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1、cI| 1004- 0609(2001)05- 0941- 04h ) A h1 y s张 磊, 陈晓青( 2v, 410083)K 1 sZE,YV h ) AsN, ( SAL)4aNaF 4#p U4 H,1s h ) A hc ZEb) 4 ia“8a5 =#a i Y,w NaFSAL-Al(OH) 3 1 b1oM ; h ); h;1sms | O 652.9 DS M Ah ) A h 3V1WBb “ h 3V“1Z_?Z,T e h 3V1/ S h )1s) Naa ha ac 1sX 3s %5b7 “-S = R msZE1b 2|.ds sN M,4 1 sZE,i

2、o_ LC y h ) A Na3b l 4N$ , QihZE LC Naa a y sb 5, 6 FIA/ h ) A Naa a a, | zrT5, 6bD7 9 +1ZEb h ) A aaTva h3+,# sN !Hq K, ZE ( 3 L=b h ) A1s y 1sBS =v h$ % 45, ZE, h ) AsN , LC ha Naa aa a y 1s,sB“ 2 3 min,N XS = v hg P,rTQ zb1 ZE1.1 h ) A h8“ L A4,p U4, VNk+ 1/2Nc( , N kV Nac ,Na2O9; NcV ac ,Na2O9)b

3、N HT,F NaF, PSAL-Al(OH)3 hMNaAlF6, H dbAlM OH- , P ApH 6,p M ,? A dbOH- ,YV9 VAl2O3 bp M SpH= 8.0 9. 8, ?_ Na1/2 a# hM OH- ,y apH8. 0 ?$ _ab1. 2 V wLV ; 48M f m1 Ubm1 V ;MmFig.1 Absorbance change during typical titration11 5 Vol. 11 No.5 S TheChinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 2001 M10Oct. 2001 l

4、2001- 03- 13; 2001- 05- 10 Tef (1977- ), 3, V 3.m1AB Na1/2 a(8:V1), B, A MbN HF NaF A, A MbBE Al dbOH- , D, C A , E A ,BDW89 h i(8:Vao)b2 L2.1 N # k4h ) AsN( 2 S/?ZK);_ ) A: 200g/L(Na2O9); ) A: 50 g/L(Na2O9);h )S A: Na i100 g/L, a i20 g/L, h i100 g/L(Al2O39) ; (SAL): 0.18 mol/L; = )(Na2( SAL) : 0.05

5、 mol/L; ) A;p : 1%60%Y? A; k4 (sB, b2.2 “d#s m “dnm2,s m3 Ubm2 D mFig. 2 Connection of valves( P1 is used to suck phenolphthalein and water,P2 is used tosuck wastesolution,P3 is used to suck titrant ( SAL),P4 is used to suck complexing agent ( NaF),P5 is used to suck sample)3 T) 3.1 ;_q4 L?;=5; =5_V

6、 Mb?;=5 4_m3 h1s mFig.3 Flow chart of automatic analysis of aluminaQ = A M11bp a T ,p T , 4 s ?;=5_?;b3. 24 i“84E Q, “ ia“8a4 iaQ8( 13 mL)W1“, _ H“850LL,4 i0.18 mol/Lb3. 3 5 =a4 h ) AaaTv, Na2CO38, “ 5 =0.7 mm Y5, lA5 v,9 =0.7 mm Y5, 5 =0.5 mm Y5bV Q5Y,Q5 AT, 5 , sY: 80, 45, 45, 45, 30, 30, 26, 25,

7、25, 22,#942#S 2001 M1022, 8 cmb3.4 iFsY3 L= h ) AYcCa2+ , SO2-4 ,SiO2-3 , S2- ,c sY0 5, 0 5, 0 4, 06g/Lb I Y, |30 mLh )S A, Al2O3 c 90 g/L,sYF CaCl2, Na2S, Na2SO4, Na2SiO3, mEEsYAl2O3c bv ZE 1.5 g/LS,TV h )ACa2+ , SO2-4 , SiO2-3 , S2-c sY5,7.2, 5, 4 g/LS = H Al2O3sb3.5 L f B“ Al2O3c S A, IZEL,T V1 U

8、b ) :nZY= - 48. 299 4+ 8. 81X ,M1“r = 0. 999 8b X ) Q( Al2O3 ); Y )V(Titrant) ;LS15 160 g/L Al2O3bV1 Al2O3L VTable 1 Linearity of Al2O3No. Q(Al2O3)/(g#L- 1) V(NaOH)/mL V(Na2CO3)/mL V(Titrant)/LL1 20 20 8 131, 1212 30 17. 5 6 210, 2133 40 15 4 301, 3074 50 12. 5 2 394, 3975 60 10 0 495, 4796 80 5 0 6

9、59, 6597 100 0 0 826, 8283.6 “ sT3.6. 1 n wLTS = |3 hc Ais L=“ , hCsZE, h i, sNb sN 3“ k, V3“ h i 4h8b h iUS,4h8:US, VS L=“ sn wLb H,sN“ h48, n wL p ib3.6. 2 L=“ sTL=“ sTnV2bV2 V,EC msTM, V 3 L=1 pbV2 “ sTvVTable 2 Results of sample analysisNo.Concentration of Al2O3/(g#L- 1)By this method By chemica

10、l methodRelativeerror/%1 159. 98 158. 88 0. 72 97. 41 98. 79 - 1. 43 165. 78 166. 82 - 0. 64 79. 55 78. 94 0. 85 73. 57 73. 19 0. 56 76. 56 76. 48 0. 17 65. 05 65. 02 0. 043. 7 1NaFSAL-Al(OH)3Q1 )L?CNaFSAL-Al( OH)3Q,OH-Qi ,$NaFOH-h48 Al 9 8,iY hL1“, VnQ vB1 b B1 “ , / Lb5“ ,%NaOHNa2CO3 i, h isY20, 4

11、0, 60, 80, 100 g/ LbsN,: cm1 wLV 1#V ao, V3 UbV3 h i f /NaFSAL-Al(OH) 3Q1 “ Table 3 Coefficient of reaction of NaF andSAL-Al(OH)3 under differentconcentrations of aluminaConc. ofAl2O3/(g#L- 1)V 1/LLV ao/LL$V 1/LL$V ao/LL$V1/$V ao20 225 317 ) ) )40 332 487 107 170 1. 5960 429 660 97 173 1. 7880 530 8

12、35 101 175 1. 73100 630 1 008 100 173 1. 73V3 V, $V 1 (101. 25 LL,$Vao (172.75LL, V Bb$V1V 9F20 g/L h, Al( OH) -4 BOH-h489 ; $VaoV 9F20 g/ L h, SAL-Al(OH)3NaFQ OH-h48 bN V9 $V ao/ $V 1 (1. 7,NaFSAL-Al(OH)3Q1 BSAL-Al(OH)3 db#943#11 5 f ,: h ) A h1 y s1.7OH-bM aa a ,9Q L,9 1 “ 1.58 1. 82Wb在铝酸钠溶液分析仪的研制

13、过程中得到了贵阳铝厂氧化铝分厂化验室和山东铝厂氧化铝分厂化验室的大力支持, 并对分析仪提出了宝贵的意见和建议bREFERENCES 1 Editorial Staff of Collection of Nonferrous Metals Indus-trial Analysis(5 sW 6I). Met-allurgical Analysis for Light Metals( s) M .Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 1992. 40. 2 TAN A-i min( ), MA Wan-pei( ), XU Ya-chun(=) .B1 ZE

14、 J . FenxiHuaxue(s), 1994, 22: 482. 3 TAN A-i min, XIAO Ca-i lin. Direct determination ofcaustichydroxide by a micro-titration method with dua-lwavelength photometric end-point detection J. AnalChim Acta, 1997, 341: 297.4 CHEN Qiu-ying( l) , ZHANG Zh-i jun(f +),MAO An-zhang( c) . h ) A Naa a1s J . F

15、enxi Shiyanshi(s k i), 1996,15( 6) : 42.5 TAN A-i min, ZHANG Lei, XIAO Ca-i lin. Simultaneousand automatic determination of hydroxide and carbonatein aluminate solutions by a micro-titration method J.Anal Chim Acta, 1999, 388: 219.6 ZHANG Xin-ying(f) , TAN A-i min( ),TAO Zh-i yong() . Naa a aH s J.

16、Fenxi Huaxue(s),2000, 28( 3) : 303.7 HUANG J, LIU H, TAN A, et al. A dua-l wavelengthlight-emitting diode basedetector for flow-injection analy-sis process analysers J. Talanta, 1992, 39: 589.8 TAN A, XIAO C. An automatic back titration methodfor microchemical analysis J. Talanta, 1997, 44: 967.9 TA

17、N A, XIAO C. An automatic photometric methodwith high precision by gradually diluting a sample J.Talanta, 1997, 44: 2081.Automatic determination of alumina insodium aluminate solutions bymicro-flow injection titrationZHANG Lei, CHEN Xiao-qing( College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central S

18、outh University,Changsha 410083, P.R.China)Abstract Automatic determination of aluminain sodium aluminatesolutions was realized bymicro-flow injection titration. Sodiumfluoridewas used as complexingagent for aluminaand releasing the correspondinghydroxideion to alumina, phenolphthalein was usedas th

19、e corresponding indicator for thedetermination of the corresponding hydroxide ion to alumina, sulfosalicylicacid was the titrantfor the corresponding hydroxideion to alumina, caustichydroxide, and 1/ 2 sodium carbonate.Keywords micro-flow injection titration; aluminate; alumina; automatic analysis(I -)#944#S 2001 M10

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