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1、Business English Training 商务英语知识培训 商务写作概述 An Overview of Business Writing 商业信函的结构与格式 Structure and Style of Business Letters 不同功用商业文件的具体注意事项 Different Functioning Formats 张亦辉 编 ) 商务英语写作 (主编: 胡英坤、车丽娟) Definition: 什么是商务英语? 词 汇 学 (词 的 色 彩 与 类 型 ) 单词Words句型Sentences 语 气 虚 拟语 态复 杂与 简单 句时 态比 较 等 级省 略 句 整体

2、思路与布局Article Structure/ideas段 落 过 渡主 题段 落 主 题段 落篇 章 Style is how to say. Business English语 言 风 格 与 语 法 的 影 响 沟 通 方 式 收 信 人 感 觉 得体采用主动语态及动词, 自然流畅且近口语化, 常用客气的提问请求。 清晰明了, 顿生好感, 真诚合作,乐于回复 . 清晰 欠佳滥用被动语态, 滥用名词短语, 用词艰深古旧拘泥。 含混不清, 难以解读, 无意也难以即时回复 . 含混 一 、 概 述 (1.1) 清晰 简洁 真诚 友善 自然 迎合对方兴趣,兼顾彼此需要 强调正面要点,淡化负面影响

3、 切勿恶言讽刺,更忌颐指气使 倚重事实真相,力求冷静客观 主题前后一致,莫因情绪扭曲 态度方面“十大要诀” 一、概述 (1.2) Clear; Simple; Sincere; Friendly; Natural sounding. Express interest in the reader or the readers needs (“you-oriented” writing); Emphasize positive points, rather than negative points; Avoid hostile, sarcastic, accusative or emotional

4、 wording, avoiding “lecturing”; Let the facts (not emotions) speak for themselves; Be clear on the purpose in writing. (Emotions can sometimes interfere.) Ten Basic Attitudinal Rules “十大要诀”详解 一、概述 (1.2) The letter may come back to haunt you. 您的信可能会反过来找您算帐。 “传递坏消息 “ 时可能涉及交货问题 、 质量控制、 定单和发票出现错漏 、 有关产品

5、方面的投拆 、 追索 、 拒绝或否定追索 、逾期付款 、 业务损失或人事 ( 人力资源 ) 问题等等。 这类书信的写作难度较高 , 因为个人情绪 (如挫败 、 愤怒、 忧虑 、 失落 、悲伤等 )很容易影响到撰信人的客观态度或既定的写作目的 。 再理智的人遇上心境难平 、 情绪偏激时, 也会不知不觉地偏离客观的轨道 。见下例信函及修正信函: 一、概述 (1.2) Subject: 20% Discount Dear Sir: You advertised a 20% discount on your W-20 DVD player and so I ordered one but I can

6、see now I shouldnt have! I just received a bill for US$1,250, instead of the advertised sale price of US$1,000. What in the world are you people trying to do? You better send me a corrected bill of US$1,000 or else Im not going to pay anything at all! Sincerely, Frank Lopez 原本: 一、概述 (1.2) Subject: 2

7、0% Discount Dear Sir: You advertised a 20% discount on your W-20 DVD player and so I ordered one. However, I just received a bill for US$1,250, instead of the advertised sale price of US$1,000. Apparently you forgot to apply the 20% discount, so would you please send me a corrected bill for US$1,000

8、? When I receive the new bill, I will make payment. Sincerely, Frank Lopez 修正本: 语气主动最自然,态度诚恳又亲切 沉闷短语宜少用,免致迂腐且拘泥 措辞古涩难沟通,行文浅显易答复 要凭真意好发问,难却挚诚当回应 语法方面“四大要点” 一、概述 (1.3) Tend to use active rather than passive phrases; Avoid using too many noun phrases; Use common phrases rather than high-sounding, outda

9、ted phrases; Include questions in your message whenever appropriate. Four Major Points of Grammar 商务写作 四大语法特点 多采用主动语态 用词现代, 行文浅显 尽可能用一个词 取代短语形式 多用疑问句型 一、概述 (1.3) 一、概述 (1.3.1) 多采用主动语态 除非信函内容涉及负面资讯,否则最好采用主动句式。主动语态能够更自然和准确地表达撰信人本意,收信人会感到更生动,有面对面谈话的亲切感。 在商业书信中过多使用被动式(过去分词)或者名词短语,很容易使信函拘谨乏味,甚至被误解为有意推托。见下

10、列各例: 欠佳: We are in receipt of your payment. 较佳: We have received your payment. 最佳: Thank you for sending us your payment. 语气偏弱:It has been decided by the committee that your proposal has merit. 语气较强:The committee has decided that your proposal has merit. 一、概述 (1.3.2) 用词现代,行文浅显 商业书信中常见的艰深晦涩的词汇 ,如 fac

11、ilitate, expedite, utilize 和 surmise 等,只会令收信人的解读过程延长,因而难以迅速准确地回复。而英语是全球最通用的语言,为确保不同国度的人易于明白您的意思(同时也使您清楚知道自己在说什么),应力求使用通用词汇,以收到自然顺畅、撰写快捷、简洁易明,又不失商业味道的效果。见下列各例: 欠佳: In the meeting we had in San Francisco, on the occasion (古旧), I concurred (艰深) with your request that we defer (艰深) on the decision of wh

12、ether to represent Norad, Ltd. 较佳: At the San Francisco meeting, I agreed with your request that we postpone the decision on whether to represent Norad, Ltd. 一、概述 (1.3.3) 多用疑问句型 (1) 鲜明又客气地提出询问,不但有亲切感,更能令收信人产生需要回应的心态。此外,直截了当的询问亦使收信人易于回复。见下例: 提问清晰: What colors are available? 提问含糊: I wonder what colors

13、 are available. 语气鲜明: Could you deliver the order by November 15? 语气软弱: We would prefer delivery of the order by November 15. 从以上两例不难看出,前者措词生动,态度鲜明,使收信人觉得需要回复;而后者措辞含糊软弱,没有明确提出询问,收信人会觉得不需要回复。 一、概述 (1.3.3) 多用疑问句型 (2) “ 一般提问”与“ 提出请求 ” 混合使用,使句式富于变化。事实上,客气的请求大多离不开提出问题。比较下例: 标准但不太友善: Please send me a pric

14、e list for your M-series. 庸俗古旧: Kindly send me a price list for your M-series. 冗长无意: I would appreciate it if you could send me a price list for your M-series. 指挥性口吻: You are requested to send me a price list for your M-series. 最佳的提问方式: Would you please send me a price list for your M-series? 一、概述 (

15、1.3.4) 尽可能用一个词取代短语形式 虽然名词短语在英文语法中有相当的重要性,但在商业书信中使用过多名词短语,就像使用过多被动语态一样,显得冗长乏味和过于拘泥。 欠佳: Thank you for your inquiry (名词短语 ) about our products. 较佳: Thank you for inquiring/ asking about (动词短语) our products. 欠佳: Your response (名词短语) to this questionnaire should be submitted by April 30. 较佳: Could you p

16、lease respond (动词 ) to this questionnaire by April 30? 语法浅析 :误用误解示例 一 、 概 述 (1.4.1) 定 冠 词 和 不 定 冠 词 正确: Enclosed is a copy of the receipt.错误: Enclosed is the copy of receipt. 任何一份收据 (不论印刷版本或电子版本 )都可以有多份拷贝,但原稿只有一份,使用定冠词就是要指明这项事实。另一种通病是: 清晰: Please keep the copy of the receipt that we sent you.含糊: Ple

17、ase keep a copy of the receipt that we sent you. 第一句使用了定冠词,清楚指明只送了一份收据。第二句使用了不定冠词,令人觉得送出的收据不只一份,整个句子变得含糊不清。撰写商业书信时要分外留意定冠词和不定冠词的使用方法。一 、 概 述 (1.4.2) 归 类 冠 词 (Generic Articles) the The dolphin can send and receive communication at the same time. “the” 在此并非修饰任何一只海豚 ,而是将它归类为 “可以同时传送和接收讯号 ”的海洋哺乳动物类别的归类冠

18、词。 aA dolphin can send and receive communication at the same time. “a” 在此强调某个特定类别中的任何一员的归类冠词 ,任何一只海豚都是 “可以同时传送和接收讯号 ”的海洋哺乳动物。 广 义 : Dolphins can send and receive communication at the same time.主语名词是复数而且没有冠词,这是广义冠词的表达方式。所有海豚都是 “可以同时传送和接收讯号 ”的海洋哺乳动物。语法浅析 :误用误解示例 一 、 概 述 (1.4.3) “ but” 和 ” however” 的 误

19、 用 “but” 和 “however”连接相反或对立的内容(无论是“正面对负面”或者“负面对正面”的内容); 前者语气较温和,后者则为正规。“but” 常被错误地用来引导一个句子。错误: We remitted the money. But we have not received the banks notice of confirmation.正确: We remitted the money, but (we) have not received the banks notice of confirmation.“however” 可以放在句子开头。 错误: We remitted t

20、he money, however, we have not received the banks notice of confirmation.正确: We remitted the money. However, we have not received the banks notice of confirmation.“however” 可以连接两个句子,而它本身不是句子的一部分。We remitted the money. The bank, however, has not sent us a notice of confirmation.语法浅析 :误用误解示例 一 、 概 述 (

21、1.4.4) “by”, “until (till)” 和 “within” 的 误 用 “by” 指不迟于某一特定日子。Please pay the balance by April 30.“until” 是指介于撰定书信当时与最后限期之间的一段时间。 You do not have to pay the balance until April 30.“within” 是指余下时间的长短和期限。If you have any further questions, please let us know within the next 15 days.语法浅析 :误用误解示例 一 、 概 述 (

22、1.4.5) “would” 和 “could” 的 误 用 “would” 是指对方做某件事的意愿。 Would you please send me a product catalog?“could” 是 指对方做某件事的能力。 Could you allow me one more month to make payment? 一般来说,如果您肯定对方有能力满足您的请求时,请可以使用 would,但当您不肯定对方是否有这种能力时,或者请求对方给予特殊的帮助时,就应该使用 could。Could 比 would 显得更有礼貌。语法浅析 :误用误解示例 一 、 概 述 (1.4.6) “if

23、” 和 “when” 的 误 用 “if” 是 在不绝对肯定的条件下使用的。 错误: We will have an outdoor party when the rain stops tonight.正确: We will have an outdoor party if it does not rain tonight.“when” 是 在绝对肯定的条件下使用的。 错误: We will have an outdoor party when the rain stops tonight.正确: We will have an outdoor party if it does not rai

24、n tonight. 一 个 广 为 讹 传的 表 达 方 式 : When there is a fire, do not use the lift. ( 如遇火警,切勿使用升降机。 )火警是意外,我们大可以假设不可能知道何时发生,甚至根本不发生,正确表达应该是:1. If there is a fire, do not use the lift. 2. In the event of a fire, do not use the lift. 连接词组 一、概述 (1.5.1) first second third then next after after that finally at

25、last 注意:应使用 first, second 和 third 等连接词表示顺序,而非 firstly, secondly, thirdly 或 first of all 等既无谓又造作的连接词组。这类用词可能会给人一种“尚有冗长后话”的感觉,同时也削弱了原话的重要性。 since because as for therefore as a result hence as a consequence so accordingly thus consequently 表示次序 表示原因 表示结果或后果 连接词组 一、概述 (1.5.2) but yet however nevertheles

26、s on the other hand instead conversely in contrast at the same time on the contrary 注意:以 but, however 或 yet 随后的对照句式有 “it is true that - but”, “of course - but”, “granted - but” 或 “understandably - but” 等。 similarly likewise in like manner in the same way also too besides as well moreover in addition

27、 additionally further furthermore表示对照 表示相似 表示补充 for example for instance to illustrate 列举例子 连接词组 一、概述 (1.5.3) in this case in particular particularly specifically to summarize in summary in short in brief to conclude in conclusion on the whole incidentally 注: “by the way” 并非商业用语,但在对话和私人信函中可以使用。 详细说明

28、 概括总结 转换话题 in other words to put it another way that is in simpler terms 表示重申 古旧句式一览表 一、概述 (1.6.1) 确认收启讯息或送货 (this is to) acknowledge (this is to) confirm receipt of (we are) in receipt of We have received with thanks Pending receipt of Thank you for We have received When we received /have received,

29、 Upon receipt of 引述根据或既有资料 According to books/ records In accordance with our records On checking through our books According to/ as per / at / in Accordance with / upon your request Our records show Based on (our calculations/ information) As (you) requested/ asked 古旧句式一览表 一、概述 (1.6.2) 道明原因 Inasmuc

30、h as Due to the fact that Owing to because Due to since 恳请对方重视 Bring this matter to your attention Draw your attention to Your (prompt/ kind) attention (to this matter) would be greatly / highly appreciated Remind you Point out Please note We would much appreciate your special attention / cooperatio

31、n /comments We would be grateful if you could take care of this matter soon/ right away. 古旧句式一览表 一、概述 (1.6.3) 请求 We request you to We trust that you will comply With our request We will thank you to Would you be kind enough to You are requested to Would you please We would be grateful if We would like to ask/ request that you - 致歉 We regret to say/ to inform you We are sorry to say We apologize Unfortunately/ regrettably We are sorry (apologize 是正式用语,但情节严重时可以使用 ) 答谢 Express my thanks Thank you in advance (for your cooperation) Thank you ( 正式用语是: I would like to thank you.) 删除,古旧无意。

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