of “limited De Facto Force” is gradually accepted by the majority ofscholars. With the introduction of the theory of “void administrative behaviortheory”, it has provided a theoretical support fo

17、r the right of the relativeresistance. In 1996, “Law of the Peoples Republic of China on AdministrativePenalty“ has been put forward for the first time the relative to the acts may beinvalid rational exercise of the right to resistance. “Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China on Administrative Penalty“

18、 Article 49 “Where fines arecollected on the spot by an administrative organ or its law-enforcing officers,the parties shall be given receipts for the fines as are uniformly made andissued by finance departments of provinces, autonomous regions ormunicipalities directly under the Central Government;

19、 if such receipts are notgiven, the parties shall have the right to refuse to pay the fines.” In a countrywith a tradition of authoritarian political culture and abidance of the state,where such vaguely recognized, it is commendable, but it also makes titrationsupport academic discussions on the rig

20、ht of the resistance even morevehement. The author have concerned and studied the issues mentioned above,and formed this essay. This paper is divided into six parts.Part I is the introduction, which find out the source of that power byanalyzing the civil rights and the relationship between the begin

21、ning of thestate power. And to explain the reason why the author has pay specialattention to the relative resistance of concern right, the status quo of Chineseand foreign research in related fields, as well as to study the system oftheoretical significance, practical value.Part II is to describe th

22、e significance meaning of the resistance on theright for the relative. Given the relative resistance of the people recognized thevalues of the principal of, the public interests respect the interests of the2individual. Existing powers to compensate for the lack of restraining power,the right restrai

23、ns the power, but also balance the main relationship betweenrights and obligations.Part III is to outline the right of resistance, from the origin, the spreadingand the development of the resistant right, formed a political sense, to theconstitutional sense, and at last to extend to the Administrati

24、ve Law sense ofthe right of resistance. Resistant right should be use reasonably, which meansit could not be used freely or unlimitedly. This part is to regulate the right ofresistance from subjective, objective, procedures and other aspects.Part IV focuses on the theoretical foundation on the resis

25、tant right,through the introduction of the “limited De Facto Force theory“ of theadministrative acts of resistant De Facto Force with the conflict between therights and reconcile. On this point, “invalid administrative act“ theory is thetheoretical basis for the right of resistance. And the analysis

26、 of itsadministrative act and its similar invalid acts are the base of furtherexplanation proved the “invalid administrative act“ is reasonable.Part V introduces the present development of the relatives resistant rightin our country. On the one hand, legal documents and judicial precedentsadmit the

27、invalid administrative act and the resistant right. On the other hand,to perform the resistant right may face some difficulties because it is notstandardized and the law is not complete.Part VI is to conceive the relative resistant right with the measures tocomplete the theory of invalid administrat

28、ive act, to set out the V. declaredinvalid, to strengthen the awareness of law and moral quality.Key words : Invalid administrative act The right to resistanceDe Facto Force V. declared invalid3目 录引 言 . 1一、不同维度下的抵抗权分析 . 3(一)政治意义上的抵抗权 . 3(二)宪法意义上的抵抗权 . 4(三)行政法意义上的抵抗权 . 61.行政抵抗权主体的特定性 .2.行政相对人主观方面具有抵抗

29、的意图 .3.行政抵抗权的客体行政行为 .4.行政抵抗权的客观方面的行使方式 .5.行政抵抗权的行使具有程序性和阶段性 .67788二、行政相对人抵抗权之意义 . 10(一)是对人主体性价值的认可,是公共利益对个体利益的尊重 . 10(二)弥补权力制约权力的不足,以权利制约权力 . 10(三)适当地抵制能够平衡相对人与行政主体的权利义务关系 . 12三、行政相对人抵抗权的理论基础. 13(一)行政行为公定力与行政抵抗权的冲突与调和 . 13(二)硬币的正反面行政行为与行政抵抗权 . 151.无效行政行为的界定 .2.无效行政行为的分类 .3.无效行政行为与相近概念的比较 .4无效行政行为作为下

30、理论基础的合理性与正当性 .15161617四、抵抗权在我国践行之状况及其困境 . 19(一)我国关于行政抵抗权的认可程度 . 191.法律文件对无效行政行为的初步认可 . 192.法律文件对行政抵抗权的初步认可 . 203.司法判例对行政抵抗权的认可 . 22(二)行政抵抗权实际运行之困境 . 231五、抵抗权之制度构建:突破与防患并举 . 24(一)完善无效行政行为理论,通过实在法对无效的理由进行明确规定 . 251.行政主体的瑕疵 .2.行为权限的瑕疵 .3.行为内容的瑕疵 .4.行为形式上的瑕疵 .5.行为程序上的重大瑕疵 .2627272727(二)逐步建立和完善“请求宣告无效之诉”

31、 制度 . 28(三)增加对侵益性无效行政行为的防卫规范 . 29(四)加强行政相对人的道德培养 . 29参考文献 . 312引 言抵抗权原本是政治和宪法意义上的一个专有概念,特指公民拥有的,必要时可以对由国家法律所产生的义务,采取不服从以至抵抗的权利。这一定义肯定了人民拥有反抗政府的权利的理论。为什么人民可以反抗政府呢,那就要看一看公民权利与国家权力之间的关系,即何为本源。早在十八世纪的启蒙运动中,思想家们就提出了社会契约论、人民主权论和天赋人权论。按照社会契约论和人民主权论,整个国家存在和运作类似于一个契约的签订,人民不仅是这个契约的签订者,以形成公意,同时也是契约和公意的服从者。至于政府

32、只不过是公意的执行者,其权力是人民委托的。人民和政府的关系,“完全是一种委托,是一种信用;在那里,它们仅仅是主权者的官吏,是以主权者的名义在行使着主权者所托付给他的权力,而且只要主权者高兴就可以限制、改变和收回这种权力。”而基于天赋人权论,每个人都有与生俱来的、不可剥夺的权利。法律不是限制自由而是扩大和保障自由,即保障基本人权。如果政府不尊重基本人权而滥加侵害,人民自然可以起而反抗,以保障其源于自然法的天赋人权。由此可见,公民权利是国家权力的源泉,公民权利是第一位的,国家权力是第二位的。抵抗权经过发展、传播,逐渐由政治概念发展到宪法意义上,并写入了宪法文件当中。最早规定公民抵抗权的是 1776

33、 年美国弗吉尼亚人权宣言和美国独立宣言。经过长期发展,至今许多国家相继在宪法中确立了公民抵抗权。其中以德国基本法的规定最为典型。德国基本法第20 条第 4 项,规定对于任何意图排除基本法第 1 至 3 项之秩序者,在别无其他救济程序时,任何德国公民皆拥有抵抗权。行政权与行政相对方权利是国家权力与公民权利的延伸,行政权是服务于行政相对方权利的。但现实生活中却存在诸多行政主体侵害行政相对人的现象,一方面是受传统“官本位” 思想的影响;一方面是因为行政主体无论在人力、物力、财力还是权力方面都大大优于相对人,其在行政法律关系中居于主导地位。按逻辑推理,既然公民为了保护自身权利可以反抗国家,那么行政相对人为维护其合法权益当然可以抵抗行政主体了。但是现行法律并没有赋予行政相对人以抵抗权。一般意义认为,行政行为具有公定力、确定力、拘束力、执行力,而对于行政行为的公定力(又称推定有效力),我国大陆学者一般受德国、日本和台湾地区学术理论与制度1

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