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1、JMSC0101Edison PBL,Group ETV2Kwok Sin Nga, EmilyCheung Hiu Ching, EllieFung Yee Ting, ElaineChow Maggie,Are we going to produce a programme on this Sex Photo Scandal?,Things we consider:Objectives of ETV and its target audienceOpinions and trends concerning infringement of privacy, and moral values

2、among secondary studentsSurveysInterviewsOnline forumsStatisticsLegislation,Objectives of ETV,Learning platform supplementing ordinary dayschools curricula.Produce educational school programmes retrievable upon request by schoolsInitiate efficient and effective learning by exploring an issue through

3、 looking into current affairWorthy to produce a programme on the sex scandal,Target audience of ETV,Primary and secondary studentsHas ETV produced any similar programme before?- 人文教育品德教育系列,How has this issue influenced the students ?,The influence is mainly on two aspects- perception of privacy inva

4、sion- perception of sex values,Infringement of Privacy,The Chinese University of Hong Kong has interviewed 305 students.,Have you seen the photos?,Do you think you have infringed others privacy?,Infringement of Privacy,Did you share the photos with others?,Do you think you have infringed others priv

5、acy when sharing the photos with others?,Awareness of privacy infringement is called into question.,Teenager-targeted internet platform was filled up with threads concerning the incident.Following the crackdown by Hong Kong police, people in turned to mainland Web sites to share the photos, evidence

6、d by a thread about the photos having been viewed 28 million times on bulletin board Tianya . Hong Kong University student is convicted of illegal distribution of a private sex video clip on web without consent. Another clip involving an alleged rape in Yoshinoya was also posted on the web. Awarenes

7、s of infringement of privacy of the youngsters should be addressed.,Infringement of Privacy,What about the impact of the scandal on their perceptions towards sex?Lets find it out from some surveys that showing large number of people who have viewed the pictures and troubled by them.,From an online i

8、nterview,- 59.5 % of the 814 interviewees have seen the obscene pictures. - 75.6 % of the interviewees are unsettled by the photos.,Also from the same online interview- 94.3% of the 814 interviewees believe that this sex photo scandal will adversely influence the youngsters. (320 interviewees aged b

9、etween 12 30),SCMP interview: 65% of 600 interviewees have seen the nude pictures,20/2/2008【大公報/文匯報】 90% of interviewees have seen the pictures,時報調查,超六成學生感到好奇刺激昨日,時報記者就“艷照門對青少年的影響”為題向該校上課的95名學生進行問卷調查。其中男生為50人,女生為45人。結果顯示:超過八成中學生曾經看過艷照,其中有一半學生從報紙和雜誌上了解,有近三成學生通過上網和手機下載觀看。,文匯報問卷調查顯示,- More than 40% pri

10、mary and secondary school students have seen the pictures, over half of them have circulate among themselves- University students confess that there is a peer pressure to look at the photos in order to not be excluded from conversations and be regarded as a laughingstock.,The INTERVIEWS/opinions of

11、different people from different aspects of the society:Their views show the observation they have on youngsters how does the scandal influence them?,With representatives of Educational field:,Education convergence (教育評議會) vice chairperson Mr Ho. (何漢權) thinks that it is impossible to completely restr

12、ict students come into contact with naked photos. The restriction is also not practical. Schools should use this incident to preach a right concept of moral values. (.完全禁止學生接觸藝人裸照為不切實際的做法,教師應為學生建立異性相處的正確價值觀,並可讓學生藉今次裸照事件反思需要檢點個人私生活及不應公開別人的私隱資料。),LingNan University cultural studies scholar Mr Lee said

13、 he would use the naked photo scandal as teaching materials.LingNan University Vice Chancellor Mr Chan (陳玉樹) pointed out that under new education reform “3-3-4”, moral principle, critical thinking and comparison of East and Western cultures should be added to the existing curriculum. The naked photo

14、 scandal should be a good case study to define a right moral value.3-3-4 education reform is very relevant to ETV!,A secondary school teacher said that some students did not think the naked photos were very shocking, which indicated their twisted moral values. The school investigated the issue in as

15、sembly.(香港培正中學宗教事工兼聖經科主任梁振忠老師)A Christian school principal believed that the impact of the photo scandal was very grievous. Their school investigated the issue in Chinese, liberal studies and Religious Studies. Ten Outstanding Person and liberal studies teacher Mr Lui (香港十大傑出青年2006及通識科老師呂宇俊先生) said

16、that his students felt excited after watching the photos, some even couldnt resist getting out of bed and watching that at night. Some female students were pressed by their boyfriend to take similar pictures.,With representatives of Psychology field:,Psychologist Mr Lee (李寶能) expressed that Edison C

17、hans behaviors resemble a hunting animal. “He was narcissistic, egocentric and arrogant.turn women into his own possessionshe is dangerous to the society)Psychologist Miss Leung (梁若芊)advised that this naked sex scandal will adversely affect how young people perceive dating, value of sex and self res

18、pect. It can be a good issue to publicly discuss sex from a right, positive light. The Media Evangelism Limited Committee Member Mr Yuen (影音使團總幹事袁文輝) said that “the government should provide counseling, collective civil education and educate youngsters the right attitude to perceive the scandal.Psyc

19、hologist Dr Chan (陳國平博士)said Hong Kongs moral value system was in a vacuum. As the involved parties in this incident were celebrities, young people were curious, tempted to imitate their behaviours. They would also be doubtful of their self-image, gender roles and marriage.,Dr. Chan,Generally the re

20、presentatives of the educational sector have used the current scandal as teaching materials as a supplement to their regular curriculum.ETV has the objective to help regular schools on preaching the right moral values!,With representatives of Religious field:,Reverend Lee (循道衛理聯合教會前會長李炳光牧師) said tha

21、t the Church will positive deal with the scandal and hope youngsters will reflect on themselves from this incident.,Reverend Lee,With representatives of parents-teacher associations,Mrs. Lau (尖旺區家長教師會聯會會長劉李偲嫣女士) said that a student had brought some indecent photos to school and was chastised by the

22、school.,On the online discussion forums,陳冠希事件 塗毒下一代 應否向教育界公開道歉.hk discussion forums: 我撐陳冠希 (262 reads)94,800 項符合陳冠希慾照forum (google)全民陳冠希淫照模仿 youtube making an apology on-line mocking him (imitating his hairstyle)Replace Eason Chan and Gillian Cheung s songs with obscene/ indecent lyrics YOUTUBE*,How

23、 Secondary School students reacted to this Scandal,From Sing Tao (18th Feb, 2008), according to a survey, nearly half of Hong Kong secondary students had sent or received the photos (“储闪卡心态收集”)From (23rd Feb, 2008) ,10% of the interviewed 500 secondary school students had uploaded the obscene photo

24、s or videos. (“一項調查訪問五百多名中學生,一成人曾經上載裸照或影片,超過一半受訪者認為,在網上分享裸照,顯示性觀念逐漸開放、助長色情泛濫,及發生性行為的年齡越來越早”)http:/ A Secondary school student praised Gillian for her “bravery” 真光師妹讚阿嬌勇敢向來以清純形象見稱的鍾欣桐(阿嬌),近日被捲入藝人床照風暴,有與阿嬌同屬真光門下的小師妹,力撐曾就讀九龍真光中學的阿嬌,勇敢值得敬佩,師妹說:佢係第一個勇敢站出來面對歌迷及傳媒,其實好值得

25、讚賞。,Some students became “addicted” to those photos. (“.網上藝人床照風暴引發學界危機,昨日一個論壇上,與會者透露有學生看過照片後慾罷不能,要半夜起床上網重看照片.”)Some students felt excited, and laughed when they talked about the scandal during class. 中學生開課探討不雅照事件 六成學生稱刺激(圖),Some news reports after the Photo Scandal,中評社 香港 2月24日 香港警方昨日拘捕一名“翻版陳冠希”,發現該

26、青年有樣學樣,與女友自拍欲照留念在兩人手機內發現大批自拍的性愛照片和短片陈冠希事件荼毒少年 学生效仿自拍艳照上传(图) Q2008-2-26 来源:新华网 港男模拟陈冠希 宾馆拍艳照被抓涉案青年22岁, 从事电脑业,外表斯文,而其女友年仅15岁, 是一名中学生。From these news reports, it could be seen that teenagers Imitated the acts of Edison. It is possible that these News reports are just a tip of an ice berg.,Sex education

27、 in Hong Kong,From a very recent news article on Sing Tao (6th Oct, 2008), it was reported that students in Hong Kong find sex education boring and out-dated. Yet nowadays, there are still students who have incorrect knowledge regarding sex. (“屯門綜合青少年服務中心註冊社工黃萬坤透露,現時不少中學生對性知識一知半解,甚至流傳不少錯誤的性知識,仍有學生以為

28、可用保鮮紙當避孕套,以為多用一個避孕套更為有效;甚至有人以為女生於發生性行為後,食薄荷葉或抽薄荷煙可殺精子避孕。他指,如學校、家長及社工不通力合作,向青少年灌輸正確的性教育,他們或會因觀念混淆而性濫交。.”),陳冠希淫照事件成中學課堂反教材 (24th Feb, 2008)http:/ secondary school thought this scandal can be teacher material on guiding students development in moral values.某中學的劉老師認為,學生正處於價值道德觀的養成階段,如果不給予正確引導,很可能會因為他們強烈

29、的好奇心而走上相反的方向。只要有教育意義,什麼話題都可以和學生討論。,To conclude from all the information, we feel that there is a need to produce an ETV programme on this topic, on the one hand the programme would be able to supplement the existing sex education provided for secondary students; and on the other hand, the programme

30、could provide a discussion platform for secondary students on this particular issue, and to hopefully guide them on the right track regarding moral values.,Question Two: whether we would post the photos in our programme,Concerning the standards held by the Broadcast Authority and whether posting the

31、 photos would infringe copyright,Broadcasting Authority,Formed under the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance (Cap. 391) To regulate broadcasting industry Mainly setting proper programmes and technical standards for broadcast licensees,Standards,Two bases: Generic Code of Practice on Television Programm

32、e Standards (TV Programme Code)Broadcasting Authority Ordinance (Cap. 391),Standards,Criteria taken into account:Time of broadcast Target audience Objective of programme Classification of the programme (with possible warnings, e.g. PG parental guidance),Possible consequence of showing the photos,Pos

33、sible grounds of complaints or even prohibition of broadcast NudityBad influence on children or youthIndecency Disturbing materials Unsuitable broadcast time,We would not show the photos,Personal Data Ordinance (Cap489)and Copyright Ordinance (p 184)The law on privacy and copyright is still confusin

34、g without any direct case authorities.ETV face the potential risk of being sued!,Step 5 What we have learnt,1) strike a balance between freedom of speech and censorship2) Identify the core issue and filtering3) identify the objectives of a broadcasting institution (ETV) from a journalistic perspective4) Research technique - how to use wisenews, online forum and others.etc5) Analyse the relevant ordinances from a journalistic point of view instead of legally (given that we are law students),The End. Thank you.,

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