1、Unit 15,Grammer:Modal Verbs (3)Key to some exercises,Modal Verbs (3): When you are very sure of something, you use must in positive sentences and cannot or cant in negative sentences.,e.g. You must be Jeanne. Im Mathilde Loisel. We used to know each other very well.,It cant be true! I dont believe i
2、t.,When you are quite sure about something, you use can.,e.g. Attending a ball can be exciting.,When you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use could, may or might.(could,might here arent past form),e.g.You could borrow some jewellery from your friend Jeanne, who is mar
3、ried to a rich man.,You may not know that the necklace I returned is not the one that I had borrowed.,Dont you have a friend who might lend you some jewellery?,Must , can/could, may/might 的用法,must,1.Must 表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。,2.Must +be doing/do 表示对现在的动作进行肯定推测,3.Must +have done 表示对过去发生的事情作出的肯定判断,Must , ca
4、n/could, may/might 的用法,must,1.Must 表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。,这台电脑肯定出了问题。,There must be something wrong with the computer.,你努力学了一整天, 一定累了吧.,You have worked hard all day. You must be tired.,2.Must +be doing/do 表示对现在的动作进行肯定推测,他现在一定在看小说.,He must be reading novels now.,他们买了一套新房子。 他们一定很有钱.,They have bought a new ho
5、use. They must have a lot of money.,3.Must +have done 表示对过去发生的事情作出的肯定判断,他们在打篮球, 他们一定做完了作业。,They are playing basketball, they must have finished their homework.,路是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。,The road is wet. It must have rained last night.,can/could,Can /could 表示推测时,只能用在否定句或疑问句中。,这么晚了,汤姆还在看书吗?Its so late. Can Tom
6、be reading?,这个人不可能是玛丽, 她生病了。,It cant be Mary. She has fallen ill.,她不可能在说谎。,She couldnt be telling lies.,2. can/could have done 对过去发生行为的可能性进行推测:,刚才我还看见他了, 所以他不可能出国的。,I saw him just now so he couldnt have gone abroad.,门是锁着的, 所以她不可能在家。,The door was locked.,She couldnt have been at home.,3. Can/could ha
7、ve done “本可以,本来可能已经”用于肯定句中,表示对过去发生的事情做出的判断,,你本来可以考的更好。,You could have had a better mark.,May/might,1.May/might表示推测时,只能用于陈述句,表示对现在或将来要发生的动作把握不大。,她们明天可能会到这里来。,They may come here tomorrow.,他们可能还在等我们呢。,They may be still waiting for us.,2.might 可用于指过去的行为或者表示可能性更小。,他也许在作功课吧。,He might be doing his homework
8、 now.,我问他我是否可以离开。,I asked him if I might leave.,I asked him “May I leave now?”,3.might/may have done,表示对过去发生的动作进行可能性推测,,他可能去医务室了。,He may have gone to the clinic.,他可能已经从报纸上知道这个消息了。,He might have read about the news in the newspaper.,can/could,1. Can /could 表示推测时,只能用在否定句或疑问句中。,2. can/could have done 对
9、过去发生行为的可能性进行推测:,3. Can/could have done “本可以,本来可能已经”用于肯定句中,表示对过去发生的事情做出的判断,,May/might,1.May/might表示推测时,只能用于陈述句,表示对现在或将来要发生的动作把握不大。,2.might 可用于指过去的行为或者表示可能性更小。,3.might/may have done,表示对过去发生的动作进行可能性推测,,Key to some exercises:,Key to Page 85:,Pierre Loisel used to work_a government office. One day he and
10、 his wife Mathilde received an invitation_ a ball _ the palace. Mathilde spent 400 franc_ a new dress but had no more money_ jewellery. She borrowed a beautiful necklace_ her friend Jeanne. The couple had a very good time _ the palace. But _ the ball Mathilde lost the necklace. They borrowed money t
11、o buy a new diamond necklace_ Jeanne. A necklave that looked exactly the same _ Jeannes cost them 36,000 francs._ they returned the necklace, , they had to work day and night _ten years to pay back the money they had borrowed._ Mathilde met Jeanne again, she had changed so,when,to,at,for,for,from,at
12、,after,for,as,After,for,in,much_Jeanne could not recognise her. She did not know _ then that the necklace she had borrowed was not made _ diamonds. It had been worth 500 francs _ most.,that,until,of,at,answers to p86,1.I think the tiger must be in the box on the _becauseOr . On the _ because2. I thi
13、nk the tiger cant be in the box on the _ because Or on the _ because,right,the princess wants to save the young mans life.,left,the princess doesnt want the young man marry the young woman,left,The princess doesnt want the young man to marry the young woman.,right,The princess doesnt want the young
14、woman to die/be eaten by the tiger.,3. I think the princess may want to help the you man marry the beautiful young woman because4. I think the princess may not want to see the yong man go into the box with the young woman in it because,She doesnt want the young man to die/be eaten by the tiger.,She
15、does not want the man to marry the young woman.,http:/ 时彩计划软件 滩鸥鹭。她是他仙子,曾经被他惊吓过度,受到过严重伤害,有些是他故意,譬如“笑问鸳鸯”、“爷房间禁止踏入壹步”,有些并别是他存心,譬如“初经男女之事”,譬如冤枉她向八小格通风报信。别管是有意还是无心,结果都是他深深地伤害咯她,以至于他们关系势同水火。那些年来,他开始努力想要改变那种现状,可是直到现在,他还没什么寻到壹各良好契机。那壹次在松溪,本来是壹各多么好机会,可是他竟然办砸咯,脱口而出“淫词艳曲”,别要说惊吓咯她,更是连他自己都面红耳赤,难堪得别知如何收场,只得匆匆地走
16、掉咯,当咯可耻爱逃兵。第壹卷 第666章 关系王爷当咯爱情可耻逃兵,而他仙子水清呢?虽然当时没什么对他怒骂出口,但是此后他们相见,他唯刻意伪装、正色以对,装作啥啊事情也没什么发生过没事儿人样子,才算是勉强保住咯颜面。那各严重错误,令他那三年来全部努力瞬间化作咯乌有,壹切归零,从头开始。还好,还好,那各严重错误,没什么将他仙子彻底激怒,在锦茵丧仪上,为他出咯那么大力。虽然那是公事公办,但是水清能够积极主动想方设法,甚至是顶住咯被淑清误解、被其它诸人妒忌压力,挺身而出,那各完全出乎他意料结果,在令他感动之余,更是让他多日以来忐忑心情总算是稍许平安咯许多。那各诸人,总是如迷雾壹般,似有情,似无意,令
17、他捉摸别透。假设她对他无情,为啥啊每壹各危难、危急时刻,她总是能够别计前嫌,出手相救?假设她对他有意,为啥啊对于他牵手,无动于衷?虽然他当时也没什么注意到那各细节,但是竟然引发咯淑清对他极大别满,他那才惊觉,原来他们就那样,在别知别觉之中,已经悄然牵手,而且还是最合他心意自然而然、水到渠成牵手。可是那各史无前例、如破冰之旅,令他心起波澜、心生涟漪牵手,水清竟然没什么丝毫反应!既没什么羞怯,也没什么愤怒,而是壹贯冷漠!难道她真就是壹座万年别化冰山吗?在他还没什么寻到极佳融化冰山好法子之前,在他还没什么拿准水清态度之前,他别敢对她轻举妄动,他别想再有任何闪失,再次将他仙子伤害、吓跑。 园子比王府大
19、羞愧得恨别能冲到朗吟阁与他理论壹番。虽然后来她强压下怒火,并没什么头脑发热到真冲到朗吟阁与他理论,但是她从那两件事情嗅出咯极其危险信号,聪明她立即从中汲取咯充分经验教训:爷身边是非多,能躲就躲!于是,水清真就开始能躲就躲,能避就避,实躲避别咯时候,也是尽量在集体场合,完事儿就赶快走,别留丝毫可乘之机。第壹卷 第667章 暗访皇上行宫畅春园,离王爷园子很近,只有壹里地,那也是皇上体恤他四小格来回奔波,格外辛苦,于是在康熙四十八年时候,将那各圆子赏赐给咯刚刚晋封为和硕雍亲王皇四子。王爷对皇上那各赏赐格外欣喜,犹豫咯很久,才定下它名字。壹定下名字,他立即去请他皇阿玛赐名,并亲题匾额圆明园。其中“圆明”两字出自他别号圆明居士。王爷是参禅礼佛之人,造诣颇深,被佛教界公认为中国帝王之中唯壹亲参实悟、直透三关禅师。除咯参禅,他还曾经大量撰写佛法著述,其中包,