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1、诗歌阅读的“五觉”,李永毅2009.10,“五觉”概览,形觉(诗歌的空间特征)声觉(诗歌的时间特征)触觉(诗歌的结构特征)情觉(诗歌的经验特征)智觉(诗歌的知性特征),诗歌阅读的一些误区,(1)伦理误区:道德洁癖 It is a contradiction to attempt a sinless literature of sinful man. -Cardinal Newman It the poetical character has as much delight in conceiving an Iago as an Imogen. What shocks the virtuous

2、philosopher, delights the camelion Poet. It does no harm from its relish of the dark side of things any more than from the bright one; because both end in speculation. -John Keats,(2)阐释误区:终极答案,“Man can embody truth but he cannot know it.” -William Butler Yeats“A poem does not mean, but be.” -Archiba

3、ld Macleish,(3)心理误区:透明情结,阅读诗歌与阅读专业物理书籍一样需要训练和相关的知识储备: 文学传统(格律、语汇、主题、程式、手法); 文学理论(特定时期文学看待世界的方式); 作家的生活经历、思想框架和文学理念; 特定时期的整体精神氛围; 个人对人生和世界的体悟; 阅读所训练出来的对文字的敏感;,简单的个案,In a Station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough. Three years ago in Paris, I got out of

4、 a metro train at La Concorde, and saw suddenly a beautiful face, and then another and another, and then a beautiful childs face, and then another beautiful woman, and I tried all that day to find words for what this had meant to me, and I could not find any words that seemed to me worthy, or as lov

5、ely as that sudden emotion.I wrote a 30-line poem and destroyed it Six months later I made a poem half that length; a year later I made the following hokku-like sentence.,如何理解这首诗?,历史的定位:熟悉庞德所反叛的维多利亚文学传统(伦理说教的文学价值观;“软”的表达方式;平庸保守的中产阶级读者)。诗人的主张:意象主义(direct treatment of the thing); superimposition;gramm

6、ar of the unconscious。与东方诗歌的关联:娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。与西方诗歌的关联:Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton,一 形觉,诗是一种空间艺术(外形:字形、行形、空白、空行、标点、整体空间排列;视觉意象:构图、设色、动静、特写)文心雕龙练字:“一避诡异,二省联边,三权重出,四调单复”“瘠字累句,则纤而行劣;肥字积文,则黯而篇暗;善酌字者,参伍单复,磊落如珠矣。”,谢榛四溟诗话:“律诗虽宜颜色,两联贵乎一浓一淡。若两联浓,前後四句淡,则可;若前後四句浓,中间两联淡,则不可。亦有八句皆浓者,唐四杰有之;八句皆淡者,孟浩然韦应物有之。非笔力纯粹,

7、必有偏枯之病。”星垂平野闊,月涌大江流。 滄海月明珠有泪,藍田日暖玉生烟。 同心而離居,憂傷以終老。,Dickinson (1) Presentiment is that long Shadowon the Lawn Indicative that Suns go down The Notice to the startled Grass That Darkness is about to pass Dickinson (2) So We must meet apart You thereIhere With just the Door ajar That Oceans areand Pray

8、er And that White Sustenance Despair,Guillaume Apollinaire 我 影 被 倒 活 像 生 就 生 得 地 实 封 真 吉尧姆 在 啊 这 不 面 使 阿波利奈尔 镜 天 子 的 里 像 真 想 实 们 得 人 就 像,大漠孤烟直,長河落日圓。紅樓隔雨相望冷,珠箔飄燈獨自歸。人面不知何所去,桃花依舊笑春風。山從人面起,雲傍馬頭生 。長安回望綉成堆全景、靜景; 山頂千門次第開鏡頭由遠及近、動景; 一騎紅塵妃子笑遠近結合、慢鏡頭特寫; 無人知是荔枝來鏡頭拉近、特寫,二 声觉,诗是一种时间艺术(声音在时间中的流动、回旋、重现与变奏),需要关心声音

9、元素、押韵(含半韵)、节奏等因素。1 拟声觉 对语言从声音角度模仿表现内容的敏感。,Alexander Pope Essay on Criticism True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,As those move easiest who have learned to dance.Tis not enough no harshness gives offense,The sound must seem an echo to the sense:Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows,A

10、nd the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows;But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar;When Ajax strives some rocks vast weight to throw,The line too labors, and the words move slow;Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain,Flies oer the un

11、bending corn, and skims along the main.,卞之琳,大车拖着一大车夕阳的黄金,骡子摇摆着踉跄的脚步,穿过无数的疏落的荒林,无声的扬起一大阵黄土, 叫坐在远处的闲人梦想古代传下来的神话里的英雄腾云驾雾去不可知的远方古木间涌出了浩叹的长风!,2 格律觉,长短律(古希腊罗马诗歌)轻重律(文艺复兴以来西方诗歌)平仄律(中国近体诗、词、曲)音拍律(日本俳句、短歌)变体律(使用半韵、调整节奏、调整韵式),e. e. cumings,“next to of course god america i love you land of the pilgrims and so

12、forth oh say can you see by the dawns early my country tis of centuries come and go and are no more what of it we should worry in every language even deafanddumb thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry by jingo by gee by gosh by gum why talk of beauty what could be more beaut- iful than these h

13、eroic happy dead who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter they did not stop to think they died instead then shall the voice of liberty be mute?”He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water,格律本身的结构作用,律诗桃李春风一杯酒,江湖夜雨十年灯。鸟去鸟来山色里,人歌人哭水声中。香稻啄余鹦鹉粒,碧梧栖老凤凰枝。Sonnet,3 音乐觉(流动、内在的乐感),Whitman: oratory, oper

14、a, sea wavesStevens: praised for the exquisite music of his poetryFrost: sound of sense (The best place to get the abstract sound of sense is from voices behind a door that cuts off the words.if one is to be a poet he must learn to get cadences by skillfully breaking the sounds of sense with all the

15、ir irregularity of accent across the regular beat of the meter),三 触觉,这是诗歌阅读由外而内的关键,需要大量的阅读、反复的训练才能获得这种感觉能力,触觉让我们触及到诗歌的身体,从肌肤到隐约感觉到的内脏。1 外触觉:语言的质地相去日已远,衣带日已缓。浮云蔽白日,游子不顾返。思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭。拟把疏狂图一醉。对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔。为伊消得人憔悴。,e. e. cummings,yes is a pleasant country:Ifs wintry(my lovely)Lets open

16、 the yearboth is the very weather(not either)my treasure,when violets appearlove is a deeper seasonthan reason;my sweet one(and aprils where were),1 内触觉:语言的结构,独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。松下问童子,言师采药去。只在此山中,云深不知处。慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心。 报得三春晖。,北岛生活网孔孚大漠落日圆寂,Emerson,MerlinSubtle rhymes,

17、with ruin rife, Murmur in the house of life, Sung by the Sisters as they spin; In perfect time and measure they Build and unbuild our echoing clay. As the two twilights of the day Fold us music-drunken in.,四 情觉,诗歌传达的是一种人生经验,感受的敏锐、深度和广度因人而异,但情觉是可以培养的。To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoug

18、hts that do often lie too deep for tears. -William Wordsworth我见青山多妩媚,料青山、见我应如是。情与貌,略相似。 辛弃疾,Rainer Maria Rilke,你们难道不觉得惊讶,古希腊墓碑上的人姿势都那般凝重?难道爱与别离不是如此小心地置于那些肩上,仿佛它们是用另一个世界的材料做成?记得那些手吗?它们搭在那儿,几乎没有重量,虽然躯干蕴藏着力。这些克制的形象知道:“我们只能到此为止,只能这样轻柔地触碰彼此;神可以更有力地按在我们身上。不过那是神的事。”,Gaius Valerius Catullus,Huc est mens ded

19、ucta tua mea, Lesbia, culpa Atque ita se officio perdidit ipsa suo,Ut iam nec bene velle queat tibi, si optima fias, Nec desistere amare, omnia si facias. 因为你的错,莱斯比娅,我这颗心才沉沦, 它毁了自己,却是由于它对你太忠诚; 如今,即使你洗心革面,它也不能珍惜你, 即使你堕落到底,它也没法停止爱你。,Robert Bly,As I drive my parents home through the snowtheir frailty h

20、esitates on the edge of a mountainside.I call over the cliffonly snow answers.They talk quietlyof hauling water of eating an orangeof a grandchilds photograph left behind last night.When they open the door of their house they disappear.And the oak when it falls in the forest who hears it through mil

21、es and miles of silence?They sit so close to each other as if pressed together by the snow.,Sylvia Plath,You do not do, you do not do Any more, black shoe In which I have lived like a foot For thirty years, poor and white, Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.,五 智觉,几乎每个诗人的作品背后都有一套哲学。现代诗歌的难度在于,这套哲学不再是公共

22、的,而是私人的。,杨键,癩蛤蟆 哀莫大于心死 孟子 多麽緩慢啊, 多麽醜陋啊, 如果我們有同一顆心, 我就不會被你嚇著, 就應當爲你悲泣。,William Butler Yeats,A shudder in the loins engenders thereThe broken wall, the burning roof and towerAnd Agamemnon dead. Being so caught up,So mastered by the brute blood of the air,Did she put on his knowledge with his powerBefo

23、re the indifferent beak could let her drop?(Leda Zeus Helen Clytemnestra),Wallace Stevens,One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; .and not to think Of any misery in the sound of the wind, In the sound of a few leaves, . . For the listener, who listens in the snow, And, nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.,以物观物,性也;以我观物,情也。性公而明,情偏而暗。 任我则情,情则蔽,蔽则昏矣;因物则性,性则神,神则明矣。邵雍,第六觉:神觉,两个灵魂跨越时空的交融,可遇不可求,如陶潜之于苏东坡,爱伦坡之于波德莱尔。,

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