1、Social and Cultural LifeWhat are the characteristics of British Humor?Sarcasm Self-deprecation No tabooRespect History Attitude无禁忌讽 刺 自嘲How can you distinguish a British peoples class status?The Upper Class The Middle ClassThe Lower or Working Class The Under ClassThe Upper ClassPeerages(贵族);Gentrie
2、s(绅士) ;Hereditary landowners(世袭地主)The Under ClassThe Middle ClassThe Lower Middle ClassThe Middle Middle ClassThe Upper Middle ClassThe long-term unemployed;Elderly pensioners;Economic immigrants;Those dependent on benefitsEmploymentHow many periods can the development of the English language be div
3、ided into and what are they?Old English Middle English Modern EnglishOld English is an early form of English language that was spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons and their descendants between at least the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century.Middle English began with the Norman Conquest in 1
4、066. French replaced English as the official language and was spoken by upper class, while English became the language of lower class.Modern English started from the end of 15th century. From then on, English language became standardized in grammar, spelling, and pronunciation.What are the tradition
5、s of Easter?Origin DateActivitiesEaster is to commemorate the resurrection(耶稣复活) of Jesus Christ three days after his Crucifixion(被钉死在十字架上) .Easter is based on lunar calendar rather than the solar one. It always falls on the first Sunday following the full moon after March 21th, the spring equinox(春
6、分) .What are the traditions of Easter?ActivitiesSunrise Service(日出祭拜)Easter Vigil(守夜礼)Easter Eucharist(圣督礼)What are the traditions of Easter?The Easter GiftEaster EggsWhat are the two types of British newspapers?“Quality” Serious-minded“Tabloids” More populist Quality papers are directed at readers
7、who want full information on a wide range of public matters.The “tabloids” (通俗小报) presented more concisely appeal to people wanting news of a more entertaining character.SportsmanshipSportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience(遵守) to its rules, as well as showing generosity to ones opponent and good temper in defeat. It is a highly valued quality in the UK and is embodied in aspects of the British culture and society.The End!