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本文(分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译604自动装配技术.doc.doc)为本站会员(无敌)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术导读:厂的其他部门使用它的装配系统。后来,这给从事主要汽车装配的操作人员,在工作的副装配流程中带来了连续不断的快速增加。后来发现操作人员无法应付增加的流程,而且不久之后很清楚的看到,主要的装配不得不在同一个装配线上来完成。起初,主要的装配运动是由一根粗绳由一个地方拉到另一个地方来完成的。然而,随着生产技术的发展附录 A自动装配技术过去,对大批量的成品数量的需求逐渐增加, 以至工程师们去寻找并且发展制造的新方法。 在各种制造业技术的不同部门,许多个别企业已经取得发展并且允许以较低的费用增加以完善

2、成品的产量。当两个或多个部份同时出现用以生产成品时,便需要进行此过程。组装过程的早期发展史与大批量生产方法的发展史的关系是十分密切的。 因此,大批量生产的先锋也是现代组装生产的先锋。 现代的新理念给大批量的组装方法带来重要的进步. 尽管制造业工程学的某些部门, 像是金属的切断和金属的热处理,最近非常快速地已经发展,但是基本的组装技术的发展速度仍然没有改变.尽管人们所取得的成功是很有限的并且许多的装配工人依然象产业革命时期的工人那样用一些基本的工具。在过去的几年中,人们已经努力通过自动化的应用和现代工艺来减少生产成本,例如,超声波焊接和压模法。组装系统的发展过程在早期产品制造过程中,一个技术工人

3、不仅仅要负责产品生产的单个环节,同时也要掌控整个生产过程。因此,对于一个技术工人来说应该全面掌握生产要领是很重要的,同时培养一个全面的技术工人也是一项费时费钱的工作。由于工人能力有限导致生产规模十分有限,不能满足实际需求。1798 年,美国政府需要一大批枪械,但是联邦调查局不能满足他们的需要。因为当时与法国的战争迫在眉睫,所以去欧洲寻求支援是不太可能的事。然而,Eli 惠特尼作为当时大批量生产的先锋,承诺在 28 个月内提供美国所需 10000 支枪械。虽然完成契约需要花费大量时间和金钱,但惠特尼的在大批量生产的新提法上已经被成功的证实了。在肯乃迪克州的建立了新的工厂来专门大批量的生产枪械。这

4、些机器为技术工人减少了必需掌握的技术,同时也增加了劳动生产率。在 1801 年,惠特尼让高贵的来宾从一大批货品中随意抽选来观看时,大家震惊了。惠特尼工作的结果是为工业制造领域带来了三个重大的贡献。首先,通过机器制造的产品比手工制造的质量高。这些产品可以互换,并且是集合工作变得简单化。其次,最终产品的准确性能被保持在一个比较高的标准,第三,最重要的产品生产率被提高。Oliver Ebans 材料传输不需要人工最终促进了自动化的发展。在1793 年,他在一个自动化面粉压榨集中运用了三种运送装置,只需要两个操。第一个操作员把面粉倒入漏斗,第二个操作员用麻布袋包装用压榨机生产的面粉。所有操作的中间环节

5、都是由自动传送带由一个操传给另一个重要的贡献由 Elihu Root 设计了集装化方法。在 1894 年,他加入了生产“六发式左轮手枪”的公司。即使那时集合成分的各种不同的操作相当的简单,他把这些操作分成能够被快速无误完成的基本单元。操作区分概念是“工作分工,提高产量”。用这种方法,即和工作被转为非常基本的操作操作员经过短暂的培训,就能获得较高的效率。腓特烈文斯洛泰勒或许是第一个将技术时间和运动引进到制造业技术中的。这项技术是为完成需要的工作节省操的时间和体力来确保工作和与之有关的工作放在合时的位置。泰勒也发现了任何的工人都有工作最适宜的速度,如果超过,会造成全部表现的减少。毫无疑问地,生产的

6、发展的主要贡献者和几何方法是亨利福特。他在下面描绘了集会的原则:首先,放置工具,然后由人工操作,并且确保在产品完成的过程中流动的距离最短。其次,使用滑动的工具或其他形式的运送工具,使工作人员完成他们的操作后,把东西放在他们手边同一个并且是最方便的位置,如果可能的话,让他以地心引力传给下一个工作人员。这些方法逐渐被应用在生产福特汽车 T 模板中现代的装配线技术首先在调速轮磁发电机的集会中被使用。在最初的方法中,一个操作员在 20 分钟之内装配了一个磁发电机。我们发现这个过程被分成 29 个独立的的操作,每个操作员沿着装配线在装配区间执行各自的操作,整个装配时间被缩短到 13 分钟 10 秒。当装

7、配线的高度在 8 分钟被提升时,先在被缩短到 7 分钟。在进一步的实验后我们找到了合适的装配线传输速度,传送时间被降到 5 分钟,他所用的时间是原有装配程序的四分之一。这个结果促使亨利福特在为汽车产生副装配工厂的其他部门使用它的装配系统。后来,这给从事主要汽车装配的操作人员,在工作的副装配流程中带来了连续不断的快速增加。后来发现操作人员无法应付增加的流程,而且不久之后很清楚的看到,主要的装配不得不在同一个装配线上来完成。起初,主要的装配运动是由一根粗绳由一个地方拉到另一个地方来完成的。然而,随着生产技术的发展,令人吃惊的是整个装配时间由 12 小时 28 分降到 5 小时 50 分。最后,一个

8、永无止境的力量驱动器被安装。这有流溢的地板和广阔的地方容纳地盘。当他们进行他们的操作是为他们提供坐或站的空间,运送装置以 6 小时 45 分钟的速度运送到每个工作站。更进一步的进步导致了整体装配时间的缩短,最后,生产一辆汽车所用的时间只有 10 秒钟。以上这种类型的装配操作通常是由一个装配操来完成的,而且他是最普遍运用的大规模产品的生产方法。然而,在特定的情况下,更加精炼的装配方法已经出现。作为基本装配生产线原则的逻辑延伸部分,机械装配方式取代了操作人员的操作方法已经被设计。在这里,用自动化设备取代人工操作的方法很普通,操作起来也很简单。相对机械生产而然,用人工生产是不经济的。对于大多数的产品

9、而言,这种装配方法被迅速的传播。然而,完全自动化的产品装配是不存在的。装配方法的选择当考虑到产品的装配时,一个制造业者不得不考虑影响装配系统选择的许多因素。对于一个新产品,接下来考虑的通常是重要的: 装配成本 必要的产品生产率 劳动效率 产品的市场生命周期如果有一种尝试能够证明现有操作装配线的自动化是合理的,那么必须要考虑变成多余的那些操作人员有所调动。如果劳动力过剩,自动化程度取决于由引进自动化装配线所导致的装配成本的降低和产品生产率的增加。然而,必须既得的是,大体上,自动化机器的资本投入必须在产品的市场生命周期之上被分期偿还。清楚的是如果不是这种情形,产品的市场生命是很短的,自动化通常是不

10、可证明的。自动装配的优势下面是自动化的一些优势: 降低装配成本; 提高了产品的生产率; 产品标准化; 减低了操作员的危险操作。除了上面列出的特殊情况,降低成本是主要考虑的因素,如果他不能按预期的降低成本,那么自动化就不可能被使用。在一个先进的工业社会,生产力是对操作效率的重要衡量。增加的生产力对制造业不会产生直接的利益,除非生产力是十分稀缺的资源,但对扩张经济是必要的,因为它为其他的工作提供了人员保障。很清楚,一旦装配的自动化生产线产生效力时,所需操作人员的数量会逐渐的减少,生产力增强。一个操作人员能很容易操作的一些装配工作,把它复制在大部分较复杂的自动化工作中是极其困难的。有时一个精密的检验


12、操作指导,并对其负责的次要系统。课程设计更具体的定义是“生产设备在建立过程中的作用,以及程序被应用(正如那些机器有能力操作这些程序)目的是为了将原始形式按照事先设计好的工程图的细节转换成最终形式(设 5 6 7 8 9 10 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术(2)导读:orkingatassemblystationsspacedalonganassemblyline,thetotalassemblytimein10s.blylineein.Afterfurtherexperimentsumspeedoftheassemblylineconveyor,the计图通常是由工程师设


14、化程序就是转,车断面,磨,钻孔,穿孔,螺旋转,成型,纹孔,平刨,锯,环锯,抛光,冲压,磨削。一些制造业的人可能把一些操作视为主要种类的子集。纹孔时常被视为一个演练的子集。其他可能定义为更主要的种类。一些不熟知的程序,例如:电的解除装置,电气化学的机制和被用于物质移动的激光机制。所有的应用程序也适用于产品,应当被程序设计者考虑。 程序设计的要素道尔将程序运行活动通常分成类。 解释设计说明书的要求。 在机器上放置部分。 在处理的每个阶段决定中间产品的需求。 选择主要的设备操纵这个过程。 在每次操作中,选择工具和处理过程的顺序。 计算运行程序所用的时间。 程序设计公文。一些这样的活动能被分成叫小的单

15、位;这项活动详述提供了一个方便的编目方法为了分析。手动程序设计一个程序设计者通常在下列的限制之下操作 他为给定的一组机器做设计。 机器有能力限制制造业操作的数量。 机器有特定的负担和工作量。如果给这些机器加以限制,每组工作图包含特定的 partgeometry 需求,程序设计者依靠他们的经验也能设计生产产品的程序。程序的选择不是完全随机的也不是完全不可预测的。通常生产一个具体的表面化的产品不只一个程序:程序设计者必须选择一个他认为最好的程序。通常会取消相似的部分,或者至少是相似的表面,这种方法被用在部分制造业中。以这种方式,设计者通过曾经用过的具体程序和获得的最终的设计书明书比较,选择他认为最



18、统是自动的还是人工的,道尔所定义的个一般需求都要在程序设计中有所体现。在接下来的部分,自动化的程序设计构架将会被描述。Spur 和 Optiz 中有人第一次写了关于制造业系统自动化以及程序设设机在这些系统中所扮演的角色. 马刺也许是第一个将差异性和生产力定义到程序设计方法,机械化,设计系统的实施。不同的程序设计方法以团队的技术为基础,同时还要具备必要的两个步骤。 建立一个程序计划目录(通常也叫做“菜单”)用所给的机器工具生产整个产品。 设计必要的软件来检验所设计的产品,在目录中找到最靠近的传真机,然后取回联合的程序计划。程序设计的生产方法有四个必要的步骤组成。 详细的描述 描述可得生产部分程序

19、的目录。 描述操作过程中的机械工具。 建立软件来检查零件,程序和机器的可得性,并且考察三者是否能相容。 大体上,计划使用生产力政策需要详细的描述,对制造业程序详细的理解和他们的准确性。以不同政策为基础的制造业决定采取几个标准来解决个人的操作问题,并且适应或调整他们所需要的地方附录 BAutomatic AssemblyThe modern assembly line technique ployed in the assembly of a flyango. In the original method, one operator assembled a mago in 20 min. It

20、bly stations spaced along an assembly line, the total assembly time in 10s. bly line e in .After further experiments um speed of the assembly line conveyor,the time in, e taken by the original process of assembly. This result encouraged Henry Ford toutilize his system of assembly in other department

21、 of the factory,blies for the car. Subsequently, this brought a continous and rapidly increasing floblies to the operators ain car assembly. It e clear that the main assembly bly line. At first, the movement of the main assemblies was 5 6 7 8 9 10 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术(3)导读:station.Hoentproduced

22、theamazingresultofareductioninthetotaltimeofassemblefrom12h28minto5h50min.Eventuallyapoodateachassis.Spaceply by pulling them by a rope from station to station. Hoent produced the amazing result of a reduction in the total time of assemble from 12h 28 min to 5 h 50 min. Eventually a poodate a chassi

23、s. Space oved at a speed of 6 ft/min past 45 separate ble time in. Further improvements led to an even shorter overall assembly time and eventually, a production rate of one car every 10 s of the bly operation dealt bly, and it is still the most ethod of assembling mass-or large-batch-produced produ

24、cts.Hoore refined methods of assembly have noerged.As a logical extension of the basic assembly line principle, methods of replacing operators by mechanical means of assembly have been debised. Here, it is usual to attempt to replace operators atic ed ple and to retain the operators for tasks that i

25、cal to mechanize. This method of assembly has rapid gained popularity for mass production and is usually referred to as automatic assembly. Hoation bled pley by machine is essentialy nonexistent.Choice of Assembly methodarket life of the product.If an attempt is to be made3 to justify the automation

26、 of an existing operator assembly line, consideration has to be given to the redeployment of those operators ation depends on the reduction in cost of assembly and the increase in production rate brought about by the automation of the assembly line. Houst beremembered that, in general , the capital

27、investment in automatic machinery has to be amortized over the market life of the product unless the machinery may be adapted to assemble a nearket life of the product is short, automation is generallly not justifiable. Advantages of Automatic AssemblyFolloe of the advantages of automation: Reductio

28、n in the cost of assembly; Increased productivity; A more consistent prodect; Removal of operators from hazardous operations.A reduction in costs is often the main consideration and, except for the special circumstances listed above, it could be expected that automation portant measure of operating

29、efficiency. Increased productiv 5 6 7 8 9 10 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术(4) 导读:lossinproduction.Inautomaticassembly,hoaticeinatingthefault.Ifaparthasonlyaminordefect,anoperatormaybeabletopletetheassembly,butity, although not directly beneficial tomanufacturer unless labor is scarce, is necessary to an

30、 expanding economy because it releases personnel for other tasks. It is clear that ation of assembly lines generally reduces the number of operators required and hence increases productivity.Some of the assembly tasks that an operator can perform easily are extremelydifficult to duplicate on even th

31、e most sophisticated automatic bled, and parts that are obviously defective can be discarded. Sometimes a bery elaborate inspection system is required to detect even the most obviously defective part. If an attempt is made to assemble a part that appears to be acceptable but is in fact defective, an

32、 operator, after unsuccessfully trying to plete the assembly, can reject the part very quickly atic assembly, hoatic e inating the fault. If a part has only a minor defect, an operator may be able to plete the assembly, but the resulting prodect may not be pley satisfactory. It is often suggested th

33、at one of the advantages of automatic assembly is that itensures a product of consistently high quality because the machine faults if the parts do not conform to the required specifications.In some situations, assembly by operators peratures and the presence of toxic substances and other materials.

34、Under these circumstances,assembly by mechanical means is obviously advantageous. The increasing need for finished goods in large quantities has, in the past, ledengineers to search for and to develop neethods of production. Many indibidual developments in the various branches of manufacturing techn

35、ology have been made and have alloproved finished goods at loost important manufacturing processes is the assembly process. This process is required ore ponent parts are to be brought together to produce the finished product.The early history of assembly process development is closely related to the

36、 history of the development of mass-production methods. Thus, the pioneers of mass production are also the pioneers of the moderassembly process. Their neprovements in the assembly methods employed in large-volume production.Ho branches of manufacturing engineering, such as metalcutting and metal fo

37、rming processes, have recently been developing very rapidly, the technology of the basic assembly process has failed to keep pace. Table 28.1 shobly process baries from about 20% for the manufacture of farm machinery to almost 60% for the manufacture of ephone and egraph equipment. Because of this,

38、assembly costs often account for more than 50% of the total manufacturing costs. Statistical surveys show that these figures are i 5 6 7 8 9 10 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术(5)导读:l,ill.Alltheintermediatoperationsaticallyaterialfromoperationtooperation.Thenextsignificantcontrincreasing every year.In the

39、past feade to reduce assembly costs by the application of automation and modern techniques, such as ultrasonic ited and many assemblyoperators are still using the same basic tools as those employed at the time of the Industrial Revolution.In the early days of manufacturing technology, the plete asse

40、mbly of a product anufacutred the individual ponent part of the assembly. Consequently, it ited by the availability of trained operators rather than by the demand for the product.In 1798, the United States needed a large supply of muskets and federalarsenals could not meet the demand. Because minent

41、, it Europe. Hoass production, offered to contract to make 10000 muskets in 28 menths. Although it took 10.5 yuars to plete the contract, ass production had beensuccessfully proved. The factory at Neanufacture of the muskets, contained machines for producing interchangeable parts. These machines red

42、uced the skills required by the bariou operators andalloonstration in 1801, usketlocks after randomly selected parts from a heap.The results of Eli ents in manufacturing methods. First, parts anufactured on machines, resulting in a consistently higher quality than that of hand-made parts. These part

43、s bly plified. Second, the accuracy of the final product could be maintained at a higher standard, and third, production rates could be significantly increased.Oliver Ebanss conception of conveying materials from one place to another anual effort led eventually to further developments in automation

44、forassembly. In 1793, he used three types of conveyors in an automatic flour mill, ill. All the intermediat operations atically aterial from operation to operation.The next significant contribution to the development of assembly methods ade by Elihu Root. In 1849, Elihu Root joined the pany that e t

45、he various operation of assembling the ponent parts ple, he divided these operations into basic units that could be pleted more quickly and ultiply the output”. 5 6 7 8 9 10 分析机械毕业设计英文外文翻译 604 自动装配技术(6)导读:Statesthepercentageofthetotallaborforceinbolvedintheassemblyprocessbariesfromabout20%forthemanu

46、factureoffarmmachinerytoalmost60%forthemanufactureofephoneandegraphequipment.Becauseofthis,assemblycostsoftenaccountformorethan50%ofthetotalmanufacturingcosUsing this principle, assembly ethods of time and motion study to manufacturing technology. The objective e and energy by making sure that the u

47、m speed of ance.Undoubtedly, the principal contributor to the development of production and assembly methods bly in thefolloen in the sequence of the operations so that each part shall travel the least distance e other form of carrier so that an plete his operation he drops the part ale place ust al

48、ost convenient place to his hand and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next an.“Third, use sliding assembly lines by bled are delivered at convenient intervals, spaced to make it easier to ”.These principles obile.The increasing need for finished goods in large quantities has, in the pa

49、st, led engineers to search for and to develop neethods of production. Many indibidual developments in the various branches of manufacturing technology have been made and have alloproved finished goods at loost important manufacturing processes is the assembly process. This process is required ore ponent parts are to be brought together to produce the finished product.The early history of assembly process development is closely related to the history of the development of mass-production methods. Thus, the pioneers of mass production are also the pion

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