L A Student-Proiessor. i)i Cliart- iawyer. B) Customer:-Waitress. D) Fatient-Doctor. iinDtilve ccrrdltlons afcunc _.0,J. j,ou can t6ilw tg (J|:he eyes aciaptation to coior iB) the rroperiies ofcoiored surfaces (C) the efrect or cnanges in coior intcnsiry (D) experiments on colored objects 2. .Vlrether a colored object would, on trvo viewings (A) a time lag in the focusing abiiity of rhe eyc (B) fia iramedi*e loss of lhe afterimage of the irrsl cbj ect (Q some inabiiiry io see colors of the lafiel-nanred op-iecrs until lcss cf ,ir,.s. and ihen :niila 3cnsi.-i.riry has oeen