1、第九章 文化与翻译 Culture and Translation,She deposited her money in the Old Lady of Thread-needle Street. 2). They said his son graduated from a Redbrick.,1. Definition 1). Culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy
2、particular geographic areas. (D Brown, 1978. ) 2). Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes. (R. Kohls. 1979),3) 广义的文化指人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。狭义的文化指社会意识形态,以便与之相适应的制度和组织机构;有时也特指教育、科学、文学、艺术等
3、方面的精神财富,以便与政治、经济、军事等方面的知识和设施相区别。(戚雨林语言文化对比)4)狭义的文化可专指社会意识形态,可指教育,哲学,文学,艺术等方面的精神财富。广义的文化可指人类社会历史实践中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,可指人们的整个生活方式。(林大津跨文化交际研究96年版),2. Classification (分类)1)文化语言学的分类a).物质文化 (material culture) 建筑物、服饰、食品、工具等b). 制度文化 (institutional culture) 制度、法规以及相应的设施和风俗习惯等c). 精神文化 (spiritual culture) 价值观念
4、、思维方式、审美趣味、道德情操、宗教信仰等,也包括哲学、科学、文学艺术方面的成就和产品,2) 奈达的分类a). ecology 生态文化 因各民族生活的地域不同而导致不同的生态条件, 表现在动物、植物、气候、地形地貌等。 (a). I hope you will be a top dog in your profession. (b). Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou are more lovely and more temperate. (c). 穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风 When I am broke, Ill go str
5、olling around the streets alone on an empty stomach.,b). material culture 物质文化 衣食住行用 (a). I dont like Welsh rabbit. (b). The manager designed a glass partition with Venetian blinds. c). social culture 社会文化 民族或社会的价值观、人际关系、政治经济关系、传统观念、风俗习惯等 (a). He is a white-haired boy of the manager.,d). religious c
6、ulture 宗教文化 C. Taoism, Buddhism; E. Christianity (a). No prophet is accepted in the prophets hometown. (b). Knock, and the door will be opened for you. (c). He is the salt of the earth. (d). Beauty is the gift of God. e). linguistic culture 语言文化 语音、词汇和句法等,3. Features (文化的性质)a. 历史性b. 阶级性c. 民族性d. 延续性(
7、传承性) e. 流变性(某些传统、习俗、史实、神话、传说等的失传 )f. 兼容性 (人类不同文化形态之间“相互渗透、相互兼容、相互影响以及相互促进从而达到相济相调、相得益彰“),a). 历史性: 文化是一种历史现象。,4. 文化与翻译 Culture: the whole, languageone part Translation: an activity of language. Language is a substantial but partial reflection of culture(Peter Newmark) 翻译工作者处理的是个别词,他面对的则是两大片文化。(王佐良),5
8、. 中西文化对比1)文化背景中国以农立国,农谚颇多a. 骨瘦如柴 be as lean as a rakeb. 对牛弹琴 cast pearls before a swine英国人喜欢航海,许多用语源于航海业a. a sea of smilesb. a sea of debts,b. In a calm sea, every man is a pilot. 海面平静人人可当舵手c. The job is new to him, and after a few days he was at sea. 2) 风俗习惯a. as plentiful as blackberries 多如牛毛b. re
9、main a dead letter,d. drunk as a sailor 烂醉如泥e. tread upon eggs f. Diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手g. cry up wine and sell vinegar,3)联想不同a. I hope he will soon be in the pink again. b. When I saw him, he was in a brown mood. c. She was looking rather green the other day. d. Mr. Black is a very white man. e.
10、He is feeling blue today. 4) 社交礼节a. 您辛苦了。 You must have had a tiring journey. You must be tired from a long journey? (长途旅行之后),Well done! That was a hard job. Youve got a hard job. (刚刚完成一项艰难任务)b. 饭桶 c. 吃不开 be unpopulard. 吃不了兜着走 land oneself in serious trouble e. 吃老本 f. 吃闲饭 lead an idle life,g. 吃香 be
11、popular h. He has taken the bread out of my mouth.,6. 商标的翻译Translation of Trade Marks A trade marka special name, sign, word etc, which is marked on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer, and which may be legally only be used by that producer. 商标是“刻在或印在一种商品的表面或包装上的标志、记号(图画、图案形文字
12、等),使这种商品和同类的其他商品有所区别。(现代汉语词典),1)商标翻译的原则(1) 尊重民族心理,把握联想意义The Phoenix Bicycle (凤凰牌)The Five Rams Bicycle (五羊牌)The Fang Fang Cosmetics (芳芳牌)The White Elephant Battery (白象牌)(2) 注意政治涵义,展示民族文化The ROC canvas shoes (大鹏牌)The Gong Fu soft shoes (功夫)The GONG DENG knitwear (宫灯),(3) 语言朴实,文字简洁,易于上口,便于记忆报春花:Callin
13、g Spring Flower 云山: Cloud and Mountains 飞燕: Flying Swallow Brand (牌)蜂花牌: Bee and Flower Brand葵花牌: Sunflower Brand 三星牌: Three Stars Brand 双喜牌: Double Happiness Brand Sony, Nike, Parker, Siemens, Ricoh,2) 商标翻译的方法(1)直译法猴王:Monkey King 金杯: Golden Cup 彩虹牌女装 Rainbow Dress 雅丽牌羊绒衫Elegance Cashmere Sweater玉泉J
14、ade Spring 玉兔,(2) 音译法梅林牌罐头MAILING can金华火腿JINHUA Ham 中华牌铅笔ZHONG HUA Pencils ”美加净“牌化妆品MAXAM cosmetics ”摩丽雅“牌洗衣粉MORIYA detergent,(3) 音意合译法回力牌橡胶球鞋 Warrier rubber Sneakers ”雄山”牌丝绸内衣HILLO silk underwears,1. Put the following trade marks into English 1. 王朝 2. 美辰 3. 华生 4. 惠康 5. 四通 6. 矫健 7. 洛珈 8. 乐凯 9. 瑞星 10
15、. 三湘2. 下列中国商标被译成英语后,其中的文化意象可能再西方中产生什么问题?1. 绿竹Green Bamboo 2. 白鹤 White Goose 3. 帆船 Junk 4. 熊猫 Panda 5. 仙鹤 Crane 6. 海燕 Petrel 7. 曲酒 Chew Jew 8. 金龙 Golden Dragon,3. Put the following into English 1. 中基公司将在原有基础上以国际市场为导向,以发展对外贸易为龙头,以提高经济效益为中心,坚定不移地走国际化,实业化和集团化的道路。2. 达光公司经营高档礼品和旅游纪念品。达光礼品,物美价廉。公司真诚为您提供馈赠精品和优质服务。 公司规模宏大,设备精良。达光:质量的保证,信誉的保证。,